Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: PAD2396 Public Disclosure Authorized INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON A PROPOSED CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 121.1 MILLION (US$ 170 MILLION EQUIVALENT) TO THE Public Disclosure Authorized FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA FOR A LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT November 17, 2017 Agriculture Global Practice Public Disclosure Authorized Africa Region This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. Public Disclosure Authorized CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective October 31, 2017) Currency Unit = Ethiopian Birr (ETB) ETB 27.27 = US$1 SDR 1 = US$0.71190085 FISCAL YEAR July 8 – July 7 Regional Vice President: Makhtar Diop Country Director: Carolyn Turk Senior Global Practice Director: Juergen Voegele Practice Manager: Mark E. Cackler Task Team Leader(s): Francois G. Le Gall, Assaye Legesse, Benjamin Billard ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A&FMP Aquaculture and Fisheries Master Plan ACC Agricultural Commodity Cluster AECID Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (Spanish Agency for International Development) AGP I and II Agriculture Growth Program I and II AI Artificial Insemination AMR Anti‐Microbial Resistance AnGR Animal Genetic Resources ASF Animal‐Sourced Food ATA Agricultural Transformation Agency AU‐IBAR African Union / Inter‐African Bureau for Animal Resources AWP&B Annual Work Plan and Budget BCR Benefit Cost Ratio BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BOO Build‐Operate‐Own BOT Build‐Operate‐Transfer BP Business Plan C&A Cooperatives and Associations CAHW Community Animal Health Workers CBBP Community‐Based Goat and Sheep Breeding Programs CBE Commercial Bank of Ethiopia CBPP Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia CCRF Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries CD Capacity Development CDP Capacity Development Program CDRF Capacity Development Results Framework CGGD Climate and Green Growth Directorate CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CIRAD Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (French Agricultural Research Center for International Development) CPF Country Partnership Framework CS Communication Strategy CSA Central Statistics Agency DAMS Data Analysis and Monitoring System for Livestock and Fisheries Sectors DBO Design‐Build‐Operate DP Development Partner DSA Daily Subsistence Allowance DVM Doctor in Veterinary Medicine EADD East Africa Dairy Development EAFA Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture EAS Extension & Advisory Services EFA Economic and Financial Analysis EIAR Ethiopian Institute for Agriculture Research iii EPPPA Ethiopian Poultry Producers and Processors Association ETB Ethiopian Birr EU European Union EX‐ACT Ex‐ante Carbon Balance Tool FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCA Federal Cooperative Agency FDU Forage Development Unit FFS Farmers’ Field School FM Financial Management FMD Foot and Mouth Disease FPCM Fat and Protein Corrected Milk FPCU Federal Project Coordination Unit FTC Farmer Training Centre GAFP Good Aquaculture and Fisheries Practices GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security Program GAHP Good Animal Husbandry Practices GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gas GLEAM‐i Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Modeling interactive GoE Government of Ethiopia GRS Grievance Redress Service GTP I and II Growth and Transformation Plan HF&J Holstein Friesian and Jersey HIV‐AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection‐Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HPAI Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ICPALD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development IDA International Development Association IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC International Finance Corporation IGAD Inter‐Governmental Authority on Development ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IPM Integrated Pest Management IRR Internal Rate of Return IS Implementation Support L‐MIRA Livestock Micro‐Reform for Agribusiness L&F Livestock & Fishery L&F FFS Livestock and Fisheries Farmers’ Field School LFSDP Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project LGA Livestock Global Alliance LITS Livestock Identification and Traceability System LMD Livestock Market Development Project (USAID funded) LMP Livestock Master Plan LSA Livestock Sector Assessment LSIPT Livestock Sector and Investment Policy Toolkit LVC‐PPD Livestock Value Chain through Public Private Dialogue Project (from EU) iv M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCC Milk Collection Centre MDG Millennium Development Goals MFIs Micro Finance Institutions MoANR Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources MoFEC Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation MoLF Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries MoNRM Ministry of Natural Resource Management MPC Milk Processing Center MRD Mixed Rainfall Deficient MRS Mixed Rainfall Sufficient NAGII National Animal Genetic Improvement Institute NAHDIC National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Centre NAIC National Artificial Insemination Center NBP National Breeding Policy NCA National Cooperative Agency ND Newcastle Disease NFFDP National Feed and Forage Development Program NGO Non‐Governmental Organization NPC National Project Coordinator NPV Net Present Value NRM Natural Resource Management NTT National Task Team O&M Operation & Maintenance ODI Overseas Development Institute OIE World Organisation for Animal Health OP/BP Operational Policy/Bank Policy PCDP III Pastoral Community Development Project III PCU Project Coordination Agency PDO Project Development Objective PDS Participatory Disease Surveillance PIM Project Implementation Manual PM Procurement Management PP Procurement Plan PPP Public Private Partnership PPR Peste des Petits Ruminants (Small Ruminant Plague) PRIMS Progress and Results Information Monitoring System PRS Performance Recording System PSC Project Steering Committee PTC Project Technical Committee RCPB Regional Cooperative Promotion Bureau RED&FS Rural Economic Development and Food Security RF Results Framework RPCU Regional Project Coordination Unit RPLRP Regional Pastoral Livelihoods and Resilience Project RSC Regional Steering Committee v SC Sub‐Component SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic SME Small and Medium Enterprise SNNPR Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region SNP Strategic National Program SNV Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers (Netherlands Development Organization) SORT Systematic Operations Risk‐rating Tool SP Specialized Producer SWIFT Survey of Wellbeing via Instant Frequent Tracking TA Technical Assistance TOR Terms of Reference ToT Training of Trainers TTL Task Team Leader T‐VET Technical and Vocational Education and Training USAID United States Agency for International Development VAT Value Added Tax VC Value Chain VDFACA Veterinary Drug, Feed Administration and Control Authority VGGT Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure VS Veterinary Services VSB Veterinary Statutory Body VV Village Vaccinators WB World Bank WBI World Bank Institute WPCU Woreda Project Coordination Unit vi The World Bank Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project (P159382) BASIC INFORMATION Is this a regionally tagged project? Country(ies) Financing Instrument No Investment Project Financing [ ] Situations of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints [ ] Financial Intermediaries [ ] Series of Projects Approval Date Closing Date Environmental Assessment Category 12‐Dec‐2017 07‐Jul‐2024 B ‐ Partial Assessment Bank/IFC Collaboration Joint Level Yes Complementary or Interdependent project requiring active coordination Proposed Development Objective(s) Increase productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains, strengthen service delivery systems in the livestock and fisheries sectors, and respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. Components Component Name Cost (US$, millions) Linking More Productive Farmers to Markets 103.20 Strengthening National Institutions and Programs 55.80 Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Management 17.20 Organizations Borrower : Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia vii The World Bank Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project (P159382) Implementing Agency : Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) [ ✔ ] [ ] IBRD [ ✔ ] IDA Credit [ ] IDA Grant [ ] Trust [ ] Counterpart Funds Parallel Funding Financing FIN COST OLD Total Project Cost: Total Financing: Financing Gap: 176.20 176.20 0.00 Of Which Bank Financing (IBRD/IDA): 170.00 Financing (in US$, millions) FIN SUMM OLD Financing Source Amount Borrower 3.80 IDA‐61650 170.00 Local Farmer Organizations 2.40 Total 176.20 Expected Disbursements (in US$, millions) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Annual 0.50 15.00 51.00 52.00 36.00 11.00 4.50 Cumulative 0.50 15.50 66.50 118.50 154.50 165.50 170.00 viii The World Bank Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project (P159382) INSTITUTIONAL DATA Practice Area (Lead) Agriculture Contributing Practice Areas Climate Change and Disaster Screening This operation has been screened for short and long‐term climate change and disaster risks Gender Tag Does the project plan to undertake any
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