Reg. No. GR/RNP/GOA/32 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 3rd March, 2011 (Phalguna 12, 1932) SERIES III No. 49 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Note:- There is one Supplementary to the Official Excise Station, Sanguem Taluka, situated at above Gazette, Series III No. 48, dated 24th February, Union Bank, Venita Building, Sanguem-Goa at 2011 namely, Supplement dated 24-2-2011 from 11.00 a.m. on 17-03-2011 to the bidders who offer pages 1325 to 1338, regarding Notification from the highest price. Department of Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Division, Directorate of Small Savings & Lotteries If necessary, the auction for the 2nd time will (Goa State Lotteries). be held at the same place on 18-03-2011 at GOVERNMENT OF GOA 11.00 a.m. Department of Finance Only the licensed vendors of the liquor will be allowed to participate in the auction, the successful Revenue & Expenditure Division bidders will have to pay the bidding price immediately. The Government however, reserves the Office of the Commissioner of Excise right to reject the bid amount without assigning Excise Station, Sanguem Taluka any reason thereof. The bid will be final only after __ the approval of auction proceedings by the Auction Notice Commissioner of Excise, Panaji. The following quantities of Indian made foreign For further details, if any, contact the Excise liquor and country liquor confiscated in favour of Station, Sanguem Taluka, above Union Bank, Venita Government will be auctioned in the premises of Building, Sanguem Goa during the office hours. LIST OF LIQUOR GOODS TO BE SOLD ON PUBLIC AUCTION ON 17-03-2011 AT EXCISE STATION, SANGUEM TALUKA Sr. No. Case Number Quantity of liquor goods Upset price 12 3 4 1. Exc/Sang/1994-95/05 a) Copper Pot Rs. 1,000.00 2. Exc/Sang/1994-95/16 a) Copper Pot Rs. 1,000.00 3. Exc/Sang/2009-10/20 a) 9 bottles Small Peter Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 250.00 b) 2 bottles Goa Gold Cashew Fenny 750 ml. each. 4. Exc/Sang/2009-10/19 a) 13 bottles of Real’s Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 375.00 b) 2 bottles of Honey Bee Brandy 750 ml. each. 5. Exc/Sang/2009-10/20 a) 20 bottles Real Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 500.00 6. Exc/Sang/2009-10/21 a) 9 bottles of Imperial Blue Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 750.00 b) 12 bottles of Real Whisky 750 ml. each. 7. Exc/Sang/2009-10/22 a) 12 bottles of Honey Guide Brandy 750 ml. each. Rs. 300.00 8. Exc/Sang/2010-11/01 a) 12 bottles of Diamond Choice Premium Rs. 350.00 Cashew Fenny 750 ml. each. b) 2 bottles of Goa Gold Premium Cashew Fenny 750 ml. each. 9. Exc/Sang/2010-11/06 a) 1 bottle of Green Label Whisky 750 ml. Rs. 120.00 b) 2 bottles Imperial Blue Whisky capacity of 750 ml. one bottle is sealed and one bottle containing in it approximately 300 ml. 1339 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 49 3RD MARCH, 2011 12 3 4 c) 1 bottle Honey Bee Premium Brandy capacity Rs. 120.00 of 750 ml. containing in it approx. 300 ml. d) 2 bottles of Real’s Blue Whisky capacity of 750 ml. one bottle is sealed and one bottle containing in it approximately 150 ml. e) 1 bottle cashew fenny containing in it approximately 150 ml. 10. Exc/Sang/2010-11/07 a) 1 bottle Mansion House Brandy 750 ml. Rs. 100.00 b) 1 bottle McDowell’s No.1 Reserve Whisky containing in it approximately 200 ml. c) 1 bottle Gold Crest Premium Brandy containing in it approximately 300 ml. each. d) 1 bottle of Real’s Blue Whisky 750 ml. e) 1 bottle of Green Label Whisky containing in it approximately 300 ml. 11. Exc/Sang/2010-11/08 a) 1 bottle Real Whisky containing in it Rs. 150.00 approximately 300 ml. b) Honey Bee Brandy 750 ml. c) 1 bottle Imperial Blue Whisky 750 ml. d) 1 No. plastic can capacity of 5 liters containing in it approximately 3 liters Cashew Urrak. 12. No. Exc/Sang/2010-11/09 a) 14 bottles of Real’s Blue Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 350.00 b) 1 bottle of Green Label Whisky containing in it approximately 300 ml. 13. Exc/Sang/2010-11/10 a) 18 bottles of Hayward’s Fine Whisky. Rs. 575.00 b) 4 bottles of Honey Guide Brandy. c) 6 nips of Honey Guide Brandy. 14. Exc/Sang/2010-11/11 a) 7 bottles of Honey Guide Brandy 750 ml. each. Rs. 280.00 b) 3 bottles of Real’s Blue Whisky 750 ml. each. 15. No. Exc/Sang/2010-11/16 a) 4 bottles of Hayward’s Fine Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 150.00 b) 1 bottle Real Whisky 750 ml. c) 1 bottle of Philippines No. 1 Cashew Fenny. 16. Exc/Sang/2010-11/17 a) 2 bottles Real Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 160.00 b) 2 plastic pet bottles one bottle is full and one bottle containing in it approximately 1.5 liters Cashew Fenny. c) One plastic can of twenty liters capacity containing in it approximately 1.5 liters Cashew Fenny. d) 1 bottle Cashew Fenny containing in it approximately 200 ml. e) One measure (peg) used for measuring liquor. f) Two empty glasses smelling liquor. 17. Exc/Sang/2010-11/18 a) 3 bottles honey guide brandy 750 ml. each. Rs. 210.00 b) 5 bottles Real’s Whisky 750 ml. each. c) 1 bottle Blue Sapphire Cashew Fenny. 18. Exc/Sang/2010-11/19 a) 35 bottles and 2 pints Carrier Finest Napoleon Rs. 2,950.00 French Brandy 750 ml. and 375 ml. each. b) 6 bottles McDowell’s V.S.O. Brandy 750 ml. each. c) 9 bottles Mansion House French Brandy 750 ml. each. d) 1 bottle McDowell’s No. 1 White Rum 750 ml. e) 3 bottles McDowell’s Blue Riboned Gin 750 ml. each. f) 6 bottles Grand Reserve Deluxe Whisky 750 ml. each. g) 1 bottle Signature Rave Whisky 750 ml. h) 2 bottles Real’s Choice Whisky 750 ml. each. i) 12 bottles Honey Bee Brandy 750 ml. each. j) 12 bottles Seagram’s Brenda’s Pride Whisky 750 ml. each. k) 5 bottles Smivnoff Vodka 750 ml. each. 19. No. Exc/Sang/2010-11/20 a) 24 bottles Real’s Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 800.00 b) 2 bottles Imperial Blue Whisky 750 ml. each. c) Real’s Whisky 90 ml. punches 750 ml. packets. d) Honey Guide Brandy 90 ml. punches 300 Packets. 20. Exc/Sang/2010-11/21 a) 12 bottles McDowell’s No. l Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 600.00 1340 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 49 3RD MARCH, 2011 12 3 4 21. Exc/Sang/2010-11/22 a) 15 bottles Old Bill Extra Special Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 525.00 b) 5 bottles Honey Guide Brandy 750 ml. each. c) 1 bottle Oxford Club Prestige Whisky 750 ml. d) 4 punch’s famous Blue Whisky 90 ml. each. 22. Exc/Sang/2010-11/23 a) 38 bottles Old Bill Extra Special Whisky 750 ml. each. Rs. 1,075.00 b) 5 bottles Green label Brandy 750 ml. each. Total Rs. 12,570.00 Rupees Twelve thousand five hundred seventy only. Sanguem.— The Excise Inspector. Sd/-. Panaji, 23rd February, 2011.— The Asst. Commissioner of Excise, Deepali Naik. ———¡¡¡——— Department of Home b. Maintaining a register for identity of the visitor/user; Home—General Division c. Make an entry in the handwriting of the Office of the Collector, North Goa District, Panaji visitor/user mentioning name, address, ___ telephone number and identity proof. The Order visitor/user shall also sign the register kept No. 4/1/92-MAG(IV)/568/418 for this purpose; Under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal d. The identity of the visitor/user shall be Procedure of 1973 established through identity card, voter card, ration card, driving licence, passport and Whereas, reports have been received from the photo credit card (any one of them); Superintendent of Police, North, Porvorim that a large number of commercial places/shops have e. Activity server log should be preserved in come up in the jurisdiction of North Goa District main server and its record should be preserved which are popularly known as Cyber Cafes and a for atleast six months; large number of people visit them to use the f. If any activity of the visitor is of a suspicious facilities in such places including E-Mail facilities. nature the owner of Cyber Cafe will And whereas, it has come to notice that certain immediately inform the Police Station; and anti-social elements/terrorists are using these g. Record be maintained about the specific facilities to mislead the security investigating computer used by the person. agencies, create panic in the public, endanger the This Order should come into force w.e.f. security of VVIPs and vital installations and help in 22-02-2011 and shall be effective for a period of the terrorist activities, thereby, directly affecting 60 days upto 22-04-2011 (both days inclusive) unless the security of the State. withdrawn earlier. And whereas, it is necessary to take speedy As the notice cannot be served individually on measures in this behalf to prevent danger to human all concerned, the order is hereby passed ex-parte. life or safety, to thwart/prevent terrorist activities, It shall be published for information of public which may affect the security of the State and through Press and also by affixing copies on the create disturbance of public order and tranquility.
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