Holyoke Public Schools Connections Holyoke Public Schools A Community Working Together Our Web site: www.hps.holyoke.ma.us Volume 8, Issue 2 Winter 2010 Holyoke Public Schools and the City of Holyoke New exciting changes to start the decade Inside this issue: By Dr. Eduardo B. Carballo undertaking to create wel- coming places in our city Superintendent of Schools classrooms. There is much to be proud of, and in the • Meet the Mayor 3 pages that follow, you will Happy New Year To You All! encounter some examples of It does not seem possible, but we what is transpiring. On are halfway through the school December 14, 2009, Holy- • New SC Members 4 year! As we enter into the year oke High School had a visit 2010, it is hardly possible for me from the 2006 Nobel Prize to imagine that this is my eighth winner, Dr. Craig Mello. year as Superintendent of This was a great opportunity • Giving Back to our 5 Schools and that I will be retiring for faculty and over 40 stu- Community in June of this year. It doesn’t dents in science classes at seem so long ago that I was Holyoke High to meet and Dr. Eduardo B. Carballo talks with Nobel teaching 7th grade in a junior high speak with Dr. Mello to Prize winner Dr. Craig Mello. • Science 6 school. But, while it might not discuss the importance of his seem so to me, 38 years have discovery in the field of Molecu- passed, and I cannot think of a lar Science Medicine. The ses- Christmas break, we had com- better way to have spent my sion was very informative and the pleted all the H1N1 clinics and • Talking Points 7 career than in schools helping students asked very impressive vaccinated over 1,000 students. I children learn. questions. want to thank the Board of Health, under the leadership of Since our last issue, we have seen This year’s Three Kings Day Daniel Bresnahan, and also our • Sports 10-11 some changes in the leadership of celebration was held on January th Nursing Supervisors, Patricia the community. I take this op- 8 with a ceremony at Holyoke Alford and Lois Keefe, for the portunity to welcome our new High School. Once again this exemplary coordination and mayor and chairperson of the year, our congratulations go to administration of free vaccina- • The Arts 12 School Committee, Elaine Pluta. the Three Kings Day Committee, We also welcome on board new the ELL Program Staff, the Divi- tions for all. School Committee members, sion of Curriculum and Testing, This fall and early winter, the Cesar Lopez and Devin Sheehan. the Dean ROTC Program Volun- Holyoke Public Schools also • Spanish Highlights 13-16 You will get to read about them teers, community volunteers, and undertook a search for a new on page 4 of this newsletter as Holyoke Public Schools staff and Superintendent, and our School we have conducted full inter- students. Deserving children Committee, with the assistance views. I would also like to take from the Holyoke Public Schools of the Massachusetts School this opportunity to express my received toys at the event, which Committee Association, com- sincere thanks and appreciation also included a delightful program pleted a successful search to find to former mayor, Michael Sulli- and delicious food enjoyed by a Superintendent to take over van, and former School Commit- approximately 850 parents and the helm of the Holyoke Schools tee member Mollie Plant for their students. This is the sixth year upon my retirement in June. My years of service to the city that the Holyoke Public Schools congratulations go to a well- schools. I extend heartfelt condo- has observed the Three Kings deserving David Dupont, current lences to the family of former Day. Holyoke High School Principal, School Committee member, who was selected as the next With the possibility of an H1N1 Barry Conway, on his passing. (Swine Flu) Epidemic, we began Superintendent of Schools. As we mark the halfway point, I the month of November with Saturday School began January continue to be impressed with concern over the health of our 30th and will run through May 29th the enthusiasm of our teachers students and staff, and with the with sites at Holyoke High, Peck, and the hard work of our stu- help of the City’s Health Depart- Morgan, Kelly, Donahue, Sullivan, dents, and the remarkable trans- ment, we launched a series of flu Continued on page 13 formations that our schools are clinics at our schools. By the Page 2 Connections Edited by - Kelly Doktor - [email protected] Editor Emeritus: Laura DuPont Contributing to this issue: Pauline Carriere Sarah Platanitis Mission Statement Jorge Castellano Terri Pudlo SPECIAL THANKS TO: The mission of the Holyoke Public Schools is Kevin Cavanaugh Hilary Russell Gustavo Acosta to provide educational Mike Hines Josiah Friedberg Miranda Smith opportunities for all Cesar Lopez students to reach their full Helen Gibson Jody Spitz Mitch Moskal potential in a safe, secure, healthy learning Karen Guillette Myriam Ulloa-Skolnick Cheryl Parzich environment while valuing Aaron Patterson Ellen Jackson Sue Werenski diversity and promoting Devin Sheehan Renee LaRue Kevin Willard responsible citizenship. Jeannie Stone Joanne Marcotte Marilyn Woods Judy Taylor Aaron Morris Reading Rocks at Peck School! Reading definitely rocks at Peck K-8 School where students were joined last month by Springfield Armor basketball players, TJ Cummings and Maurice Maxwell, to celebrate our reading success. The event served as a kick-off for the new school wide focus on Holyoke School reading comprehension. Committee First grade students from JoAnn Ginley’s and Julie Diaz’s classes, who read at or above the third Mayor Elaine Pluta grade level, impressed the audito- rium packed with students, teach- William Collamore ers, and parents as they shared Yvonne Garcia poems about reading. First grad- ers wowed the audience with Margaret Boulais poems such as that by Jill Marie Springfield Armor basketball players TJ Cummings (L) and Maurice Maxwell Warner, “Independent Strate- Gladys Lebron-Martinez help Peck School celebrate reading. gies,” and fluently reading: Howard Greaney “I can chop up the words into UCLA prior to joining the Spring- The stage became overwhelmingly Dennis Birks smaller parts, field Armor. A love of accounting crowded as numerous students Michael Moriarty Like -on or -ing or -ly, was shared by UMASS Amherst received awards for gains in read- Or find smaller words in com- alum, Maurice Maxwell, as he ing. One hundred randomly se- Cesar Lopez pound words explained his love for math and lected students received a new Devin Sheehan Like raincoat and bumblebee.” reading. Both players highlighted book as a giveaway from our the important role reading has school library. played in their success from uni- The elementary assembly was led Springfield Armor basketball play- versity education to proficiency in a cheerful reading comprehen- ers Cummings and Maxwell on the court. Cummings also sion song written and performed shared words of wisdom with the shared his love of author Shel by the entire third grade class. learners. Cummings spoke highly Silverstein. of the value of his education at Volume 8, Issue 2 Page 3 http://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us First woman Mayor of Holyoke _____________________ Promises to “inject new energy” into schools What’s New on the Web By Judy Taylor First, I would like to publicly city’s government District Homepage thank the Holyoke High School to identify what Madrigal Choir and the Dean we are doing right http://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us Tech R.O.T.C. program for and equally as Curriculum making the Swearing-In Cere- important to iden- mony for Elected Officials on tify areas where I • Updated curriculum January 4th so special. It was a know we can do maps wonderful day for the City of better. My ad- HALO Holyoke and its history. Every- ministration will one who serves the public focus aggressively • The Holyoke Adult brings unique and distinct abili- on new business Learning Center ties to the office. Their efforts development, (HALO) is accessible via the Programs menu or given to the challenges of lead- while ensuring directly at: ership in a city or town will be that existing busi- http://www.hps.holyoke. measured by its residents as nesses receive ma.us/adultlearning.htm they reflect on their quality of everything they HALO offers Literacy, life. It is my intention to make need to prosper Adult Basic Education, sure that your tax dollars are and grow. I will GED preparation and spent wisely and that the ser- work closely with ESOL programming to vices provided are delivered the City’s Office adults in Holyoke. View effectively and efficiently. I will of Economic De- the new webpage to capitalize on the positives and velopment, the access the adult learn- work hard to make the changes Chamber of Com- ing class schedule and necessary that will take the City merce, and other offerings. in new and different directions. business entities Mayor Elaine Pluta • Kelly School - I will build on our accomplish- to make sure that http://www.hps.holyoke. ments and continue to move Holyoke is consid- ma.us/kelly.htm forward. If progress is to be ered by every company looking Having spent many years on the Click the About Our ours, it’s going to take all of us to expand their operations or City Council, I know firsthand School link for updated working together to make sure locate here. There are many how dedicated every Councilor school information. it happens. I look forward to exciting possibilities and I will is and how hard they work to- working with the City Council, promote them on the City’s wards the betterment of our • Title One Events, acces- the School Committee, our behalf.
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