MYSTERIES OF THE SUFI PATH The Sufi Community in Jordan and Its Zawiyas, Hadras and Orders Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan National Library Submission No. (2020/12/5184) Abu Rumman, Mohammed Sulaiman Mystiries of the Sufi Path: The Sufi Community in Jordan and Its Zawiyas, Hadras and Orders. Translated by William Ward, - Amman: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (374) pages Deposite Number: 2020/12/5184 Descriptors: Sufi Orders/Sufism/Islamic Groups The author bears full legal liability for the content of his work. This work does not reflect the opinion of the Department of the National Library or any other government authority. Publisher: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Jordan and Iraq Office Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – Amman Office PO Box 941876, Amman 11194, Jordan Email: [email protected] Website: www.fes-jordan.org Not for sale © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office All rights reserved. This book may not be reprinted, stored, reproduced, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including by electronic means or computer – such as photocopying, recording, or using any information storage and retrieval system – without prior written authorization from the publisher. The views contained in this study do not necessarily reflect the views of Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung. The writer is personally responsible for the content of the portion he or she wrote. • Cover design:Huda Khalil Al Sha’ir • Design of interior: Eman Khattab • Printer: Alam Alfiker Printing Press • ISBN: (978-9923-759-21-9) MYSTERIES OF THE SUFI PATH The Sufi Community in Jordan and Its Zawiyas, Hadras and Orders Dr. Mohammed Abu Rumman FOREWORD By Tim O. Petschulat, Resident Direc- tor, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Jordan & Iraq Once again, we proudly present a well-researched and skilfully written study from Dr.Mohammad Abu Rumman. Our rich coopera- tion began in 2007 when FES published his book on the Muslim Bro- therhood in the Jordanian Parliamentary Elections 2007 as part of a series on Islamic politics in Jordan. Every year since then, further publications on Political Islam and socio-religious trends followed, were authored, co-authored or edited by Dr.Abu Rumman. Only the year 2019 saw a break in our researchcooperation when Dr. Abu Rumman accepted a call to public service and joined Prime Minister Omar Razzaz’s third cabinet as both Minister of Youth and Culture. Understandably, but much to our regret, his new and demanding role did not leave room for anything else. By 2020, when his service with government came to an end, we were all the happier- to see him return to research which he took on againprolifically. “Mysteries of the Sufi Path” is his third FES-publication this year and his twentieth since 2007. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all those with an in- terestin the history and present-day state of Sufism and its many manifestations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. There is much to learn from this book about the rivalry between Salafism and Sufism and the footprint both traditions left and continue to leave on Jorda- nian institutions and society at large. 6 • FOREWORD Dr.Abu Rumman critically reviews and dismisses conspiracy theories about Sufism. He also explains the reasons for the often- distorted public image of Sufism in Jordan. While the author’s ap- proach to the object of his research is empathetic, he keeps, as al- ways, an academic distance. In his last chapter, Dr. Abu Rumman gives his most interesting insights into the female side of Sufism and about Sufi Art, Literature and Culture. Dr. Abu Rumman’s ability to combine dedication, diligent productivity, accumulated expertise, love for detail and apparent joy in research does not cease to impress me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him on behalf of FES for his uncompromising commitment and loyalty - and of course for yet another excellent ad- dition to our library. FES is a value driven organisation. We believe in social democ- racy. Our activities around the globe promote social justice, human rights and a thriving but sustainable economy. Our research activity on the various Islamic traditions and their footprints on society is aimed at a better understanding of the social, religious and cultural fabric of contemporary Jordan as por- trayed by academics, development professionals and diplomats. We hope that this book will contribute to a better understand- ing of a major spiritual and mystic manifestation of Islam in general and the role it has within the Jordanian society in particular. May you enjoy reading it as much as I did. For anyone interested in more of his publications: You’ll find them in the publication section of our website www.fes-jordan.org – both in English and Arabic. If they were entrusted with a secret, you would see their breasts as graves for secrets above any power to convey From the Diwan of Ibn Al-Farid If they reveal the secret, their blood is licit, as is the blood of the lovers Al-Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul (the Murdered) 8 • THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER 1 • 9 Dedicated to - Samah, Fares, and Sarah, who are my life and represent the mystery of beauty in this world - Those who seek light in the midst of darkness, meaning among the clouds, and beauty beyond the rubble - The many loving souls I have met in this pleasant journey 10 • THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER 1 • 11 THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This book and the associated painstaking research effort to bring it into the light, for it to find its way into being, would not exist if not for a group of friends who were truly partners in making it happen. Sufis and gnostics believe that a student must have a shaykh to lead him in his progress along a safe path amid worlds ofdesolate roads. I had two guides as a help to me at all stages in the develop- ment of this book. Wherever I stumbled, encountered a difficulty, or ran into a barrier, wherever a thorny or inscrutable matter arose, they intervened immediately and said: Keep going until you reach the end. Shaykh Awn Al-Qaddoumi, whom I incessantly consulted, avid- ly seeking out his generosity, did not stint in facilitating the “mission” of reaching shaykhs and members of Sufi orders. He also shared his mastery of Sufism’s minutiae and his deep experience with its major figures and orders. Shakir Musa Al-Kilani, The Sufism expert not only in Jordan but on an Arab and global level, has been initiated into Sufi orders by more than one shaykh and is familiar with their intricacies, histories, concepts, and stories. Hardly a day went by that we were not in con- tact to discuss issues, information, and the minutiae of Sufism gener- ally and in Jordan in particular. In addition to these individuals, an eminent array of distin- guished figures showed no impatience, weariness, or annoyance at my constant intrusions upon them with questions or requests for help and assistance in accessing certain knowledge or people on the 12 • THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT journey toward this book: Shaykh Mustafa Abu Rumman, Shaykh Fawaz Al-Tabba‘, Dr. Muadh Said Hawwa, and Muadh Na’il Al- Musalaha. Of course, I cannot forget my friend and companion in most of my books and research, the one who always makes you feel that he is beside you and who draws you into in-depth discussions and dialo- gues, Hassan Abu Hanieh. He graciously reviewed the manuscript and provided comments, edited it, and checked it for academic, tech- nical, and linguistic accuracy. I also give my sincere thanks to my brother Abdullah Abu Rumman, a former minister and current ambassador, for his academ- ic and linguistic review of the manuscript, and to my friend Haitham Hossan, a media professional and researcher, who provided valuable copyediting comments on the manuscript. Finally, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Amman graciously – as usual – paid the cost of this project. Its director Tim Petschulat and my friend Yousef Ibrahim were in constant contact to complete the project and provide any services toward its publication, as is FES practice. Since this fruitful partnership began more than a decade and a half ago, we together have completed many Arabic references and books that have been translated into English, German, and some- times French, not to mention the unauthorized versions in Turkish and Persian. If not for this pioneering institution and the tremendous assistance it provides, we would not be able to carry out these “re- search missions” and present the knowledge produced. CHAPTER 1 • 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication 9 Thanks and Acknowledgement 11 Preface 15 Introduction: Guideposts on the Sufi Path 27 Chapter 1: State and Society: Sufism vs. Salafism 59 1: OfLicial Religious Policies 65 2: Socio-Cultural Transformation 85 Chapter 2: From Orders to a Network 113 1: SuLi Orders: Founding and Spread 117 2: Institutional and Networked SuLism: The Youth Generation 135 Chapter 3: In the Sufi House: Orders, Shaykhs, and Zawiyas 161 1: The Shadhili “School” in Jordan 167 2: Branches of the Rifa‘i Order in Jordan 215 3: The Khalwati-Jami‘a-Rahmani Order 243 4: The Naqshbandi-Haqqani Order: Attracting Youth 257 5: The Ba‘Alawi Order: SuLism Ascendant 277 Chapter 4: Niches Within Sufism: Community, Women, and Culture 295 1: “I am SuLi” 299 2: Women’s SuLism: Shaykhas in the Shadows 323 3: “Invisible” SuLism: Literature, Culture, Art 335 Conclusion: Sufism and the Question of Reform 349 Bibliography 359 14 • THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PREFACE The date is May 25, 2019. The place, the Culture Palace in Al Hussein Youth City. The occasion: Jordan’s 73rd Independence Day. The crowd is watching a shaykh in his late 80s, with a long, white beard, dark clothes, a white cloth covering his head, and a long strand of white prayer beads in his hand.
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