For enquiries on this agenda please contact: Leah O'Donovan 020 8547 4623 e-mail:[email protected] This agenda is available on www.kingston.gov.uk/CommitteeMinutes 15 July 2010 PLEASE NOTE VENUE AGENDA A meeting of the KINGSTON TOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE will be held at the NORTH KINGSTON CENTRE, RICHMOND ROAD, KINGSTON UPON THAMES on MONDAY 19 JULY 2010 at 7:30 pm Members of the Committee Canbury Ward Councillor Geoff Austin Councillor Andrea Craig Councillor Tim Dennen Grove Ward Councillor Chrissie Hitchcock Councillor Barry O'Mahony (Vice-Chair) Councillor Marc Woodall Norbiton Ward Councillor Stephen Brister Councillor David Ryder-Mills (Chair) Councillor Penny Shelton Tudor Ward Councillor David Cunningham Councillor Dennis Doe Councillor Frank Thompson EMERGENCY EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS These will be announced at the beginning of the meeting. INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Details on access to the meeting, asking questions, speaking on items and other information are just after the list of items. 2 QUESTION TIME The first 30 minutes are available to deal with questions to the Chair from members of the public. Further details are contained in the Further Meeting Information section overleaf. RUNNING ORDER Please note that the list of items below is NOT a running order Items may be taken in a different order depending on the interests of the members of the public present at the meeting. Please fill out a pink form, available at the start of the meeting, if you would like to request that a particular item is heard earlier. AGENDA A APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE B MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2010 C PETITIONS To receive any petitions from residents. D DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to state any interests - personal or prejudicial – on items on this agenda. 1. LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - 2011/12 PROGRAMME Appendix A 2. HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE 2010/11 Appendix B 3. PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN BRIEF FOR NEW Appendix C SECONDARY SCHOOL ON THE NORTH KINGSTON CENTRE SITE 4. WORK PROGRAMME Appendix D 5. URGENT ITEM AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR - PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT: HOUSING 3 PLEASE NOTE – FURTHER MEETING INFORMATION ACCESS TO MEETINGS All meetings have access for people who may have mobility difficulties. If there are stairs a lift or stairlift is available. - • Toilet facilities will be easily accessible from the meeting room. • An induction loop is also provided, this may, depending on the building, only be available in the first two or three rows. • People who have a visual impairment may prefer to sit in the front rows particularly if they use a viewer. This may appear similar to a camera. QUESTION TIME 1. Questions may be submitted in writing before the meeting or handed in at the start of the meeting on the pink forms provided. For enquiries or to submit a question in advance, please contact Leah O'Donovan 020 8547 4623 e-mail:[email protected] 2. After written questions have been dealt with, if time allows, other questions may be tabled at the meeting. 3. Where a full reply cannot be given at the meeting, a written reply will be sent to the questioner, members of the Committee and the local press. 4. The Chair may disallow any question which, in his/her opinion, is vulgar or abusive, irrelevant or otherwise objectionable. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION DURING THE MEETING During the course of the meeting, the Chair, at his/her discretion, may allow contributions and questions from residents of the Neighbourhood. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS Meetings are held at the Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames and start at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated. May 2010 – April 2011 Neighbourhood Committee Planning Sub-Committee – meetings marked # will be combined with the Neighbourhood Committee Wednesday 21 July 2010 Wednesday 15 September 2010 Wednesday 15 September 2010 # Wednesday 20 October 2010 Wednesday 10 November 2010 Wednesday 15 December 2010 Wednesday 19 January 2011 Wednesday 9 February 2011 Wednesday 9 March 2011 Wednesday 6 April 2011 4 NEIGHBOURHOOD INFORMATION SHEET Welcome to this meeting. The following information explains the way some things are done at the meeting and some of the procedures. Do you want to ask a question or are you here for a particular item There are some pink slips on the chairs and there are more copies. These can be used to ask a question or to ask for an item to be taken earlier in the meeting. Please fill in the relevant part and hand this in to the Committee Secretary at the top table. Making a point on a particular item At the Chair’s discretion, you may make a contribution to the debate on an item. To attract the Chair’s attention please raise your hand. This does not apply to planning applications where different arrangements apply. WHAT ARE INTERESTS/EXECUTIVE DECISIONS/CALL IN Like all organisations, the Council has its own ‘jargon’. On the agenda and during debates you will see/hear the following phrases. Interests Councillors must say if they have an interest in any of the items on the agenda. Interests may be personal or prejudicial. In general terms, a private interest is where the item could be viewed as benefiting the well-being or financial position of themselves, a relative or a friend more than it would other residents/businesses, etc. in the borough. A prejudicial interest is where it would be reasonable for a member of the public to take the view that a Councillor’s personal interest in the matter is so significant that their judgement of the public interest may be prejudiced. Depending on the interests declared it may be necessary for the Councillor to leave the meeting. The detail on interests is in Part 5A of the Constitution - Members’ Code of Conduct. Executive Decisions This covers most of the decisions made at the Committee with the exception of decisions on planning applications/ planning enforcement/tree preservation orders and licensing applications. The point on executive decisions is that they can be called in for review. The call in period is 5 days after the minutes have been published. Decisions are not, therefore, acted upon until it is clear that they are not going to be called in. The call in procedure is explained overleaf. Minutes The minutes briefly summarise the item and record the decision. They do not record who said what during the debate. 5 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEES : DECISIONS AND THE CALL IN PROCEDURE General 1. The deadline for calling in decisions is 5 working days from when the minutes are published. The 5:00pm deadline and the date are stated on the minutes. 2. The call in request together with a statement of the reasons for the matter having been called-in should be made in writing to the Democratic Support Officer mentioned in the minutes. A letter, e-mail or fax will be accepted. 3. Decisions can be called in by • Three or more Councillors, • the Chair of the Scrutiny Panel, • the Chair of a Neighbourhood Committee affected by the proposal • 100 interested people - defined as anyone who lives, works, studies or owns a property or business in the Borough. 4. A decision can only be called in once. Does the call-in process change the decision? 5. Other Neighbourhoods - where there is an impact on them – the Scrutiny Panel and indeed the Council, can review decisions made by Neighbourhood Committees. However only the Neighbourhood can change its original decision. If it is not prepared to revise or amend the decision it will be implemented. The only exceptions are where the decision is contrary to the policy framework, or budget. In these exceptional circumstances the Council can decide the issue. 6. The same ‘rules’ apply to any decisions of the Executive that are called in. What happens when a Neighbourhood decision is called in. 7. When a Neighbourhood decision is called in it will referred to the Scrutiny Panel for review. However if the Chair of another Neighbourhood Committee has called it in because they believe that the impact of the decision adversely affects their Neighbourhood, it will be referred to that Neighbourhood Committee. The Scrutiny Panel or Neighbourhood, as appropriate, will review the decision and may decide that no further action is necessary, in which case the decision will be implemented. 8. If the Scrutiny Panel or Neighbourhood Committee reviewing the decision has concerns the other steps which can be taken are 1. The reviewing Neighbourhood can (a) send the issue back to the decision making Neighbourhood with its views and a request that the decision is reconsidered taking account of these views; (b) send the decision to the Scrutiny Panel for further review. 2 The Scrutiny Panel can (a) send the issue back to the decision making Neighbourhood with its views and a request that the decision is reconsidered taking account of these views. Member(s) of the Scrutiny Panel have a right to attend the Neighbourhood to explain their concerns; (b) send the decision on to the Full Council for scrutiny and debate – but the Council can only change the decision in exceptional circumstances. A1 APPENDIX A KINGSTON TOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE 19 JULY 2010 2011-12 LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (LIP) FUNDING APPLICATION REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION SUMMARY The Council is required to make a LIP funding application to Transport for London (TfL) by 8 October 2010 in order to secure funding for local transport initiatives in 2011/12. This report sets out which schemes officers recommend should be implemented during 2011/12, along with indicative funding requirements for continued funding for these schemes in 2012/13 and 2013/14.
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