A YEAR WITH ZOOS VICTORIA 2015-16 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS Chair’s Message 4 Our vision is to CEO’s Message 5 Our Charter and Purpose 6 be the world’s Fighting Extinction 8 Animals of the Zoo 9 leading zoo-based Highlights 2015-16 10 Five Action Areas conservation Conservation 14 Our Animals 20 Visitors and Community 26 Our People 28 organisation. Financial Sustainability 30 Organisational Chart 32 We do this by 33 Our Workplace Profile fighting wildlife Key Performance Indicators 34 Financial Summary 36 extinction. Board Attendance 37 Board Profiles 38 Board Committees 40 Corporate Governance and Other Disclosure 41 Our Partners and Supporters 45 Financial Report 49 Southern Corroboree Frog • Pseudophryne corroboree 2 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 3 CHAIR’S MESSAGE CEO’S MESSAGE The 2015-16 financial year was one of Following on from the success of our I’m excited by what we have achieved success for Zoos Victoria with a focus 36 LEAN pioneers in 2015-16, more than in 2015-16 and look to the next year with on unlocking our potential, both as an 100 staff have now completed some form excitement and optimism. organisation and individually through of LEAN training. The training provides I would like to thank the Board, our “ We strive to profoundly each employee. the tools needed to efficiently and staff, volunteers and many supporters proactively solve problems before they Zoos Victoria continued to deliver for their help in making this year influence people to take become major issues, encouraging staff strong results both within our zoo walls such a success. action to save wildlife.” and in the wild, with record membership to ‘go see’ and identify the root cause and visitation supporting our work of problems before setting improvement Anne Ward, Chair in the recovery of our Fighting measures in place. Extinction species. Recent employee survey results indicate Zoos Victoria that job satisfaction has increased We have also committed a record Dr Jenny Gray in 2015-16 following this focus on amount of time and finances to our Chief Executive Officer professional development, growing greatest asset – our staff. In supporting Zoos Victoria their development, we are empowering from 73% in 2014-15 to 81.35%. them to play a crucial part in taking The investment in staff has also enabled More people than ever before are The Minute to Midnight Gala Ball was Zoos Victoria towards our vision of us to continue to deliver outstanding visiting our zoos, with record visitation one such occasion where we engaged becoming the world’s leading zoo-based results for our threatened species at Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary an audience not traditionally associated conservation organisation. program. Thanks to their dedication, and Werribee Open Range Zoo in 2015-16. with the Zoo. The night showcased Zoos there are more Helmeted Honeyeaters Victoria, both as a great place to visit And while we continue to attract in the wild than there has been for the and one that is committed to saving more people through our gates, we past 30 years. There were more Southern wildlife. continue to change and develop to meet Corroboree Frog eggs released to the expectations of our visitors. 2015-16 On behalf of the Board, staff and Mt Kosciuszko than ever before. And we was a year of exploration and reflection animals of Zoos Victoria, I would like now how a vibrant island population of at our zoos as we embarked on new to acknowledge the many people and Eastern Barred Bandicoots on Churchill ways to foster deeper connections organisations that have helped make Island, the first step towards taking this between our visitors and our animals. our three zoos world-leading. species off the extinction list. Technology is a great enabler in this Particularly, I would like to thank the space and in a world-first, we were able Hon. Lisa Neville for her dedication and to use Xbox Kinect technology to give advocacy for Zoos Victoria and look Melbourne Zoo’s orang-utans greater forward to continuing this strong choice and control over how and when relationship with the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio. they interact with visitors. I would also like to thank Jon Hickman, Zoos around the world are transitioning Mark Powell and Brian Cook for their from passive places people visit, to service on Zoos Victoria’s Board. organisations that can profoundly “ Our organisation has grown, influence people to take action to save wildlife. and we’re developing Zoos Victoria is at the forefront of this our staff to grow with it.” transition and we will continue to engage new audiences and ensure our zoos Anne Ward Dr Jenny Gray, CEO cater to all ages and demographics on Chair this journey. Zoos Victoria Zoos Victoria Board 4 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 5 OUR CHARTER AND PURPOSE Manner of Establishment The Zoological Parks • To provide consultancy and advice Our vision is to be the world’s and Responsible Minister and Gardens Act 1995 services to the public on zoological matters leading zoo-based conservation The Zoological Parks and Gardens The ZPGB operates under the Zoological Board (ZPGB) is the governing body Parks and Gardens Act 1995 and is • To provide services and facilities organisation. Our mission is to of Victoria’s three great zoos: responsible for the Royal Melbourne for visitors to the zoological parks Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary Zoological Gardens, Healesville Sanctuary and managed land galvanise communities to commit and Werribee Open Range Zoo. and Werribee Open Range Zoo. Zoos • To carry out any other functions Victoria is the trading name for the to the conservation of wildlife Established in 1973 as a statutory conferred on it by this or any other Act organisation managed by the Board. authority, the Board role is to protect Duties reserved for the Board include: Functions of the Board as set out and wild places by: and promote the zoos and their roles in the Act, are: • Approval of the strategic direction in conservation, research and education. and vision • To conserve, protect, manage and The Board consists of up to nine members • Opening the door to except ional improve the zoological parks • Setting appropriate Board policies appointed by the Governor in Council and managed land and the zoological providing strategic, ethical and wildlife encounters that reach on the recommendation of the Minister. collections operational guidance The responsible Ministers during the beyond the boundaries of our zoos 2015-16 reporting period were: • To promote and increase public • Approval of annual and corporate plans enjoyment of the zoological collections • the Hon Lisa Neville MP, Minister • Approval of annual financial reports and the zoological parks and • Leading the way by communicating for Environment, Climate Change and • Reviewing risks, governance and managed land Water from 1 July 2015 to 22 May 2016; internal controls and demonstrating the role of and • To increase public knowledge and • Reporting to the Minister. awareness of the zoological collections • the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister conservation and research in all and the zoological parks through for Energy, Environment and Climate exhibition of the zoological collections, Change from from 23 May 2016 to that we do publications, educational programs, 30 June 2016. advisory services and other activities • Catalysing action through • To carry out and promote zoological research, the conservation of wildlife inspiring experiences that motivate and its natural habitats and the partic ipation leading to conservation maintenance of biodiversity • To advise the Minister on matters and sustainability outcomes relating to the Board’s functions and powers or on any other matter referred to by the Minister 6 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 ZOOS VICTORIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015–16 7 FIGHTING EXTINCTION ANIMALS OF THE ZOO Our Fighting Extinction commitment Melbourne Zoo The oldest zoo in the WERRIBEE is to ensure that no native Victorian southern hemisphere. MELBOURNE HEALESVILLE ZOOS Melbourne Zoo weaves together our ZOO SANCTUARY OPEN RANGE VICTORIA terrestrial vertebrate species goes people, visitors and animals to ZOO orchestrate a profound experience extinct on our watch. that connects visitors with wildlife and empowers them to help us fight In the last 200 years, 29 Australian extinction – all just minutes from mammal species have become extinct the heart of the city. 1921 15 36 1972 with many more approaching the INVERTEBRATES INVERTEBRATES INVERTEBRATES INVERTEBRATES brink of extinction. Sadly, this threat of extinction remains a very real and Healesville Sanctuary imminent danger that requires an A destination that celebrates and urgent response. showcases Australian biodiversity. 167 10 13 190 Zoos Victoria’s Wildlife Conservation Healesville Sanctuary offers the FISH FISH FISH FISH Master Plan provides a pathway to ultimate Australian wildlife conservation recovery for 20 of Australia’s most experience, surrounded by fauna, flora endangered species. and indigenous culture for a rich understanding of the Australian This plan is enabling practical actions to 690 181 13 884 environment. This is the hub of our AMPHIBIANS AMPHIBIANS AMPHIBIANS AMPHIBIANS help save some of our most endangered fighting extinction activity as we native species from extinction including work with more than 10 breeding and the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Baw Baw recovery programs operating from Frog and the Orange-bellied Parrot. this bushland haven. 217 98 28 343 Innovative new programs will ensure REPTILES REPTILES REPTILES REPTILES species in the wild can prosper, as Werribee Open Range Zoo we work with key partners to develop urgent actions to help give wildlife Joining the African savannah with a future they deserve. the grasslands of Australia. Uniquely located on the banks of the Werribee River, the Werribee Open 294 825 38 1157 Range Zoo transports you straight to BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS the wild landscapes of Africa, Australia, America and Asia.
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