GHANA GAZETTE REPUBLIC OF GHANA Published by Authority No. 4 MONDAY, 13TH JANUARY 2020 CONTENTS Page Notice of Publication of an Official Bulletin .. .. .. .. 238 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Mount Horeb Victorious Church International, Ashaiman-Lebanon Zone 2) .. 238 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church, Elubo-Central, Elubo-Half Assini) .. 238 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (The Church of Pentecost, English Assembly, Bogoso) .. .. 238 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana, Bogoso). .. 239 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (AlleluiaHouse Chapel International, Himakrom, Agona Nkwanta) 239 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (The Ghana Evangelical Convention, Korle-Bu Community Chapel) 239 Appointment of a Marriage Officer (Heritage Baptist Church, New Achimota, Accra) 240 Gazette Notice - Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), Electricity and Water Tariffs 241 Gazette Notice- NPA-Indicative Ex-Pump Prices (1 st- 15th December, 2019) 246 Gazette Notice- Returns on Assets and Liabilities of the Bank of Ghana as at 13th December, 2019 248 Change of Names .. .. .. .. ■■ ■■ - 249 Change of Dates of Birth .. .. .. .. - 256 Change of Places of Birth .. .. - 260 NATIONAL PETROLEUM AUTHORITY INDICATIVE EX-PUMP PRICES* (1st ■ 15th Dumber, 2019) COMPANY prntoL(GH^u) 00311,(011^ LK((Xfrtty IDERQStNt ((Spty MGOLmJIQINU) UNIHID (01^14 i AIENFZKGT 520# 535# 1 ALLH) SAW saco j AKDEV - 54414 ANNANDALE 5135 5 AP OIL A GAS 5JLW 534# 552# 6 BAFFOURGA3 - 55231 7 BENABOfl. 5873 501.13 S7A 1 BGPETRCtEUM 5713 59630 9 tBLAHOOL 50 5®# (0 CflAWffi 53400 134® flMO I! CENTRAL BRENT - 49835 - u acwNreraaaiM 537.40 M0.C 40 410.43 a BESffitTOfl. 544# ID# 14 ETKEi 65M3 606fl SLW 523.13 52X43 15 FINEST 53660 53660 It FBSTG4S 55111 17 FRAGA 533# 53330 11 'GALAXY (XL 54124 50.43 45837 44223 B GABENFICY 53.00 515.00 20 CASO W» 574» 532.W1 21 GLOBAL STANDARDS 586-59 601.87 2 1GUGA3 552.11 □ [GOODNESSENERGY 5696 57335 a GAG 533JO 53930 GRID 56430 57150 KILLS - 5413’1 n (NHNQ3LTD 545J7 54757 - 3 JDLNCS 547.60 545# 515J3! 3 FOAffl i 539.66 543.66 30 JffiBRO i 5S5( 590.11 31 KI ENERGY sani 32 UNGS ENERGY 550# 550# 60000; XttOO 33 LAMRARIGAS * 34 LAiflNKE i 55OCO( - a LUCKY (XL 51RS0 50 593Wi 36 IMAPBAHGAS i 53000 1 ' 1 37 (MERCY OIL i «9J0 5930 • 31 [MKJFTYGAS - ■ 553.71 » (NAAGaMNI ; ‘58.3 56431 47663 4 |xASONA i 55163 MB . 41 ! SEXTONS GAS 541.42 • ti OCEANOIL i 4W.7S 1 - • OILSPACE ) b * J ORIENT ' ■ 5'3.50 44 56130 . 505.71: a 1MC1HC i - • It PaA BONNEY 54199; ■ fl PETROANTI %7j 5M 565# • 41 PE1ROSANKOFA 5?6#( ■ 5WJ0 • 53681 fl PETRffiOL j 513.60 ■ SSL# » PLUS ENERGY 5M 22! 564343 -■ 11 P0W15 FUELS 1 5865 60 54681 49667 ■5M31i 4U3 32 PUMA ENERGY 567.40 59150 40 3 QUANTUM 523.00 529.00 550.00: *0.(B 479.00 34 RADIANCE sacoj 58.00 55MO! . • 466001 a ROffISENAF - 49135; • ■ » ROYAL ENERGY ■ ML06; ’ 1 • 37 RUNEL 53154 50 5533 - 9 RAP OIL S8.S 62L63 - •39 SAMA OIL 576-561 55456 40 SEAM ■ 5M.8 55050- 55193 J si ISEMASWIA 5O,S7 JiJT! 4HS5 SEP HEM OIL ?59.M 5WB it SO ENERGY H7.H 55Q5T Jl’W M1.W 43037 SOHNIDOM *39.00 5’150 SPIRITS to STAR OIL 134 00 J15.W IM.il 411.(0 51 STRATEGIC ENERGIES 6‘ SUPERIOR J4L7J 53t99 & TEL ENERGY 159.96 56396 tna H TOTAL 316C0 54400 ‘11.00 «oto 455 00 11 TRADE CROSS 11122 n TRINITY OIL inw 71 TOPPLE A GAS 52021 71 UNKXiOlL 539.6! 557.6! I51M ViRSN 123 75 •rt VIVO 171.10 rtl.W 497, JO 11 WORJ.DGAS 524 H ?! WAPCO 162.63 57163 ?9 XPKESSGaS 139. M w YOKWAS 53163 il ZEN PETROLEUM M’$0 571M Viet? on indicative and may dmngeat the pump. NATIONAL PETROLEUM AUTHORITY INDICATIVE EX-REFl.XERY PRICES* (bt» 15th December. 20)9) i Me, BW.RRHNKRY | KHtOSPME NGOUMU 17*1111.0 i ITfROUGUp/U) mrsFX .i ipi a) i.pc (Gitp'KiO (GHjrtJ) (Gllpdl) iU1!'14!. ’ J i All Petro 3M.2T 335,41 134.26 33113 317.30 t 1 AcnOiScokci 324.99 - - I 5 ‘Bimo SHIS 357.46 1 ■ L s Bhx Oren 301.90 3J400 391.06 337.73 336M Ctac 30172 339. ?9 - 339.29 Gmi> 314.42 34112 I 7 ilkns S1.W 325 34 35S.63 - 1 1 Occrnuo 334.23 9 firm Energy 3MM 111.15 - 10 hr in* VMM 31131 35217 334.03 33L32 11 GekwEaenty 329.62 380 OS 11 GO Energy 305.27 327,21 3273 n hrwr! 32I.S4 34444 14107 152 *Z 34444 H Marnjalhi 3GL6O 12912 1 15 Mr)< WLW 328,69 ‘ 16 295 It 315.36 i 17 UiCtund 30621 133 03 : 11 RliOD 3JS.77 * 3H V , 19 PWSk ms/. 31392 349 71 !|7« 31 LU 31 Elite PrtroVirn 31096 331.24 'MS.Oj .131.24 i ICR 251.04 Z2 IVfcHTB 311.IS 33K92 :i3SL’X! ■ ’Price art indicative and may change within the sales * index/. BAN^OF GHANA BALANCE SHEET AS AT 13 December 2019 .. 1 3 December 2019 30 Nayember2D19% -4. 'A,.. •-' <GHC‘0pp-; .. ■.GHC'OOO^;:;;^ ASSETS Foreign Currency Financial Assets Cash a nd Amounts due from Banks 2334383 4,452,627 Gold 1395336 1395*236 Balance with International Monetary Fund 5,498,125 5379315 Securities 31330.101 31,045347 loans and Advances 1367,624 1367,623 Other Assets 8,442 8,442 Total Foreign Currency Financial Assets 41334,511 43,349,090 local Currency Financial Assets Securities 15,081,115 15,080,690 loans and Advances 3,138,233 3,091,864 Derivatives Asset 0 0 Other Assets 1387384 1394,060 Development Loans and Investments 374399 374399 Property, Plant and Equipment 1,046,036 1,061,742 Total Local Currency Financial Assets 21326,867 21302,755 Total Financial Assets 63361378 64,851,845 LIABILITIES Foreign Currency Financial Liabilities Deposits 4373325 4376,038 Derivative Financial Liability 0 0 Allocations of Special Drawing Rights 2343,076 2,543,076 Liabilitiesto IMF 10350,798 10350,798 Short Term Borrowing 4349300 5326345 LongTermBorrowing 5382,636 5,682,636 Other liabilities 558,015 620,052 Total Foreign Currency Financial Liabilities 29,257,050 28398,645 Local Currency Financial Liabilities Deposits 10369,967 11,456,007 Liabilities under Money Market Operations 6,136,811 8,220310 Other Liabilities 2,487,434 2,388,985 Currency in Circulation 15364,203 14387,860 Total Local Currency Financial liabilities 34358,415 36353,462 Total Financial liabilities 64315,465 65,652,107 SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS i Capital - 10,000 10,000 Asset Revaluation Reserve • 115,522 115,522 Statutory Reserves 28,760 28,760 Other Reserves •62,262 •59,231 Income Surplus -846,108 -895313 Total •754,087 -800362 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 63361,378 64,851345 Hot*: Th* fliuro tn thH Sh*M hive not bocn tudtttd CHANGE OF NAMES 574. Mr. Manasse Tettey, an Unemployed and of H/No. D69, Addo Kwaku High Street, Tseaddo, East La (Labadi), Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Manasse Tettey Chiantey Nartey with effect from 24th December, 2019. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 575. Mr. Bright Boamah, a Trader and of H/No. GCA/0125, Agape, Ablekuma, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Emmanuel Boamah with effect from 9th January, 2020. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 576. Miss Veronica Ofosu, a Caterer and of H/No. Plot 41, Budumburam, Central Region, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Veronica Ewool with effect from 4th January, 2020. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 577. Miss Nyamekye Georgina Ago, a Teacher with Reg. No. 5818/06 of Ghana Education Service and of H/No. Plot 98, Race Course, Lincoln Avenue, Takoradi, Western Region, wishes to be known and called Miss Georgina Ama Nyamekye with effect from 10th January, 2020. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 578. Miss Cecilia Am paw, a Nurse with Reg. No. RGN 21142 of Ghana Health Service and of P.O. Box MP 2489, Mamprobi, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Cecilia Laryea with effect from 30th November, 2019. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 579. Miss Diana Qu ansa h, a Trader and of H/No. A509/7, 2nd Guggisberg Link, Mamprobi Camara, Accra, wishes to be known and called Miss Naomi Sakyi with effect from 10th January. 2020. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 580. Miss Grace Opoku Agyemang, a Student and of P.O. Box 3593, AccraNorth, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Grace Owusu Ampofo with effect from 8th May, 2016. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 581. Mr. Abdul Nasir Adamu, a Self-employed and of H/No. Plot 19, Block 21, Aboabo No. 2, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. Abdul Nasir Adam with effect from 16th December, 2019. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 582. Mr. John Abu, a Private Teacher of St. Augustine's Junior High School and of H/No. AN 153, Anyinam, Obuasi, Ashanti Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. John Seidu with effect from 9th October, 2006. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 583. Miss Vera Wiafe, an Unemployed and of P.O. Box KS 8564, Adum, Kumasi. wishes to be known and called Miss Queen Vera Wiafe with effect from 27th December, 2019.
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