Foidham's 'Hatfields and McCoys'...Page 5 Thursday, April 5, 1979 Volume 61, US Postage PAID Number 10 Bronx. New York Permit No 7608 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY. NEW YORK Non Prolit Org. *K-:':*>X*K*I*:W:VK-:*:*:W^ •_• •.-............. ... * WMi§MMSM^^WS}^S^iiMM^^^S^^^MWMM^S^^^^M^^^M^^B^^i^^sis&^' Jarvis For Concert Committee Loses Tax Cuts $13,000 on Renaissance By BRIAN MANEY Howard Jarvis, chairman of the American ByNEILGREALY Tax Reduction Movement and one of the The Concerts Committee lost $13,300 on the Renaissance concert which it staged last Saturday authors of Proposition 13, spoke Tuesday at due to very low ticket sales. This loss exceeds the committee's allocation from the Rose Hill Student Rose Hill, emphasizing his favorite themes of Activities Council by $5,300, and the SAC will meet tomorrow to discuss methods to eradicate this limited government and tax reduction deficit and other matters concerning the concert and the Concerts Committee. Members of the throughout the address. About 300 people committee are not optimistic about its continued existence. attended the speech, which was sponsored by The total expenditureon the concert was $19,3000, while approximately $6,000 was brought American Age. in through ticket sales. Compared to the 2,262 tickets which Concerts Committee chairman Peter "The federal government has an obliga- Paganussi, FC'80, etimated had to be sold for the concert to break even, the committee sold 756 tion to do what the people want it to do. The tickets. With complimentary tickets and guests, the total attendance was between 850 and 900. people of this country want a tax cut; they EXfEN8£8 "1 just wish more people had come to see don't care where it comes from," said Jarvis it," said Paganussi. "This was my rationale: He called for a $50 billion tax cut to be %19f$V0 we did bring David Bromberg on a Monday implemented over the next four years. When g3,590 night (October, 1977) and we sold 1500 seats; asked to specify what areas of government he Agenl*rcommission ,. 1,90S I thought Renaissance on a Saturday night would eliminate, Jarvis responded: "I'd cut t 1,360 would do well." all of it, except the Defense Department, be- 1,000 According to Assistant Dean of Students cause I think we're throwing money away Spottithirmtot 490 Michael Machado, "The Concert Committee like confetti. We're throwing so much money orykt $9 said all along that they could sell tickets to away and going into debt so far that unless Openingtct ISO raise $10,000." Machado said the committee we stop it you'll be paying for it the rest of y(Jil had guaranteed that they could raise that your life. You'll have to pay half of what you ftcftifprinting ,127 amount. make in taxes. You won't have any free- Wlfc( ,,409 Both Paganussi and assistant chairman dom." /•.««• :.,.t99 Joe Grody, FC'80, felt that the concert com- Jarvis does not see government interven- |rt(y>.,M,.....),.t,..J.«M,|i5 mittee did an effective job in advertising and tion as the answer to all social or economic MdL«>!.«»• «^«««»M"T^w'*4P^t8Wft^ running the concert. Paganussi said the con^ problems. "The business of a free country is mitee had advertised in several area colleges not to help the poor," he emphasized. "You including St. John's and Iona College; sold have to tell me who the poor are. I'm getting tickets (a total of 16) at the office of the a little sick of talking about the poor and the Lincoln Center Director of Student Activ- minorities. They aren't the only poor in this ities> Ginger Chupa; and mana8ed t0 set country. I have found across the country that some radio spots outside the five boroughs of the homeowner has to go without his food to Renaissancelead singer Annie Haslam during the Saturday night performance New York City, including on WQXR in pay his property tax. I don't think we should Westchester. "We all felt good and we all felt take food away from one poor person and we were part of it," said Paganussi. "unfor- give it to another. tunately, it was not a financial success by any "Most of the money going to help the poor doesn't," he continued, using the example of ^W C6H Bllfl Paganussi and Grody gave several reasons New York City. "New York went bankrupt for the failure of the concert. "There are two because of a combinatk n of public employ- By BILL BOLE and RICK MARSICO dents. reasons: the Fordham people just didn't buy; ees and public officials raping the city. They The Boarder Council and Assistant Machado's proposed schedule would have and outside sales were crippled due to restric- raped your city because they made false Dean of Students Michael A. Machado shifted events to other parts of the Rose Hill tions on advertising," said Grody. In the statements to banks and they stole your clashed for almost three hours last Tuesday campus than Martyrs' Lawn, which has been contract the committee signed with Monarch money that was going to help the poor. The night over the issue of the control ef funding the main area of activity for the event. Al- Productions, advertising was restricted in the Federal government is the main cause of our and scheduling of events for Boarder though Martyrs' Lawn would have remained five boroughs of New York City in media problem. That problem is inflation, which is Weekend. available for beer-drinking and music-listen- such as radio stations and newspapers, accor- 90 percent caused by the Federal govern- Machado, appearing at his first Boarder ing under the Machado proposal, Murphy ding to Grody.' The Fordham appearnace ment." Council meeting, presented a proposed Field, Keating Hall, the Campus Center and was part of the group's "ghost tour," said "The country is built by the people, but schedule for Boarder Weekend which he Collins Auditorium would have been used Grody, in which they tour campuses before the people are snowed pretty good by the stated would afford students the opportunity for activities such as sports competition, they release an album. Renaissance had Jhe politicians. There's no question about it: to take ad.vantage of more diversified movies, mixers, a Sunday brunch, and a Glee right to cancel an appearance over any Lindsay snowed the people of New York and activities than in recent years. , Club recital. breach in the advertising stipulations. so did Beame; they snowed it right into bank- The Machado proposal drew little support "We had to take into account some of the Paganussi at first said that he really did ruptcy," Jarvis charged. and much fire from Boarder Council complaints and problems from last year's not know why the concert failed, but later he "Beame presented false financial state- members, who focused most of their weekend," Machado said. "There were com- attributed it to a general lack of student in- ments to the banks. If you or I did that we'd criticism on the issue of which body—Board- plaints about the noise at night from terest in campus events and a lack of time to go right to jail, but that's what the city of er Council or a newly formed committe— Martyrs' Court residents, people in the neigh- plan the concert. "I'm sorry to say that our New York does; it's just like the Mafia," would have final control over the allotment borhood, and the library. There was also a on-campus sales were very poor," he said. continued Jarvis. of Boarder funds and the scheduling of lot of vandalism, fights, and robberies in Paganussi and Grody will present a corn- "We're trying to get the government out events for the weekend. Martyrs'. " plete report on the concert's finances and the of people's lives so we can have a free coun- In previous years, the weekend's activities Boarder Council President Mike Shalhoub operations of the committee tomorrow to the try again. I'm optimistic about how human have been run exclusively by Boarder countered that shifting the location of the SAC. "We've been asked by Ma'chado to beings conduct their affairs. I am pessimistic Council. Under the Machado plan, a com- band to Murphy Field would not reduce any supply a full report on the Renaissance con- about government conducting the affairs of mittee consisting of representatives from noise or neighborhood complaints. He cert and what we would like to see done with human beings, because it has no capacity at Boarder Council, the Campus Activities stressed that the Library would only be open the committee in the future," said Grote. He all to do that," asserted Jarvis. Board, the Student Activities Office and for several hours while the band was playing, added, "The inclination I get is that they When someone mentioned to Jarvis that Lombardi Center would have been formed to and that the Campus Center would be open would like to abolish us completely. the people, in which he has so much faith, resolve differences between the proposed for students during and after library hours. Paganussi was also pessimistic about the elected these politicians, he replied, "We Machado formula and previously planned And noting that the fights and acts of van- future of the committee. can't have faith in cattle. Boarder Council activities. dalism were perpetrated by "Bronxites" Machado signed the contract for the con- "There are two types of humans in the Following a tense debate before a crowd of from off-campus, Shalhoub pointed out that cert and allowed the Concert Committee to United States, people and politicians.
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