92 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECTQALBERT ANASTASIA FILE: 62-98011 / v/ /I / / . &#39; * _"&#39; &#39; &#39; &#39;- " . &#39;, _ .11 ,-;~r ,- .&#39; 3 _ _ -_ _ - . v , .,-. ..r~|-".- -&#39; _ ~~,=»¢&#39;-1~1~!~l34a¢"&-&#39;m;_;d-,.-..-.._,4._-,_.,,_,,_.,,.*.,..._.A Q. ;.._.*,._<_. M._.___,. ., _, _ __ _._*¢A,_., .--...-A_.- 1-_,k..m-_-.m.>:__~.~,._.,.a92=*,-:_92">&#39;iie2-.-, &#39; &#39;:._ ". Q&#39; . 4 _ , &#39; V 2 -:_ .&#39;.-t:&#39;:};&#39;._j __ A .,_. ,, _, _A MT; "U. A______.L ______.__ i;__&#39;,:__.-_--,,_:,7l7_L.. .-.k-. , 92 - ;_._.,.,i_.l _._.; .,,_ ____L. » :__ . _- .- . " -___ ~ 1;; Bx;-_;. ... _»:;________,_,:> =»<l,. ,. __.__ _ .__._L_ - »V _ A ~_~ -* . 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Ill naturalised in 1 175110 -ma5, 1£"i¥:&#39; gm»; "a" V &#39; ; ~ &#39;» S .~.-v_,_,-&#39;_ X11199-&#39; la an cud to nude at. 75 uff Road, 7.8. 92AQ92i&#39; 92_&#39;4 .»92_. I &#39;_ RU i.-.,O :_V ;__: . ~. i_;>:-__&#39;_- ~£&#39;< C." .1-.2. Z ._ _- .-__l_ Q ._ &#39;¬&#39;?;__-_- &#39; _:_&#39;_:_-{-1 . " ~ A$u:un°~ia&#39; Quiz»: to bi {Bu &#39;1;-diig &#39; _ " Qcntz-oiling tho rukotl, ltrikcbz-asking bad Ihng-nu " &#39; l activities on the In! to:-1: city waterfront. 11¢ was also repartodly 1 landing tiguro in notivltloa or the crinlnal .v-92? £79? in BP°0¥1In» 50" Ybfkn ¢°lI@=1y roferroé to an &#39;Enrdor Inca!-poratcdf ws;a» < :v-~&#39; _? 11- 25?? . 10 litlnhy. 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ANASTA1 411°-*1 , as:~ Umberto Q / I *""&#39; Information has been received that ALBERT ANAST 0 i&#39;0z~§1T.t_was born at Calabria, Italy, date unknown, and currently us? -v ..; resides at 75 Pine Bluff Road, Fort Lee, New Jersey. &#39; . -3,5 1" _ _.. .-,__..:,; .5 _ "&#39;5&#39; .~ A» ..:&#39;. he ... &#39; ANASTASIO is believed to be a naturalized e/~; citizen. He has been reported as a notorious racketeer in we:-&#39;~ ~ *7L labor and waterfront activities in the New York City area 5-3&#39;1. " . l~» and an associate of the most notorious element in New York 1 City, and engaged in policy and gambling. , E»w -&#39; HZ. 5%§?% etww~ -9*-,92 »-&#39;~:~..=§if-4 =. $1: Y~ 5° e- 92. -.33 Zn: ._~,v.,, .,._. T = .a~,__¬ --st its !§T=$=- e &#39;_;:&#39;r-- 3 92!-,¢/ -1&#39;_&#39;~__. W 7y¢// .; mm .11 taste }2*&#39;il§§2 §;2!92.&:92#i92t;1-&#39;1!;--4_l_&, &#39;_Ei~_»_.-._. ., _.-_.__ . , __{ _; .a___.lA..~~__I;_:_~-_.._~r»..r~...92_~~.. - __.-_._-_-..i_.l ..__ ._,,,,__,,.,: _ *4______. _____>____H _ __ _92_ _ ___V7_ A A .i-Wi _ i:d_:_.-H},-;;__-g 3-:1-+J ~ ~,&#39;~-s ~&#39;-~»-- - » -;_-__t.= V , .I._..-.__..,.._.__.._._,...-..>- _-.- L;_92<*"&#39;:,_"v;I-n_~ L-*--»--e~_&#39;-&#39;At&#39;_~_&#39;,-r_-iii->3-iual!i¢";&#39;41a. ~-~~--&#39;_- . &#39; - &#39; .; .; ._=,_t-:.,_,;f.~. ~ ,,...h,.92a..-n"-stair»-»l..-._:_._..;l__.,,_-_,___-,._ _, _ ,___ .L __ _ t-7-I--_~-= ~~ -i92_-4,-A-11,-,7-»_--li._,..._._-_l-_-_-~&#39;._t.n--.-V_;4~&#39;:4 - -- __ : -_-;__..:_._:,i;r_>.,_ &#39;1 4-150 Rev. 1:44-ea! It XXXXXX 1.1 O 99 XXXXXX XXXXXX &#39; L FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET U Page s! withheldentirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. 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