THE ZINK FAMILIES IN AMERICA Including many of the Archer, Colglazier, Marshal, Martin, Perisho, Seaton and Zimmerly families By DORA ZINK KELLOGG Mt1nlJtr of Th, N,W Eng/and Gl1Ilalogical SOciity COPYRIGHTED 18S3 BY DORA ZINK KELLOGG OMAHA, NI8RA8KA PU8LIIHED BY CITIZEN PRINTING CO. OMAHA, N..RAIKA 72496 I P REF ACE. J-fy presentation of the subject canied with it no special qualifications for the taik undertaken. I have simply attempted to give an account of the Zink fanlily in America. Persistent effort has been made to col1ect the facts set forth. County, town and church records have been searched. Histories, genealogies and other sources of infolmation have been freely consulted and every Zink whose address was kno\'iTnor could be obtained was written to unless his record had already been secured. Although no effort has been spared to mal{e this Genealogy complete, the migratory habit has DIade it difficult and some- times impossible to secure the complete and adequate record of this sturdy race of men and women who underwent the trials and privations of the pioneers of our country. It is an established principle that to interest others, one must himself be interested and being a Zink is my excuse for attempting this worl\ and 1 have found it fascinating; neverthe.- less, mere enthusiasm on the part of the compiler will not pro- duce a genealogy and one needs the assistance and encourage- ment of the whole family whose records he tabulates. I have had their support and I desire to place on record my thanks to tile 2in1\ family individually and col1ectively and more especially to l\Ir~. Zel1a ,\7. Atkinsonand 1\lrs. Jessie Polk Zink, but fol' whose encouragement in the early part of the work, I would have weakened and given up. Also to 1\I1's.Sarah 1\IcClure Zink of Hillsboro, O. and 1\I1's. Eva Foy O'Gorman of \Vashington D. C. who E,ecured much valuable data for me. Mrs. Atkinson furnished the material for Chapter one and of that part, the Seaton data was checked by E. W. Seaton of Martinsville, Ill. and the Martin dat..'l by Alonzo E.- l\'Iartin of West Liberty, In. Joseph Perisho data by E. E. Perisho of Streator, Il1. broug-ht to date by 1\/I1's.Josephine (Zinl\:) Cornwell of Paris, IlL 1\'11"8.Zink secured an the data of hol' husband's family. I have been (If::,kedabout Heraldic rights and I was informed by a Heraldic artist that there exists a Zinl\ coat of arms, but my research work did not discover an~. of the nec.essary infor- mation that entitled US~O such decoration. Our people seem to have avoided the pretentious thoroughfares and been content with the quiet life and green fields that lead to the door of the II .PREFACE vine clad cottage. Heraldic devices are not the only marks of family worth and the Zink family may wen be proud of at least two of the family characteristics which entitle it to distniction- its patriotism and remarkable freedom from crime. There has never been a war in our country in which the Zinks have not borne an honorable part. \Vith its men self- reliant and law-abiding and its women conspicuous for an the womanly virtues, can we fail to be proud of our connection wit11 . the family? I have placed the incomplete "sections" at the end of the work in the hope that some one more fortunate than I have been, will be able to supply the links that win connect them with their proper line of descent. In the meantime I shall continue to search for the missing Zinks. Errors win unavoidably creep into a work of this kind, but it is my hope that the Genealogy as a whole, may favorably comraend itself to the Zink family. Dora Zink Kellogg Omaha, Nebraska l\{ay 1933. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface - _ .. _ _ t 'IIIIIt - .. .. .. - ., .. -- - I-ll Zink Name - ~ - - ~ - - - . .. - - ... - ,. .. 1 Historical Ancestral Data of Chapter One - - .. - .. 1-3 Revolutionary Service of Gottleib Zink - .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Additions to Chapter One .. .. .. .. .. .. - ... ... .. - 146 Records of Early Settlers in Virginia & Pennsylvania... 169 -174 Land Records of Zink Holdings ....--- - .. ... 171 Rev. Jacob Zink - - ... - - - - - - .. -- - - 174 -175 Many Short Records - ~ - . - .. - .. - .. 291.. 304 Some Unconnected Data - - ... .. .. - - .. - 804 .. 305 Wills.. .. - - - .. .. ... .. - .. - 4, 8, 178, 305.. 309 Church Records - - - - - - - - .. .. ... .. .. 309 - 811 Marraiages From County Records .. - - - 172, 173, 311- 312 Some Old Tombstones - - - - .. .. .. .. .. 178, 193, 312 Deeds.. .. .. - .. - .. - - - - - 172, 198, 812 - 314 Some Quotations From Pennsylvannia Archives - 171, 314 ..315 , ... 178, 315- 316 I Census and Service Records.. .. .. - - - 'I !I f j ,J ,j I " EXPLANATORY Each name presented is plinted in capitals, preceded by an indentifying number and fonowed by a superior figure giving the generation of the person, beginning with the earHest that we have secured. The name and number enclosed with the( ) is the Zink parent. The historical data of each person is foIlowed by a list of his children in which each child is given a number. Where the number is preceded by - it indicates that that number is dropped. The other numbers will be found farther on continuing the family record. Some data was received after the work was assembled. As far as possible it was placed where it belonged but not numbered. Some had to be placed at the end of the work. An names will be found in the index. Each chapter contains a frunily group. Abbreviations v 0] Volume, Volunteer b ..00 0...80 born p ...n n U" n page bapt baptized reg, regt ...nm regiment Co .'_..m'h_.. Company, County rem 80 removed d --0 died res residence, resides dau Oh_m mn daughter unm n...m unmarried m ...00 80 married INTRODUCTION ZINK The name was spel1ed variously by the emigrants who came from Gennany, Austria & HoUand. Zink, Zincke, Zinch and Sinks were the comnlon spellings but a few more consonants were added to some that I presume were the same name. Because my father claimed that his early ancestors spelled the name Zinck and most of the younger ones spelled it Zink, while a few used Sink, I have considered that these spellings belonged to the same root and have tried to trace them, but the Sink people have not responded to inquiries and some of the Zincks were likewise unresponsive. Most of the Wills that I have quoted and many property transfer signatures were written in Gennan and were translated in the Court records which ro'e assumed to be correct as is also the statement that the names Cudlip & Godlove are just different translations of the name Gottlieb. The Zink family is of ancient and distinguished lineage in Germany. It is noted for the number and prominence of physicians & surgeons. Both Dr. Philip Zink & Dr. Charles Edwir. ~ink, were physicians to King :Maximilian II of Bavaria. HISTORICAL ANCESTRAL DATA OF CHAPTER I Page 368, Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Vol. 17, Ship uDuke of Wirtenburg," Commander, Daniel l\lontpelier, Rhine to Roterdam thence to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 10/20/1752, Gottlieb Zink. Page 2G, Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Vol. 1fi, 1770, tax lists irom Fredenck Township, Philadelphia County, Penn- sylvania. Gottlieb Zink. Page 398, VoL 15, 1780, ]ists Gottlieb (Godlieb) Zink, Valu- a.tion 1,400, Tax 37.10.0 (L3.0.0 in the hundred). Henry Sasse- man, Collector. Page 550, Pennsy Ivauia Archives, Series 3, V01. 16, 1783, lists Gottlieb Zink as owning 127 acres in Philadelphia County, Frederick Township, Pennsylvania. He also OW1132 horses-3 cattle-4 sheep. Page 166, Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Vol. 16, 1782 Jists GotJieb Zink, Valuation 300, Tax 1.10.3, Frederick Township, PhiJadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Page 54, PennsYlvania Archives, Series 3, Vo]. 16, 1782, GottJieb Zink 127 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle, 4 sheep. Revolutionary Set-vjce of Gottlieb Zink. "This is to certify that Gottlieb Zink has entered my comp.. ~ny to do City Guard Duty. 6/30/1777.. PhiJadelphia Pcnn- sylvannia. George Honey. Commanded by Lewis Nichola, Town :Major. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Vol. 1, Page 595. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Vo1. 1, Page 350, 5th Battalion-Captain Philip \Vagonel"s Company, Gottlieb Zink excused on appeal, first clHSS,1777. Gottlieb Zink is a mistake; belongs and served in first class. Colonel Timothy :Matlack Lt. Col. Daniel Clymer Page 33, Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Vol. XIV, RtV- olutionary Battalions and l\filitia. Return of non-associatol's for Frederick Township, PhiJadelphia County, Pennsylvania, lists Gottlieb Zink. After the Revolutinary 'Val' we find Gottlieb Zink and his family in Virginia. He and Hosanna, his second wife, are living on a plantation in Washington County, near Abingdom, Virginia, . when Gottlieb made his wiU, (dated 12-28-1801.) His SOJ., Daniel, was made administrator, 12-21-1802. The PJantation is on the HoJstein River, Washington County, Viirginia. THE ZINK FAMILIES . IN AMERICA CHAPTER I First Generation 1. GOTrLIEB ZINKl, (Emigrant). A1Tived at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10~20-1752, rn. (1) Catherine (2) Rosanna. Died near Abindgdon, Washington Co. Va. where will was probated 12-21-1802. Children named in the will, of whom Catherine was the I . mother. No mention of Rosanna having children. -2 Peter Zinke --3 Jacob Zink, (A Lutheran Minister). -4 Catherine Zink, Mrs. George Brock, died in Ind. -5 Elizabeth Zink Weave~. -6 Fronica Zink Rush. 7 Daniel Zinke Will of Gottlieb (Godlieb) Zink: Will Bk. Abingdom, Virginia. In the name of God, Amen. I, Gottlieb Zink, of Washington County, Virginia, being old but thanks be to God of sound mind and memory and having taken intO consideration the mortality of mankind, make herewith my ]a8t will and testament as followeth, plincipally I recommend my soul into the hands of my Creator, to be in mercy recorded thrn'the merits of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and my body I give unto earth to be buried in a Christian manner and in full hopes of jOyful resurrection.
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