THE SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS VOLUME 57 KEENE, TEXAS, OCTOBER 15, 1958 NUMBER 41 up of the International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism; and the establishment of Institutes of Scientific Studies at Loma Linda, Smell of War Washington, Geneva and Bombay; W. A. SCHARFFENBERG, Secretary the production of the films, "One in General Conference Temperance Department 20,000" and "Cancer by the Carton," as well as the publication of Smoke HE atmosphere there was terri- pursuits, will soon experience sudden Signals have put us in the forefront T fying. One could smell war all destruction, and shall not escape. of a new temperance reform move- around. It seemed as though death Many continue in the careless grati- ment that is sweeping the world. Our were perched on the mountaintops fication of self until they become so work in behalf of temperance, how- waiting for its chance to reduce our disgusted with life that they kill ever, has just begun. We must now world to darkness themselves. Dancing and carousing, lay plans to drive this issue home to and ashes." So drinking and smoking, indulging the hilt everywhere, and we are confi- wrote an Associ- their animal passions, they go on as dent that our people will respond to ated Press Corres- an ox to the slaughter. Satan is the appeals that will be made on pondent after working with all his art and en- Sabbath, October 25. having visited a chantments to keep men marching We are endeavoring to raise $100,- Soviet a i r base, blindly onward until the Lord arises 000 for the cause of temperance on "which," he said, out of His place to punish the in- World Temperance Sabbath. These "had been alerted habitants of earth for their iniquities, funds will be used for sponsoring and was ready for when the earth shall diSclose her Listen subscriptions to 62,000 clergy- action. What blood and no more cover her slain. men in North America; placing 1,000 W. A. I saw and heard The whole world appears to be in attractive temperance literature racks Scharffenberg made me feel that the march to death." Temperance, in strategic places; for the publica- I was face to face with World War pp. 229, 230. tion of Smoke Signals; the produc- III." He could not name the base As we near the end of time, "Our tion of further posters, jingle boards, for security reasons, and he couldn't work for temperance is to be more and bumper strips; the publication describe it in detail. spirited, more decided." Temperance, of materials for our church schools, On one airfield he counted more p. 250. academies and colleges; the purchase than 1,000 planes, all strategic bomb- Furthermore, "If our people can of films for our district leaders; the ers, that carried the mightiest bombs be made to realize how much is at production of "Half Pint," our new and could deliver them anywhere in stake, and will seek to redeem the film showing the effects of alco- the world. On one road he reported time that has been lost, by now put- hol on society; and for the Institutes he saw hordes on the move, tanks, ting heart and soul and strength into of Scientific Studies for the Preven- cannon, armored troop carriers, an the temperance cause, great good will tion of Alcoholism. endless stream of might. be seen as the result." Ibid. p. 257. The following counsel from the "Step by step, the world is reach- Sabbath, October 25, has by action Spirit of prophecy should arouse us ing the conditions that existed in of the General Conference Committee to action : the days of Noah. Every conceivable been designated as World Temper- "The honor of God, the stability of crime is committed. The lust of the ance Sabbath. Every pastor is to the nation, the well-being of the flesh, the pride of the eyes, the dis- prepare a special temperance mes- community, of the home, and of the play of selfishness, the misuse of sage for World Temperance Sab- individual, demand that every pos- power, the cruelty, . all these are bath. We have been greatly cheered sible effort be made in arousing the the working of Satanic agencies. This with the steady progress that has people to the evil of intemperance." round of crime and folly men call been made in recent years in reviv- Temperance, p. 209. `life.' . ing the temperance issue among "Shall there not be among us as "The world, who acts as though us as a people. The publication a people a revival of the temperance there is no God, absorbed in selfish of Listen and Alert; the setting work? Why are we not putting forth The RECORD Keene, Texas "WARN THEM FROM ME" J. 0. GIBSON, Associate Secretary Official organ of the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Ad- General Conference Temperance Department ventists. Published by the College Press, Keene, Texas. Communication or copy not originating in a local conference of the Southwestern "Warn them from Me" — this is magazines sent to the homes of Union should be addressed to the South- the instruction which God gives clergymen, government officers, and western Union Conference of Seventh- day Adventists, P.O. Box 518, Richardson, through the prophet Ezekiel. The other important people; Smoke Sig- Texas. ALL COPY, SUBSCRIPTIONS, CHANGE OF ADDRESS, ADVERTISE- message we are taking to others is nals distributed through literature MENT S, AND CORRESPONDENCE racks in public places and handed out from church members in the Southwest- not our own, but a message direct ern Union should be addressed to the from God. One part of this warn- from home to home; The Winner LOCAL CONFERENCE OFFICE. In changing address, give both old and new ing is the message of temperance. placed in schools and given to chil- address. Subscription price, one dollar dren everywhere; the temperance a year. We as a people have an unprece- dented challenge before us to warn tracts offered to the general public; Editor_ H. E. Schneider the showing of the film "One in Assistant Editor__Mrs. Kathryn Wohlers those about us in respect to the evils of alcoholic beverages and tobacco 20,000" and the new film "Cancer by SOUTHWESTERN UNION and narcotics. When we think of the Carton" — all are part of the CONFERENCE DIRECTORY educational program to warn and President C. Evans the millions of dollars spent by the Sec.-Treas. H. E. Schneider educate young and old. Cashier J. M. Baker liquor and tobacco interests in ad- Educ. & MV Sec A. Nesmith vertising their nefarious wares and World Temperance Sabbath, Oc- Home Miss. & S. S. Sec. A. R. Mazat Publishing Sec. _J. T. Welch in influencing people to develop a tober 25, will soon be here. On this Medical Sec.___ Lawrence E. C. Joers, M.D. day you will have opportunity to Fund-raising Director_______Wm. J. Hubert taste for them and to put these vile things into good society, we may feel make a sacrificial gift to send the Published weekly (fifty issues a year) rather weak because of the enormity warning message of temperance to by the College Press, Keene, Texas, for the Southwestern Union Conference of of the task before us. But I think others. God adds a blessing with Seventh-day Adventists. Price, one dollar a year. Entered as second-class matter we should be of good courage. "If the promise "If thou warn the wicked October 24, 1902, at the Post Office, God be for us, who can be against of his way, . thou hast delivered Keene, Texas, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1870 us?" The task need not be hopeless; thy soul." Your generous contribu- we must do our part and God will tions on World Temperance Day will do His. aid in warning the masses around us much more decided efforts to oppose One of the best ways to warn oth- of the evils of alcohol, tobacco, and the liquor traffic, which is ruining ers is through literature. The printed narcotics. May God bless you as you the souls of men, and is causing page is God's silent messenger. Listen give on this special day, October 25. violence and crime of every descrip- tion? With the great light that God has entrusted to us, we should be in the forefront of every true TELLING THE TRUTH reform." Ibid., p. 234. FRANCIS A. SOPER, "The evil (of intemperance) must Editor, "Listen" be more boldly met in the future than it has been in the past." Ibid., Millions of viewers across the eases, heart and coronary disease, p. 239. world have thrilled to the impact and roentgenology. Each adds the "I feel distressed as I look upon of "One in 20,000." This powerful weight of his own convictions, plus our people and know that they are film has persuaded thousands to quit additional evidence from other spe- holding very loosely the temperance smoking, warned unnumbered others cialists in his field. question. We should be at the against starting, and will continue This combination is conclusive for head in the temperance reform." to present its message in nearly a the unbiased mind. Nothing could Ibid., p. 233. dozen languages. be more persuasive. It will convince "The temperance question is to re- Now ready is its complement, "Can- not only the youth, but also the pene- ceive decided support from God's cer by the Carton," with vital, up- trating mind of the professional and people." Ibid., p. 249. to-date evidence on smoking — the educated mind.
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