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Engfm HJ\_H_\he Duke of G1uuCeflIen9M0r11mer Sui Cxvenchsh Squarelondnn. NE‘ YE lE&l.Ml ©1L@\M Z "villa, 1'71/JL I/1*/' By .'17'nrv /'r//:1/r!1,_Y»u Eur.)/Jar-. .‘~m .'/3" NARRATIVE DON JUAN VAN HALEN’S IMPRISONMENT DUNGEONS OF THE INQUISITION AT MADRID, AND HIS ESCAPE IN 1817 AND 1818; TO WHICH ARE ADDED, HIS JOURNEY TO RUSSIA, ms CAMPAIGN WITHTHE ARMY OF THE CAUCASUS, AND' HIS RETURN TO SPAIN IN 1821. EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL SPANISH MANUSCRIPT, BY THE AUTHOR or " DON ESTEBAN ” AND “ SANDOVAL." IN Twp VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: HENRY COLBURNyNE\V BURLINGTON STREET. PRINTED BY A; J. VALPY, RED LION COURT, FLEET GTREIT. p-0 CON'I‘EN'l‘S \ THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAP. I. The author resolves on entering the Russian service—His interview with some gentlemen of the Russian legation in Lon don—Don Fermin Tastet—Mr. Bludoff—Don Antonio Quiroga —The author embarks for Hamburgh—Mr. Strow, consul general—Kindness of Mr. Von Beseler-Don E. P. de Castro Journey from Hamburgh to Berlin-Spanish settlers-Arrival in the Prussian capital—V0n Hall, a merchant of Berlin—Account of Don Luis Landaburo—-Visit to Counsellor Kraft, secretary of the Russian Embassy—-Genoese spy—The author quits Berlin in company with Secretary Koch . Page 1 CHAP. II. The travellers arrive at the Vistula—-City of Konigsberg—-e Description--Road to Memel—Curische Haft—Memel—A Mus covite merchant—Amber collected—They enter Russia—~Villagc of Palangen -—-Russian travelling — Adventures— Mittau—Its palace-.—Passage across the ice of the River Dwina—-Riga— Industry of the ladies--Journey to St. Petersburgh—-Intem perance—Apathy of the serfs of Livonia—Wretched inns-The author takes leave of Mr. Koch at Dorpat . 23 vi CONTENTS. CHAP. III. Russian post-vehicles and postilions—Accident—The author proceeds through the snows in a sledge--His arrival at Narva— Approaches St. Petersburgh—First difliculties—Russian nobles —Dr. Elisen-—-Interview with Prince VVolkonsky-—Baron Rall— Festival of the Epiphany—Blessing the frozen Neva—General Betancourt—Visit to Romansow—M. Zea Bermudez arrives on a mission to St. Petersburgh—Character of Prince Andrew Galitzin—Hospitality and generosity of the Russians—Friend ship of Mr. S. L . .—The author petitions Alexander for ad mission into the Russian service . Page 42 CHAP. IV. Description of St. Petersburgh--Palaces-—-Military parade The square of Isaao—Statue of Peter the Great—Shops—Im perial Bank—Church and convent of St. Alexander Newsky—- The choir in the Greek church service—Discipline ofthe military at St. Petersburgh--Trophies taken in Nap0leon’s retreat from Russia—Waxen image of Peter the Great—-Manners and cus t0ms—Military genius—-—The Carnival—The Russian mountains; games on the ice so denominated—Description ofthis pastime Palace of Tzarskoi'eselo—Hussars of the guard—lmprovement in the Russian army—-Triumphal arch—Napoleon and Alexander --Remarkable religious l'estivals—Cathedral of our Lady of Kasan—Offerings of eggs—Return of spring—Visit to Cronstadt —Description of this port, and of the navy-Interesting anec dote . 66 CHAP. V. Hostility of the Spanish minister, Zea Bermudez, to the author -Intimation given by Count Nesselrode—-Interview with Zea Bermudez-General Yermolow—The author gains his suit with the Emperor—Saloon of models of the Russian uniforms—--Libe rality of the author’s friends—-Military evolutions—Ceremonies observed at a marriage-—-The author quits ‘St. Petersburgh to CONTENTS. vii join the army of Ge0rgia—-Journey to Moscow with Mamonotf— Palace of Tzarskoieselo . Page 83 CHAP. VI. Travelling between St. Petersburgh and Mosc0w—MiIitary col0nies—Grand Canal—Woldai'—'l‘wcr—~The country described —First sight of Moscow-Agreeable stay at Moscow—Present appearance of the ancient capital-Statue of Kouzma Miminn— W]adimir—General Betancourt at Nijnei Novg0rod—Great building in which the fair of St. Macarieff is held—-Internal commerce (lescribe(l—Steam-boats on the Wolga—-Otto of roses —Tea brought overland from China—Merchants—Boukharee Tartars-Life of Napoleon written in Arabic—Camera obscura -Variety of elegant costumes—-English travelIer—-The author's meeting with his Spanish friends—Fair of Nijnei Novgorod— Serf comedians . 106 CHAP. VII. 'I‘he author proceeds for Georgia—Seransk—Its fair~—Pcnza —Beggars—WVolves—-City of Woroneje—War between the Tzar Demetri and the Khan Mamay—The steppes—Town of Kasanka'ia—The River D0n—-The Kalmucks—Their tents-— Tcherkaske, capital of the Don Cossacks—Their customs and superstition—Fish—Wine of the banks of the D0n—Seredn'iy Yeguerlik--The Tcherkases or Circas-sians—-'l‘heir costume, physiognomy, &e.--Attack of a courier--Arrival at Staropol —First view of the great Caucasian range—Gheorguiewsh, capital of the government of the Caucasus—Mozdok—-Rive'r Terak, separating Europe and Asia--Father Henri, a Jesuit from Namnr settled at Mozdok—-General Yermolow attacks the Tchetchenkis . 125 CHAP. VIII. Arrival at Naur-Cossack settlements on the River Terak— viii CONTENTS. Account of the Cossacks of the Terak—'[‘heir fidelity-Tcheh lana'ia—Schalkowsk0ic—Kalmucks—Anilrciewsky,capital of the province of the 'l‘ehetchenkis—Redoubt at Aksai'—The author arrives at the head-quarters ofGenernl Yermo|ow—The general’s tent or kivitka—-His address to tho ofiicers lately arrived—His reception of the author—Defeat of the mountaineers and their prince—Capture of Andreiewsky—-Beautit"ul girl of Andreiewsky —-Description of c0stume—-Character of Yermolow—His inde fatigable attention to the duties of his office . Page 147 CHAP. IX. Russian embassy to Persia—-Housse'1'n Kouli-Khan, Sardar of Erivan—-Politic conduct of Yermolow in Persia—His disregard of etiquette at the court of Persia—Reeeption of the Russian embassy by the Shah—Picture of this magnificent scene—-The Kasbek and Elborus, mountains of the Caucasus—Description of the chain of mountains-Character of the mountain tribes— Their love of war and pillage—The Lesghis—Barbarous habits of the Tchetchenkis—'l‘heir poniards—The Assetinians—I-Iermits —-Kabardines, activity of this tribe in warfare—Lesghi Tartars— Their country described—Frontier provinces ofRussia—Benefits accruing to the population of the Caucasus by the extension of the Russian power .
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