R A CHICAGO ANIMATORS STAR IN VIDEO PRODUCTION Videotaping of interviews with three Chicago animators was recently completed for the program Chica~o Animators, a half-hour documentary co-produced by ASIFA Central and Pathway Productions. The show features Gordon Sheehan, former Fleischer animator and Chica~o pioneer; Paul Jessel, animation Dd re c tor- for Goldsholl and As so i ca tes r and r,:onica Kendall, Student-Academy Award winner and freelance animator. GOLDSHOLLS GOES TO THE 1I:0VIES Goldsholl and Associates recently completed three animated movie openers for WGN Television. The spots, produced with a variety of techniques, will be used as openers for Channel Nine's movies. SUPPORT AS!FA TODAY ASIFA is the !/idwest's only organized animation society. We are more than just film buffs. We are professionals from various fields interested in promoting and expanding film animation in the Midwest. We are a connection in a great International network of animators, producers, historians, and of course; film lovers. 1985 has been declared the Year of Animation by ASIFA Internatl0nal. It is also the tenth year of our existence. We would like to make this a special year for ASIFA Central. Attend our meetings and programs. Talk up ASIFA among,:(our friends and colleagues. If you want to learn more about ASIFA a~l. ts programs, call us at 764-0776. Let's all help ASIFA to grow and continue to bring quality animation to the Midwest. fffj~ffnn))\n)))nnnfnn))n))fj~nnf)j(}?~}{}}{}~~~~~~~~}~~~??~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))~: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ , . '.' '::::::::::::::::::::::: .....••.•................•............. , TREASURER'S REPORT , , , , ....................................... , , . , :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Treasurer Marie Cenkner has submitted the following figures for our 1983- ::::::::::::::::::::::: :':':':':.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:1 84 fisical year I .:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:-:' mmt?? m j ~j ~ j ~~ ~~ j~ ~~ ~j ~ t ~~?? ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: g~~i~~ 8~4 59r~!~~ 1 984 [~~ ~ ~ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ j ~ ~::::::':"':: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~} {m jj j~ ~ ~ j j ~ j ~ ~ j j r .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.: ' Closinp.: $241.22 1:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ......................................................................................................... Dues taken in $450.00 ~ . ' {{{::::~: .... -::::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:}}~{{{{Disbursments $588. 04 :~:~:}~{::::::., ::~:~:~:}~{{{:~:}}}~{:~:: ............. Bank charges $80.00 '.............. , ::::II:!::·· . ···:t:I:::~!~!~!~:m~~~::::{:n:::~:7:~::~~:::~:~:::~:~:r~~(:~::.~2~;:g::::!:!(::~:::~::::;:.:::::::::~::::t::r::::::~::::n:::::::::::I:}: ::::::::::::::::::" . -:-::::::::::::: These figures do not accurately refleot the fisioal condition of the :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::: ohapter as witnessed by the following figures 1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::, CHAPTER EXPENSES NOT COVERED BY TREASURY 10/83 - 4/84 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............................................. - - - , ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :.: .:.: -:. :,.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:. : -:.:. Program e xpens es :.:.:.:.:-:-:.:-:.: -:.:-:.: -:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:' .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Deanna Morse honorarium .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $1.50. 00 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................................... Best Amerioan Animation of the 80's .'.: ............•., :::::::::::::::::::I::::&j::::::::::::':::::::I: ~~~i~~~r Animation Total, $5;;. 21 ::::::::::::::::::::::~~~:::~::::::::l:}t ............................. I.... , . , ........•....................... ......... " ' '....... ... Ch ap t er opera t' lng expenses .................."..6." ••••••••• . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::, ':.:::::::::: Postage and shipping ::::::::::::::::::::. '.::::::::::::::: ........................... $158.90 ' ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::............. .:::::::::::::N$1 ewsletter87.12 and printing ::::::::::::::::::::::::~ :::::::::::::: . ,....................t~~~~\~~(\\\::(({{\..... i~I:~~ate filing fees Totall $357 .22 //~~~}(}~~~~:::::::::((~~~}. :tt\)(((?/~})~(:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(?~\{{/{~t~??(\r ~:~~':~-:-:-:-:·> .. :..H.:~These expe1'l.ses-wePe-fla-id-0ut of he President '-s pocket with the knowledge .:-:.:-:-:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.: :·:·:·:-:-:·i-:·:-:-:-:-:-:·:-:·:- that the chapter ~ uld be unable to renay these monies in the near future. :-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:.:-:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::An analysis of last years operations shows that while the money ASIFA .::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:-:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-: Central takes in will support chapter onerations, we must rethink our :-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::film screening programs. In previous years we have been able to support ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:-:.:.:.:-:-:-:.:-:-:.:-:.:-:.:- our public screenings through admission fees. Of the three programs -:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:-:-:-:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::we held this year, two were poorly attended and we were unable to charge ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::admission at the third. Disappointingly, the members of ASIFACentral ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..................................h ave not supported the public screenings. The Board of Directors have .......................•. ::::;~:::::::::: voted to diseontinue our publie sereenings until a viable methodof ::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:-:-:..... .-:-:-:':-:-:': paying for them is found. This year we will concentrate on the newsletter :-:-:-:.:.:-:-:-:.:.:.:.: ::::' • ::::::::::::::: and membership meetings, and are open to suggestions in regards to program ::::::::::::.:::::::::::: ::::'. .<::::::::::: ideas. This subject will be discussed in greater detail at the October :::::::::' .-:::::::: ::::::::-. :::::::::: 28th membership meeting. ::::::.' "':::: ~~?\::::::~:~~)~{}\\{rt)m)j\\m})\\/)tt)))j))/////?~)))))))){(}~~? ~~j .I:-:-:':':':':':':-:':-:':-:...............................~:': ~~MBERSHIP RENEWALS .':-:. :.:. ................................ Due to the cost of mailing renewal notices I the practioe of sending . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::individual notices will be discontinued. The following members are due for :::::::;:-:.::::::::::: ......... _....... renewal in January 19851 . ~{{/}~~~??~/ ~!~: ~~~~~er ~:~fe~!s~:~ii ~~((}}}~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Paul CharI ton Christine Lux :::::::::::::::::;::::: .:-;.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -: -:.:.:.:: ~~~~r~eE~~;~dS ~:;~a~~~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:-:.:-:.: -:.:.:.: )))))))) ~H~:~~~~~~;hOll ~~~:;~~!~~:r ~)j/((/~ :::::::::::' .-::::::::: Stan Hughes ::::::::::::::::::::::: .;.:-:.:.:-........... ~-:.:-: NEW MEMBERS :.:.:.:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:. i:i::::( ):i::: 2~~~~t:i::nweleom. t~~~~;i~~~~~~::b::e::~dUetions :::~::~ -, ~:\:: :-:-:-:-:-:'. .-:-:-:-:-:' Soott Holladay Karl Ochsner .:-:.~ .-:-:' ,.............. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '.' e " e " ••••••••• - ••••• ' • -.' ••• ' • - • - •.•••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :.:.:.:- " ~'.':':':': ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: :::!::::::::::: :::::::: I:I::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: i:: :::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::: ::::: :::::: ::::::: j ::::::::::::::::: Two vlewa of R. O. Blechman: self. portrait, right; Vertov, the vlolln·playing soldier, below. Betty Boop to return in TV special Almost 50 years after the Elephant," "Yes Virginia, heyday of her career, little There Is a Santa Claus," Betty Boop, that saucer• and the Emmy.winning eyed, bob- haired, bow. "The Lion, the Witch and lipped cartoon flapper of the Wardrobe," based on the '30s, is being brought . The Chronicles 01 Marmia back to life by animator by C.S. Lewis. Bill Melemdez. He has been an animator As well as writing and co• man remembers, "He said, Melemdez and some 30 for 45 yean. • producing The Soldier's Tale, 'JUlit give IMakavejev] a call. other people are working "It all started during the' Blechman is said in the credo . Talk to him. You'll find your on a half· hour television Depression. I went to Walt its to Iiave "designed" the ani• soldier.' So I did, and my sol• special about Miss -Boop Disney to apply for a job mation. "That's a bit dier answered the phone." that will air on CBS some• and I eould draw, 80 they time next fall. gave me one." . misleading. I was both the The last words spoken in He worked for Disney overseer of the designers and The Soldier's Tale, after the The script by New a designer myself. In many final credits, are: "Home, and Yorker Ron Friedman is from 1938·1941. cases I adapted the designs of the simple and precious
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