THE M ARYLANDER AAUW Maryland Newsletter VOLUME 76, N O. 1 http://www.aauwmd.org F ALL 2008 Fall Conference in Hagerstown Breaking through Barriers At our September 27 th conference in Hagerstown, The afternoon session is designed for sharing pro- Maryland state AAUW members are being asked to grams that fit into the PEARL concept. The plan is to put on their “goggles” and guide a pilot project initi- hear from as many branches as possible; depending ated by the Association. on the number of presentations, time may be limited. If your branch would like to share a program with the At the June 22, 2008 joint meeting of the AAUW and group, e-mail Pat Crane at [email protected]. AAUW Educational Foundation Boards, both boards unanimously supported the Breaking through Barri- PEARL is a gem of an idea and we feel very honored ers as the unifying focus for AAUW. (Refer to the in being selected for this pilot project. We hope that AAUW Current Topics Briefing #5 issued by Linda as many of you as possible will come and share your Hallman, CAE, Executive Director on June 30 th , 2008 pearls of wisdom for advancing communication on page 7.) AAUW Maryland will roll out the new among the Association, the state and branches. Breaking through Barriers and utilize the PEARL Maryland can make this a real turning point for concept. This is the concept that Linda Hallman intro- AAUW; it should be an exciting day for all of us. duced to us at our state convention in April. The PEARL ( Protect; Educate; Advocate; Research; Protect the legal rights of those facing discrimina- Lead), concept is the mnemonic for identifying the tion strategies that AAUW will use to implement Breaking ♦ Programs: To Be Announced through Barriers . PEARL also amplifies our Mission ♦ Fund: AAUW-Legal Advocacy Fund Statement. Educate women for a lifetime of success ♦ Programs: Fellowships, Research and Project There are many new programs, added to the multi- Grants, Career Development Grants, National Girls tude of long-standing ones, that the Association Collaborative Project, Financial Literacy wants to market or market better, to members. These ♦ Fund: AAUW-Educational Foundation all can be viewed in the context of PEARL. The As- Advocate for laws that give women a fair chance sociation is anxious to share all these exciting new ♦ Programs: Public Policy, Lobby Corps, Congres- programs and their new tactics for bringing aware- sional Voting Record, Two-Minute Activist, Get- ness and choice to members. It is hoped that AAUW Out-The-Vote Maryland will help develop effective communication ♦ Fund: AAUW and distribution methods by vetting the concepts. Research education and economic barriers that harm women Jill Birdwhistell, Chief of Strategic Advancement, will ♦ Programs: Research reports ♦ be our guest and lead us thorough this process. Fund: AAUW-Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Many of us are looking for programs for our branches Lead and teach others to lead in our homes, schools, and how to access the Association for help and re- communities and country sources. Keeping PEARL and our mission statement ♦ Programs: NCCWSL, Campus Action Projects, in mind, we plan to come up with lots of ideas for Campaign College, Get-Out-The-Vote ♦ branch programs and suggestions for implementa- Fund: AAUW-Leadership and Training Institute tion. Directions to the conference and registration form are on page 11 PAGE 2 THE M ARYLANDER Marcie Posner, President AAUW MD Message from Marcie 410-772-7977 <[email protected]> As I was looking through Bartlett’s Familiar Quota- tions , I found an appropriate passage from Contem- plations (c.1630), book IV, The Veil of Moses: “There is many a rich stone laid up in the This will be a short message, as I know we are all bowels of the earth, many a fair pearl laid up getting together on September 27 in Hagerstown for in the bosom of the sea, that never was seen, an exciting Fall Conference. Before attending, you, nor never shall be.” as individuals and branches, have some exciting and important homework to complete. We must release our PEARLS so that we can keep the AAUW Value Promise: First, please read Breaking through Barriers, (see p. 1) , the excellent write-up by Mary Anne Williams and Pat Crane about our Fall Conference. Presented “By joining AAUW, we belong to a community are seed pearls for ideas which you can bring and that breaks through educational and eco- share with everyone. As you will see, in addition to nomic barriers so that all women have a fair hearing from guest speaker, Jill Birdwhistell, AAUW’s chance.” Chief of Strategic Advancement, you will have an ac- tive part in the conference. Next, come to the fall See you in Hagerstown! conference with descriptions of your branch programs that already fit into the PEARL concept or ideas for Marcie programs that will help implement PEARL in the fu- ture. We, as pilots, cannot afford delays but must have a timely landing. Woman to Woman Elaine Franz Public Policy Vice President, AAUW MD Elections 410-592-6614 <[email protected]> The November 4 th elections will determine the Presi- as well as registration can be obtained by going to dent of the United States as well as the House of www.elections.state.md.us. Absentee ballots must Representatives and one third of the Senate. As be obtained by October 28 th . Mailed ballots must be women, we are a powerful force as we represent the postmarked no later than November 4 th and received majority of the population of the State of Maryland. by the local board of elections by 10:00 AM Novem- We are only powerful if we exercise our right to vote. ber 14 th . Currently this country seems to be in turmoil with This is an important election. Offer to help the eld- many issues at hand. Sources of concern are the erly or incapacitated in your neighborhood to regis- war in Iraq, rising gas and food prices, and the tenu- ter, take them to polls or help them obtain and mail ous state of our financial institutions. By the time absentee ballots. Remember, those ballots mailed this is printed, others may appear without readily late are not considered. viable solutions. The future of our country is at stake. We now have It is time that we express our feelings with our vote. the opportunity to vote for the leadership of our We should urge our friends and neighbors to vote. country. Registration deadline is October 14 th at 9 PM if you have not yet registered to vote. Absentee ballots We must express our views and vote! PAGE 3 THE M ARYLANDER Using the Value Promise to Create Change Linda Haigh Tozier, MAR Director “By joining AAUW, you belong to a community Member Leader Focus 2008 series is comprised that breaks through educational and economic of seven modules. The combined running time of barriers so all women have a fair chance.” On all modules is 188 minutes. The seven modules June 22 nd the joint AAUW and Educational Foun- and running times are: #1. AAUW and the Future dation Boards unanimously supported “Breaking – Executive Director Linda Hallman (14 minutes); through Barriers” as the unifying focus for AAUW. #2. AAUW and Leadership – Leadership Train- This unifying focus identifies what AAUW does, ing Institute Director Kate Farrar (13 minutes); #3. uniting membership with program and thereby in- Advancing Equity through Advocacy –Lisa tegrating all AAUW programs to better serve our Maatz, Department of Public Policy and Govern- goals. It’s going to be an exciting year for AAUW ment Relations (23 minutes) and Jill Birdwhistell, as we develop our leadership and prepare for sig- AAUW Chief of Strategic Advancement (14 min- nificant structural change. utes on LAF); #4. Advancing Equity through Education and Research – Gloria Blackwell, Foundation Director of Fellowships and Grants, The June 21 st Middle Atlantic Leadership Train- Catherine Hill, Director of Research and Kate ing Meeting had 55 participants, including 26 Farrar, LTI Director (39 minutes); Advancing the from Maryland. I want to thank Tracy Lantz and Mission through Membership, Communica- Edie Allison, AAUW MD Membership Co-Vice tions and Marketing – Membership Director Presidents, for preparing an on-line interactive Christy Jones, Field Relations Manager Claudia workshop to assist state and branch leaders in us- Richards, Business Development Manager Kem- ing the AAUW Member Center. Graham Boose mell Watson, Director of Communications and from the West Chester (PA) branch introduced the Marketing Ashley Carr (Membership 22 minutes, Let’s Read Math EF Projects Grant that is avail- Member Benefits 10 minutes, Communications 19 able to branches in all MAR states. Dot McLane, minutes); #6 Philanthropy – Manager of Major AAUW PA immediate past president, presented Gifts and Planned Giving Carol Rongrud, Director information on the National Girls Collaborative of Development Laura McCulty Stepp (20 min- Project (NGCP). Sally Chamberlain, EF Board, utes); and #7 Finance – Jean Gilbert, Interim presented leadership ideas. Anthony Hill, AAUW CFO (14 minutes). Board, facilitated membership techniques. And Jill Birdwhistell, AAUW Chief of Strategic Advance- ment, spoke about changes in the Legal Advocacy Each state president has received two copies of Fund. the Leadership DVD. Individual branches can re- quest copies by emailing Jill Birdwhistell ([email protected] ). The AAUW Leadership Development DVD The Marylander is published quarterly in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer editions by AAUW MD, Janet Moses, editor. Send articles to <[email protected]> or mail to Janet Moses, 21 Theo Lane, Towson, MD 21204-2751. All submissions are edited for length and clarity. Deadline for the Winter issue is November 10, 2008.
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