THE AND CALENDAR FOR 1857-8: CONTAINING AN ACCOU.NT OF THE SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIES; THE PROFESSIONS; SCIENTIFIC AND UTERARY INSTITUTIONS; DECISIONS o'F THE COURTS ON SCHOOL QUESTIONS; &c, &c, EDITED :SY THOMAS HODGINS, B.A, . .!D'NIV. COLt-, '£0RONTO. " Virtue and knowledge are endowments· greater Than nobleness and wealth: careless heirs May the two latter darken and expend; But immortality attends the former," SHAEsPBARB, Pericles, Act III. Scene ii, "As for the conceit that learning should dispose men to leisure and privateness, and make them dlothful, it were a strange thing if that which accustomed the mind to a perpetual motion and agitation should induce slothfulness: whereas, contrariwise, it may be truly affirmed that no kind of men lovi: business for itself but those that are learned,"-BAcoN, Advancement Qf Learning, TORONTO: MACLEAR .& CO., 16, KING STREET EAST. LOVELL AND ornsoN, PRINrERS, 185-7. "For as water, whether it be the dew of heaven; ol' the. ~prings ·of the earth. doth scatter and lose itself in the ground, except it be collect~d into some recep• tacle where it may, by union, comfo,rt and sustain itself; so this excellent liquor of knowledge, whether it descend from divine inspiration, or spring from human sense, would soon perish and vanish to oblivion, if it were not preserved in books. conferences, i;,nd places appointed, as Universities, Colleges, and Schools, for the receipt and comforting of the same."-Bacon. "The mind, like the diamond, in its original state is rude and unpolished; but as the effect of the chisel on the outward coat soon presents to view the latent beauties of the diamond,-so education discovers the latent virtues of the mind, and draws them forth to range the large field of matter and space, to display the summit of human knowledge : our duty to God and to man."-Old Charge. Entered according to Act of the Provincial Le1islature, in the year 1115T, by Tao11u.a Bonano, In the office of the Rcgiatrar of ihe Province of Canada, PREFACE. The little work here submitted to the public, is intended to furnish in­ formation to those seeking for themselves, or for the youth of the country, the advantages of our Educational Establishments, or admission into the various Professions: Our i;apid advance in material prosperity, is happily attended by a cor­ responding desire to promote education in 'all its branches,-school, colle­ giate, and professional,-and foreshadows a future, in which an untaught boy or girl, or an ignorant business or professional man, will be an ano­ maly and a disgrace in our land. The system of elementary schools now established in Upper Canada-created and supported by the people them­ selves-provides a Free Education for all Canadian children, wherever Canadian parents choose. Lower Canada has nearly the same, and is ra­ pidly prog1·essing ; while the higher education of both is open to the children of the poor as well as the rich,-training all classes for fighting the battle of life on equal terms ; and it cannot be denied that those who avail themselves of that higher education, will, by their superior intelli­ gence and mental power, make the best farmers, mechanics, merchants, and professional men of our future Canada. To promote such an interest, this little Hand-Book is dedicated. The Edito!.' cannot conclude without acknowledging the general courtesy of the gentlemen to whom he applied for information for this work. Their courtesy to him was a courtesy to the public, for whom the informa• tion was desired; and it was often accompanied by ~expressions of ap· proval of the design of the work, which lightened many a weary hour's labor, in compiling such a digest of the information furnished, as would combine brevity with accuracy. Should the Directory be favorably received, it will be continued in future years. T. H. ABBREVIATIONS. B.A. Bachelor of Arts. B.D. Bachelor of Divinity. B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law. C.B. Companion of the Order of the Bath:(CiviI:Service.) D,C.L. Doctor.of Civil Law. D.Cn.L, Doctor of Canon Law. D.D. Doctor of Divinity, Dr. in Scien. Doctor in Sciences. F:C·S, Fellow of the Chemical Society; F.G.S. Fellow of the Geological Society. F.L.S. Fellow of the Linnrean.Society. F,R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society, F.S.A, Scot, Fellow of the Society of;Antiquarie(of Scotland. G.C.B. Knight Ora.rid Cri>ss of the Order of the Bath; K.C.B, Knight Commander 01 the Order of .the Bath. K.C;H. Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelph1c Order. K.T. Knight of .the Order.of the Thistle. LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (Civil and Canon.) LL.D. Doctor of Laws (Civil and Canon,) Lic'en. M. & L, M. Licentia1e in Medicine. Licen. TheOI·. Licentiate in Theology. M.A. 11:1:aster of Arts, M;B. Bachelor of Medicine, M.D. Doctor of Medicine, M.L.C. Member of the Legislative Council. ,M,P.P. Member of the Legislative Assembly. M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish .lcademy, Q.C. Queen's Counsel. ad eun, ad eundem, ad.mitted:to:the same Degree. hon. Hoi1orary Degree. sch. Utii,versity Scholar. CORRECTIONS. Page 46, jbr" 1st June, 1857, read 20th May, 1857. Page:541 · Rev .·.Walter Stennett; M.A., Univ, Toronto, has been· appoint~d- Principal ·or Upper Canada College, Some alterations have be'en made in the Sch2larships of the University of Toronto (page ,iI) but the Editor is not yet informed of them, CQ~T~~TS. Alrµa11ac ......... " .... '" .............. " ....... ,·, Pag7 University College .................... , ..• Pal7 TJIE SOHOOLS-,-Upper Canada: Professors, &c. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41'1 Historical Sketch .......... :..... ::...... 13 Course of Instruction ............... · 49 Education Department-Officers ... 17 Regulatio.ns .............................. 49 Council of Public Instruction ...... 17 University Observatory ............... ·, 150 Normal anq. Model Schools: , · Historical Sketch ..................... '· 50 Historical Sketch . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 17 Upper Canada: College .................. 54l Q1.iii,liP,cation1;1 for Provincial Cer- Masters ... ,: ..................... , ....... ."., 54 tificates ................................. 19 ·university of Victoria College ...... , ~15 Gxamruar Schools ........................ 20 University Officers ................... :. 116 Officers .................................... 20 Collegiate Officers .................... ; ·· ll7 1 Reii.d 1\iasters .......................... ; 21 Graduates .... :: ........................... • 57 Comm<;m Schools .......................... :' 22 8ttidents ....................... ·.. .......... 58 QJJ.IJ.lttici.l,tioJ).s for Certificates...... 22 Faculty o_f Arts ..... ;.................. 58 Local Superintendimts · of Com- Faculty of Medicine ................. ; 59 mon .Scl!-ools.......... .. .. .. .. ... .... .• 23 University of Queen's College ...... 60 -Oo:unty Municipal Officers .......... ;.. .. 29 Officers .................................... 60 Graduates................................. 61 THE SCHOOLS-Lower Canada: Faculty of A_rts .. ,..................... 62 Sketch ........................... .' . .' ... :........ 29 Faculty of Medicine . .. ..... .. ...... 62 Education Department--Ofilcers .. 30 University of Trintty College ...... 63 Normal and Model Schools............ 30 University Officers .................... : 64 Laval Normal School.................. 31 Collegiate Officers ..................... 65 tfcGill N ormai School ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 Graduates ................................. 66 Jacques Cartier Normal School... 31 Undergraduates .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. 67 Colleges and Academies ...... ."........ 32 Faculty of Arts :....................... 67 · Inspectors of Common Schools...... 33 Faculty of Law ........................ 68 THE UNIVERSITIES-Upper Faculty of Divinity .................. 68 Canada: Subjects for Prize Compositions, University oi' Toronto .................. 34 1857 ....................................... 68 · Senate and Officers..................... 36 Graduates ................................. 37 THE UNIVERSITIES-Lower Undergraduates ........................ 38 Canada: Faculty of Arts ........................ 39 University of McGill College ......... 69 Faculty of Medicine.................. 41 University Officers ..................... 70 Faculty of Law ........................ 43 Collegiate Officers ........................ 70 Department of Civil Engineering 44 Graduates ................................. 73 Department of Agriculture......... 44 Faculty of Arts ........................... 75 Subjects for Prize Compositions, Faculty of Medicine ..................... 76 1857 ......... ............................. 45 Faculty of Law ........................... 77 University Library and Museum 46 Laval University ........................... 78 -Ohronological List of University Officers ....................................... 79 Officers ................................. 46 Professors ................................. 80 CONTENTS. Page Page Graduates ................................. 81 College of Physicians and Surgeons Undergraduates ......................... 81 of Lower Canada .....................103 Matriculation and Degrees ........... 81 Officers .......................................103 Collegiate Department ................ 82 Requisites for License ..................103 Quebec Seminary ........................ 83 Provincial Land Surveyors ..............104 University of Bishop's College......... 84 Requisites for License ..................105 University Officers ....................... 85 SCIENTIFIC
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