Yale Portuguese Studies in Portuguese language, literatures, and cultures YALE SUMMER SESSIONS 2020 PORT S-249 Introduction to Brazilian Culture An Online Course in Session B June 29 – July 31, 2020 MWF Professor: K. David Jackson DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE <[email protected]> Tel. 432-7608 -- 82-90 Wall Street, Room 224 Description and Overview of Course This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Brazil’s regions and cultural history, to Brazil’s unique place in the Americas, and to its place in the world of Portuguese language. It presents major topics in the panorama of Brazilian cultural history and civilization from 1500 to the present through readings on regions, cultures, peoples, and arts, including the architects of Brazil’s national cultural identity, its chronological development, and modern self-description. Topics include discovery and rediscovery of Brazil, baroque architecture, romanticism and empire, regionalism, immigration, urbanization, and modernization. The main texts draw on a cultural history of Brazil through selected writings by major authors and scholars. The course features an individual project to be presented in class. Course Expectations and Grading No absences allowed in YSS. Two objective tests (40%) covering important names, documents, and events from the readings. Preparation and oral participation in each class discussion required (25%). Each student will prepare an original project on a specific interest in Brazil, coordinated with the professor (25%), to be presented in class. The final review essay asks for your interpretation of figures, themes, and events in Brazilian cultural history from readings and class discussion (10%). In this course, students will gain a knowledge of regions, major figures, and cultural themes in Brazilian history and society. Daily assignments. Note: Readings should be prepared for the class dates indicated. Prepare for class discussion from the assigned readings for each meeting. Identify and discuss events, authors, and themes from readings by filling out the study sheets for each class. Keep a detailed notebook and use the class study guides provided on Canvas. Recommended background viewing on “lusofonia” from Media Gallery: “Além Mar,” 90 minute documentary on Portuguese language in the world, with musicians and poets. On Canvas Media Gallery Recommended Film Series: O povo brasileiro (Darcy Ribeiro) by Isa Ferraz, English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB9e208Jpd8&has_verified=1 2 Required Texts: (available at Yale Bookstore) Alencar, José de. Iracema. Amado, Jorge. The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell (1959), 2012. Queirós, Rachel de. The Three Marias. Fred P. Ellison, trans. Austin: U Texas P, 1963. Note: All readings are on Canvas pdf files, except the three novels Statement on Original Work The strength of the university depends on academic and personal integrity. In this course, you must do your own work, honestly and truthfully. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work, words, or ideas as if they were your own. See http://ctl.yale.edu/writing/wr-instructor-resources/addressing-academic-integrity-and- plagiarism. Syllabus Port S240 Summer 2020 A-First hour B-Second hour WEEK ONE June 29 A. Introduction: Geographical and Historial Survey 1. Skidmore, Thomas. Brazil: Five Centuries of Change. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. (Chapters 6 to 8). Internet Resource 2. Map of Brazil B. Brazil’s Difference 1. Bethell, Leslie. “Brazil and ‘Latin America’” July 01 A. Immigration, Lusofonia 1. Lesser, Jeffry; Wejsa, Shari. “Migration in Brazil: the making of a multicultural society”. B. Discovery of Brazil: The Letter, Maps, Indigenous encounters 1. Pero Vaz de Caminha, Letter (“Carta”) 1500 Discovery of Brazil. 2. Leslie Bethell, “Colonial Brazil” July 03 A. Cannibalism/: Hans Staden, Jean de Léry 1. Hans Staden, Introduction to True History (1547). 2. Jean de Léry, History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil, Chapters VIII and XV B. Antropofagia 3 1. Oswald de Andrade, “Manifesto Antropófago” (“Cannibal Manifesto”) (1928) 2. Moacyr Scliar, “The Cow” - Short story WEEK TWO July 06 A. Colonial Baroque, sermons and satires 1. Gregório de Mattos, poem 2. Antônio Vieira, “Sermon of Saint Anthony to the Fish” B. Music: 1. Listening. Padre José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767 – 1830) (Modinha) “Beijo a mão que me condena / a ser sempre desgraçado / obedeço ao meu destino / respeito o poder do fado. Que eu ame tanto, sem ser amado / sou infeliz, sou desgraçado.” 2. Stuart Schwartz, “The Formation of a Colonial Identity in Brazil” July 08 A. Brazil’s Regions: Nordeste 1. Joaquim Nabuco, “Massangana” 2. Music -- www.radio.uol.com.br; “http://web3.unt.edu/murphy/brazil” “Baião,” “Maxixe,” and “Forró” B. Northeastern social novel 1. Rachel de Queirós, The Three Marias July 10 A. Brazil’s Regions: Amazônia 1. Margaret Mee’s Amazon, The Moonflower 2. Theodore Roosevelt. “The River of Doubt.” Through the Brazilian Wilderness B. Indigenous Cultures 1. Alfred Métraux, “The Tupinamba.” Handbook of South American Indians, vol. 3 2. The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shamon: “Becoming Other” / ‘Words of Omama” 3. Curt Nimuendaju, “Ethno-historical map” WEEK THREE July 13 A. Brazil’s Regions: Salvador, Afro-Brazilian City 1. Margarette de Andrade, “Afro-Brazilian Specialties” recipes. Acarajé video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8fw-MqvCfrCT0J3VDFnMlVaOEk/view 2. Photography by Pierre Verger (pierreverger.org) 3. Zeca Ligiero, “Candomblé Is Religion-life-art” B. Social novel 1. Jorge Amado, The Death of Quincas Water-Bray 4 July 15 A. Nationalism and Empire 1. Romantic poetry and prose. “Canção do Exílio” by Gonçalves Dias 2. Iracema. José de Alencar 3. Painting by José Maria de Medeiros (1884) “Iracema”, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. http://www.revistamuseu.com.br/vitrine/default.asp?id=1468 July 17 EXAM 1 Covers all readings to date. WEEK FOUR July 20 Major writers: Machado de Assis, Clarice Lispector, João Guimarães Rosa 1. Machado de Assis, short stories, “Father vs. Mother” (“Pai vs. Mãe”); “The Looking Glass” (“O Espelho”). 2. Clarice Lispector, “The Beauty and the Beast” (“A Bela e a Fera”), “The Buffalo” (O bufalo). 3. Guimarães Rosa, João. “Those Lopes” (“Esses Lopes”), “The Third Bank of the River” (“A terceira margem do rio”). July 22 Music: Villa-Lobos, Milhaud and the hybrid national style A. Origins of popular style 1. Brill, “Brazil: The Roots of Brazilian Music” (lundu, modinha, maxixe, choro) 2. Listening: Gottschalk, Nazareth, Levy, Tupinamba, Gonzaga, Pixinguinha. B . Brazilian national style 1. “Introduction.” Choro: A Social History of a Brazilian Popular Music, Livingston-Isenhour & Caracas Garcia. 2. Listening: Villa-Lobos. Uirapuru, Bachianas brasileiras 5. Choros 10. Darius Milhaud, “Saudades do Brasil” July 24 Selected poems by modernist poets 1. Oswald de Andrade, from Manifesto of Pau Brasil Poetry, Pau Brasil (1925) 2. Mário de Andrade, from Pauliceia Desvairada (Hallucinated City) 3. Carlos Drummond de Andrade, “No meio do caminho” 4. Manuel Bandeira, “Evocação do Recife” 5. Cecília Meireles, “Navio” 6. Murilo Mendes, “Mapa” 5 WEEK FIVE July 27 Modernism: Arts and Architecture A. Modernist artists 1. Tarsila do Amaral. Juan Manuel Bonet, “A ‘Quest’ for Tarsila” / 2. Photograph: ABAPORAMA 3. Paintings by Anita Malfatti, Brecheret, Di Cavalcanti, Lasar Segall, Cícero Dias, Rego Monteiro, Portinari, Burle-Marx landscapes (www.itaucultural.com.br / www.ims.uol.com.br) B. Contemporary arts and poetry 1. Brasília - photos of Gautherot; Clarice “Brasília” (https://ims.com.br/exposicao/as-construcoes-de-brasilia/ 2. Inhotim - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/inhotim?hl=pt-br https://www.huffingtonpost.com/zach-udko/inhotim-brazils- 3. Concrete Poetry: http://www.poesiaconcreta.com.br/ Augusto de Campos, “Cidade” (internet); Gilberto Mendes, “Beba Coca Cola”; Haroldo de Campos “nascemorre”, Gilberto Mendes “nascemorre,” “Plano piloto para poesia concreta”. www.poesiaconcreta.com.br RECEIVE FINAL REVIEW QUESTIONS DUE JULY 31 July 29 Student project reports July 31 Exam II Covers all readings TURN IN REVIEW QUESTIONS / END OF COURSE Internet sites useful for seminar assignments and research: 1. archive.is/www.vidaslusofonas.pt (biografias) 2. Site for Instituto Moreira Salles: ims.uol.com.br (photography) 3. Pierre Verger Foundation www.pierreverger.org (photography) 4. Banco Itaú www.itaucultural.com.br “enciclopédias” (visual arts & literature) 5. www.radio.uol.com.br (music) 6. http://web3.unt.edu/murphy/brazil/ (music) 7. www.poesiaconcreta.com.br (concrete poetry) 8. http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/pesquisa/PesquisaObraForm.jsp (obras literárias, musicais) 9. www.oup.com/us/globalmusic 10. Biblioteca Digital Mundial: http://www.wdl.org/pt 11. sibila.com.br 12. poesiahoje.com 13. cronopios.com.br 14. machadodeassis.net .
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