Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 12-12-1930 The edC arville Herald, December 12, 1930 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, December 12, 1930" (1930). The Cedarville Herald. 2511. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2511 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The new things are advertised by ■ Advertising is news, as much as the merchants first. Advertisements keep headlines on the front page. Often you abreast of the times. Read them! it is of more significance to you. mimm FIRTY-FOURTH YEAR No, 1. CEDARVILLE, OHI& FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1930 PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR NEWSLETTER SCHOOL NEWS C O U R T N E W S JURORS DRAWN FROM STATE Results of Every Pupil Tests FIX HEARING FOR JANUARY Although the outcome of the Every fast will of James N, Moore, fate of DEPARTMENTS Pupil Tests In other schools is not Spring Valley, admitted to probate, known, pur results seem satisfactory has been set for a hearing at 10 a. m. COURT TERM r»nr TTTUfDTro . im most instances. The name of the December 8 in Probate Court. <2, * Ohio, — Secretary of student making the highest score in Jurors have been drawn for service a , Clarence J. Brown at this season each subject is as follows: Algebra I, SUES ON ACCOUNT on the grand and petit juries for the ° ? ^ear w,abe8 remind all motor Janice Dunevant; Plane Geometry, Suit to recover $112.40, alleged due January term o f court! The grand vehicle owners that* it is absolutely Frances Hutchison; 8th Grade His- on an account, has been filed in Com­ jury meets January 5th and the petit necessary to have a bill of sale before tory, Jane Frame; 12th Grade History, mon Pleas Court by the Fred F. jury January 6. application can .be made for auto Lucille Pitstick and Carl Ferguson Graham Co. against Gilbert H. Jones. Grand jury—Stella Fulton, Bath license tags. If a new car has been (tie); Chemistry, John Stover; Marcus Shoup is the plaintiff’s attor­ township; Frank Kyne, Spring Valley purchased during 1930 and the license Physics, Carma Hostetler; General ney, township; Carrie Stokes, Xenia, Third plates have not been transferred ac- Science, Janice Dunevant; 8th Grade ward; R. A. Devoe, Caesarcreek town­ cording to law, in order that no delay English, Jane Frame and Evelyn ORDER FORECLOSURE ship; Frank C. Massey, Bath town­ will take place when making applies- j ones (tie); 9th Grade English, Janice The Peoples Building and Savings ship; Ruth Wagner, Bath township; turn for new plates only the owner Dunevant; 10th Grade English, Ruth Co. haB been awarded a judgment for D. E- Paulin Silvercreek township; named m bill of sale is permitted to Kimble, $2,117.08, due on a contract, against Edward. A. Kern, Xenia, Third ward; sign the application. No other.person sinCe the Latin grading key was not Creighton Stumbaugh and others in Howard Glass, New Jasper township; • 8 0U a ®mpt to do so as it only sent, the results of the Latin tests Common Pleas Court, Foreclosure of Pearle Ervin, Xenia, Third ward; Ella causes confusion and delay to those cannot be published at this time, mortgaged property was authorized. Qglesbee, Spring Valley township; already waiting to secure tags. All ... „ owners should apply for plates early nNa“ e f i t t e d t o n Honor Roll Charles Greer, Beavercreek township; DISSOLVE ATTACHMENT.. as the 550 distribution points through- , D" e to lll" ef ° f l8a? 0re 0wen3’ al Laura JtfungerjBeawerereelrtdwfiifiip; out the state are now open, with °* ber ™ rk had not been completed In the case o f ' Lee R. Thomas Edna Graham, Xenia, Third ward; _.plenty_of-eler ical-help-to eare for t h e ^ ^ 1™ -of th^ publication-or the against William Hyslop in Common Wilbur Weaver, Xenia township, public. As in early Christmas buying, Jonor rf ,laf ™eeS J 1”8 Thas Pleas Court, the. court has ordered Petit jury—Nelson Corbin, Xenia, those who purchase license plates been satisfactorily x/ade up arid Isa- that sheep and colts owned by the de­ Fourth ward; H. C. Fisher, Jefferson early in December, are saved a loss f ° reS name 13 to be added to the fendant and attached by the sheriff, township; A. S. Ankeney, Beavercreek of time and many inconveniences ,onor ro • !)e discharged from the attachment be township; Roland Varner, Beavercreek caused by putting off until tomorrow, ■ Xmas Seal Sale cause Hyslop has furnished bond to -township; Orin Ledbetter, Xenia, Sec­ that which could be done today. I PuPds ° f the fifth, sixth, seventh, the plaintiff in an amount double ond ward; H. E. Bales, Caesarcreek * * * j and eighth grades are helping in the Thomas’ claim. township; Alice D. Carr, Miami'town­ . Treasurer of State Edwin A. Todd i against tuberculosis by selling ship; Robert Johnson, Xenia, Fourth is recipient of numerous compliments Xmas seals- The sales have been very WIFE ASKS DIVORCE ward; . Samuel Haines, Sugarcreek township; James Hawkins, Xenia . for the exceptionally fine reports ®ood' iCopjjifkt, On the ground her husband, Walter township; Harvey Coates, Xenia, First which, has been issued from his office. ■; Chapel Hilton, whom she married June 18, ’ Treasurer Todd’s financial statement! The Annual Staff had charge of the 1925, is confined in Ohio Penitentiary, ward; Anna Horen, Xenia, First ward; for the month of November shows' Chapel Pr°Sram this week. Granville Still Counting Vote serving a twenty-year minimum sent­ C. M. Knick, Xenia township; Walter . that there was a balance of $1,709-,-iP m t* announced the numbers. Th?,i APPEALS COURT LieutenantGovemor ence for robbery, imposed in Clark Stearns, Caesarcreek township; Elmer RELLEFRNTAINE Wetzel, Sugarcreek township; Charles 448.98 in the general revenue fund to ! Scriptur® was Tead by Gladys Pullin'j County courts, September 2, 7925, begin the month of December. The!who 8,30 ,ed in the Lord’s Prayer. The] Edith Hilton has filed suit in Common A. Bone, Xenia, Second Ward; George disbursements during the past month; sPacml numbers for the program were, HOLDS COOPER The contest between John Brov.u,’ HOST TO 5000 Pleas Court seeking a divorce'and Bradley, Xenia, Firat ward; C. 'Ray amounted to $8,579,253.90. The balance | a sone “There’s Music in. the Air” , by [ . Ghampaign county, Republican, andi restoration to her" maiden name. They Reid, Ross township; Edna Smith, on hand November 30th was $9,769*-.a Quartette composed of Mary Mar 'William Pickrel, Dayton, Democrat,1 have no children. Bath township. j 658.79. Disbursements in the hichwa’v* Saret McMillan, Dorothea Corry, Paul' XEN*A ’ °b»o.—Decision from the for lieutenant governor continues, the ! BELLEFONTAINE, O— Some 5000 department during November totaled i Rife* and Virgil Flatter, a reading b y !c,ourt °* aPPeal® was announced Fn- fatter having filed a suit in Supreme; persons from surrounding counties and DIVORCE SOUGHT Mrs. Lydia K. Wiggans $4,875,866.06.su svk aim no Treasurer. Todd shows1 Esther! Esther Waddle,Waddle, and and a a violin violin duet by;h v!day’ upholding . them sentence. ntuin ofri]. from . cou rt askingasking thatthat hirhfa ecertificate of j from more remote sections of the Della Louise Jeffries has brought election be granted by the' secretary Estate were in attendance at Barbecue Claims Song Award a balance in the workmen’s compensa- i Garma Hostetler and Loelia Griffin. | . suit in Common Pleas Court seeking f tibn fund at the end of November of) Mr* Theodore Hammond, President of state. Brown had asked for a re- day, Monday, for the judging of the a divorce from Edwin Archibald Jef­ $51,047,828.54 and in the state teach- of the Greenfield Publishing Company IJ J *' 22’ ° f Cd1, ,n Novenibe^ check in certain counties. Meantime ^ pedigreed steers which have been fries, 29 Jasper St., Dayton, whom Mrs. Lida Keck Wiggans, Spring- ers’ retirement system fund o f $48,-! sp°ke on the “Advantages of ,a School ’ the Democratic organisation has been raised thi year by the 67 boy and girl she charges has not bought a stitch of field, former resident of Cedarville, 735,600.85. j Annual.” His talk Was instructive and Hitchcock was killed during a fight checking in counties, afid last Friday members of the Logan county 4-H clothing for either his .wife or their well known magazine writer, has * * ♦ , j interesting to all and especially to the with Cooper over a line of traps. A t found that Pickrel had a gain of 117 Steer Feeding club, two children, Earl, 14, and Dorothy, claimed the $500 award offered by his first trial Cooper was found guilty Warning is issued by Director Char- • members of the Annual Staff. votes due to error fa -reporting the A parade of the stock was held in 11, within the -last three years. The John L. Clifton, State Director of of first degree murder, with a recom­ correct vote from St- parts and an- the morning, the Bellefontaine high Education, for a new Ohio State sofig. les A. Neal of the State Department Cedarville vs.
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