Avenue E & 4th St. (78205). CApitol 5 -7411. TEXARKANA (214) Bowie county TWX 512.571 -0951. Licensee: Express Communi- TEXAS-UTAH KTAL -TV (Licensed to Texarkana, Tex.- Shreve - cations Inc. Own: See Harte -Hanks Nwspr Stns, port, La. See Shreveport, La.). also Nwspr. Net, slides, live, film, tape. Net: CBS -TV. Rep: Peters, Griffin, Woodward. TYLER (214) Smith county Paul F. Harron, chmn; William E. Hobbs, pres, Rate: $850. Color: Net, slides, live, film. KLTV ch 7. Oct. 15, 1954. 316 kw vis, 50 kw gen mgr & film buyer; Jay Harmon, prog dir; Wayne Kearl, pres & gen mgr; Bill Lydle, asst aur; ant 520t/495g. Mrs. Mary Norwood, prom mgr; Paul McShane, mgr; Kent Moore, opns B. R. news dir; T. dir; McMillan, chief Box 957. (75701). LYric 2 -3873. TWX 214- Herbert Wiley, chief engr. Wash engr. Wash atty: Arnold atty: Hogan & Porter. 592 -3898. Licensee: Ch Seven Inc. Own: Mrs. & Hartson. °KLRN ch 9. Sept. 10, 1962. 298 kw vis, Lucille Ross Buford, 49 %; Marshall H. Pengra, On 14 CATV's. Trans: 8. 58.9 kw aur; ant 1,110t/1,019g. 20 %; Robert P. Buford, Gerald Barber Buford, KFDX -TV ch 3. April 12, 1953. 100 kw vis, Box 7158. Austin (78712). 471 -1631. TWX Geoffrey Ross Buford, each 10% & others. See 20 kw aur; ant 1,000t/1,045g. 512-476-7229. Licensee: Southwest Tex. Educl TV Lucille Ross Buford Stns. Box 2040. (76307). 692 -4530. TWX 817 -692- Council. Net: ABC -TV, NBC -TV, CBS -TV. Rep: Avery- 4881. Licensee: Wichitex Radio & TV Co. Own: Net: NET. Color: Slides, film, tape. Knodel. Rate: $350. Color: Net. Darrold A. Cannan, 52.5 %; D. A. Cannan Jr., Howard Robert F. Schenkkan, gen mgr; Harvey Herbst, Mrs. Lucille Ross Buford, pres; Marshall H. H. Fry, each 20% & others. Mr. Cannan stn mgr; Tom Ditzel, instructional coord; Noyes Pengra, gen mgr & film buyer; John Lenox, asst Sr. also owns 20.65% of KFDM -AM -TV Beau- mont. W. Willett, chief engr; Bill Arhos, prog dir; Glen mgr; Bonnie Lenox, prog dir; Bob Deek, prom Phillips, news dir; B. Fisher, pub dir. Wash atty: mgr; Hudson C. Collins, chief engr; Ralph John- Net: NBC -TV. Rep: Peters, Griffin, Woodward. Marcus Cohn. son, news dir. Wash atty: Haley, Bader & Potts; Rate: $500. Color: Net, slides, live, film, tape. also McKenna On 11 CATV's. Trans: 2. & Wilkinson. Darrold A. Cannan, pres; Howard H. Fry, VP, On 14 CATV's. sls mgr & film buyer; Darrold A. Cannan Jr., KONO -TV ch 12. Jan. 21, 1957. 316 kw vis, VP; Jerry Vandiver, prom mgr; Tom Crane, prog 63.2 kw aur; ant 1,480t/1,505g. VICTORIA, Victoria county dir; Jerry Adams, news dir; Bill Enloe, chief Box 2478 (78206). 226 -7611. TWX 910 -871- KXIX ch 19. (not on air, target date unknown). engr. Wash atty: Miller & Schroeder. 1022. Licensee: Outlet Co. Own: See Outlet Co. 17 kw vis, 1.9 kw aur; ant 280t/293g. On 38 CATV's. Subs: 28,800. Stns. 307 N. Vine St. (77901). Permittee: Guadelupe KSWO -TV (see Lawton, Okla.) Valley Telecasting Net: ABC -TV. Rep: Katz. Rate: $925. Color: Inc. Own: D. W. Strahan, 50 %; John Melde, & Net, slides, live, film, tape. 30% others. (Sale to South Tex. Telecasting Corp. IKIII -TV Corpus Christi) pend- J. A. Sinclair, pres; James M. Brown, VP & ing FCC approval). UTAH gen mgr; Clyde Formby, prog dir; Katie Ferguson, prom mgr; Jim Logan, news dir; George Ing, dir WACO (817) McLennan county Noncommercial. of engr. Wash atty: Amran, Hahn & Sundlun. KCEN -TV (Licensed to Temple -Waco. See KWEX -TV ch 41. June 10, 1955. 129 kw vis, Temple). LOGAN (801) Cache county 25.7 kw aur; ant 500t/598g. KWTX -TV ch 10. April 1955. 257 kw vis, 51.4 °KUSU -TV ch 12. March 1964. 31 kw vis, kw aur; ant 6.1 kw aur; ant Box 9225 (78204). CApitol 7 -4141. Telex 767- 1,140t/1,080g. -530t/260g. Utah 430. Licensee: Spanish Intl Bcstg Corp. Own: Box 7128. (76710). Plaza 6 -4451. TWX 817- State U. (84321). 752 -4100. Licensee: 756 -4420. Licensee: KWTX Utah State U. of Agric and Applied Sciences. See Spanish Intl Bcstg Stns. Bcstg Co. Own: See KWTX Stns. Dr. Burrell F. Hansen, chmn radio -TV, mgr & Rep: Spanish Intl Net. Rate: $500. Net: CBS -TV, ABC -TV. Rep: Avery- Knodel. Rate: prog dir; Jerry Allen, news dir. Frank Fouce, pres; Emilio Nicolas, gen mgr; $425 ($525 with satellite KBTX -TV Bryan). Color: Felix P. Majul, sls mgr; Leonardo Garcia, Net, slides, film, tape. OGDEN (801) Weber county stn mgr; Van Dryer, chief engr. Wash atty: Mc- M. N. (Buddy) Bostick, pres & gen mgr; Pete °KOET ch 9. Nov. 19, 1962. 21.4 kw vis, 10.7 Kenna & Wilkinson. McNee, nati sis mgr; J. M. Brinegar, loc sis kw aur; ant 750t/341g. mgr; Ralph Webb, prog WOAI -TV ch 4. Dec. 11, 1949. 100 kw vis, 11.2 mgr; Ron Hall, news 1538 Gibson Ave. (84404). 399 -3456. Licen- dir; Jesse Dove, chief engr. Wash atty: kw aur; ant 1,480t/1,531g. Fletcher, see: Ogden City Bd of Educ. Heald, Rowell, Kenehan & Hildreth. KWTX affil. Box 2641. (78206). Harold R. Hickman, gen mgr. CApitol 7.4221. TWX 512- On 9 CATV's. 571.0744. Licensee: Avco Bcstg Corp. Own: See °KWCS -TV ch 18. Oct. 10, 1960. 10 kw vis, WACO -TV ch 25 (target date Aug. 1, 1968). Avco Bcstg Stns. 2 kw aur; ant 574t/157g. 41.7 kw vis, 8.3 kw aur; ant 500t/434g. 1122 Wash Blvd. (84404). EXport 9 -2085. Li- Net: NBC -TV. Rep: Avco Radio TV Sls. Rate: Box 3158 (76707). 772 -7100. Permittee: Waco censee: Weber County School District. $925. Color: Net, slides, live, film, tape. Bcstg Corp. Own: R. E. Lee Glasgow, 100 %. Joseph Deamer, pres; Ben Van Shaar, gen mgr. John T. Murphy, pres; Edward V. Cheviot, VP & He also owns KAND Corsicana, Tex. gen mgr; John R. Stuart, gen sls mgr; Sam Spivey Net: ABC -TV. Color: Net, slides, film, tape. PROVO (801) Utah county R. E. Lee Glasgow, pres Jr., prog dir; Al Anderson, news dir; Earl Ling, & gen mgr; Edgar °KBYU-TV (Salt Lake City) ch 11. Nov. 15, Keeting, asst mgr; Jack Vinson, prom & pub dir; Charles L. Jeffers, dir engrg; chief engr. Wash 1964. 49 kw vis, 9.8 kw aur; ant 2,890t/102g. atty: Marcus Cohn. WACO -AM -FM affil. Rex Preis, VP Comm rel. Wash atty: Hogan & C -306, HFAC, Brigham Young U., Provo Hartson. WOAI affil. (84601). 374 -1211, 2663. Licensee: Brigham WESLACO (512) Hidalgo county ext Young U. SHERMAN (214) Grayson county KGBT -TV (see Harlingen). Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, pres B.Y.U.; Earl KRGV -TV ch 5. April 10, 1954. 100 kw vis, KXII (Licensed to Ardmore, Okla: Dension- Glade Jr., dir of bcst svcs; Mark Hathaway, asst 19.1 kw aur; ant 1,049t/995g. Sherman, Tex. See Ardmore, Okla.). dir; Joe E. White, prog mgr; Steve Anderson, Box 626. (78596). WOodlawn 8 -3131. TWX ITV mgr; Ralph Silver, chief engr. Wash atty: 512-968 -3086. SWEETWATER (915) Nolan county Licensee: Mobile Video tapes Inc. Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker. °KBYU -FM affil. Own: See Manship Stns. KTXS -TV (Licensed to Sweetwater -Abilene. See Abilene). Net: NBC -TV, ABC -TV. Rep: Hollingbery. Rate: SALT LAKE CITY (801) Salt Lake county $430. Color: Net, slides, film, tape. 'KBYU -W (see Provo) TEMPLE (817) Bell county Douglas L. Manship, pres; Jack H. Drake, gen KCPX -TV ch 4. April 15, 1948. 26.9 kw vis, mgr; Guy Corley, stn mgr; Earl Noel, sls mgr; KCEN -TV (Waco) ch 6. Nov. 1, 1953. 100 kw 5 kw aur; ant 3,030t/182g. Hank Page, prog dir; Leigh Cardwell, news dir; vis, 14.1 kw aur; ant 830t/833g. 130 Social Hall Ave. (84111). DAvis 2-5681. Don Forbes, chief engr. Wash atty: Marcus Cohn. TWX 801 -521 -2365. Licensee: Screen Gems Bcstg Box 188, Temple (76502). 773 -6868. TWX 817- KRGV affil. of Utah Inc. Own: See Screen Gems Stns. 467.5429. Licensee: Ch 6 Inc. Own: Frank W. May - On 2 CATV's. born, 95 %; C. A. Schulz, 5 %. See Nwspr. Net: ABC -TV. Rep: Metro TV Sis. Rate: $760. Color: Net, slides, film. Net: NBC -TV. Rep: Blair. Rate: $500. Color: WICHITA FALLS (817) Wichita county Norman Louvau, VP; Hack Woolley, gen mgr; Net, slides, film. KAUZ -TV ch 6. March 1, 1953. 100 kw vis, 20 kw aur; ant 1,020t/1,028.4g. L. Boyd Mullins, sis mgr; Dan Reinger, prog dir; Frank W. Mayborn, pres; Bob Lunquist, VP & J. Smith, prom mgr; Roy Gibson, news Box 2130. (76307). 322 -6957. TWX 817 -322- George gen mgr; Burton Bishop, VP nati sls; Dean Orton, dir; W. E. Lambourne, chief engr. Wash atty: 4801. Licensee: Mid -Texas Bcstg Corp. Own: See news dir; Curtis Casey, engr. Wash chief atty: Paul Harron Stns. (Sale to Bass Bcstg pending Fletcher, Heald, Rowell, Kenehan & Hildreth. Fisher, Wayland, KCPX -AM -FM Duvall & Southmayd. FCC approval. See Bass Bcstg Stns). affil. KWTX-TV (see Waco). Net: CBS -TV. Rep: H.R. Rate: $500. Color: For explanation of listing see page A -3. 1968 BROADCASTING YEARBOOK PAGE A-61 .
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