.Z- , e4. I N / >o i Xo+j . ) - - l N . J # * A a * e B e TH à K ENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CIII- No. 78 NAIRO BI, 7th Decem ber, 2* 1 Pricè Sh. 40 ' . CONTENTS GAZE NW ICKR Gxzm-re Noa'lc. Contd.) PAOE PAos n c Public Holidays Ad Dcclaration of a Public n c Banking Act- Dc- it Protcction 2716 n c N rativc Sœictics Act- Liquidqtion Ordcr .. 2716 n c Court of ApN a hristmas Vacation, 2œ 1 .. .. n c Physical Plalmlng Act mpletion of Part n c Rcgistration of Titlcs Act luuc of a Provisioàal Dcvclopmcnt Plan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2717 (ZC rtiso t? .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. n c Bankruptcy Act- Roroiving Ordcr .. '.. .. 2717 n c Rcgistcrcd l mlid Act luuc of Ncw Ccrtiscatœ èf . I ZA ae mn ctc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I x>ru.I (ltlvc rn tx nt ?ltltit:l .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. 2717 Probatc and Administratioa .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2705 Dislmsal of Unx llccted Grvvls .. .. 2717 Tradc Marks .. .. .. .. .'. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27* 2716 Changc of Namcs . .. ... .. .. .. .. 2717 (2* 3 2684 ' Tc KENYA GAZETTE 71 December, 2001 . ..... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... - . ...... ..... - - . .. - - G xzm -rs Noaqcs No. 8228 GAzB'l-l'E Noel'lce No. 8232 THE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS AW THE REGISTERED LAND AW (Cap. 3œ , section 35) (Cap. 110) ISSUE orz A NEW CER'I'IFICA'I'E OF LEASE DECLARATION oF A Pusslc Holuoxy-looutmFrm W HEREAS Chcmcron Entcrpriscs Limitcd, 'of P.O. Box 7059, . 4 Nakuru in thc Rcpublic of Kenya. is rcgistcrcé as proprictor in IT IS notiied for gencral information that Monday, 17th Deccm- lcaKhold intcrcst of that picce of Iand containing 0.*52 hcctarc or %i, 2œ 1, shall be obxrved as a public holiday, marking Iddul-Fitr. thcrcae uts, situatc in zhc district of Nakuru, rcgistcrdd undcr titlc Datcd the n h NovemY r, 2œ 1. No. Nakuru Municipality Block 5/78, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvidcncc . has % cn adduccd to show that thc ccrtificate of lcasc issucd thcrcof S. J. KOSGEI, h% %cn lojt, noticc is givcp that aftcr thc cxqiration of sixty (Y) days Permanent Jecrerlry/lecre-ry to the from thc datc hcrcof, I shall issuc a ncw ccrtlficatc of Icac providcd Cabinet JH Head of the Public Jeree. that no objcction has bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. Datcd thc 30th Novcme r, 2œ 1. W . 0. SIWA, Land Registrar, Nakuru Dïa//fc/. GAZE'I'TE Noerlce No. 8229 Gxzsa-rs Vovlcs No. 8233 THE COURT OF APPEAL THE REGISTERED LAND AG Cnmsw As VxcAerloN, '2œ 1 (Cap. M , section 35) THE Christmas Vacation will commence on 21st Dernme r, 2œ 1, Issus or x NEw CERTIFICATE op LExss and will terminate on. 31st January, 2G)2. WHEREAS David Magotho Chcgc (ID/fP#!192), of P.O. Box 4753, Eldorct in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in During the vacation, the registry of thc court wiyl bc oN n to thc lcnMhold intcrest of that piecc of land containing 0.15 hcctarc or public from 9.œ a.m. to n* n on aIl weekdays exccpt public holidays. therca*' uts, situate in thc district of Uasin Gishu, rcgistcrcd undcr A judgc will * in attendance for thc disBysal of any urgcnt busincss. title No. Eldoret Municipality/Block 20 (Kapypmitl/lD, and whcrcas sufficient evidence has * cn adduccd to show that thc ccrtificatc of Dated thc Dth Novcme r, 2œ 1. Icasc issucd thereof has Yen' lost, noticc is givcn tiat aftcr thc T. S. LUVUGA, cxpiration of sixty (*) days from thc date hcrcof, I shall issuc a ncw Deputy Regiatrar. ccrtificate of Ienm providcd that no objcction has *cn rcccivcd within that m riod. Dated the 7th Deccmber, 2œ 1. R. J: KEMBOI, Land Regiatrar, Eldortt. GAzE3-l's NoeI'lcs No. 8230 THE REGISTRATION OF TIR ES AG (Cap. % 1, section 71) GAzs'l-I's No'l'lcE No. 8234 Isstœ op A PRovlsloNxL CsR-rlncx'rs THE REGISTERED LAND AW W HEREAS Chrisant J- ph Muthini Mhmdo, of P.O. Box 12, fcap. M , section 35) Mbiuni via Kangundo in the Republic of Kenya, is re/stered as lsstœ op x NEw CeRqnnca're oF Lexss pe etor of that piec of land known as L.R. No. 337/387, situate in the Athi River Township in Machakœ Dixtrict, by virtue of a grant WHEREAS Patrice Kamau Mwaniki (ID/05852*), of P.O. Box rel teted as I.R. - 5N1, nna whereas sufficient evidenœ hàs %en 3545, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya. is re#stercd as proprietor in adduœ d to show that the œ d grant i%ued thereof has * en lost, Ieasehold intercst of that piecc of Iand containing 0.(Y hectare or xtiœ is given that after the exqiration of ninety (O) days from the thcrea%uts, situatc in thc district of Uasin Gishu. re/stcred undcr date hercof, l shall iuue a provislonalcertiscate of titlc provided that titlc No. Eldoret Municipalityœlœk 21 (King ' ong90#18*, and whcrea sufficient cvidcncc has % en adduced to show that the no objection has Y n r- ived within that Dritxl. certificate oi Iease iuued thcreof has *ep Iost, notice is given that Dated the 7th Dcœ me r, 2œ 1. after thc expirâtion of sixty (*) days from thc datc hereof, l shall E. N. GICHEHA issue > new certificate of IeaO provided that no objedion has %en Regdtrar of Titlea, Natrohi. rcceivcd within that m ril?. Datcd the 7th Deceme r, 2œ 1. R. j. KEMBOI, u nd Reggfrlr, Eldoret. GAzsaa'e No'l'lcs No. 8231 GAzE'l-I'E NoeI'lcE No. 8235 - THE REGISTERED LAND ACF 'I'HE REGISTERBD LAND AC'T (Cap. AX), section 35) (Cap. M , sqction 35) Issus op A NEw CER'I'lp'IcA'l'E op LEASE IssuE op A New L-No Trrt.s DEEO W HEREAS Gcorgc Gichcro, of P.O. Box 6* 76, Nairobi in thc WHEREAS John KiOi Wambugù (ID/014X78), of P.O. Bpx 119, Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrèd as proprictor in lcnRhold intcrct of Mwciga in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor in that qiccc of land contàining 0.(Mœ hcctarc or thcrcabouts, situatc in ale lutc owncahip intcrcst of that picœ of Iand containing 2.0 thc clty of Nairobi :rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Nairobi/Block 81216, hcctarcs or thcrcaO ut, situatc in thc district of Uasin Gishu, and whcrca sufficlcnt cvidcncc has bccn adduccd to show that thc rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Uasin GishiKimumum l, and whercas ccrtificatc of lcasc issucd thcrcof has * cn dcstroycd, noticc is givcn suffidcnt cvidcncc has *cn adduced to show that the Iand title decd tihat aftcr thc cxqiration of sixty (*) days from thc datc hçrcoj I shall iuucd thcrcof has bccn lost, notiœ is givcn that aftcr the cxpiration of uuc a ncw ccrtlficatc of IcaK dccd providcd that no objcctlon has sixty (*) days from thc datc hcreof, I shall issue a ncw Iand titlc dccd Iwmn rcccivcd witbin that N riml. providcd that no objcction has *cn rccéivéd within that Grilxl. Datcd thc n h Novcme r, 2(*1 . Datcd thc 7th Dcccme r, 2œ 1. J. K. MUTHALI, R. J. KEMBOI, Land Registrar, Nairobi. u nd Registrar, Fldore4, 7th December. 2001 THE KENYA GAZE'IVE 2685 G AzE'I-l's No'l'lcs No. 8236 GAzE'l-I'E Noel'lcE No. 8240 THE REGISTERED LAND ACF THE REGISTERED LAND AW (Clp. M , section 35) çcap. M , section 35) I&stge oF x New LxNo TI'I'LE Dsen IssuE olr A NEw LxNo 'rla-t-: DEED WHEREAS Kihuu Kanyago Makanja (ID/6381> ), of P.O. Box WHEREAS W ambugu Mutahi, of P.O. Box 3% , Nycri in thc 50, Naishi, Njoro in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in ae lutc owncahip in alv lgtc owncrship intcrcst of that piece of land, situatc in thc intcrcst of that piccc of land containlng 3.9 acrcs or thcrcaY ut, district of Nakuru, rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Nakuru/Rar/Bagaria/ situatc in thc district of 'Nycri, rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Aguth/ e , and whcrcas sufscicnt cvidencc has % cn adduccd to show that Gathaithi/l 14, and whcrc% sumcicnt cvidcncc has * cn adduccd to thc land titlc dccd iuucd thcreof haq % cn Iost, notice is givcn that show that thc Iand titlc dccd issucd thçrcof havc % cn lœ t. noticc is aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (K) days from thc datc hcreof, I shall givcn that aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (K) days from the datc hcrcof, I issuc a ncw land titlc dccd providcd that no objcction has bccn shall issuc a ncw Iand titlc dccd providcd that no objcction has %cn rcccivcd within that Ixrie . rcccivcd within that Ixrie . Datcd thc 7th Dcccmbcr, 2œ 1. Datcd thc 7th Dcccmbcr. 2œ 1. W . 0. SIW A. J. N. NJUGI, Land Registrar, lmna Regllrag, Nakuru District. Nyeri Diç/Wd. GAzs'l-I'E No'l'lcs No. 8241 GxzE'l-l'E No'l'lcs No. 8237 THE REGISTERED LAND AW THE REGISTERED LAND AW (Cap. M , section 35) (C+. :M , section 35) Issus oF x NBw LxNo TITLE Deso ISSUE oF x NEw Lxho Trrt,E DEEO WHEREAS Jamcs Mbulua Mwangi, of P.O. Box 1M, Ngcwa in W HEREAS Scvcrinus N. Sisa, of P.O. Box 79, Nambacha in thc thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, Is rcgistcrcd as proyrictor ih alv lute Rcpublic of Kcnya. is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in ab*lutc owncrship owncahip intercst of that pizvo of land containlng 0.23 hcctarc or intcrcst of that piccc of land containing 6.% hcctarcs or thcrcaM ut, thcrcaO uts, situatc in thc district of Kiambu, rc#stcrcd under title situatc in thc district of Kakamcga, rcgistcrcd undcr title No.
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