CHURCH TODAY Volume XLVII, No. 6 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 June 13, 2016 O N T H E Cave Quest VBS: INSIDE Learning to follow Jesus Bishop Ronald Herzog announces clergy assignments New clergy assignments, effective June 29, have been announced by Bishop Ronald Herzog. See pages 6 and 7. Diocese celebrates ordinations and anniversaries With the ordination of Father John Wiltse this past weekend, and the upcoming ordination of three deacons, the diocese has a lot to celebrate. At the same time, several clergy and religious women in the diocese are cel- ebrating major anniversaries this year. See pages 8-10. What’s in Your Wallet? VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL participants As a Catholic, there is a very help good chance you have a Holy prepare the snacks for the 240 students who at- Card somewhere in your house, tended the Vacation Bible School at Our Lady of in your wallet, or maybe boxed Prompt Succor Church. Check your local Catho- away in some musty closet. lic church for a VBS nearest you. What is the story behind these beautiful works of art and why are you still holding on to them? Read all about it on pages 16-17. PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY JUNE 13, 2016 2015 Annual Report on Charter for the Protection of Children: Charter requires proof that dioceses are implementing training programs, conducting background checks WASHINGTON—The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Secretariat of Child • 4.3 million. children trained to identify the warning signs of abuse and Youth Protection and the • 2.4 million . .adults trained to identify the warning signs of abuse National Review Board released • 2.4 million . background checks on adults at parishes and schools its 2015 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and • 99 % . .of all priests, deacons are compliant with the Charter Young People May 20. • 98 % . .of all volunteers and other employees are compliant with Protection and prevention the Charter efforts continue being a prior- • 96 % . .of all educators are compliant with the Charter ity. Over 4.3 million children and 2.4 million adults have been • 26 . .allegations against clergy received between trained to identify the warning signs of abuse and how to report July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. 7 were substantiated. them. Over 99 percent of priests (35,987), deacons (16,251), edu- For full report go to: cators (162,803), and 98 percent http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/child-and-youth-protection volunteers (1,930,262) and candi- /upload/15-118-CYP-Annual Report.pdf dates for ordination (6,473), and 97 percent (260,356) of other em- ployees received training. Over 2.4 million background checks were performed on adults ees, clergy and volunteers. Ongo- ence of Catholic Bishops (US- and showing others a model of port on the response of the Catho- at parishes and schools. These ing efforts continue toward full CCB) approved the Charter for protection.” lic Church in the United States include, background checks per- participation of the one diocese the Protection of Children and Out of the 838 people who to clergy sexual abuse includes formed on 99 percent of priests and five eparchies that did not Young People in 2002, we made reported to have suffered past an annual survey conducted by (35,720), deacons (16,257), 98 participate in the last cycle. Next a pledge to heal and a promise abuse as minors, 46 percent or Georgetown University’s Cen- percent of volunteers (1,935,310) year all dioceses and a majority of to protect. These promises re- 386 accepted diocesan outreach ter for Applied Research in the and other employees (263,690), the eparchies will be involved in main essential priorities for our and healing. Continued support Apostolate (CARA) and an an- and 96 percent of educators data collection or an on-site audit Church,” said Archbishop Joseph has been provided to 1,646 vic- nual audit to numerous dioceses (158,556). for the 2016 evaluation. E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, tims/survivors. All dioceses and and eparchies. 189 dioceses and eparchies Between July 1, 2014, and president of the USCCB. “We re- eparchies have offices and per- The full report is available were compliant with the Charter June 30, 2015, a total of 26 al- main ever vigilant in the protec- sonnel whose primary role is to at: http://www.usccb.org/issues- and one diocese was partially legations against clergy received tion of children and the outreach assist victim/survivors, treating and-action/child-and-youth-pro- compliant specifically with Ar- were from current minors, of to those most harmed by sexual them with respect and offering tection/upload/15-118-CYP-An- ticles 12 and 13, which require those, seven were substantiated. abuse. The Church cannot be- them pastoral care. nual-Report.pdf. proof that training programs are All allegations were reported to come complacent with what has The information in the re- in place and that background local civil authorities. been accomplished. We look for port was gathered between July 1, checks are conducted on employ- “When the U.S. Confer- new ways of addressing the issue 2014, and June 30, 2015. The re- VIRTUS FORMER SOCIAL SECURITY JUDGE • Wednesday, June 22 -- 6 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Center PETER J. LEMOINE Every adult who works/vol- Social Security Disability Law unteers with children/youth in the Diocese of Alexandria’s churches/ Offices in Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Cottonport schools must attend the VIRTUSTM Adjunct Professor (1994-1997), Northwestern State University Protecting God’s Children for Adults sexual abuse awareness training. MEMBER: Louisiana State Bar Association, American Bar Association, The session lasts 2 -3 hours. On- Baton Rouge Bar Association, Avoyelles Parish Bar Association, National Organization of Social Security Claimant Representatives, going-training is part of the training Legal Services for Purposes of Disability Committee (Louisiana State component. Bar Association). A background check must be conducted – and the results re- PUBLISHED ARTICLES: “The Worn-Out Worker Rule Revisited,” ceived - before an adult may volun- “Significant Work-Related Limitations of Function Under 12.05C,” teer/work with our children/youth. “Questionable Retirement and the Small Business Owner,” “Crisis of Confidence: The Inadequacies of Vocational Evidence Presented∲ at Social Security Disability Hearings.” To register, go to www.virtus.org. For more information, call Pam Delrie, Safe Environment Coor- 318-876-3174 dinator at 318-445-6424 x 213. JUNE 13, 2016 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 ‘Witnesses to Freedom’ is focus of annual Fortnight prayer event By Archbishop William Lori dom.” The Conference is lifting Our challenges did not be- Diocese of Baltimore up for reflection the stories of gin with a particular government 14 women and men-one for each regulation or Supreme Court de- On his visit to the U.S., Pope day-who bear witness to freedom cision; they began instead when Francis encouraged us to nurture, in Christ, such as Oscar Romero, our capacity for knowing the promote, and defend the precious the Little Sisters of the Poor, the truth and loving the good were gift of religious freedom. To this Martyrs of Compiègne, and the damaged in the Fall. All people end, the United States Conference Coptic Christians who were killed overstep their bounds from time of Catholic Bishops has contin- by ISIS last year. (Stories can be to time, and the people who es- ued to encourage Catholics, other found at www.usccb.org/issues) tablish and run governments are Christians, and all people of good Reflecting on the lives of no different. will to set aside two weeks to re- these great men and women can people of their birth, even as they others-may remain free to provide In short, by pondering the flect on religious freedom. show us how we might serve as are being persecuted. education, to care for the sick, the lives of these exemplary Chris- The Fortnight for Freedom witnesses to freedom today. We can emulate this in our poor, and the migrant. tian witnesses, we can learn much runs from June 21 (the vigil of the They love their country, yet work today to promote religious The witnesses remind us as of what it means to follow Jesus feast of Sts. Thomas More and this love does not surpass their freedom in the U.S., as it is of a well that the struggle for religious in today’s challenging world. John Fisher) to July 4 (when we love for and devotion to Christ piece with our efforts to contrib- freedom is not new. In the his- We pray that over these two celebrate our national Indepen- and his Church. It is remarkable ute to the good of all Americans. tory of the Church, both globally weeks, the grace of God will help dence Day). to see the witness of so many We are dedicated to protecting and in the United States, religious us to grow in wisdom, courage, The theme for this year’s martyrs throughout the history of and building up civil society pre- freedom disputes have arisen fre- and love, that we too might be Fortnight is “Witnesses to Free- the Church who love the land and cisely so that we-and so many quently. faithful witnesses to freedom. U.S. Supreme Court sends Zubik case back to lower courts By Carol Zimmermann issue of a potential violation of Catholic News Service religious freedom. Because of the “gravity of WASHINGTON (CNS) -- the dispute and the substantial The U.S. Supreme Court May 16 clarification and refinement in the sent the Zubik v.
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