Codes des distributeurs CODICI RIVENDITORI LOs CóDIgOs DEL DIstribuidor UK & USA StocKiStS codeS Vertriebsstelle Code 10 International, Surrey (www.10international.com) 10i Australian Wine Centre (www.australianwinecentre.co.uk) Aus 3D Wines, Lincolnshire (www.3dwines.com) 3DW Australian Wineries, Lincolnshire (www.abswineagencies.co.uk) AWi Australian Wines Online, Leyland (www.australianwinesonline.co.uk) AWO A Ava Wines, N Ireland (www.theava.co.uk) Ava A Case of You Ltd (www.acaseofyou.co.uk) CoY Averys of Bristol, Bristol (www.averys.com) Ave A K Finch Noyes & Co, Lincs.(01529 455 055) FiN A Moveable Feast, London (www.amfwine.co.uk) MvF B A&A Wines, Surrey (www.aawines.com) A&A Bablake Wines, Coventry (www.bablakewines.co.uk) Bab A&S Wines (www.aswines.co.uk) A&S Bacchanalia TWS, London (www.bacchanaliatws.co.uk) Bna A+B Vintners, Kent (www.abvintners.co.uk) ABt Bacchanalia, Cambridge (www.winegod.co.uk) Bcn Abbey Wines, Melrose (01896 823 244) Abb Bacchus et al, Guildford (www.bacchusetal.co.uk) BhL Abel & Cole, Wimbledon (www.abel-cole.co.uk) AbL Bacchus Wines Ltd, West Sussex (www.bacchus.co.uk) Bch ABS Wine Agencies, Lincs. (www.abswineagencies.co.uk) ABS Bacchus, Kent (01892 615618) Bcc AC Champagnes (www.adchampagnes.com) ADC Badminton Wines, Acton Turville (01454 219 091) Bad Accipiter Wine, Kidderminster (www.accipiter-wine.com) Acc Baileys Wine Merchants, Suffolk (www.baileyswines.com) BLy Ad Vinarium, London (www.advinarium.co.uk) AVi Bairds Fine & Country Wines, Broughton (www.bairds-wines.co.uk) BFC Adams Fine Wines, Wirral (www.adamsfinewines.com) AFi Ballantynes of Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan (www.ballantynes-direct.co.uk) BoC Addison Wines, London SW11 (www.addisonwines.com) Ads Balls Brothers, London (www.merchant.ballsbrothers.co.uk) BLs Adel UK, London W4 (020 8994 3960) AdL Bargain Booze, Cheshire (www.bargainbooze.co.uk) BgB Adnams Southwold, Suffolk (wwwadnams.co.uk) Adn Barrels & Bottles, Chesterfield (www.barrelsandbottles.co.uk) BLB AdVintage Wines, London (www.advintage-wines.co.uk) AVW Barrica Wines, Lancashire (www.barricawines.co.uk) BaW AG Wines, London (www.agwines.com) AGW Barton Brownsdon & Sadler Ltd, East Sussex (www.bbswine.com) BBS Aitken Wines, Dundee (www.aitkenwines.com) Ait Barwell & Jones, Ipswich (www.barwellandjones.com) B&J Albany Vintners, Cambridge (www.albanyvintners.com) ALy Bat & Bottle, Oakham (www.batwine.co.uk) Bat Alberstons (01877 932 7948) Abe Batleys, W Yorks (www.batleys.co.uk) Bty Albion Wine Shippers Ltd, London WC1 (www.albionwineshippers.co.uk) ALb Baton Rouge, London (www.batonrougewines.com) BRg Alchemy Wines Ltd, Ipswich (www.alchemywines.co.uk) ALc Beaconsfield Wine Cellar, Buckinghamshire (www.beaconsfieldwinecellars.com) BcW Aldi Supermarket (www.aldi.co.uk) Adi Bedales, London (www.bedaleswines.com) Bed Alexander Hadleigh, Southampton (www.ahadleigh-wine.com) ALH Bella Wines, Suffolk (www.bellawines.co.uk) BLa Alexander Wines, Glasgow (www.alexander-wines.co.uk) ALx Bellinis, Derbyshire (0115 932 0033) BSC Alfie Fiandaca, London (020 8752 1222) Fia Belloni, London N7 (020 7700 7760) BeL Alliance Wine, Ayrshire (www.alliancewine.co.uk) ALL Bennetts Wines, Gloucestershire (www.bennettsfinewines.com) Ben Allied Domecq Wines UK, London (www.allieddomecq.com) ADo Benson Fine Wines, London (www.bensonfinewines.co.uk) Bns Allum Wines, Gloucestershire (www.allium.uk) ALm Bentalls of Kingston, Surrey (www.bentalls.co.uk/kingston) Bnt Alouette Wines, Wirral (www.alouettewines.co.uk) ALW Bentleys Wine Merchants, Ludlow (www.bentleyswine.com) BtL Alterocca Ltd, London (www.alterocca.com) ALt Beringer Blass Wine Estates, Middlesex (020 8843 8411) BWE Alvini, London N4 (020 8880 2526) Vnf Berits & Brown, Stirlingshire (www.beritsandbrown.com) B&B Amathus Wines & Spirits, London (www.amathusdrinks.com) Amt Berkmann Wine Cellars, London (www.berkmann.co.uk) BWC Amordivino, Staines (www.amordivino.co.uk) Adv Berry Bros & Rudd, London SW1 (www.bbr.com) BBR Amphora Wines Ltd, Leicestershire (www.amphora-wines.co.uk) Aph Best of wines, London (www.bestofwines.co.uk) Bfw Amphora, West Sussex (www.amphorawines.co.uk) Amo Bestway Stores, London (www.bestway.co.uk) Bst Amps Fine Wines, Northants (www.ampsfinewines.co.uk) Amp Betton Wines, Scarborough (www.bettonwines.co.uk) Bet Ancient and Modern Wines, Wiltshire (www.ancientandmodernwines.co.uk) A&M Bibendum, London NW1 (www.bibendum-wine.co.uk) Bib Andean Wines, Glouc. (01285 721 067) And Big Red Wine Company, Suffolk (www.bigredwine.co.uk) BRW Andrew Chapman Wines, Oxford (01235 821 539) ACh Bijou Bottles, Norfolk (www.bijoubottles.co.uk) Bij Andrew Darwin Fine Wines, Herefordshire (www.adwines.co.uk) ADa Bin Ends, Birmingham (www.birminghamplus.com) Bin Andrew Jewers Wines, Middlesex (020 8568 3510) AJe Bintwo, Cornwall (www.bintwo.com) Bi2 Andrew Sheepshank’s Fine Wines, London SW3 (020 7581 9400) Shp Blakes Fine Wines, N. Ireland (www.blakesfinewines.com) Bas Andrew Wilson Wines Ltd (www.awwines.co.uk) AWW Blenheim Fine Wines (www.blenheimfinewines.com) BLe Anima, Edinburgh (www.anima-online.co.uk) Ani Blotto Wines, Somerset (www.bluewoods.co.uk) BLo Anjo Wines, Co Down (028 3026 5116) Anj Blue Cove Wines Ltd, Hertfordshire (www.bluecovewines.com) BLv Ann et Vin ltd, Nottinghamshire (www.annetvin.com) A&V Blue Otter Wines, Hertfordshire (www.blueotterwines.com) BOt Annessa Imports, London N17 (www.champers.co.uk) Ann Bluebird, London SW3 (www.bluebird-restaurant.co.uk) Bbd Anthony Byrne Fine Wines, Cambridgeshire (www.abfw.co.uk) ABy Bluewoods (020 7470 8708) BLu Antique Wine Company, London (www.antique-wine.com) Ant BMC Global, London (www.bmcglobal.com) BMC Antoine Peterson Champagne (www.champers.co.uk) APC Bon Coeur Fine Wines, North Yorkshire (www.bcfw.co.uk) BnC Apicus Wines, Shaftesbury (www apicus.co.uk) Api Bona Wines, Gloucestershire (www.bonawines.co.uk) Bon Appellation Wines, Edinburgh ( www.appellationwines.co.uk) App Bookers Vineyard, Sussex (www.bookersvineyard.co.uk) BoV Argentine Wine Online, East Sussex (www.argentinewineonline.co.uk) ArW Booths supermarkets, Preston (www.booths.co.uk) Bth Arkell Vintners, Wilts (01793 823 026) ArV Bordeaux Et Beyond (www.bordeauxetbeyond.co.uk) BeB Arthurs Bar, East Sussex (www.arthursbar.com) Art Bordeaux Index, London EC1 (www.bordeauxindex.com) Bdi Artisan Wine, London (www.artisanandvine.com) AnV Bordeaux Vintners, Essex (www.bordeauxvintners.co.uk) BdV Asda Supermarkets, Leeds (www.asda.co.uk) Asd Bordeaux Wine Company, London (www.bordeauxwinecompany.com) Bxw Astley Vineyards, (01299 822 907) Asy Bordeaux Wine Investments, Kent (www.bwiltd.co.uk) BWi Aston Jones, Wales (www.astonjones.co.uk) AsJ Bordeaux-Undiscovered, Gloucestershire (www.bordeaux-undiscovered.co.uk) Bun Astro Wines Ltd, London N20 (www.astorwines.com) Atr Borough Wines (www.boroughwines.com) Bor Astrum Wine Cellars, Surrey (www.astrumwinecellars.com) Ast Boss Man Wines, London (020 8693 3188) Bss Atlantico, Croydon (www.atlantico.co.uk) AtL Bottle Apostle, London (www.bottleapostle.com) BoA Atlas wines (www.wineatlas.net) ALs Bottle Green Ltd, Leeds (www.bottlegreen.com) BGr Australian Portfolio Wines, London (www.portfoliowines.co.uk) APW Boutinot Wines, Cheshire (www.boutinot.com/index) BoW Australian Wine Agencies, Slough (01753 544 546) AWA Bowes Wine Ltd, Wiltshire (www.boweswine.co.uk) BWL Boxford Wine Company, Suffolk (01787 210 187) Box Champagnes & Châteaux, London (www.champagnesandchateaux.co.uk) C&C Bradgate Wines, Leicester (www.bradgatewinesdirect.co.uk) Bgt Champany Ltd, Scotland (www.champany.com) Cmp Brentwood Wine Cellar, Essex (01277 260 304) Brn Chandos Delicatessen, Bristol (www.chandosdeli.com) CDe Bretby Wine Company, Derbyshire (www.bretbywine.co.uk) Bre Charles Hawkins, Rutland (01572 823 030) Haw Brightwell Vineyard, Oxon (www.bigredwine.co.uk) Brt Charles Mitchell Wines Ltd, Manchester (www.cmwines.com) ChM Brilliants Wine Merchants, Cambridge (www.cambridgewine.com) BrL Charles Stevenson, Devon (01822 616 272) ChS Brinkleys Wine, London (www.brinkleys.com) Bri Charles Taylor Wines, London (www.charlestaylorwines.com) CTW Brixham Wine Cellars, Devon (01803 855 330) Brx Charles Wells, Beds (www.charleswells.co.uk) WLs Broadland Wines, Norfolk (www.broadland-wineries.com) BLd Charlie Herring (www.charlieherring.com) Hrr Broadmarsh Wines, Southsea (www.broadmarshwines.co.uk) Brm Charrington Cellars, Wiltshire (01747 824292) CrC Brown Brothers Wines, Maidenhead (www.brownbrothers.co.uk) BBW Charterhouse Wine, Spalding (www.charterhousewine.co.uk) Chh Brown Forman Wines, London (www.brown-forman.com) BFm Chateau Classic (www.chateauclassic.co.uk) ChC Bruce Burlington & Co, Essex (www.bruceburlington.co.uk) Bru Château de Claribes (www.claribes.com) CLb Buckingham Schenk, Slough (www.buckingham-schenk.co.uk) BkS Chateau Online (www.chateauonline.co.uk) ChL Buckingham Vintners, Berkshire (www.buonvino.co.uk) Buc Chateau Select, London (www.chateauselect.co.uk) CSe Bucktrout, Guernsey (www.bucktroutsonline.com) Bct Château Wines, Bristol (01454 613 959) ChW Budgens Supermarket, Middlesex (www.budgens.co.uk) Bud Cheers Wine Store, Swansea (www.cheers-wine-merchants.co.uk) Cee Buffery, Gloucestershire (01451 830 667) Buf Cheerz, Norfolk (01362 691 104) Chz Buongusto, London N6 (www.buongustowines.com) Bng Cheese, Wine (www.cheesewine.co.uk) Csi Burgundy Direct, Dublin (+353 1 2896615) Bgy Cheshire Smoke House, Cheshire (www.cheshiresmokehouse.co.uk) CSH Burgundy Wines, Brighton (www.burgundywines.co.uk) BuW Chester Beer and Wine, Chester (www.chesterbeerandwine.co.uk)
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