Implemented by Newsletter 1 THE ALBANIAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR COUNTERS technical assistance through IPA (Instrument for Pre- ORGANISED CRIME AND DRUG TRAFFICKING accession Assistance) funds. At the opera�onal level, Albania signed the Status Agreement between the EU and Albania, The Ministry of Interior (MoI) of Albania is commi�ed to which enabled the European Border and Coast Guard Agency enhancing the opera�onal capacity of the Border and (Frontex) to deploy its first joint opera�on on the territory of Migra�on Police (BMP) to counter cross-border crime, a non-EU country. Recently, a working agreement was also including drug trafficking. To this end, a number of steps signed between Frontex and Albanian authori�es to were taken within the MoI structures over the recent years, strengthen their coopera�on in border management such as improving certain procedures and increasing quality regarding return and to fight cross-border crime. and capacity. Areas affected include the legal framework to The project EU Support for the effective management of be brought in line with EU best prac�ces, and improved green and blue borders in Albania (EU4SAFEALB) is one of the administra�ve and professional capaci�es (including EU funded projects enhancing the capacity of the Albanian training, IT and infrastructure), in order to improve the law enforcement agencies to counter organised crime and organisa�on and management of border agencies, which will drug trafficking, implemented by the Interna�onal Centre for in turn facilitate trade exchanges and increase the quality of Migra�on Policy Development (ICMPD). The beneficiary service to ci�zens, while disrupting illegal ac�vi�es across the agencies have commi�ed to providing every support to state boundary and thereby enhance border security. ICMPD in the implementa�on of the project to the benefit of The strategic commitments of the government of Albania to both Albania and the EU member states. strengthen border management capacity are also reflected in the new na�onal Integrated Border Management Strategy EU SUPPORTS ALBANIA’S CAPACITIES IN COUNTERING (IBM Strategy) of 2021-2027, which is currently in ORGANISED CRIME implementa�on. Building upon the Na�onal Strategy for Through the EU4SAFEALB project, the EU is providing state of Development and Integra�on 2015-2020, the new IBM the art border surveillance equipment and specialised Strategy aims to ensure the safe movement of na�onals and training to the Albanian Border and Migra�on Police. This goods across the state border, as well as the taking of support will further enhance the capacity of Albania to necessary measures to prevent and disrupt all forms of cross- effec�vely combat organised crime along its na�onal border crime and irregular migra�on. The strategy also borders. provides a framework for the na�onal IBM agencies to advance reform and align with good EU prac�ces, as well as The value of the present project is EUR 6 million and it is the formally fulfil requirements vis-à-vis EU membership latest in the line of other EU support projects for the Albanian aspira�ons. Police and Customs, which amounts to more than EUR 20 million in the last five years only. The work of frontline law The EU and its member states have supported Albania in this enforcement officers is key to further advancement on the area for many years, focusing on gradual and systema�c path towards EU accession. The European Union and Albania improvement of ins�tu�onal capaci�es and the provision of stand together in the fight against serious and organised crime. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union ICMPD and a�ended by the Albanian MoI and the BMP, PROJECT ACTIVITIES interna�onal organisa�ons (Frontex, IOM, OSCE, PAMECA) In July 2020, the project and bilateral donors that are providing support to Albania in conducted a needs assessment the area of border management and countering organised with the Border and Migra�on crime. The PSC members endorsed the project incep�on Police (BMP) regarding equip- report and provided final comments to the list of equipment, ment and training, with the which was then endorsed by the donor shortly therea�er. findings report validated in December 2020. On the basis of the assessment, the BMP will GERMAN FEDERAL POLICE SUPPORT TO BMP be provided with patrol boats, surveillance vehicles and a Ever since the Federal Police of Germany established a mari�me radar surveillance system. The project focuses on Liaison Office in Albania in 2015 to enhance coopera�on and enhancement of the BMP logis�cal and equipment mainte- support towards the BMP to fight irregular migra�on and nance capaci�es. In addi�on, the project will provide cross border crime, there has been good coopera�on with all tailor-made training to the stakeholders in Albania, especially with the EU as the main BMP personnel including supporter. The Federal Police of Germany, amongst others, training for patrol vessels has been one of the most suppor�ve donors to BMP and and radar operators, basic have made considerable contribu�ons in recent years to maintenance of patrol support effec�ve du�es at the green border by vessels, the maintenance of supplying patrol cars, document laboratories and specialised IT systems and surveillance equipment. Special a�en�on was given to technical means. For enhancing patrol and second line officers’ further informa�on, please capabili�es by providing basic and advanced visit the ICMPD web page. training courses in the area of document security. FIRST PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING To avoid possible duplica�on or overlapping of ac�vi�es, ICMPD invited the liaison officer of the Federal Police of The first Project Steer- Germany – from the very earliest dra� of the project up un�l ing Commi�ee (PSC) the final decision – to contribute with their experience and to mee�ng took place streamline all planned ac�vi�es for the professional develop- online on 12 January ment of the BMP. Coopera�on will con�nue within the 2021. It looked into the framework of the project, and sound synergies will be progress of the project ins�tuted for providing joint training and exper�se. implementa�on and endorsed the next 1st PROJECT TENDER steps, in par�cular the provision of equipment and delivery of training. It was chaired The first tender was conducted that will provide different by the EU Delega�on to Albania, co-chaired by sized patrol vessels, mobile surveillance systems, and the mobile maintenance workshop. CONTACTS UPCOMING PROJECT ACTIVITIES Mr. Borut Eržen, Head, Border Management and Security Programme, ICMPD • Prepara�on and announcement of the 2nd project Gonzagagasse 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria tender for the procurement of the coastal radar Phone: +43 1 504 4677 2357 surveillance system E-mail: [email protected] Website : www.icmpd.org The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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