JOURNAL OF THE ACUPUNCTURE ASSOCIATION OF CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS OF CHARTERED ASSOCIATION ACUPUNCTURE THE JOURNAL OF )5(( 6$03/(6 $9$,/$%/( $'$37$707DSH :LWKHODVWLFLW\VLPLODUWRKXPDQVNLQLWSURYLGHV VXSSRUWZLWKQRPRWLRQUHVWULFWLRQVDQGH[WHQGVWR ([FHOOHQFHDW HQKDQFHWKHUDQJHRIPRWLRQ([FHOOHQWVNLQEUHDWKDELOLW\ DOORZVVZHDWKHDWDQGDLUWRSHQHWUDWHWKHWDSHDQGEH 6HQVLEOH3ULFHV GLVSHUVHG:DWHUUHVLVWDQWDQGHDV\WRGU\ $FXSXQFWXUH1HHGOHV $FXSXQFWXUH1HHGOHV 6XUJLFDOVWDLQOHVVVWHHODQGHDV\ &RORXUFRGHGSODVWLFKDQGOHVIRU JOLGLQJLQVHUWLRQ0DGHLQ6RXWK.RUHD HDV\ JDXJH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ 5RXQGHG WXEHHQGHQDEOHVFRPIRUWDEOHWDSSLQJ RQ QHHGOHLQVHUWLRQDQGDOVRIRU SDWLHQWFRPIRUW 0R[D 6WLFNRQPR[DVPRNHOHVVDQGRGRXUOHVV &XSSLQJ6HW 9HUVDWLOHVKDSHVDFFRPPRGDWHERG\ Journal of the FRQWRXUV'HWDFKDEOHVLOLFRQHYDOYHV DOORZHDV\FOHDQLQJRUVWHULOLVDWLRQ Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists LQIR#DFXSULPHFRP ZZZDFXSULPHFRP Autumn Autumn 2014 )RUUHVW8QLWV+HQQRFN5RDG(DVW 0DUVK%DUWRQ,QGXVWULDO(VWDWH $OHDGLQJEUDQGIURP ([HWHU(;588QLWHG.LQJGRP 2014 ISSN 1748-8656 IRU \HDUV &HOHEUDWLQJ\HDUV RIRXUVWDQGDUG &ODVVLF3OXV DFXSXQFWXUHQHHGOH 6HLULQQHHGOHV (OHFWURWKHUDS\ 6SRUWVWKHUDS\ 3HUPHQDQWO\ 1HZ ORZSULFHV 7KHPRVWSRSXODUQHHGOHVXLWDEOHIRU 3UHPLR/DVHU'XRDQG3UHPLR/DVHU 1HZ UDQJHV RI VSRUWV WKHUDS\ FRVPHWLFDFXSXQFWXUHDQGDYDLODEOHLQ $*3URJUDP SURGXFWVLQFOXGHHOHFWURWKHUDS\ XOWUDVRXQG DQG PDJQHWLF ÀHOG SODVWLFKDQGOHDQGDOOPHWDOKDQGOH 6RIWODVHUIRUSK\VLRWKHUDS\ODVHUWKHUDS\ WKHUDS\ JRRGV 2XU YHU\ RZQ VSRUWVPHGLFLQHDQGORFDODSSOLFDWLRQ NLQHVLRORJ\VSRUWVWDSH&ODVVLF3UR LV DOVR QRZ DYDLODEOH 0R[LEXVWLRQIRU &XSSLQJWKHUDS\ (OHFWURWKHUDS\ WKHVWFHQWXU\ ,QQRYDWLYH $SSOLFDEOH &UHDWLYH WRWKH1+6 (OHJDQW 7DNHSOHDVXUHLQRYHUKRXUV ,Q7&0FXSSLQJLVXVHGWRFUHDWH 2XUUDQJHLQFOXGHVXOWUDVRXQGGHYLFHV RIRGRXUDVKDQGVPRNHIUHHLQVWDQW DYDFXXPRQWKHSDWLHQW VVNLQWR HOHFWURWKHUDS\ODVHUVYDFXXPXQLWV PR[LEXVWLRQWKHUDS\ LPSURYH TL ÁRZ &KRRVH IURP RXU ZLGH PDJQHWLF ÀHOG WKHUDS\ FRPSUHVVLRQ UDQJHRIVWDUWHUGHOX[HJODVVSODVWLF WKHUDS\DQGPRUH VXFWLRQ DQG ÀUH FXSSLQJ NLWV DQG VHWV (GXFDWLRQ +HDOWK EHDXW\ :LQD &ODVVLF +DUPRQ\0HGLFDOFRQWLQXHVWRVWRFND :H QRZ VWRFNDJURZLQJ UDQJH RI 5HJLVWHU RQ RXU ZHEVLWH IRU YDVWVHOHFWLRQRIERRNVFKDUWV'9'V KHDOWKDQGEHDXW\SURGXFWVLQFOXGLQJ DQGRWKHUHGXFDWLRQDOPHGLDFDWHULQJ GHUPDOUROOHUVOLJKWWKHUDS\GHYLFHV IUHH SUL]H GUDZV JLIWV IRU WKH ÁHGJLQJ VWXGHQW ULJKW WKURXJK DQHJDWLYHLRQEHDXW\PDVVDJHUD DQGPRUH WRWKHWUDLQHGSURIHVVLRQDO9LVLWRXU ZULQNOH HUDVHU SHQDPXOWLIXQFWLRQ ZHEVLWH WR EURZVH RXU FROOHFWLRQV JDOYDQLFIDFLDOVSDV\VWHPDQGPRUH +DUPRQ\0HGLFDO+LJK5RDG/H\WRQVWRQH 7HO³ /RQGRQ(3$*UHDW%ULWDLQ LQIR#KDUPRQ\PHGLFDOFRXN ZZZKDUPRQ\PHGLFDOFRXN ZZZKDUPRQ\PHGLFDOFRXN C F H O A N R T IO E T R ACUPUNCTURE A I E C D ASSOCIATION O P S H S Y of A S I E O R T CHARTERED U H T E C R PHYSIOTHERAPISTS N A U P P I S U T C A ACP S CONFERENCE$ $&3 2014 A 6&277,6+ &21)(5(1&( 3' -.5$,!$1 &Q@MFD ,@MNQ 'NSDK HM &Q@MFDLNTSG 2BNSK@MC 63($.(56 3URIHVVRU 6RQJ .H /HVOH\ 3DWWHQGHQ 3", 1D@RNMHMF @MC "GHMDRD BTOTMBSTQD BTOTMBSTQD ENQ ,HFQ@HMDR @MC 3DMRHNM 3XOD #H@FMNRHR 2JHKKR 'D@C@BGDR l QDK@SHMF DUHCDMBD SN OQ@BSHBD /\QQ 3HDUFH .HYLQ <RXQJ ,@JHMF @ "NMMDBSHNM l 3GD M@SNLX 2ONQSR BTOTMBSTQD %@RBH@K 3Q@HMR @MC SGD 3DMCHMN ,TRBTK@Q ,DQHCH@MR NE "GHMDRD ,DCHBHMD -RKQ :RRG -DDCKD ,@MHOTK@SHNM @MC SGD 2DMR@SHNM NE #DPH 1$&(23$1 -.6 :::$$&325*8. 7KH $FXSXQFWXUH $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &KDUWHUHG 3K\VLRWKHUDSLVWV 7HO )D[ (PDLO L@M@FDQ@@BO NQF TJ :HEVLWH VVV @@BO NQF TJ Contents Autumn 2014 Editorial ..................................................... 5 Chairman’s report ....................................... 9 Chief Executive Officer business report ....... 13 Education, Training and Research Committee report ......................................................... 15 Regional representatives .............................. 17 Journal of the Electroacupuncture Acupuncture Association Electroacupuncture for the treatment of of Chartered musculoskeletal problems by S. Lee .............. 19 Physiotherapists Meridian masterclass The Stomach meridian by P. Battersby & C. Lomas ..................................................... 35 The Journal is printed for the membership twice a Case reports year. It aims to provide information for members Use of acupuncture in conjunction with that is correct at the time of going to press. Articles eccentric loading and transverse friction for inclusion should be submitted to the Clinical massage to treat a rugby player with chronic Editor at the address below or by e-mail. All articles patellar tendinopathy by S. Dear ................... 43 are reviewed by the Clinical Editor, and while every effort is made to ensure validity, views given by Acupuncture in combination with exercise contributors are not necessarily those of the prescription for hip joint osteoarthritis and Association, which thus accepts no responsibility. lumbar spondylosis in a patient with chronic pain by A. Ridger ......................................... 53 Editorial address Use of acupuncture as part of physiotherapy Mrs Helen Oakes treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome 34 Tanners Hill Gardens by V. J. Hill ................................................ 61 Hythe Kent CT21 5HX Acupuncture treatment for pain from chronic UK ankle ligament disruption by K. Denton ......... 67 Acupuncture in the treatment of scar tissue E-mail: [email protected] following surgery for Dupuytren’s contracture by F. Anderson .............................................. 73 The Association The Association (AACP Ltd) is a recognized Professional Network of the Chartered Society of Meeting reports Physiotherapy. It is a voluntary group of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Primary professionals working to promote the safe practice Headache Disorders by E. Slee ..................... 79 of acupuncture by chartered physiotherapists. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Primary organization facilitates and evaluates postgraduate Headache Disorders by V. Dascanio .............. 85 education. The development of professional awareness and clinical skills in acupuncture are founded on research-based evidence and the audit of Letter clinical outcomes. An understanding of anatomy under the LI4 acupuncture point by Y.-M. Wong ................. 91 AACP Ltd Southgate House, Southgate Park, Bakewell Road, AACP Annual Conference, 17–18 May 2014: Orton Southgate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire AACP, Still Pointing the Way after 30 Years! 93 PE2 6YS, UK The smoking cessation clinic ....................... 105 Research reviews ......................................... 109 Tel: 01733 390007 Book reviews .............................................. 113 Product review ............................................ 123 Printed in the UK by Henry Ling Ltd at the Dorset Press, Dorchester DT1 1HD Website review ............................................ 127 News from the front ................................... 129 Guidelines for authors ................................ 131 2014 Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists 3 SuccessfulAll you need for 3B LASER NEEDLE Comes delivered in an elegant metal carrying case and can be set up in just a few minutes. 10% off until 30.06.14 check our website at or e-mail us at for more details. UK 3B SCIENTIFIC LTD Suite 1 Formal House • Oldmixon Crescent • Weston-super-Mare • BS24 9AY …going one step further Tel: 01934 425333 Fax: 01934 425334 Email: [email protected] Editorial Welcome to the Autumn 2014 edition of the Journal of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists. One theme emerging from this issue is that physiotherapists are not just using acupuncture as a pain relief modality. This is highlighted by Felicity Anderson’s case report, which describes the treatment of scar tissue resulting from Journal of the surgery to release Dupuytren’s contracture (pp. Acupuncture Association 73–78). Many patients seeking physiotherapy of Chartered will have scars following an injury or surgery, Physiotherapists and this may contribute to ongoing pain, restric- tion in movement and altered movement pat- terns. Treating scar tissue is always a challenge because it continually remodels itself for many months or even years after an injury. Physio- Journal Committee therapists normally employ a combination of Clinical Editor electrotherapy, tape, exercise and manual Helen Oakes therapy to target scarring. Using acupuncture (e-mail: [email protected]) alongside these conventional forms of treat- Corporate Editor ment could be beneficial; however, at this stage, Andrew J. Wilson there is little clinical research to support it. (e-mail: [email protected]) At the cellular level, research by Helene Lan- News Editor gevin and her team may provide some insight Rosemary Lillie (e-mail: [email protected]) into the mechanism by which acupuncture could work to influence fibroblast activity (Lan- Marketing Manager gevin et al. 2013). At this year’s AACP Confer- Elizabeth McLean (e-mail: [email protected]) ence, I had the pleasure of listening to Professor Langevin present her research to date and out- Review Team Melanie Hunter line future studies that are in the pipeline. A (e-mail: [email protected]) short report on her lecture is included in this Helen Oakes edition (pp. 98–99). (e-mail: [email protected]) I continue to be extremely impressed with the Committee member range of material that is submitted to JAACP, as Merian Denning (e-mail: [email protected]) well as how much
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