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Recipient'.s Accessioll No. ! BIGLIOGRAP~lIC DATA No. ,! , ~BSIR... 76"'1041 ~ ij SHEET J It 4. TITLE AND SUBTlTLE S. Publication Date !l \\ ;j ,I" 1 I ) f..--!.A~'O:ril 12Z§ ~ t Secur,ity AnalysiS & Enhancements 6. Performing Orgariizl1ti\1n Code r ,I of dJmputer Operating Systems ! ii 7. AUTHOR(S) The RISOS P~Qj oct ., S. P~rIotming Orgaa. Report No. ,~; I La~rence Livermore Laooratorv (~; 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. The RISOS Project 640.1112 11. Conml¢t/Grl1l1t No. \ Lawrence Livermore Laboratory '-'I Livermore, California 94550 12. Sponlloring Ot&a~h:ation Name and Complete Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) 13. Type"of Report /1( Peciod Covered ~ationa1 Bureau of Standards :, (, Department of Commerce Final "7/74-12/7:5 ,.; ~, liashington~ D.C. 20234 14. Sponsoring Agency G<fde is. SUPPu'~MENTARY NOTES I-____...... ___ ~ __~ ___~ _____._._'___"..;..;.. .... ·'.... ·~~l= _____.. -, __~~~. ,-" -- "--';;;.lI~.~. -~"""'''''''''''''''1'' 16. ABSTRACT (A 20(]...word ok' less factual BUmmDk'Y of mOllt sit1;nificant information. If docunwnt iJl¢ludes a si/1nificF.l(.il biblioSt'sphy Of litE::rsllqe survey. mention it here.) () The p1.'otection of computer resources. data of value, and indi'triclual privacy has mo~~vated a conce:rn for security of EDP. installations, especiaJl.1y of the operating systems. In this report , three commercial operating systems are analyzed and security enhancements suggested .'':, Because of the similarity of operating systems and their security proble.nm~ specific security flaws are formally classiHed accor:ding to a taxonomy developed here. This classification leads to a clearer understanding of «security flaws and aids in analyzing new systems.. o The discussions Gof security flaws and the security enhancel.nents " offer a starting reference for planning a securityinvesti~ation of an EDP installation's operating system. 17. liEY WORDS (six to twelve enfrHls; a(phab4tical order; capitall~e oMy the li'tsl I"Uer of the first key wotd Unless s proper name; separated by semicolons) " BBN... TENEX; IBM OS/360; operating system security; ~.~cur::lty flaws; software security; taxonomy of integrity flaws; UNlVAC 1100 Series OS lB. AVAILABILITY ~Unlimited 19. SECU.RIT~/fLASS '''''1~11. NO. OF PAGES (THIS REPORT) l o For OffiCial Distribution. Do Not Release to NTIS f) UNCL ASSIFll?:D . o Order From Sup. of Doc::., U,S. Government Printing Office 20. SECURITY ((j.ASS Washington. D.C. 20402, S.,p Cat. No. C13 . .. (THIS PAGE) .lKJ O;der From. NatiOl1;>.! Tec::.:hnic::rtJ Information Servi~e (NTIS) Springfield, Yirginianlil UNCLASSIFIED a I USCOMM-DC o 2~042.P74 Ii o & t o o If G II 1" 1 d . !i a ! i I ~,f I NBSIR 76·1041 SECURITY ANALYSIS AND ENHANCI;:MENTS OF COMPUTER OPERATING.,> SYSTEMS R. P. Abbott J. S. Chin J. E. DonneJley W. L. Konigsford S. Tckubo I( D. A. Webb jr The RISOS PJQject . Lawrence LIvermore Laboratory Livermore, California 94550 )) t t:' T. A. Linden, Editor ,7 I~~titute for ~omputer Sciences and Tech~OI09Y N~~al Bureau of .Standards 'I Was'hmgJon, D. C. 20234 o April 1976 Final Report i) " o o o o U.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Elliot L. Rief"ardson, Secretary ~). Jam~4'A~"B8ker. I'll. Under Secretary l'i .' Dr. Betsv Aocker-Jotmson. A,'ssistantSecretary faT Science and Technology " "';r I> o '.!.> NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS~Eme8t Ambler. Acting Director". .. ... 6 if .\\ /J (\ '"~ ____ ~':"' __,_~~""'_~v_~~._._of"l-""--""'_< _____':"~~."'':''''''~''''''''_~_· --,~ ... --~-~",~ ... ----.:--.--+::-~""'-~--~"--- 1l~ I \ This is one of a series of documentaprepared as part of a project on compt..'Pftr secu~;1ty and privacy at the Institute f~r Computer Sciences and Technology of the National Bureau of Standards. This docl...'lllent is intended primarily fCl~ uae by those who are responsible for managing arid operating government dat~ processing inota11ationa. It provides an understanding of the types of'security problems that arise 1n current computer operating systems, and it suggests ways 1n which the security , u of thelle operating sy.stems can be enhanced. The -:;locument may also be of use to: (1) those engaged in the development of computer ',security techniques, (2) the manufacturers of computer systems and software, and (3) those responsible,_~or mana&ing and operating computer systema in the private sector. This document concerns the security problelD8 that arise in computer operating systems. In order to develop a balanced set of security safeguards, one should use it in conjunction with ;;!ocuments that treat other specific aspects of the security problem.
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