324 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9-m JANUARY 1968 ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT, 1967 NATURALISATION The Trunk Road {Gloucester Road, Filton to Patch- way) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) LIST OF ALIENS TO WHOM CERTIFICATES Order, 1967. OF NATURALISATION HAVE BEEN GRANTED The Minister of Transport has made an Order under sections 1 and 3 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, List of Aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalisation 1967 the effect of which is: have been granted by the Secretary of State and (1) .to revoke the County of Gloucester (Fikon) whose Oaths of Allegiance have been registered in (Traffic Regulation) Order 1949 and the Trunk the Home Office during the month of November Road (Patchway, Gloucestershire) (Prohibition of. 1967. Waiting) Order 1959, which imposed wailing The date of each case is the date of naturalisation. restrictions on that part of the Exeter—Leeds Acosta Prado, Enriqueta ; Spain ; Cook's Assistant; Trunk Road (A.38) in Filton and Paitchway, 11 Bramston Street, Rastrick, Brighouse, Yorkshire. Bristol, known as Gloucester Road; and 16th November 1967. (2) to prohibit waiting: Ageraniotis, loannis; Greece ; Crewman (Ferry) ; (a) alt any time on any of 'the sides of road 103 Trundleys Road, London S.E.8. 10th Novem- specified in Schedule 1 to this Notice; and ber 1967. (b) for longer than 30 minutes in any hour on Aleksic, Miodrag; Yugoslavia; Wool Twister; 40 the side of road specified in Schedule 2 to this Meadow Lane, Wheatley, Halifax. 3rd November Notice. 1967. Exceptions are provided in the Order to enable a Aloe, Anna Herta; Germany; Housewife ; 14 John vehicle to wait for so long as may be necessary for Lewis Street, Hakin, Milford Haven, Pembroke- a person to board or alight from the vehicle except shire. 20th October 1967. between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Aloe, Willi Gustav Paul; Germany ; Joiner ; 14 John on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, to enable goods to Lewis Street, Hakin, Milford Haven, Pembroke- be loaded on to or unloaded from the vehicle except shire. 20th October 1967. between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Andjelkovic, Dragoljub ; Yugoslavia ; Plumbers Mate ; on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, or to enable the 14 Lansdowne Terrace, Burton-upon-Trent, vehicle to be used in connection with any building Staffordshire. 24th October 1967. operation or demolition, the removal of any obstruc- Andjelkovic, Marica; Yugoslavia; Housewife ; 14 tion ,ito traffic, the maintenance of the road or the Lansdowne Terrace, Burton-on-Trent, Stafford- services (therein. shire. 24th October 1967. Copies of the Order may be obtained from the Atitullah, Ramsey Fuad ; Sudan ; Research Chemist; Secretary, Ministry of Transport, St. Christopher 33 Leigh Cliff Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. 23rd House, Southwark Street, London S.E.I, quoting the October 1967. reference GT 3/16/035. Auns, Juris Osvalds; Latvia; Tractor Driver; 41 SCHEDULE 1 Godley Road, Byfleet, Surrey 26th October 1967. Sides of that length of the Exeter—Leeds Trunk Avierinos, George John; Greece; Clerk; Via Road (A.38), known as Gloucester Road in the Pisacane 22, Milan, Italy. 14th September 1967. Parishes of Patchway and Filton in the County Awramenko, Leonard; of uncertain nationality; of Gloucester. Men's Wear Stylist; 5 Greenhill Place, Midsomer 1. The east side, between a point 20 yards north Norton, Bath, Somerset. 19th October 1967. of the north side of its junction with Brookfield Road Ayad, Kamal Naguib (known as Karl Ayad) ; U.A.R. ; and a point 50 yards south of its junction with Research Chemist; 71 Jeffreys Road, Wrexham, Southmead Road. Denbighshire. 20th November 1967. 2. The west side, between a point 20 yards north Baardman, Anthony Lancelot; Netherlands ; Electric of the north side of its junction with Brookfield Welder ; 2 Berkdale Road, Ravenswood Estate, Low Road and a point 200 yards south of its junction Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne. 3rd November 1967. with Callicroft Road. Balan, Zenon; of uncertain nationality; Property 3. The west side, between a point 280 yards south Repairer and Director of Property Owning Com- of its junction with Callicroft Road and a point pany ; 23 Spath Road, West Didsbury, Man- 50 yards south of its junction with Southmead Road. chester 20. 19th October 1967. SCHEDULE 2 Baluk, Stefan; of uncertain nationality; Crane The west side of that length of the Exeter—Leeds Driver ; 15 Commercial Street, Todmorden, Lanca- Trunk Road (A.38), known as Gloucester Road in ' shire. 23rd October 1967. the Parish of Patchway in the County of Gloucester, Ban, Chanan; Israel; Driver/Messenger; 32 between a point 200 yards south of its junction with Brodetsky Street, Ramat Aviv, Israel. 2nd August Callicroft 'Road and a point 280 yards south of that 1967. junction. Banai, Gabor ; Hungary; Warehouse Labourer ; 28 Buxton Road, Chaddesden, Derby, Warehouse Labourer. 18th October 1967. Banat, Kazimierz Bronislaw; Poland; Toolroom MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, Machinist; 70 Fentham Road, Erdington, Birming- ham 23. 18th October 1967. FISHERIES AND FOOD Barteluk, Edward; Poland; Spot Welder; 233 Great Westminster House, Shrewsbury Road, London E.7. 21st November Horseferry Road, London S.W.I 1967. STATEMENT showing the QUANTITIES SOLD and AVERAGE Bartkiw, Carmina ; Italy ; Machinist; 49 Cambridge PRICES of BRITISH CORN per cwt. of 112 Imperial Street, Oldham, Lancashire. 18th October 1967. Ib. computed from returns received by the Bartkiw, Oleksa ; Poland ; Cabinet Maker ; 49 Cam- MINISTRY OP AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD in bridge Street, Oldham., Lancashire. 18th October the week ended 6th January, 1968, pursuant to 1967. the Corn Returns Act, 1882, the Corn Sales Act, Barton, Hans. See Fernitz, Hans Jurgen. 1921 and the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Basnyat, Soorya Bahadur ; Nepal; Surgical Registrar ; Act, 1943. The Lodge, Marshalls Cross Road, St. Helens, Lancashire. 10th October 1967. Bastarrica Jauregui, Jose (known as Jose Bastarrica) ; British Corn Quantities Sold Average Price Spain; Machine Operator (Engineering) ; 88 Back per cwt. Hamlet, Ipswich, Suffolk. 27th October 1967. Bastarrica, Jose. See Bastarrica Jauregui, Jose. cwt. s. d. Becher, Miroslaw; Poland; Moulder; 51 Fitz- WHEAT 1,116,542 23 4 hamon Embankment, Cardiff. 23rd October 1967. BARLEY 1,029,348 21 10 Bedrijczuk, Wolodymyr ; Poland ; Labourer; 91 Moss OATS 69,016 20 11 Street, Rochdale, Lancashire. 19th October 1967. Bellenis, Odysseus Stephanos; Greece; Technical NOTE: The prices represent the average for all sales Service Manager; The Close, 11 Belgrave Street, at 172 prescribed towns in England and Wales and Ossett, Yorkshire. 27th November 1967. include transactions between growers and merchants, Benarroch, Jalfon (known as Halfon Benarroch) ; and transactions between merchants, during the week Morocco ; Minister of Religion ; 116 Great Arthur ended 30th December, 1967. House, Golden Lane Estate, London E.C.I. 20th Mm O. R. Winterbottom November 1967..
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