Tulalip Continuing Education September 18, 2016

Tulalip Continuing Education September 18, 2016

Tulalip Continuing Education September 18, 2016 7:30-8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast Advancements in Dry Eye Therapies 8:00-9:00 Workbook Pages 2-10 Dr. Roya Habibi Confident Management of Medical Emergencies that Present in the 9:00-11:00 Workbook Pages 11-32 Optometric Practice Dr. Tad Buckingham Medical Malpractice – What Every 11:00-12:00 OD Should Know Workbook Page 33 Dr. James Santoro 12:00-1:00 Lunch Treatment Options for Irregular 1:00-3:00 Corneas Workbook Pages 34-45 Dr. Roya Habibi Upcoming CE Events Workbook Page 46 To our Tulalip CE Sponsors Workbook Page 1 of 46 $GYDQFHPHQWVLQ 'U\(\H 'LVFORVXUHV 7KHUDSLHV (GXFDWLRQFRQVXOWDQWZLWK9DOOH\&RQWD[ 5R\D+DELEL2')$$2)6/6 (\H$VVRFLDWHV1RUWKZHVW &OLQLFDO$VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRURI&HQWHUIRU(\H&RPIRUW (\H$VVRFLDWHV1RUWKZHVW3UHVHQW SRSXODWLRQ 0HGLFDO&RQWDFW/HQV5HVLGHQW &DVH\(\H,QVWLWXWH2+68 $IIHFWHGE\GU\H\HV\PSWRPV 2'&DQGLGDWH 8&%HUNHOH\2SWRPHWU\6FKRRORI2SWRPHWU\ Workbook Page 2 of 46 3XUSRVHRI7HDU)LOP 9LVLRQ &RPIRUW 3URWHFWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH /Ζ3Ζ'SUHYHQWHYDSRUDWLRQRI $48(286SURWHFWVWKHFRUQHD WHDUV IURPHQYLURQPHQWSURYLGH QXWULHQWVWRFRUQHD 6RXUFH0HLERPLDQ*ODQGV $YHUDJH$QQXDO3DWLHQW&RVW ΖPPXQRJOREXOLQ$ ODFWRIHUULQO\VR]\PHV 08&Ζ1&UHDWHVZDWHUORYLQJ (OHFWURO\WHVR[\JHQ K\GURSKLOLF DWWDFKPHQWVWRD *URZWKIDFWRUVDQWLR[LGDQWV ZDWHUIHDULQJ K\GURSKRELF FRUQHDSURYLGHVOXEULFDWLRQ 6RXUFH/DFULPDO$FFHVVRU\*ODQG 6RXUFH(SLWKHOLDO&HOOV*REOHW &HOOV/DFULPDO*ODQG ,PSURYHG7UHDWPHQW 2SWLRQV 0XOWLIDFWRULDO&KURQLF'LVHDVH Workbook Page 3 of 46 %OHSKDULWLV7UHDWPHQW*RDOV :KDWLVWKHVRXUFHRIWKHSUREOHP" $YRLG(\HΖUULWDQWV (IIHFWLYHO\5HPRYH)ORUD Ɣ 6XOIDWHV Ɣ 0DQXDO5HPRYDOΖQ2IILFH Ɣ 'LR[DQHV ż %OHSK([ Ɣ (\H+HDOWK\&OHDQHUV %OHSKDULWLV7UHDWPHQW2SWLRQV 0HLERPLDQ*ODQG$QDO\VLV &RQYHQWLRQDO 1HZ Workbook Page 4 of 46 0HLERPLDQ*ODQG7UHDWPHQW2SWLRQV 0HLERPLDQ*ODQG7UHDWPHQW*RDOV &RQYHQWLRQDO 1HZ ΖPSURYH0HLEXP (YDFXDWH%ORFNHG*ODQGV &RPSRVLWLRQ Ɣ :DUP0RLVW+HDW Ɣ 3KDUPDFHXWLFDOV Ɣ 3K\VLFDOO\UHPRYHEORFNDJHV ż 7RSLFDO Ɣ /LG0DVVDJH ż 2UDO Ɣ 0DQXDO5HPRYDO Ɣ 1XWUDFHXWLFDOV ż 3URELQJ" 0HLERPLDQ*ODQG7UHDWPHQW0HLEXP&RPSRVLWLRQ ΖQIODPPDWRU\&RPSRQHQW 'R[\F\FOLQH$]LWKURP\FLQ 2PHJD6XSSOHPHQWDWLRQ Workbook Page 5 of 46 $]LWKURP\FLQ 7RSLFDO2UDO YV2UDO'R[\F\FOLQH 2PHJDDQG/LG,QIODPPDWLRQ GD\$]LWKURP\FLQ =3DFN YVPR ZHHNV$]DVLWHW[YVZHHNV :HVWHUQGLHWUDWLR 'R[\F\FOLQH 'R[\F\FOLQH 2PHJD2PHJD 6LJQLILFDQWLPSURYHPHQWLQ26'ΖZLWK 'LIIHUHQWPHFKDQLVPVRIDFWLRQ ERWK 6WDELOL]HGWHDUILOP \HDUWUHDWPHQWRPHJDYVSODFHER %XOEDUUHGQHVVDQGRFXODUVXUIDFHVWDLQLQJ 'HFUHDVHGV\PSWRPVRIGU\H\H VLJQLILFDQWO\EHWWHULQ$]LWKURP\FLQ UHGXFWLRQLQRPHJDFRQWHQWVLQ5%& 6LGH(IIHFWV ΖPSURYHPHQWLQ7%8726'ΖPHLEXPVFRUH 0LOGEXUQLQJZLWK$]DVLWH 1RWDOO2PHJDFUHDWHGHTXDOO\ XSVHW*ΖZLWKGR[\F\FOLQH .DVKNRXOLHWDO%ULWLVK-RXU2SKWKDO )RXONVHWDO&RUQHD-DQ 0DFVDLHWDO7UDQV$P2SKWKDOPRO6RF'HF 0HLERPLDQ*ODQG7UHDWPHQW(YDFXDWLQJ*ODQGV /LSL)ORZ7UHDWPHQW 0HOWLQJ0HLEXP 7UHDWPHQWUHVXOWVLQ Ɣ ΖQFUHDVHG r& r) IRUaPLQVUHTXLUHGWRPHOWPHLEXP ż 7HDUVHFUHWLRQ H[SUHVVLEOHJODQGV ż /LSLGOD\HUWKLFNQHVV *ODQG([SUHVVLRQ ż ΖQFUHDVHG7%87 Ɣ 'HFUHDVHG 7ROHUDWHVSVL ż )UHTXHQF\DQGVHYHULW\RI &DQQHHGXSWRSVL 3$Ζ1 V\PSWRPV 0DQXDO([SUHVVLRQYLD3URELQJ &OLQLFDO5HVXOWV 3RWHQWLDOGDPDJHWRGHOLFDWHV\VWHP" UHSRUWHGLPSURYHPHQWVLQRYHUDOO GU\H\HV\PSWRPV &RUQHD'HF Workbook Page 6 of 46 %OLQNLQJ([HUFLVHV 2FXODU6XUIDFH$QDO\VLV 6WUHQJWKHQVOLGPXVFOHV DQGLPSURYHDZDUHQHVV $GKHUHQFH3DWWHUQ /XEULFDWLRQ'HILFLHQF\ 5HIOH[7HDU 7HDU3URGXFWLRQ %DVDO 3URGXFWLRQ 7HDU3URGXFWLRQ ΖQIODPPDWLRQ3UHVHQW (YDSRUDWLYHVWUHVV Workbook Page 7 of 46 2FXODU6XUIDFH7UHDWPHQW2SWLRQV &RUWLFRVWHURLGV 7RSLFDO0HGLFDWLRQV 6KRUWWHUPSXOVHWKHUDS\ &RUWLFRVWHURLGV &DXWLRQ &\FORVSRULQH 1(:/LILWHJUDVW /RZGRVHVWHURLGZLWKORZ SHQHWUDQFHWKURXJKFRUQHD $PQLRWLF0HPEUDQH7UDQVSODQWDWLRQ $XWRORJRXV6HUXP(\H'URSV ΖPSURYHPHQWZLWKVWHURLG 6FOHUDO&RQWDFW/HQVHV FRQVLGHURWKHU DQWLLQIODPPDWRU\WKHUDS\ &\FORVSRULQH 5HVWDVLV$OOHUJDQ 02$%ORFN7FHOODFWLYDWLRQ 5HVXOWV ΖPSURYHG6FKLUPHU V ΖPSURYHG26'Ζ 6WDELOL]HG9LVLRQ 5HGXFHGHSHQGHQF\RQ$7 ΖQFUHDVHJREOHWFHOOGHQVLW\ )RXQGDWLRQDOWKHUDS\ 6DOOHWDO2SKWKDOPRORJ\-XO Workbook Page 8 of 46 /LILWHJUDVW ;LLGUD6KLUH $PQLRWLF0HPEUDQH7UDQVSODQWDWLRQ 02$%ORFN7FHOODFWLYDWLRQ 02$8QFHUWDLQ Ζ&$0"2YHUH[SUHVVHGLQFRUQHDODQG 6WLPXODWHVUHHSLWKHOLDOL]DWLRQ FRQMXQFWLYDOWLVVXHVLQGU\H\HGLVHDVH $QWLFLFDWULFLDODFWLYLW\ $QWLSURWHDVHDFWLYLW\ SUHYHQW QHRYDVFXODUL]DWLRQ 5HVXOWV $QWLΖQIODPPDWRU\TXDOLWLHV 'HFUHDVHLQIHULRUFRUQHDOVWDLQLQJVFRUH LPSURYHV\PSWRPV )DFLOLWDWHVQHUYHUHJURZWK 7KDWWH62PDP-2SKWKDOPRO0D\$XJ $XWRORJRXV6HUXP(\H'URSV 6FOHUDO&RQWDFW/HQVHV 02$8QFHUWDLQ 02$&UHDWHIOXLGSURWHFWLYHEDUULHUWRFRUQHDOVXUIDFH &RQWDLQV(*)9LWDPLQ$7*)ſILEURQHFWLQVXEVWDQFH3LQVXOLQOLNHJURZWK 'RHVQȇWDGGUHVVXQGHUO\LQJLVVXHRIGU\QHVV IDFWRU Ζ*) QHUYHJURZWKIDFWRUVDQGRWKHUF\WRNLQHV &OLQLFDO)LQGLQJV &OLQLFDO)LQGLQJV ΖPSURYHPHQWLQSDLQ 6LJQLILFDQWVWDLQLQJDQGF\WRORJLFDOLPSURYHPHQWV UHYHUWHGZLWKRXW 'HFUHDVHGSKRWRSKRELD 2YHU[EHWWHUV\PSWRPDWLFLPSURYHPHQWWKDQFRQYHQWLRQDODUWLILFLDOWHDUV ΖPSURYHGJHQHUDOTXDOLW\RIOLIH 'HFUHDVHGXVHGHSHQGHQFHRQDUWLILFLDOWHDUV 1REOH%$/RK560DF/HQQDQ6%U-2SKWKDOPRO Ȃ_8U]XD&$9DVTXH]'++XLGREUR$&XUU(\H5HV Ȃ :HEHU6/HWDO$P-2SKWKDOPRO0DU_$OLSRXU).KHLUNKDK$-DEDUYDQG%HKURX]0&RQW/HQV$QWHULRU(\H'HF Workbook Page 9 of 46 8SFRPLQJ7HFKQRORJLHV &KDOOHQJH 7KDQN\RX4XHVWLRQV" HPDLOUQK#HDQZQHW Workbook Page 10 of 46 9/12/2016 Confident Management of Medical Objectives Emergencies that Present in the • Understand the value of proper Optometric Practice preplanning for medical emergencies. • Feel confident about the medical Tad Buckingham, OD, EMT-P - emergency exam September 2016 • Understand the likely medical emergencies that may occur in your practice. • Know the process for verbalizing a patient care transfer. Case Review Case Review cont. • 27 y/o male with a family history of • Pt. again gets anxious when asked to get OAG. “Hates Doctors” positioned into the slit lamp. You talk about the importance of accurate IOPs and • Staff state the pt. got sweaty and “He will try”. anxious during autorefraction and FDT • As you get in position you see him visual fields. sweating and breathing more rapidly. As • Pt. is calm and compliant during VAs, you get ready to stop the exam you notice Cover tests, and EOMS. instead of exhaling he bears down, his • Goldmann Tonometry is needed for pupils dilate and his eyes roll back as he pressures. starts shaking in minor movements Workbook Page 11 of 46 1 9/12/2016 Overview Case Review cont. • Not all medical maladies require 911 • The patient shakes with full body, very • Medical emergencies require a team approach to mitigate. The whole office needs low amplitude, muscle contractions as to take an active role. the slit lamp is moved away. ◦ The 911 caller ◦ The scribe • The full body movement lasts approx 5- ◦ The assistant 10 seconds. The pt. is unconscious. • All health care providers including Emergency Medical Services (EMS) professionals (both Fire and Ambulance) are bound by Federal As the Physician, what do you do? HIPPA regulations. • Paramedics act as extension of their supervising physician. • What occurs when 911 is called? Medical Emergency Activation Guidelines • Emergency Activation phone number (911) ◦ Type of medical emergency MEDICAL EMERGENCY ◦ Patient status • List of chart notes/"face sheet" to be copied for EMS PATIENT EVALUATION • The “Face Sheet” should include: ◦ Name, Address, DOB ◦ Contact phone number, Emergency contact name and number ◦ Primary Care Physician, list of allergies (drug and environmental) ◦ List of current medications, ocular and past medical history Other recommended phone numbers 1) American Association of Poison Control Centers Phone Number: 1-800-222-1222 2) Local Hospital phone numbers for needed consults. Workbook Page 12 of 46 2 9/12/2016 What is an acute Medical Emergency? Primary Exam-LOC, CABs • LOC (Level Of Consciousness) • An intrinsic or extrinsic influence that ◦ What is the patient’s level of consciousness? has acute durational (and not transient) • Circulation ◦ Is there evidence of circulation? effects on the: • Color? ◦ Level of Consciousness (LOC) • Evidence of Capillary refill? ◦ Cardiovascular system (C) • Distal pulses present? • Airway ◦ Respiratory system (A, B) ◦ Is the airway open? Can the patient talk? • Breathing *The Primary Exam is the core exam used for ◦ Is the patient moving air? • Mechanical evidence of chest rise/fall or abdominal evaluating a medical emergency. movement. Determine the level of Level of Consciousness Consciousness • AVPU ◦ Alert ◦ Verbal (responds to …?) ◦ Pain (responds to …?) ◦ Unresponsive What is the patient’s normal baseline? Workbook Page 13 of 46 3 9/12/2016 Alert Altered Consciousness • Patient is conscious and aware of their • Verbal surroundings ◦ Patient appears unconscious but responds to loud verbal stimuli. • An alert patient is further evaluated to • "Patient is stuporous responding to verbal stimuli" assess for any levels of confusion • Pain ◦ Four specific questions are asked ◦ Patient appears unconscious but responds to a shake • Alert to “Person”; "What is your full name?" or sternal rub stimuli. • Alert to “Place”; "What city are you in now?" • "Patient is stuporous responding to physical stimuli." • Alert to “Time”; "What month is it now?" • Alert to “Event”; "Why are you here?" • Unresponsive • If the patient is not 4/4 the are considered ◦ The patient is unconscious and will not respond to any confused. stimuli • "The patient is comatose." ◦ Describe the confusion level; “Pt. is confused 2/4” *To determine the depth/length of coma check for incontinence The AMS(Altered Mental Status) The AMS(Altered Mental Status) • S/Sx

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