Special Plants of New Jersey false boneset (Kuhnia eupatorioides) Ted Gordon Office of Natural Lands Management Division of Parks and Forestry Department of Environmental Protection and Energy CN 404 Trenton, New Jersey January 1992 This list is a result of many years of collaborative effort of individuals, organizations, and institutions interested in the preservation of New Jersey’s flora. Information presented in this report was compiled by David 6. Snyder using the Natural Heritage Database. The report format was designed by Frank J. Dirrigl Jr. Cover illustration drawn by Wendy Wolff, N.J. Outdoors, from photo by David 6. Snyder. Introduction The purpose of this list is to provide the most up to date information on the status of New Jersey’s endangered and plant species of concern and to document the precarious existence of many of our native plants. It is hoped that this list will be used to facilitate the conservation and protection of New Jersey’s endangered and plant species of concern. In 1989 the New Jersey Legislature declared that “plant species have medicinal, genetic, ecological, educational, and aesthetic value to the citizens of New Jersey” and directed the Division of Parks and Forestry in the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy to develop and adopt a list of plant species that are endangered in New Jersey (Endangered Plant Species List Act, N.J.S.A. 13:l B-l 5.151 et seq.). The Act defined an endangered plant species as “any native plant species whose survival in the State or the nation is in jeopardy...” Rules detailing procedures and setting criteria by which plant species would be determined as state endangered were formulated, and a list b of state endangered plants was then proposed (N.J.A.C. 7:5C-1 .l et seq.). The Endangered Plant Species List was adopted on June 4, 1990. The Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, through its Natural Heritage Database, is responsible for monitoring the status of many additional plant species that are not included on the official Endangered Plant Species List. As codified in , the Endangered Plant Species rules (N.J.A.C. 7:5C-3.11, this list of Plant Species of Concern includes those species not listed as endangered but whose status are monitored by the Natural Heritage Database. By combining the lists of Endangered Plant Species and Plant Species of Concern: this present list includes all plant species that are considered to be of conservation concern in New Jersey. Taxa are listed alphabetically by scientific name, followed by a common name and codes indicating its global and state rank, federal, state, or other status. These codes are explained in Appendix I. Plant species included on the following list differ in their degree of rarity and immediacy of threats to existing populations. A number of the species on this list are rare throughout their range (a few of these species are known only from New Jersey). The conservation of these species is a global priority, and unless protected, it is possible that some of these endangered plants may become extinct. The majority of the remaining species on this list are more frequent elsewhere in their range, but rare in New Jersey. This is largely because New Jersey is at the geographical limit of their range or because suitable habitat is either rare or has been destroyed or greatly altered through human actions. The conservation of these species is therefore of high state significance. This listing of endangered and special concern species is dynamic: species new to the state are occasionally discovered, historically ranked species are rediscovered, and ecies are determined to be rarer or more frequent than previously documented. Existing populations may be reduced in size by disease, predation, or unknown causes. Species are lost because their critical habitats are destroyed or irreversibly altered by direct or indirect human actions, such as changes in hydrology, fire suppression, and invasion by aggressive, nonnative species. Consequentially, the list will continue to change as new data are obtained through ongoing research and field inventories. Users of this list are encouraged to report the location of any species included on it, as well as to recommend additions, deletions, or status changes. In most instances, reports documenting significant habitat for a species will be incorporated into the computerized portion of the Natural Heritage Database. Reports on species ranked S3 that do not have official State or Federal status may not be initially computerized in the Natural Heritage Database, but will be used when the status of the species is reassessed. To report locations for any the listed species, please use the form included at the end of this document. Nomenclature Nomenclature of this list follows (with a few exceptions) Kartesz & Kartesz’s (1980) A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland or Gleason & Cronquist’s (1991) Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, second edition. Nomenclature for sphagnum mosses largely follows Andrus’ (1980) The Sphagnaceae of New York State. Because the primary objective of the list of Endangered and Plant Species of Special Concern is to identify New Jersey’s declining plant species, some practical decisions have been made, primarily for clarity of communication. lnfraspecific names generally have not been included unless more than one infraspecific taxa occurs in New Jersey, each having a different level of conservation concern. Taxa for which there exists reasonable agreement that they are of hybrid origin, have been deleted from the list. In general, Gleason and Cronquist’s (1991) nomenclature has been preferred, since this is the only comprehensive regional manual currently available in which new nomenclature is attached to a description of the taxa. Users of this list should be aware that changes in nomenclature have, in some cases, resulted in some very rare New Jersey plants now bearing a name which in earlier manuals are applied to different taxa, some of which are frequent or common in New ’ Jersey. Appendix II lists major nomenclatural changes incorporated into this list. ii List of Endangered Plant Species and Plant Species of Concern January 1992 SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME GLOBAL STATE FEDERAL STATE OTHER RANK RANK STATUS STATUS STATUS Acalypha ostryifoiia Riddell hornbeam-leaved three-sided mercury G5 sx Acer nigrum Michx. f. black mapie G5Q S2 Acorus americanus (Raf .) Raf. American sweet flag G5 su AdJumia fungosa (Ait.) Greene ex B.S.P. Allegheny-vine G4 s2 Aeschynomene virginica (L.) B.S.P. sensitive joint-vetch G2 Sl c2 E LP Aescuius flava Aiton yellow buckeye G4G5 SU Agalinis auricuiata (Michx.) S.F. Blake eared false foxglove G2 sx c2 Agastache nepetoides IL.) Kuntze yellow giant hyssop G5 s2 Agastache scrophuhriifoJi8 (Willd.) Kuntte purple giant hyssop G4 s2 Agrimoni8 microcarps walk. small-fruited groovebur G5 s2 E Agrostis geminata Trin. hairgrass G5 su AJisma trivia/e Pursh large water-plantain G5T5 Sl E AJopecurus aeguak Sobol. marsh meadow foxtail G5 s2 Amaranths pumiJus Raf. sea-beach pigweed G2 SH 62 Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC. New England serviceberry G5 Sl E Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) K. Koch running serviceberry . G5 S3 Amianthium muscaetoxicum (Walt.) Gray fly poison G4G5 S2 Ammanni8 /atifoh L. Koehn’s tooth-cup G? Sl Andromeda g/8ucophy//8 Link bog rosemary G5 Sl E Andropogon gyrans Ashe Elliott’s beardgrass G? s2 Andropogon ternarius M ic hx . silvery beardgrass G5 s2 Anemone canadensh L. Canada anemone G5 sx Anemone cylindrica Gray long-headed anemone G5 Sl E Anemone ripsri8 Fern. river anemone G4G5Q S2 Angelica venenosa (Greenway) Fern. hairy angelica G5 s2 Aplectrum hyem8/e (Muhl. ex Willd.) Torr. puttyroot G5 Sl E Arab& drummondii Gray Drummond’s rook cress G5 S1.1 E Arab& hksuta (L?.) Stop. hairy rock cress G5 s2 Arceuthobium pusiJJum M.E. Peck dwarf mistletoe G5 Sl E Afenaria strict8 (Fern.) Farw. rock sandwort G5 SH E Arethusa bulbosa L. dragon mouth G4 s2 Afk8em8 stewardso/iii Britt. northern jack-in-the-pulpit G? 52 Arktida basiramea var. cufi1&7 Curtis’ three-awned grass G5T4T5 S2 (A. Gray) Shinners Arktida lanosa Muhl. 8x Ell. woolly three-awned grass G5 Sl E Arktida virgata Trin. wand-like three-awned grass G4G5 S2 ArkZoiochi8 serpentarl’a L. Virginia snakeroot . G5 s3 Armoracia hcustrk (Eat .) lake cress G4? SH E Al-Shehbat & V. Bates Arnica acaulk (Walt.) B.S.P. leopard’s bane G5 sx. 1 Artemki8 c8mpestrkS L. ssp. C8Ud8t8 wild wormwood G5T4 S2 (Michx.) Hall & Clem. Endangered Plant Species and Plant Species of Concern January 1992 - Page 2 SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME GLOBAL STATE FEDERAL STATE RANK STATUS STATUS STATUS Asclepias ianceola ta Wait. smooth orange milkweed G5 Asclepias rubra L. red miikweed G4G5 LP Ascfepias variega ta L. white milkweed G5 Asclepias verticillata L. whorled milkweed G5 Asimina tri/obe (L.) Dunal pawpaw G5 E Asplenium bradleyi D.C. Eat. Bradley’s spleenwort G3 E Asplenium montanum Willd. mountain spleenwort G5 Asplenium pinnatifidum Nutt. lobed spleenwort G4 E Aster borealb (Torr. & Gray) Prov. rush aster G5 E Aster concolor L. silvery aster G4? LP Aster ericoides sensu Ait. non L. white heath aster G5 Aster infirmus Michx. cornel-leaved aster G5 Aster firmus Nees shining aster G5Q E Aster praealtus Poir. willow-leaved aster G5 E Aster prenanthoides Muhl. ex Willd. crooked-stemmed aster G4G5 Aster pringiei (Gray) Britt. Pringle’s aster G4G5 E Aster radula Ait. low rough aster G5 E Aster sagittifolius Willd. arrow-leaved aster * G?Q Aster tradescantii L. Tradescant’s aster G4 Astragalus canadensris L. Carolina milk-vetch G5 Ath yrium p ycnocarpon (Spreng.) Broun glade fern G5 E Atriplex subspicata (Nutt.) Rydb.
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