Vol 73 Na>6 f Mercyhurst College 16546 1999 Administration asks for help with recent vandalism By Carrie Tappe Editor-in-Chief appreciated." a 1999 Volkswagen Bug. These powerful words left the "It doesn't have to be just small crowd gathered at the catching the people, it's stopping Despite the many concerns forum speechless. raised by students at last the behavior... it's just so Tom Billingsley, executive pointless," Laura Zirkle, dean of Thursday's forum, the admin- vice president of administration, resident life, said. istration had some of its own. said, "It is going to cost us $660 "I have a little show and In addition to cars and the to replace that sign, which means cafeteria sign being vandalized, tell. This is what* s left of one it costs you $660 from what you the electronic gate behind Old of our signs, from last week- pay to go to school here." Main hatfagain been broken. end," Bill Kerbusch, director Why all the vandalism? The gate was broken five of physical plant, said, as he In the past two weeks, five times last week," Sidun said. held the busted remains of the cars have been spray painted onf "On average it gets broken once sign which previously stood in campus. Four were parked on or twice each week. One girl was front of the cafeteria. "Since Briggs Avenue, Lewis Avenue, or caught breaking the gate last September, we' ve had more East 41st Street One occurred week, and a few other students damage done to the grounds behind the Mercy Apartments. In are being charged. than I've seen in the past seven each situation, the cars were Over the weekend, a window years —• flowers torn out, trees painted with blue spray paint In was broken in the stairwell of torn up, branches busted, signs one incident on East 41st Street, McAuley Hall. busted, you name it I don't vulgar remarks were written on The securi ty department has understand why. We need help the student's windshield. added 10 cameras to its surveil- to catch or control what's1 Gerrlt Snuffstall/Merciad photographer 4 According to Ken Sidun, lance system this year. Unfortu- happening. Here's the evi- Merciad editors Carrie Tappe and Dave Hermenau hold to- director of police and safety, the nately, the car vandals were not dence of what's going on. Any gether pieces of the cafeteria sign which was recently destroyed Erie Police Department is " caught because of the location ofjjj help we can get will be greatly by vandals. i £:' i handling the investigation into the the cars J incidents on Briggs, Lewis and "We do not have cameras on 41st Street. His department is East 41st Street," Sidun said. Gripes brought tof l i g h t at forum investigating the Mercy parking 'The one car on Lewis was lot incident where a peace sign behind two oak trees and could By Jen Harwell 11 was a concern of many concerned scheduling. Students News editor students that the outdoor sensor expressed their frustration with was sDrav Dainted on the hood of not be seen on the tapes." lights on campus seem to be the process in general. They are The fall forum lasted for over working in reverse. Students being closed out of courses that two hours as students raised expressed the need for addi- they are required to take for their important concerns. tional lighting in the Lewis major, as well as closed out of the Parking — a perpetual One of the first concerns was Avenue area where lighting is liberal studies courses. Students the new soccer field. The i scarce, as wel 1 as additional said it was hard to understand question was asked why the sidewalks. Sidewalks will be why the school doesn' t have problem for students enough classes for the them. condition of the field was poor added as the paths are dictated! J One of the biggest concerns with students parking in the and non-playable, and not yet through student use and property Scheduling is a topic that will among students at the MSG underground ramp as there was up to NCAA conditions. Bill availability. see many changes within the next forum seemed to be parking. in the past Kerbusch, director of physical In the topic of computers, year or two. Ideally, students want Students were complaining it plant, explained that the field students asked why Mercyhurst on-line registration capabilities. Many students voiced their This would allow a student to because they have to walk from was in a maturing stage. doesn't have color printers and the McA uley parking lot to their concerns that during special Kerbusch clarified that the scanners available for student register from on or off campus. events, especially in the Ice One of the final concerns housing on Briggs and Lewis soil needs to break down and '. use in the labs and the library? Avenues. In previous years, Center, visitors park behind the grass takes time to mature in Students with special projects or students had was the rumors about Mercy Apartments leaving no able for it to be able to sustain printing needs would benefit "preserving the A." students were able to park parking for residents. R e s i d e n t s practices and games. Tremen- greatly from these options. Dr. William P. Garvey, presi- behind Zurn Hall. This year the are then forced to park behind dous effort has been put into the Another request was made for dent, addressed the rumor as Zurn lot is reserved for com- the Rec Center or beside field up to this point and it will a computer lab to be open 24- being "garbage." "That may be the muters, faculty, staff and event McAuley Hall. , jjj be continued until next fall hours a day. As easy as this may excuse that is given, but it's parking. "Maybe there should be signs when the soccer field is sched- sound, it involves leaving a - simply not the truth. What we * "We are still writing a l o t of pointing to the lot behind the uled for its first use. building open, a security risk the want is our faculty to challenge tickets this year because Rec Center for event parking, Additional recreation facilities college is not too optimistic students, that's the intent," Garvey students have not picked up and visitors should not be were something that students about, especially with the recent said. "Grading may be inconsis- their permits in the police and allowed behind Mercy," Shawn < want the Mercyhurst adminis- bouts of vandalism tent among the departments due to safety office," Ken Sidun, Gaier, Mercy resident, said. tration to look into. Among the The question was also asked if the ability of each department to director of police and safety, 'This would make it a lot more requests were to expand and Mercyhurst could get a smart set its own regulations." said. "Our biggest problems are convenient for residents who are improve the athletic center*; add card," or allow students to "No teacher, however, has, is, or, in lot four by the upper ramp returning from off-campus air conditioning, and build a withdrawal from their printing ever will be fired, demoted or and the Weber Hall parking lot experience a loss of pay due to the events or with groceries." track and pool. Research by the card when using the copy Weber is reserved for visitors. If According to Sidun, there are college has shown that pools at machine. Kathy Noce, assistant grades they give. I f there is cause you are a student, you are not a to review the grades given, long-range plans for additional other colleges are one of the to the president for instructional visitor," parking spaces to be added on most expensive to build, and the technology, verified the issues teachers will simply be asked to defend the grades they gave to the According to Sidun, there campus. Nothing has been set least used of all the recreational would be looked at. hasn' t been much of a problem yet for next year. facilities. •PHL-i: A major issue of the forum students," Garvey said. 1 PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD NOVEMBER 10,1999 CAMPU S NEWS — Mercyhurst board of trustees approve Music Commission report By Jen Harwell actions tor areas mat Mercyhursl programs such as music therapy, News editor review of the program every Already these plans have been can work on. •"' ** marching band and music three years too determine the put into action. Gower com- The commission carefully technology. suitability of the arrangement.* mended Dr. William P. Garvey, On October 14, Mercyhurst evaluated the program, and 4. That music, dance, theater 7. That any fund raising under- College* s Music Commission president for getting things into developed the following seven arts, and possibly the arts, be taken for the music program be action quickly. was endorsed by the 14 members main recommendations: combined to form the D' Angelo coordinated with the colleges of the commission. The commis- "We are already moving 1. That the music department School of the Arts to provide institutional advancement office forward," said Gower. **We are sion was formed this summer to increase enrollment from 60 to new opportunities for coordi- to avoid donor duplication and examine assessments of the looking for faculty members to 100 students in the next four nated interaction between the be restricted to arts-interested teach musical theater, as well as D* Angelo School of Music and years and that the music endow- disciplines and generate a donors so as not to interfere with working on next year's student Mary D* Angelo Performing Arts ment likewise grow $2 million greater synergy in the perform- the capital campaign goals of the Center.
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