Shops-Apartment Complex Plan Protested] , SEE STO^Y BELOW: Rainy and Mild Cloudy and mild with occa- THEDAILY FINAL sional showers today and to- Red Bonk, Freehold night. Clearing, cool tomor- row. I Long Branch EDITION (Sea mulls, Page 3); Monmouth County*& Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 230 RED BANK, N. I, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1969 22 PAGES 10 CENTS 2 Youths Shot, Curfew Set In Freehold Race Violence By HALLIE SCHRAEGER State police were called in Two black teenagers were this morning at Jersey Shore Monmouth County jail and Chief Lefkowich reported FREEHOLD — A state of to help quell the disturbance hospitalized after they were Medical Center were Dean held for arraignment at. 11 that the black teenagers ran emergency continued here after Mayor John I. Dawes wounded by shotgun pellets Lewis, 16, of 8 Monmouth St., a.m. today before Juvenile through the streets in gangs today after racial tensions declared a state of emergen- fired at their car by whites Colonial Apartments here, Court Judge Leo Weinstein. of 5 to 20, breaking windows snapped last night and some cy at 11 p.m., about an hour in a passing car. A third shot in the right eye, and Le- The youth was in a car with of at least 15 stores on Main, 140 black youths went on a and a half after the trouble black teenager in the car was roy Kinsey, 19, of Freehold other white teenagers and South and Mechanic Sts. window • breaking spree last- started. A curfew was de- uninjured. Township, shot in the left was arrested as a disorderly He said the violence was ing about 2Vi hours. clared until 6 a.m. Reported in fair condition side of his neck. Dean Lewis person for' using "loud, of- sporadic and evidently un- is reportedly a cousin of Dan- fensive, indecent language" planned. He could not esti- iel Lewis, an Independent after police stopped the car mate how many of the Democratic candidate for, to question its occupants. youths were from the borough Borough Council. Few Whites and how many from out of No other major injuries Few white teenagers were town. were reported. involved in last night's inci- Earlier last night, black Police Chief Henry T. Lef« dents, but police said about leaders had canceled plans kowich said police have a de- 12 of them were held in pro- for a separate, black Memor- scription of the car and part tective custody for an hour ial Day parade here and had of the license number, which as some 70 black teenagers appealed to black residents he did not wish to disclose. milled around the municipal not to take part in the bor- There was one arrest, un- offices which house police ough's traditional version of SURVEYING THE SCENE — Freehold Police Chief' related to the shooting. A and fire headquarters. the May 30 celebration. Henry T. Lefkowich inspects damage to shoe store;: white teenager police said re- There were four or five Black leaders cited a fear on Main St. last night in aftermath of black teenage " fused to identify himself was cars of whites roaming the of possible violence as a rea- window-breaking spree. (Register Staff Photo) booked as "John Doe" at streets, police said. (FREEHOLD, Pg. 2, CoL 3) Apollo 10 Zeroes in on Moon SPACE CENTER, Houston gene A. Cernan were well ship engine yesterday when them to orbit above the The engine that put Apollo BOARDING UP — The windows of the Freehold Sweet Shop, 35 South St., were (AP) — The explorers of rested and in good spirits as they fired it for the first time moon's equator, the pathway 10 on course is the same that boarded up promptly; after the/ were broken last night in sporadic racial vio. Apollo 10 hurled deeper into their spaceship.sped outward to make a minor midcourse that Apollo 11 hopes to fol- must fire to shoot it into lu- the black void of space today, lenee. (Register Staff Photo) on its pathfinding journey. correction to zero in on the low. nar orbit—and fire again to racing unerringly toward a They had reason to be hap- desired lunar orbit path. On this flight, Stafford and propel the astronauts back perilous rendezvous with the py, Their command ship and "That was a good burn," Cernan are to detach their toward earth. moon. the little lunar landing rock- said Apollo 10 commander LEM and descend to within After their launching from Their target, a sliver of sil- etship module, or LEM, at- Stafford. 9.3 miles of the moon, over Cape Kennedy Sunday, Staf- ver light, loomed larger and tached to its nose, were both "Beautiful," replied mis- the same spot in the Sea of ford, Young and Cernan have larger as their home planet, operating flawlessly. sion control in Houston. Tranquility where astronauts had a leisurely voyage, rest- Newark in Turmoil earth, shrank in the distance. They heard a reassuring The firing put the astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Ed- ing for the busy days around They'll zip behind the roar from their command on a course that will enable win E. Aldrln hope to land. the moon. moon's hidden backside morrow and at 3:35 p.m. fire • Apollo M into orbit just 69 After Youth Killedmiles above the surface. That will start a 2'/rday lunar ad- NEWARK, N. J. (AP)' - ly weapons; the others on. years ago in the rioting in venture intended to clear the Allies Capture Mountain Amid scars of the 1957 riot, charges such as disorderly which 26 persons died. way for two Apollo 11 astro- racial turmoil erupted again conduct and disturbing the Police responded with 500 Monday night after a Negro peace. officers, armed with shot- nauts to land on the surface policeman shot a Negro youth Monday's trouble began af- guns and riot sticks. They in July. to death during a scuffle. ter the fatal shooting of 17- tried to break up crowds, Air Force, Col. Thomas P. year-old Dexter Johnson af- some that included 200 peo- Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. After Bitter 10-Day Fight Police and Negro leaders ter a chase on. foot following ple, but each band moved John W, Young and Eu- teamed up — aided by rain an auto collision involving a down the street and formed SAIGON (AP) - American ing the night to include more Vietnamese troops tried to fighting. Earlier U.S. spokes- showers — to cool the dis- police cruiser. again every time police dis- paratroopers and South Viet- than 1,000 paratroopers and move back into Laos, one bat- men had claimed 353 North turbances after about 50 The patrolman who fired persed the youths. namese infantrymen seized a 400 South Vietnamese. Then it talion of paratroopers inter- Vietnamese killed on the stores were looted, 50 per- the shot, Charles Knox, 28, A meeting of city officials, Assembly North Vietnamese mountain- stormed the 3,000-foot Dong A cepted them and battled to mountain overlooking the A. sons were arrested, three Ne- was suspended. He has been Negro leaders, businessmen top fortress on the Laotian Bia mountain from four block the retreat. Helicopter Shau valley, a major North groes were wounded by gun- a policeman four years and and others was scheduled to- frontier today in the 10th day sides. gunships raked the fleeing en- Vietnamese supply and stag: shots and two white newsmen day to discuss the situation. Back Today of heavy fighting for the po- emy with rockets and ma- weje hit by thrown missiles. has two commendations in Sharp fighting was reported ing area. his record, At the urging of Negro sition. between the mountain and the chine guns. U.S. losses in the first nine At 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew Clusters of youths collected leaders, who roamed the For Finale The allied force was in- Laotian border less than two There were no immediate was ordered, and all taverns days of fighting were put at and began breaking windows streets calling for calm, po- creased nearly five-fold dur- miles away. As the North casualty reports an today's 39 killed and 228 wounded. and liquor stores were closed. and hurling rocks in the area, lice removed the shotguns TRENTON (AP) - The As- Seven arrests were on where plywood still covered and marked police cars from sembly reconvenes today to Firingt,rocket grenades and charges of possession of dead-. some windows broken two the area for a time. write the final page of the machine guns from deep ,, legislative record it will take bunkers that withstood bombs to the voters in November. and napalm, an estimated The lower house, unable to Shopping Center-Apartment 800 North' Vietnamese had complete its work last week driven back 10 previous as- when the Senate recessed for saults by the Americans from Teacher Resignations the summer, scheduled final Complex Hit in Middletown the 101st Airborne Division. action on a $2 million busi- About 300 paratroopers got ness incentive act that is part MIDDLETOWN - The Zon- mainly of residents from the remaining 44 two bedroom to within 200 yards of the of the Republican-controlled ing Board last night finish- Applebrook development units, plus eight stores on 20 crest of the mountain after an Legislature's $16.2 million ur- ed its second marathon hear- abuting the proposed site of acres known as the Field all-day battle Monday in Probe Started by Board ban aid program. ing of testimony on a pro- the ?2 million ratable off Rt.
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