TBBk INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL. Tjprr'T? Q pr\TTfi AT railway nfavh stands, on ESTABLISHED 1823. INDIANAPOLIS, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1897. IlUvli O V'Xji.N Lo. TRAINS AND HCNDAYM CENTA ' Miniver*; warmer; fair. ders are of a nature to greatly embarrass will be greatly in excess of the first command the general in at the front.” estimates, and is placed at $3,000,(8)0. —OUR—- MAY DECIDE THE WAR The Athens correspondent of the Stand- LOSS OVER $2,500,000 EX-GOV. PORTER DEAD A number firemen were injured by ard says: “The minister* of war and of the of ♦ —; interior arrived at Phersala at noon to-day falling walls and live wires, but none of r ' (Sunday) and immediately reviewed the them are seriously hurt. Fireman George | Insurance men are ! GREEKS AXD TURKS PREPARED FOR FIRE AT I I I I I troops. It w’as stated yesterday that head- DESTRUCTIVE PITTSBURG Acheson, who of three men In Cecil ONE OF INDIANA'S MOST DISTIN- ' m A M was one M ■ working; we are work- ■ WHAT MAY BE A FINAL CONTEST. quarters will be transferred to Domokos. and the EARLY' THIS MORNING. alley when the Jenkins wall fell, is missing, GIISHED SONS PASSES AWAY. ing, you’ll get j Thus far the Turks have captured, it is es- ■**£> * * J good of it, we believe. ♦ timated, war material and provisions of the and is supposed to be under the debris. value of 4,500,000 drachmas. It is reported The names of other firemen hurt are Mike Both Hellene* and MoNlem* In Rattle that, as the result of the Queen’s letter to Three Large Block*. Extending: from Duly, Elmer Crooow, George Meek in, Wil- Died nt .1 OClock Thin Morning, nt Ills Array Near Phersala, the For- the Czar, Russia will intervene in favor of “Sale Liberty Street to Penn Avenue hml liam Irwin, Robert Badger. All were taken HcNiilcncf in Thin City, After a mer Sixty Thousand Strong. Greece.” The Morning Poet has a dispatch from Fifth to Sixth Street* in Ruin*. to hospitals. LinKcring lliucss, that the SOME OF THE a Larissa saying Greeks, before LOSSES. evacuating the town, seized the horses of The individual losses, as far as could be Pay Those Who€€€ the war correspondents, thus compelling obtained at this hour, are as follows: FIGHTING MAY BEGIN TO-DAY them to go on foot. DUQUESNE DEATH THEATER.. BURNED & dry goods and office DUE TO CELLULITIS The Daily Chronicle publishes a dispatch Horpe Cos., build- a from which says it is reported ing, with stock, $1,600,000, covered by in- * Phersala | Simply a case of money ® k L.® L. T there that Osman Pasha has superseded surance in a hundred insurance companlbs; • in your pocket to ob- • LARGE BAND OF IRREGULARS LED g" Edhem Pasha. THOS. C. JENKINS'S WHOLESALE T. WHIC H GRADI ALLY WEAKENED HIS serve our ads now ... / C. Jenkins, $300,000 on stock and $200,000 J ® -1 BY* A GREEK JOAN OF ARC. A dispatch to the Standard from Berlin GROCERY' ESTABLISHMENT, on building. The Duquesne Thea- ONCE YIGOROtS DRAIN. f f CUI says that the reason General Grumbkoff Pasha was decorated the Sultan ter is still burning and the loss will by was .. that at the time of occupying Larissa he probably reach $50,000; Bayer's glove house, Helen Constnntinide*, a Nineteen- alone across bridge advanced a w-hicli had Horne** Dry-Goods Store and Office $3,000; W. P. Grier & Cos., $10,000; Snaman’s All the Member* of the rx-Gorprn* Year-Old Athenian, Don* a Uniform been mined, removed the conducting wires Building and the Methodist Book. carpet house, the Methodist Book Concern or'* Family Preneni Hi His Hoil- and then recrossed at the head of his and Starts for the Front. Concern Destroyed. probably troops. Also building, with tenants, $50,000; side Wlien the End i nuie. The When For It” A Greek Joan of Arc. Huck's cigar factory, $2,000; Speer mansion, LONDON, April 2.—The correspondent of $50,000; tenants of Horne office building, the Daily Telegraph at Athens has had an $50,000. Small losses were sustained by J. L‘. GREAT ACTIVITY OF TURKS interview with Helen the WATER WAS OF LITTLE AVAIL Constantinides, Chantler, Beesom PaperCompany, Harmony HIS LONG PUBLIC CAREER nineteen-year-old girl who has started for —4 In the Face of An Advancing Market the front at the head of a large band of Creamery and Force & Briggs Machinery irregulars. She is an excellent shot. Her Supply Company. In No. 500 Penn avenue, DETAILS OF THE ROUT OF THE Messrs. Simpson, Sons & brother will accompany BURNING OIL FILLED THE STREETS Cos., for reasons of their her. Both of them the Molllnger Remedy Company, occupied GOVERNOR OF HIS NATIVE STATE, GREEK ARMY IN EPIRUS. are bitterly anti-dynastle. She declares that WITH WAVES OF FLAME. own, have reduced the price of two floors, while on the lower floor was T\A It E ELECTED TO CONGRESS, she will fight in the front rank and has no fear of death. Her departure to-night Sweeney’s miliinery parlors, Jordan's mil- “Simpson Moiirninglmd Grey (Sunday) was witnessed by thousands of linery establishment, the Novita Remedy 4. Prints” Scene* Mnch Resembling Those at enthusiastic Athenians, who hail her as Allegheny City Department Called Out Company, and Dr. T. F. Baskerwith occu- unchanged the the Greek Joan of Arc. I lilted Staten Mininter to Italy, Con- Leaving prices on all their other brands, and intimating Lurissn After the Fall of Tjrnavo to A**ist the Pittsburg: Firemen— pied No. 305, Dr. Syker, Dr. T. H. Swift and former price may be re-established at any time without We a troller of the Treasury and notice. have —Power* Not in Accord. GREEK PANIC IN EPIRUS. One Man Missing: and Others Hnrt. Miss M. J. Conlon, dress makers, occupied very complete line in open stock for prompt delivery. a Sneeessful Lawyer. No. 504. Mme Velma, millery; M. E. Hart, 5i new 56x60 Chocolate and Fancy Prints at a lower quotation Flight of the Hellenic Army After the -cases Fight Pentepigadia. & than ever previously named. nt dress making; Neill Griess, manicure LONDON, May 2.—A dispatch the parlors, LONDON, May 3.—Unless the powers to PITTSBURG, May 3.—The greatest fire and M. E. Evans, infants’ dress 10 cases new all-red Wash Goods. Times from Pentepigadia, dated Thursday, Ex-Governor Allicrt G. Torter died at hia showr more haste and concert than they that has visited this city since the memor- goods, occupied No. 506, which adjoined the says that the Greeks are arming the pop- residence. No. 193 North Capitol avenue, have in the past week there may be noth- ulation of the district and have occupied able one of 1894 started soon after midnight Jenkins block on Penn avenue. this morning- at 3 o'clock, after a long ill- ing left of the Graceo-Turkish trouble to Turkish territory, many villagers escaping in the immense wholesale grocery establish- & through the Turkish lines and joining the ness. All of his children were at his bed- MURPHY, HIBBEN CO. mediate. Advices from the seat of war say ment of Thos. C. Jenkins, on Penn IMPROVEMENTS IN MEXICO. (WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY). ranks of the Greeks. The Times corre- side when the end came. He had been very the Turks and Greeks are in battle array avenue and Liberty street, and at 2:30 spondent at Patras, giving further details English Company to Construct Kail- feeble for months, It was o'clock was still burning fiercely. Three several but not near Phersala, and it is believed that in of the fighting at Pentepigadia, notes the nay* and Receive Subsidies of Land. until the last few days that there was EMBALMED BY NATURE. a pitched battle the Hellenic army will neglect of the officers to provide for the large blocks, extending from Liberty to BIG T of much apprehension of immediate danger. ROUTE against superior timely arrival reinforcements, a matter Penn avenue, and from Fifth street MEXICO CITY, May 2.—An Important Two Bottle* Perfectly stand little show the force The Official of the Social ami Preserved, so difficult in that wild section of the coun- company has been incorporated here with On Saturday there was a turn for the Route Though Burled Forty-Six Year*. of the Moslems. Whether the Turks, if to Sixth street, have been reduced try, and proceeds: “When the Turks opened a million dollars capital, the larger part of worse, however, South Side Turner Societies to smoldering ruins and while the fire is and his physician, I)r. successful at Phersala, will push on to the attack I realized that their fierce on- the shares being taken by Pearson & Son, Hodges, warned the family that life could to the LOUISVILLE, Kv., May 2.-A discovery Athens is doubtful. The distance is long slaught might expel the mere handful of now believed to have spent its fury, it is English contractors, having in hand the that will prove of interest to dmbalmers, Greeks, but I did not realize that this one drainage of the valley of Mexico and the not be prolonged more than a day or two. and the invading army would be harassed not yet under control. The loss wall ex- NATIONAL FESTIVAL physicians, scientists and undertak- blow wr ould throw the entire Greek army port works at Vera Cruz, with a few Mex- The immediate cause of death was cellulitis (Bundesturnfest) ers all the country at every stop.
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