ASCS ACADEMY FOR SPIRITUAL AND CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES, INC. Biography of Archie Roy (1924-2012) rchie E. Roy was a renowned astronomer dition to the SPR affiliation, he was a fellow of the and psychical researcher. At the time of Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Institute of Phys- Ahis death, he was professor emeritus of ics, the Royal Astronomical Society, the British astronomy and honorary research fellow in the Interplanetary Society, and the International As- University of Glasgow. He served as president of tronomical Union, the latter of which honored the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) (1993-95) him for his work in astronomy by naming an as- and was founder of the Scottish Society for Psy- teroid after him. chical Research. Over a 30-year period, he inves- In a 2008 interview, Roy recalled that his in- tigated many paranormal cases, and he authored troduction to psychical research took place soon three books on paranormal subjects – A Sense of after joining the faculty at Glasgow University. “I Something Strange (1990), The Archives of the Mind lost my way in the old university library and (1996) and The Eager Dead (2008). found shelves of books on spiritualism and psy- “The genial Professor Emeritus of Astrono- chical research,” he explained. “My first ignorant my at Glasgow University has been watching the reaction was ‘What is this rubbish doing in a uni- heavens for most of his life, wondering if there is versity library?’ But curiosity made me open life on other planets,” wrote Lorn Macintyre of some of the books. I was surprised to recognize The Glasgow Herald on February 10, 1997. “But he some of the authors of this ‘rubbish,’ such as Sir has had a parallel fascination investigating the Oliver Lodge, Professor William James, Professor greatest unsolved mystery in the history of man- Sir William Crookes, and so on. My balloon of kind. Is there an invisible world to which we ignorance was punctured by the needle of my sci- journey after death?”1 entific curiosity and I found myself called up to a new career.”2 Most of Roy’s investigations involved hauntings, fear of hauntings, apparitions, and possession or obsession. “They often originated as cries for help from people convinced that they or their homes were haunted,” he said. “Some cases were found to be non-paranormal, for instance as imaginative misinterpretations of unusual noises – the peremptory knocking of a water-hammer, or sadly, mental trouble. But some did involve para- After receiving his B.Sc. from Glasgow Uni- normal phenomena. Some were poltergeist cases, versity in 1950, Roy earned his Ph.D. in 1954. He others were apparitional and some were mixed. then spent four years as a science master in Shaw- In some we found evidence of intrusion from the lands Academy before returning to Glasgow Uni- other side of death, of ‘unfinished business,’ of versity as a lecturer in the Department of Astron- maliciousness, of a wish to dominate. In some we omy. He was made a full professor in 1977. In ad- could identify the problem and even take www.ascsi.org Page 1 of 4 measures to solve it, operating not so much as When the poltergeist phenomena ceased, psychical researchers but more akin to psychical Roy continued, the boys no longer exhibited plumbers! Hopefully we learned from every case symptoms of possession and the family’s lives but our prime concern in each was to help the were transformed, but, at the same time, the man unhappy family who called us in.”3 downstairs, with whom the family had been hav- When asked if any one investigation stood ing a vendetta for years, died. “In addition we out in his mind, Roy recalled the Maxwell Park persuaded the father to send the older boy, who poltergeist case, which began in 1972 and in seemed the main focus, up north to stay with his which he collaborated with the Rev. Max Magee, grandparents for some weeks. So we were unable chaplain to the students of Strathclyde University. to achieve a complete understanding as to why “The family members were terrified by the physi- the phenomena ceased. But we did learn a lot, cal manifestations that tormented them,” Roy re- perhaps the most important being that if you em- membered. “When they fled to a relative’s house, bark upon such an investigation, you must sign the phenomena did likewise and even continued on for the duration, for a family in the middle of there after the family, in despair, returned to their the poltergeist hurricane desperately needs sup- own house, as though in some way the relative’s port, sympathy and to be led to understand that family had been infected. In time some fifty peo- these cases have happened innumerable times, ple were witnesses, including cynical journalists, but like an illness, will run their course, exhibit town councilors, doctors, policemen and others, their symptoms and some day, hopefully, we will and they turned from original scepticism to utter be able to do more than simply offer moral sup- conviction that they had witnessed the paranor- port.”4 mal. A police officer told me, ‘You know, I had to Roy played a small part in the famous Scole take some of my men off that case. They were investigation, the primary researchers being Pro- turning in reports like ‘The bed was proceeding in fessor Arthur Ellison, Professor David Fontana a northerly direction.’” and Montague Keen. “I was taken to the Scole site Roy further recalled that the phenomena in- on one occasion, not because of a lack of interest cluded alarming noises, fires breaking out, floods on my part but purely because of distance,” he of water, psychokinetic movements of a wide va- related. “Nevertheless every time I met Monty riety of objects, many seemingly perpetrated by (Keen) he kept me informed about events at the malicious intent. “It became clear to Max and I circle. On the evening I was present I sat where I that there were attempts to control the two boys – could satisfactorily see and hear what was hap- at times they carried out feats of strength or skills pening. The conversation between the experi- that they could not possibly have acquired nor- menters and the mediums’ controls was fascinat- mally. We found it necessary over many months ing. The proceedings became even more interest- to, turn about, stay until late at night to support ing to me when the ‘control’ known as the scien- the family who were losing weight, exhibiting ex- tist spoke to me, welcoming me and saying that treme stress bringing them to the edge of com- he had carried out some of the pioneering work of plete nervous breakdowns. Finally Max, in his calculating periodic orbits of planets and satel- capacity as a minister of religion, aided by myself, lites. He discussed with me some of the technicali- persuaded the family one Sunday evening to go ties and difficulties he had experienced and re- to church. While they were there, Max and I went ferred to the fact that in his day there were no through the house room by room, carrying out a computers such as I could now use. Afterwards I service of ‘cleansing’ in each.” realised that there were only about a score of www.ascsi.org Page 2 of 4 people in the UK who would have been able to ney, Sidgwick, William Balfour, Edith Lyttelton, have a conversation with me at that level of ex- Annie Marshall and Mary Catherine Lyttelton, pertise on that subject. And as far as I know, the still existed, still had an astounding agenda to be mediums had not been given my identity and pursued, the Story and the Plan.”6 profession. I also realised that the scientist bore It took considerable patience, Roy recalled, quite a resemblance to George Darwin, related to to sort out the cross-correspondences. He recalled Charles Darwin, who had indeed carried out such Monty Keen likening it to an assault on the north pioneering calculations on periodic orbits. But face of the Eiger. “In fact it took almost 10 years, again, as seems to happen to many circles that studying the material, doing additional research terminate unexpectedly, the Scole circle did like- to check data, writing successive drafts and per- wise on the grounds that it had to cease because suading numerous colleagues to read and criticise its operation was interfering with the ability of them, revising and cutting down the length, find- time-travelers to pass from one galaxy to another! ing a publisher and collaborating with Book As we say laconically in Glasgow when our bog- Guild over many months in producing the book – gle-factor is surpassed: ‘Aye, that’ll be right.’”5 they did a marvelous job.”7 Roy was especially interested in the famous The most difficult part, he added, was cut- cross-correspondences, considered by many to be ting out innumerable parts of the material con- the best evidence ever of survival, and wrote cerning fascinating events in the Victorian era and about the key cases in The Eager Dead. “I well re- the 20th century and little-known items of real in- member the first visit Monty Keen and I made to terest regarding real people. Honiton to meet Lady Alison Kremer, grand- “Essentially, the cross-correspondences orig- daughter of Gerald, 2nd Earl of Balfour,” he said. inated in a deceptively-simple idea,” Roy contin- “She had been left the large archive of documents ued. “Someone who has died transmits to a num- collected by her mother Jean, Countess of Balfour, ber of mediums or automatists scattered round who had added to them from 1930 onwards, the world snippets of a theme dreamed up by when the Sidgwick Group appointed her their him.
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