",..-.. fOR 359 DAYS .. the IranlallB have held 50 Americans hostage. The ultimatum to the Ayatolla 25c PER COpy Kohemelnl must be the written words: "Let my people go." The ---------_. NO. 491N OUR35TH YEAR 'RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY. Nl:W Ml:XIC08834S MONDAY,OCTOBER27,1980, MOORE EXPLAINS PURPOSE, REASONS ea· t care ev,. , sou BYGWYNETBJONES The tax reduction will result because f1uenClell by a \YIde.sprllad beIlef that "fine business offlcetoa more suitable location; Stall WrllIlrlP!lolognpher Governor Bruce KIng vetoed 2.85 mills IIlIldIcal care III a baslc American right," provide for additional staff and oIDce. previously levied by the stalll. Counb' lie sald. The colt of bealth serYlces III also space wllere nece88llJ'Y; and to renovate A group of local business and c:om­ res1den18 are already paying a thre~ affected by generallnflatlon, the Increase areas used for respiratory and physical munlty leaders met Thursday with fourths mill levy which would be dlscon­ In the II\IIIIber of elderly patients, the fact therapy, x-rays and laboratory work, Ruidoso HOlldo Valley Hospital ad­ tinued, result\qg In a tax reduction during that new niedtcal teclmology Is more Moore said. ministrator Ken Moore to discuss ~e first year of the levy. lllqlellllive and many other factors, Moore promotion of the mill levy issue which has sa\d. Physical expansions and renovations to been proposed to benefit llealth care In the Proceeds from tile proposed levy wolllO the building would also Include a new roof, county. The 2.9 mill levy will go before be split between the Ruld080 HosPital, AboUt $lMlO,OOO of the funds which would resurfacing of the parking areas and voters In the general election. which would receive 1.9 mills and the be made avaDalJle after pesssge of the plumbing Improvements. Carrizozo Health Center, which would get levy would be used for the new medical Moore asked the group to carry the the remaining one mUL Ruidoso's share equlpment, Moore said. The equlpment Should the mill levy faU to pass, Moore message to tile public through personal would amount to about $800,000 over the would Include the following: said, the local hospital will "be unable to contact and presentations before civic four year period, Moore said. make major Improvemen18ln the hospital groups In the next week. He also reviewed -A Gamma camera, wbicb uses radio to meet the communlb"s needs. the planned expansions and acquisition of The Carrizozo group hopes to use their Isotopes to trace clrcu1atory problems. equlpment whfCh would be made possible funding .to provide for basic medical "Instead of eontlnulng the growth In by the levy. -A portable X-ray machine, which wW services and possiblY to attract a full time be needed for expansion of the orthopedic medical servlcea we have experienced in physlclan to serve ttiat area of the county. services. the past, we wW be unable to respond to The term "mill levy" refers to a l8J: In Moore called the levy a "critical step" the community's desire for Increased theamountofone dollar for fIf'Iery $1,000 of for the Ruidoso hospital, which he said was -An opthalmic microscope. which medical speclallb' services," Moore said. tauble value. The tax III not based on a "at a turning point In growtb and ex­ would give the capability for dellcste cye home's market value, Moore said. panslon." Although occupancy of the surgery. Specialists the hospl181 would like to At present, homes arebeing assessed for hospital Is at capacity during the summer recruit Include an orthopedic: doctor, an \alUItion at ahout one half their market monthe, thelackof patientsduring the "off -A traction table. obstetrician/gynecologist, Internal value, lie ssld, The \alUIble value of a seasons" resul18 In a tremendous loss of ­ -An ultra sound machine for the ob- medicine specialist and possibly an home-the figures on which the proposed revenue. stetrics and gynecology department, opbthamologlst. tax would be based-Is, In Ium, about one He said the decls10n to be made by which allows a doctor to see tile position Moore also presented figures to show third of theassessed value. Forexample, a voters on November • actually would and size of the unborn child and stress that the hospital Is contributing about s1J: home with a market value of $30,000 would detennlne, "who will be denied health presentIn theuterus, which eliminates the m1Won dollars annually to the counb"s have an assessed value of $15,000, and a care" In the fulure, because cost of such need for surgery In IDIIIIY cases, Moore economy. \alUIble value of $5,000. Under a 2.V mill services Is slowly but constantly rI8lng. A sa\d. "We feel like a $24 mlWon relum 00 levy, the total tax paid would be $1'.50 major reason for the rise is non-peyment The remainder of the funds would be $800,000 over the next four years Is a good RUBBERIZED ASPHALT Is being used to seal cracks on Sud­ annually. of medical bille, which Is sometlmlls In- uaedto expend IItorage space; relocate the Investment," Moore said. However, Moore pointed out that during derth Drive in Ruidoso. The crew performing the work on contract the first year of the levy, LIncoln County for the state Highway Department expects to be In th Is area for taxpayers would actually see a decrease In about two weeks. while the patching effort is completed. their l8J: bllle. Committee working on Sudderth's cracks filled A ruhberIzed 8IIpbalt material belng'laId "Itworks like an expansion joint," Mark will comefrom NMHD malnlenance funds and the measure "willseal the cracks," community centerplan on Sudderth to Itop cracks In tile road, Is Dismuke, foreman on the job, sa\d. so being applied by a contractedcrew for the "Otherwise, when mosllure gel8in the that If an overlay Is fIf'Ier placed on the New Mexico HIghway Department (NMH­ cracks and tbe temperalures change so road "the cracks won't go through the A steering committee to s1udy the Other committee members Include property with a minimum of 50 usable .D). The work wD1 be clDlPleted In two often, thcy would eventually destroy· the overley." feaslbWb' of building a communitycenter­ Donria Willard, Dorothy Faye KImsey, aCres on which 10 build. Although one site weeks. road. Approximate costof the project has been orconvention clDlPlex In the Ruidoso area Clark Carpenter,Larry Langford, Richard Is under consideration, the committee wID "This way the road wW be able to pegged at $30,000, accordlng to Worth met Thursday to organize. Sandoval and BeIII\V Coulllton. EJ:-off1clo not select a Bite for several months. The cracks are being cleaned out wltb a move," he said. Dismuke saidthe material SmeW!r, district maintenance engineer. The committee will be a subcommittee members Include Chamber executive Another meeUng wlll take place In two blower andfilled with theasphalt, wblcb Is has been In use three years and has been However, he said euct cost will "depend of the Ruld080 Valley Chamber of Com­ directorEd Jungbluth, Chamber president weeks 10 study specifications for the IlquId wIleD 1aId, and dries within 20 used successfully In other parlB of New on how extensive the cracks are," adding merce and will be chaired by Katherine Shella Harris, and Harvey Foster. center, including size, capaclly, parking minutes to I~ bours, depending on the Mexico to prevent rood deterioration. that "most of the work will be con­ FInIcy, with JoAnn Butler and Jeannie The group is investigating tbe and functions which could 18ke place temperature. Dismukesaidthemoney todo therepairs centrated In tile downtown area." Whitwam as vice chairpersons. acqu\sIUon of lend, and hopes to locale there. DA opening office here Steve Sanders, District Attorney for L­ rearof the FourSeasons Mall onSudderth. Incoln and Otero counties, is opening an Sanders said he plans on ma\nlalnlng 9 Candidates statepositions office In Ruld080 with a reception Wed­ a.m.-6 p.m., office hours Monday through nesday fl'OOl 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Friday. ''I'll usually be In Ruldll60 on BYGWYNETBJONES the boss." retaining good deputies because of sslery Mike Gray, Democrat, were asked the Fridays," he said, "with attorneys Jay SdWrllIlrlP!lolograpber As to his reasons for running, he said "I deficiencies. qualifications of a clerk and changes The branch office wID be loCated In the Rosenthal and Mark Shoesmlth alter­ have no axe to grind. I've enjoyed being Sanchez and Hall explained that only needed In the office. sheriff's quarters, downstairs and In the nating on the other days of tile week." A group of candidates for county and sheriff and have no doubt I can handle the five percent of any lIoe Item In the budget McSwane said by law, a higb school alBte offices attended a public political job." could be transferred to another use, diploma was requlred for the job. but that forum Tbursday evening to answer Elliot added jokingly, that In the past, "I meaning thatmost of the surplus had to be "you can't go out and acquire the skills quelltlons by local reslden18. The forum ran against Ernest and beat him, and he lumed back into the general fund. needed-you have to have experience was sponsored by the FrIends of the ran against me and beat me-It's my turn Repub1lcsn candidate for assessor, Julia through working In tile office. Until you Scouts launch Ruidoso Library. to win." Samora, answered a question regarding aclua1ly get In and do It, you don't fully Followfng Introductory remarks by eacb AI Junge of Ruidoso questioned San- qua1lf1catlons of an assessor and wb,y understand," theduties involved, she said.
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