Addenda, corrigendaetemendanda C.G.G.J. van Steenisc. s. As was done in the preceding volumes, it seemed useful to correct some errors which have crept into the text of volumes 4-7 as well as to add additional data,new records and references to new species which came to my knowledge and are worth recording. Also there are alternative opinions about generic and specific delimitation on most of which comments are given. Printing errors have only been corrected if they might give rise to confusion. Volume colon. numbers with either b denote and page number are separatedby a Page provided a or the left and columns of right a page respectively. Aceraceae (1853) 287; Fl. Dahur. 1 (1853). Nephrocodum malaccense WALP. Ann. 6 4:3, In Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 142 KOSTER- (1861) 41, sphalma. -592a; MANS published a new combination Acer These three generic names should also have been added to the of the 6: 915 a caesium (REINW. ex BL.) KOSTERMANS (as synonymy typified by Laurus caesia REINW. ex BL. genus Burmannia L. on p. 15. Cf. JONKER, Bijdr. (1825) 553) to replace Acer lauri- A monograph of the Burmanniaceae. num HASSK. (C/. Fl. Mai. I, 4, 1954, 592). Thesis, Utrecht (1938) 121. The latter (earlier known as A. niveum BL.) is the proper name, as the combina- Burseraceae (LEENHOUTS) tion A. caesium (BL.) KOSTERMANS is ille- gitimate because of A. caesium BRANDIS, 5:213 Protium BURM. f. For. Fl. (1874) 111, Atlas t. 21. Correct in Distr.: In continental Asia this there is but P. Unfortunately was overlooked by one species: serratum WHITMORE, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 1. (COLEBR.) ENGL., of which P. yunnanense KALKM. is The latter (Hu) a synonym. should be (nearly) glabrous and have Amaranthaceae somewhat larger fruits; these characters be however. appear to grading, 4: 73; Celosia argentea L. var. cristata. 5: 2146 Protium macgregorii (F. M. BAILL.) 5: 554 a A biosystematical study by Dr T. N. LEENH. KHOSHOO (Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12, 1970, Add to references: HOOGL. in Walker 67-69, 1 fig., 2 pi., 1972) has shown that (ed.), Torres Straits Symp. (1972) 151, f. C. argentea must be the ancestral form 8.21 (map). from which var. cristata must be derived. Add to synonymy: Dracontomelum pa- 4: 866 C. C. TOWNSEND (Kew Bull. 29, 1974, puanum LAUT. in K. SCH. & LAUT. Nachtr. 464) has transferred Aerva curtisii OLIV. (1905) 301. to a new genus Psilotrichopsis to accom- It occurs also in SE. New Guinea: modate this species and A. cochinchinensis SCHODDE & CRAVEN 4685. GAGN. The new genus is said to differ 5: 2226 Dacryodes costata (BENN.) H. J. LAM. from Psilotrichum by verrucose seed and Add to description: Inflorescences appar- structure of the pollen wall, and from ently sometimes exclusively axillary (SAN Aerva besides by opposite leaves and mul- 75957). tinerved petals. 5: 227 aH. J. LAM. Dacryodes macrocarpa (KING) 4: 93a, For Alternanthera bettzickiana (REGEL) Add to synonymy: D. expansa (non H. J. 5946; NICHOLS., which in vol. 4 was distin- Lam) K.ALKMAN,"Blumea 7 (1954) 510, f. -6: 916 a guished as a variety of A. ficoidea (L.) R. LEENH. FL. Mai. 2 a &b, typo exC/.; I, 5 BR., KANIS (Contr. Herb. Austr. 1, 1972, (1956) 228, ditto; ibid. 1,6(1972)919. 6) made a newcombination: A. manillensis 5: 2276 Replace KEY TO THE VARIETIES by the (WALP.) KANIS. AS it later appeared that following: WALPERS' basionym belonged to another 1. Leaves 4- or 5-jugate. Philippines species, KANIS (ibid. 7, 1974, 7) cancelled var. merrillii this name in favour of the one accepted 1. Leaves up to 3-jugate. in Fl. Mai. vol. 6, I.e. 2. Leaflets widest about the middle, equal-sided at base; nerves at a right Burmanniaccae angle to the midrib. Sarawak, Brunei var. patentinervia 4: 17a Burmannia coelestis DON. 2. Leaflets widest in the lower half, Add between mid- to synonymy: Cryptonema malac- oblique at base; angle censis TURCZ. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 21 rib and nerves acute. (1) (1848)590, non Cryptonemia AGARDH, 3. Twigs and axial parts of leaves 1842; Fl. Dahur. 1 (1848); WALP. Ann. 3 smooth, blackish when dry; leaflets (1852) 609. Nephrocoelium malaccense rather thick and stiff, midrib and TURCZ. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 26 (1) nerves not sharply prominent on (820) 1976] Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda 821 lower side. Malay Peninsula, Suma- Small tree. Brarichlets unknown; buds rufous Leaves tra, Borneo. var. macrocarpa hairy. (incompletelyknown) 3. and axial of leaves 4- internodes Twigs parts scaly or more-jugate, glabrous; ofrhachis 5 and brown when dry; leaflets per- c. cm long,petiolules I'h-Vf, terminal gamentaceous, midrib and nerves one 5 cm long. Leaflets oblong onlower side. to 17-23 sharplyprominent N., oblong-lanceolate, by 6-7'/ 2 cm, kostermansii brownish when E., and S. Borneo var. dried; base cuneate, 5: 228 var. macrocarpa. a slightly oblique; apex subabruptly acu- Add to description: Fruit ellipsoid, near- minate, acumen short, slender, ± acute; l 3-3 l cm. nerves not ly straight, / 4by 2-2'/ 4 by 3 10-12, curved, joined, promi- nulous reticulation var. kostermansii (KALKM.) KALKMAN. beneath; lax, rather Add to description: Fruit ellipsoid, inconspicuous. Inflorescences (only <J slightly oblique, to flattened ellipsoid, known) probably lateral onaxillary short rounded on the side of the fertile cell, shoots, up to 24 cm long, lax, glabrous; J onthe one, 3-4 1 —3 peduncle up to 6 cm long, branches far angular opposite by / 2 by IV2-2V4 cm. apart, the lower up to 10 cm long; pedi- 5 var. merrillii H. J. LAM. cels 3-7 mm long, slender. Flowers mm Fruit unknown. long, glabrous. Calyx 2 mm, the lobes Insert after var. merrillii etc.: broadly deltoid. Petals ovate-oblong, var. patentinervia LEENH. noV. var. blunt to ± rounded and minutely in- l H. J. Kalk- flexed 4-4 thin. Daeryodes expansa (non Lam) at apex, /2 mm long, very f. MAN.BIumea 7 (1954) 510, 2 p.p., typo Stamens free from the disk. Disk thick- e.xcl. ; LEENH. Fl. Mai. I, 5 (1956) 228, annular. Pistil m $ flowers rather strongly ditto. reduced. Infructescences and fruits un- Folia I- vet 2-jugata. Petiolus (2-) 4-8 known. Foliola 6-18 basi Distr. Maiesia: cm longus. cm longa, Borneo (Sarawak, equilatera: nervi secundarii utrimque nearKuching, known from the typeonly). 10-14, a costa subpatentes, subrecti, ante Notes. The fruiting material, identi- marginem valde curvati. Flores ignoti. fied with the present species and included Fructus applanato-ellipsoidei vel subglo- in the descriptions published by KALK- bosi, paullo obliqui,parte loculi fertilis ro- MAN and LEENHOUTS, turned out to repre- 4-5 timdata, parte opposita subangulata, sent D. macrocarpa. Consequently, the 3 , cm longi,37 -4 cm lati, 2 l -3 cm crassi, description had to be reduced to the au- 2 t /2 pulamine crasso. thentic material. The above description is Typus: Borneo, Brunei, Bt. Labi F. based upon RIDLEY'S and LAM'S descrip- R., 30 Aug. 1960, fr., J. SINCLAIR & tions and a photographand a drawing of KADIM BIN TASSIM 10492 (L; iso in K, the type in L. D. be allied with laxa SAR, SING). expansa may D. Paratypes: KEP 80093; Sarawak and D. kingii, with which two it shares the For. Dept.4370, S 16602,S 23655, S 23696. peculiar type of indorescence. It differs Distr. Malesia: Borneo: Brunei, Sa- from the former by being nearly glabrous rawak (Miri Distr., Bt. Iju in 3rd Div.). (rare in laxa), by its long petiolules (in Ecol. Primary lowland Dipterocarp laxa rarely more than 1 cm), by the posi- forest on slopes and ridges; up to c. 250 tion of its indorescence (laxa terminal m. with often some additional lateral ones), Uses. The fruits (apparently the fleshy by the free stamens (laxa apparently al- pulp) are said to be eaten. ways adnate to the disk). D. kingii is pri- is Notes. This the fruiting material marily different by its greater dimensions; originally identified as D. expansa. furthermore, it shares most characters in- Vegetatively, the present species is volved here with laxa but is less hairy and nearly indistinguishable from Santiria the stamens are free from the disk; onthe BL. laevigata other hand, the nerves are greater in 5: 228 Dacryodesaexpansa: Replace by the fol- number and stronger prominent beneath. 9196 lowing : 6: Dacryodes nervosa (H. J. LAM) LEENH. 12. Dacryodes expansa (RIDL.) H.J. LAM, Add to description: The indument con- Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg 42 (1932) 204; Bull. sists of dense hair tufts rather than of Jard. Bot. Btzg 111, 12 (1932) 366, t. 5 f. stellate hairs. Reticulations sometimes ± 21; KALKMAN, Blumea 7 (1954) 510, f. 2 prominent above. Fruits (prob. not fully c, excl. fr. coll.", LEENH. Fl. Mai. I, 5 mature) 2 by 1 cm (SOEPADMO & MAH- (1956) 228, ditto: non (?) SMYTHIES, Com- MUD 1028). Sarawak Trees 5: Add after 16. mon (1965) t. 8; non 2296, Dacryodes nervosa etc.: LEENH. Fl. Mai. I, 6 (1972) 919. Cana- 6: 920a rium RIDL. Kew Bull. 17. LEENH. expansum (1930) Dacryodes multijuga noV. sp. 83. Arbor 12 m alia, 10 cm diam. Ramuli ad 822 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 7 4 15 mm crassi,fulvo-velutini,glabrescenles; 5: 232b: Santiria laevigata BL. medulla probabiliter cylindro ductorum Add note: This species is often nearly sclerenchymatosorum resiniferorum ligno indistinguishablefrom Dacryodes macro- adpresso suffulla. Folia immatura ca. 70 cm carpa in the vegetative state. 238 longa, 11-14-jugata, ± sparse puberula; 5: Haplolobus H. J. LAM. petiolus 18 cm longus, basi canaliculatus, A new revision with descriptions and key dimidio in inferiore supra applanalus, me- was published by P.
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