CVS QUICK REFERENCE CARD CVS command summary Checkout This list summarizes all possible cmd available. Only cvs co [-ANPRcflnps][-rrev -Ddate][-ddir][-jrev1 j Overview cmd ticked with . are detailed here. [-jrev2 ]] [-kopt] module... CVS is a version control system aimed at keeping an his- . add :::::::::::::::::::::::: add new files or directories Obtain a new sandbox by getting files from module into tory and managing multiple people working at the same admin ::::::::::::: control/administrate the repository the directory CVS creates. cvs co in an already checked time on a same source hierarchy. CVS keeps a single . checkout :::::: get a new sandbox from the repository out module is identical to cvs upd -d. copy of the master sources, called the repository. Each . commit:::::::::::::apply changes, additions, deletions -A::::::::::::::::reset any sticky ( ) tags, flags, dates ◦ person works on one's own copy of the repository, called . diff ::: show differences between sandbox & repository -jv ::::::::::::::::: merge changes from the revision v the sandbox. CVS allows one to control the changes export :::::::::::: prepare copies for off-site shipment -jv1 -jv2 ::::::::::::::: merge changes from v1 & v2 between its sandbox and the global repository. history :::::::::: show report on commands executed -N :::::::::::::::::::: avoid shortening modules paths . import :::::::::::: incorporate a set of off-site updates -c:::::::::only list all module files to standard output Synopsis init::::::::::::::::::::::::initialize a new repository -ddir :::::: use dir for new directory instead of module cvs [cvsopt] cmd [cmdopt] files... log ::::::::::::::::::::::: show stored log information -s ::::::::: display status information for each module cvsopt :::: options controlling the overall CVS program rdiff ::::::::: prepare a collection of diffs as patch file cmd:::::particular action to perform on the repository release :::::: cancel a checkout, abandoning changes Commit cmdopt:::::::options controlling the specific command . remove ::::::::::::::: remove files from the source tree cvs ci [-nRlf][-m'msg' -Ffile][-rrev] files... files ::::::: files to act on, or specific arguments to cmd rtag :::::::::::::: specify a symbolic tag for a revision Incorporate changes madej locally in the sandbox back If you do not specify any files, CVS will normally recurse . status :::::::::::::::::::: show current status of files into the repository. into subdirectories and apply the command to each CVS . tag:::::::::::::specify a symbolic tag from a sandbox -R :::::::::::::: force recursion when scanning for files files encountered. Warning: the same option can mean . update :::::::::::: get the changes from the repository -l ::::::::::::::::: disable recursion in sub-directories different things depending on whether it is in the cvsopt ::::::force commit even if no change has been made or cvscmd group. -f -Ffile :::::::::::::::: use content of file as log message Overall CVS options -mmsg ::::::::::::::::::::: specify msg as log message This list describes all possible cvsopt available. -rrev :::::::::::::::::: commit to specific revision rev -b bindir ::::::::::: use bindir as location of RCS files same as the RCSBIN environment variable Common command options Update cvs upd [-APdflRp][-rtag -D date][-jrev][-Iign] -d cvsdir :::::::::: use cvsdir as location of repository This list describes all possible cmdopt available, com- j same as the CVSROOT environment variable mon for all cmd, except history. Not all commands [-kopt][-Wspec] files... -e editor ::::::::::: use editor to enter log information support all options, only when it makes sense. The Update the sandbox with external changes made to the same as the CVSEDITOR or EDITOR variable symbol specifies a sticky option (CVS remembers the◦ repository. -A::::::::::::::::reset any sticky ( ) tags, flags, dates -f:::::::::::::::do not read the /.cvsrc startup file option on subsequent commands). ◦ -H ::::::: display a summary of all commands available -Ddate ::::: the most recent revision no later than date -jrev ::::::::::::: merge changes from the revision rev ◦ -H cmd::::::::::display usage information about cmd 1 month ago, 6/29/97 08:20:00 PST, -d :::::: create any new directories from the repository -l ::::::::::::::::: do not log the command in history yesterday, last Friday, 18:30 GMT... -If ::::::::::::::::::: ignore file whose names match f -q :::::::::: be quiet, suppress informational messages -f :::::::: use file even if it does not match tag or date -I!:::::::::::::::::::::::avoid ignoring any file at all -Q ::::::: be really quiet, output only serious problems -kb :::: set the file as binary (do not expand keywords) -C :::: overwrite locally modified files with clean copies -n :::::::::::::: do not change any files, only simulate ◦ -kv::::::::::::::::::::::::retain keyword information The cvs upd prints a status flag for each file: -r :::::::::::::::::::: make new working file read-only ◦ -l ::::::::::::::::: disable recursion in sub-directories U :::::::::::::: brought up to date with the repository same as if CVSREAD variable is set -n ::::::::::: do not run program associated with cmd A ::::::::::::::::: added locally but not yet commited -t :: trace program execution, useful with -n to explore -P ::: remove empty directories after checkout/update R ::::::::::::::: removed locally but not yet commited -v:::::::::::display version and copyright information -p ::: pipe files from the repository to standard output M ::::::: modified locally or merged with the repository -w::::::::::make new working file read-write (default) -r tag:::::::::::::use the revision tag instead of head C:::::::conflicting merge that needs manual resolution -x:::::encrypt communication between client & server ◦ use HEAD for the latest version available a backup copy is made under .#file.version -z n ::: use n as compression level for transferring files or BASE for the file you last checked out ? :: ignored local file which does not exist in repository Remove History Keywords cvs remove [-flR] files... cvs hist [-Tcoealw][-mmodule][opts] files... Embedded strings $keyword:...$ in text files are up- Remove files or directories from repository. Show a report on CVS commands that you or others dated with the current keyword value from CVS when- -f::::::::::::::::::::delete the file before removing it have executed on a particular file or directory in the ever you obtain a new revision. source repository. Warning: uses options in ways con- $Author$:::login name of the user who last checked in Add flicting with common meaning. $Date$ :::::::::: UTC date & time of the last check in cvs add [-kkflag][-m'msg'] files... -T :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report on all tags $Header$:::::RCS file, rev., date, author, state, locker :::::::::::::::::: same as without path Add new files or directories to repository. -c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report on each commit $Id$ $Header$ $Name$ :::::::::::: tag name used to check out the file -kkflag :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: use kflag for RCS -o ::::::::::::::::::::: report on checked-out modules $Locker$ ::: login name of the user who locked the file -m'msg':::::::::::::::::::use msg as the creation log -e ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report on everything -a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report data for all users $Log$ ::::: log message preceded by a header (append) -l :::::::::::::::::::: report on last modification only $RCSfile$::::::::::::::::::::RCS file without a path Differences :::::::::::::::::::current revision number -w :::::::::::::::: report on the current directory only $Revision$ cvs diff [-lNR][-rr1 [-rr2 ] -Dd2 [-Dd1 ]] files... $Source$ :::::::::::::::::::::: RCS file full pathname j -mmod ::::::::::::::::::::::::: report on module mod Show differences between sandbox and repository. $State$ ::::::::::::::::: state assigned to the revision -Dd1 :::::::::::::::::: diff working file against date d1 -xtype ::::: extract record type, a list of several letters: -Dd1 -Dd2 ::::::::::::::: diff date d1 against date d2 O checked-out A first added Administrative files -rr1 ::::::::::::::: diff working file against revision r1 W deleted during an updated T rtagged Here is a list of administrative files that CVS keeps in copied from repository modified -rr1 -rr2::::::::::diff revision r1 against revision r2 U M your working directory under CVS/. Do not delete them. G merged with success F released -N :::::::::::::::::::::::: include added/removed files Entries :::::::::::::::: list and status of working files merged with conflict removed C R Entries.Static :::: do not add more files on cvs upd -bstr :::::::::::: up to module/file/path matching str Log Root ::::::::: pathname used if CVSROOT is not defined -Ddate ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report since date cvs log [-lRhtNb][-rr1 [;r2 ]] [-dd1 [d2 ]] [-sstates] Repository::::::pathname to the repository directory -prep :::::::::::::::::::::::: report for repository rep [-wlogins] files... Tag::::::::::::::::::::sticky date or tag per directory -uuser :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: report for user user Show log information stored for some files. Checkin.prog::::::::::::::program to run on cvs ci Update.prog::::::::::::::program to run on cvs upd -R :::::::::::::::::::::::: print name of RCS file only Status -h:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::print header only cvs status [-lRqQ][-v] files... Environment variables -t:::::::::::::::::::print header and description only Display a brief report on the current status of files: lat- Here is a list of environment variables that CVS uses. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::do
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