\mM\ III II! i!i{iiiii ! I mil lirlll'lTHiirilltlillll! llilLi, i 'SllSilsilf' Ill'' iii CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY )/ Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924026082622 -* THE ILxUs of tl)e faints REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE TENTH * (^ ALTAR-PIECE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Sept.— Front. ^-— ^ THE litieei of tl)e ^amts V.\ THE REV, S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. New Edition in i6 Volumes Revised with Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work ILLUSTRATED BY OVER 400 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE TENTH September LONDON JOHN C. NIMMO NEW YORK: LONGMANS, GREEN, &- CO. MDCCCXCVIII ^- 1 *- -* CONTENTS A PAGE SS. Asclepiodotus SS. Abundius, Abundan- tius, and comp. 261 S. Adamnan . 358 SS. Adrian, Natalia, and comp. .113 S. Agapetus I., Pope . 321 „ Agathoclia . 272 „ Aichard . , 249 SS. Aigulf and comp. 41 S. Ailbe 180 „ Alexander. 325 SS. Alkmund and Gil- bert 109 S. Amatus of Lorraine 193 „ Amatus, B. of Sens 194 „ Anaslasius . 100 SS. Andocbius, Thyrsus, and Felix . 361 S. Antoninus . 1 *- qi- -* VI Contents ^^- -^ Contents Vll H S. Ludmilla .... =65 S. Hennione . 43 „ Lupus, Abp. of Sens 5 „ Hilarus, Pope 157 „ Hildegard . 279 M „ Honorius, Abp. of Canterbury . 464 SS. Macedonius, Theo- Hyacinth SS. and Protus 166 dulus, and Tatian 179 S. Macniss .... 36 I SS. Macrobius,Gordian, and comp. 185 S. Ida . 50 S. Madelberta 109 B. Irmgard 51 „ Magnoald . 94 „ Mansuetus . 35 J „ Marcellus .... 44 SS. Marcian, Abundius, SS. Januarius and comp. 301 and comp. 261 Jeremias and Emi- „ B. Margaret of Louvain 17 lias . 251 S. Marinus, Deac. 46 S. Jerome . 450 „ Maternus, B. of SS. John, Abundius, and Treves . 230 comp. 261 „ Matthew, Ap.Evang. 323 S. John of Nicomedia 97 SS. Maurice and comp. 329 „ John Mark . 395 S. Maurilius .... 1 85 Joseph of Cupertino 292 „ SS. Maximus, Theodo- Julian . 185 „ tus, and Asclepio SS. Justina and Cyprian 386 dotus . 247 „ Memorius and comp. 103 K „ Menodora, Metro- dora, S. Kieran of Clonmac- and Nym- phodora . .145 nois . 132 S. Methodius . 291 SS. Michael and All Angels .... 428 SS. Laetus, Donatian, S. Modoc ..... 108 Monessa . .... 47 and others . 89 „ „ Lsetus and Vincent 4 S. Lambert .... 274 N „ Laurence Justiniani 76 Natalia, Adrian, and „ Liberius, Pope . 351 SS. „ Linus, Pope 349 comp 113 Nativity of the B. Virgin no „ Lioba . 417 „ Lo 337 SS. Nemesianus, Felix, „ Lolan 340 and comp. .144 SS. Lucia and Gemini- „ Nestabo, Eusebius, and comp. .118 anus . 259 *- ->i< viii Ij<- -Ijl Contents IX PAGE I'AGE SS. Theodulus, Mace- SS. Vincent and Latus . 4 donius,andTatian 179 B. Virgin, Nativity of S. Theophanes . 130 the no „ Thomas of Villanova 341 SS. Thyrsus, Andochius, W and Felix 361 S. Wenceslas Translation of S. Cuth- 421 „ Wilfreda 140 bert . 50 B. of Ros- SS. Twelve Brethren 2 „ William, kilde. 13 U SS. Ursus and Victor . 441 S. Zenas , 397 SS. Zeno, Eusebius, and comp. .118 „ Zeno, Concordius, S. Verena . 2 and others ... 12 SS. Victor and Ursus .441 „ Zeno, Eudoxius, and S. Victorinus . .66 comp. 68 *- -^ >J<- -* LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Altar-piece of the Sixteenth Century Frontispiece S. Giles , to face p. 8 After Cahier. Tailpiece. ^„^^,„ S. Agricola of Avignon , , to face p. 12 After Cahier. S. Stephen 24 After Cahier. Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris, as it WAS in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. View of the principal FAfADE before THE RESTORATION BY MM. LaSSUS AND VioLLET-LE-DuC on p. -^-^ Tailpiece . ^ S. Rosalia to face p. 54 After Cahier. S. Bertin ... ,-, After Cahier. * ^ ^- -»J< Xll List of Illustrations Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary to fit ce p. 1 10 From the Vientia Missal. Nativity of the Virgin .4/te>- the Fresco by DoMENICO DEL GHiRLANLAjci i?i the Choir of Sta. Maria Novella at Florence. Marriage of the Virgin 114 After the Fresco by DoMENico del Ghirlandajo in the Choir of Sta. Maria Novella at Florence. S. Paul, Ap. ..,,.. , 071 p. 129 Chair of S. Kieran {see f. 132) - S. Nicolas Tolentini to face p. 160 After Cahier. Tailpiece . ..... * 1^-— _^ List of Illustrations xiii The Calling of S. Matthew . „ 324 After the Painting by OvERBECK. S. James the Less {see May \st) on p 384 S. Peter, Ap. (see Feb. 22nd) . „ 394 COSMAS AND DAMIAN, PaTRONS OF THE Guild of Barber Surgeons „ 396 The Saintly Brothers, Cosmas and DaMIAN, visiting and relieving THE Sick , . ioface p. 400 After a Picture by Francesco Peselli in tlie Gallery of the Louvre. Holy Angels . .... „ 430 After the Painting by SCHKAUDOLF. Work of the Angels . „ 432 S. Jerome in the Desert . „ 456 After u Picture of the School of Andrea del Sarto in the Gallery of the Louvre. S. Jerome explaining the Scriptures to S. Paula, and to Eustochie, her Daughter ...... to face p. 460 From a Bible written for Charles THE BALD, in the Abbey of S. Martin, at Toms. The Last Communion of S. Jerome . „ 462 After the Picture by DOMENICHINO in the Vatican. * (J, Lives of the Saints September 1. Joshua, Leader of tJie Israelites, in Palesti?ie ; circ. 1450 B.C. Gideon, Judge of Israel, in Palestine ; circ. 1210 B.C. S. Aati A, Prophetess at yerusalejn ; degin?ting of 1st cent. S. Priscus, M. at Capua ; ist cent. SS. Terentianus, ^.il/., AND Flaccus, M. at Todi ill. Uiiibria; circ. A.D. 118. SS. SiXTUS AND SiNicios, BB. at RJieiins ; circ. a.d. 300. SS. XH. Brothers, MM. at Benevento ; circ. a.d. 303. S. Verena, V. at Zurzach ifi Switzerland. S. FiRMiNUS, B. 0/ Amiens ; circ. a.d. 390. SS. Vincent, B.M., and L^tus, P.M. at Tarbes. S. Victorius, B. 0/ Sens; circ. a.d, 490. S. Lupus, Abp. of Sens; a.d. 623. S. NiVARD, Abp. of Rheiins; circ, A.D. 673. S. Giles, Ab. in Provence; circ. A.D. 712. S. PRISCUS, M. (ist cent.) [Roman Martyrology.] AINT PRISCUS is said by popular legend to [ have been the man in whose house Christ ate the last Passover, and instituted the Blessed Sacrament. He followed S. Peter to Rome, and suffered martyrdom at Capua. VOL. X. I ii(- ^ ^- -* Lives of tlie Saints. [Sept. SS. TWELVE BROTHERS, MM. (ciRC. A.D. 303.) [Roman Martyrology. In no ancient copies of Usuardus or other early martyrologies. The Brothers on different days in different Itahan cities which possess their rehcs. Authority : —The Acts, written before the nth cent., but not very ancient or trustworthy.] There were twelve brothers, fearing God, and worshipping Christ at Carthage, by name Donatus, FeUx, Arontius, Hono- ratus, Fortunatus, Sabinian, Septimius, Januarius, another Felix, Vitalis, Sator, and Repositus.' They were captured at Adrumetium, where they had taken refuge until the tyranny of persecution had overpassed, and were brought to Carthage, where they were tortured ; ana, oecause they would not re- nounce Christ, they were sent to Italy chained together by the neck. Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, and Sabinian were decapitated at Potentia on the 27 th of August. Next day, August 28th, Januarius and Felix were executed at Venusia. On the following day, Vitalis, Sator, and Repositus suffered at Velinianum. Donatus and Felix were martyred on the I St of September at Sentianum. The relics of all were afterwards translated to Beneventum, where they now repose. S. VERENA, V. (date uncertain.) [Roman Martyrology. Some copies of Usuardus, Notker, and Wandel- bert. The Acts are not trustworthy.] S. Verena, according to legend, was an Egyptian damsel, daughter of Chasremon, who came to Milan, when hearing of the martyrdom of the blessed Maurice and his com- ^ It is improbable that there were two brothers of the sanre name, Felix. Probably these martyrs were brothers in the Faith and not in blood. ^ 4j( . — 'S"- Verena. Sept. I.] 3 panions at Agaunum, she crossed the Alps to visit the spot watered by their blood, and to collect relics. She wandered north into Solothurn, and settled in a grotto in the face of a rock. The cave became afterwards the favourite resort of hermits, a chapel was built there in 1426, and renovated in 1555 and 1575. The spot is not one of the least impressive in Switzerland. It lies at the end of a pretty valley, hemmed in by rocks of gneiss embowered in trees, about two miles north-east of Solothurn. It is reached by paths, originally formed by the French emigre's, who, at the outbreak of the French Revolution, sought an asylum here. The valley abounds in caves and grottoes, partly natural, partly artificial, and at its further extremity, within a natural shelf of over-arching cliff, stands the little chapel of S. Verena. Behind the altar a small cave has been cut in the rock, and now contains a representation of the Holy Sepulchre. In this cave the pious maiden hved, spending her time m prayer and in ministering to the clean- liness of soul and body of the peasantry of the neighbour- hood. Being possessed of a comb, she visited their cottages, and paid a not unnecessary attention to their heads. In commemoration of this a Latin inscription was cut on the rock : '* Pectore dum Christo, dum pectiae servit egenis, Hoc latuit quondam Sancta Verena cavo." The devil, enraged at the transformation wrought by her solicitude in the heads and hearts of the peasants, tried to drag her away from the cave and dash her over the rocks ; but she saved herself by clinging fast to the stone, and the holes made by her finger-nails are shown to this day.
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