Plant Resourceso South-Eas t Asia Bibliography3 : Dyean dtannin-producin gplant s Edition 1 N.Wulijarni-Soetjipt o and J. S.Siemonsm a (Editors) PROSEAFoundation , Bogor, Indonesia Pudoc,Wageningen ,e Netherlands 1991 \J)^"" ISBN 90-220-1052-X NUGI 835 © PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia, 1991. Pudoc-DLO,Wageningen , the Netherlands, 1991. No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded orpublishe d in any form including print, photocopy, microfilm, electric orelectromagneti c recordwithou twritte n permission from thepublishers , the PROSEA Foundation, P.O. Box 234, Bogor 16122, Indonesia and Pudoc, P.O. Box 4, 6700A A Wageningen, the Netherlands. Printed in Indonesia. Contents page 1. PROSEA project in short 6 2. PROSEA bibliographies 8 2.1 PREPHASE data base 8 2.2 PROSEA staff involved 8 2.3 Explanation of codes 8 3. Bibliography 3: Dye and tannin-producing plants 11 4. General references and Index of scientific plant names 89 1. PROSEA project in short Name, location, legal status and structure PROSEA ('Plant Resources of South-East Asia') is a foundation under Indonesian law, with an international charter, domiciled in Bogor. It is an autonomous, non-profit, international agency, governed by a Board of Trustees. It seeks linkages with existing regional and international organizations; PROSEA is an international programme focusing on the documentation of information on plant resources of South-East Asia; PROSEA consists of a Network Office in Bogor (Indonesia) coordinating 5 Country Offices in South-East Asia, and a Publication Office in Wageningen (the Netherlands). Objectives to document and make available the existing wealth of information on the plant resources of South-East Asia for education, extension work, research and industry; to make operational a computerized data bank on the plant resources of South-East Asia; to publish the results in the form of an illustrated multi-volume handbook in English; to promote the dissemination of the information gathered. Target groups those professionally concerned with plant resources in South-East Asia and working in education, extension, research and commercial production (direct users); those in South-East Asia depending directly on plant resources, obtaining relevant information through extension (indirect users). Activities the establishment and operation of data bases; the publication of books; the sponsorship, support and organization of training courses; research into topics relevant to PROSEA's purpose; the publication and dissemination of reports and research results. Implementation The project period has been tentatively divided into 3 phases: preliminary phase (1985-1986): publication of 'Plant Resources of South- East Asia, Proposal for a Handbook' (1986); preparatory phase (1987-1990): establishing cooperation with South-East Asia through internationalization, documentation, consultation and publication; reaching agreement on the scientific, organizational and financial structure of PROSEA; implementation phase (1991-1995): compilation, editing and publishing of the handbook; making operational the computerized data bank with the texts and additional information; promoting the dissemination of the information obtained. Documentation A documentation system has been developed for information storage and retrieval called SAPRIS (South-East Asian Plant Resources Information System). It consists of 6 data bases: BASELIST: primarily a checklist of more than 6,200 plant species; CATALOG: references to secondary literature; PREPHASE: references to literature from South-East Asia; ORGANYM: references to institutions and their research activities; PERSONYM: references to specialists; TEXTFILE: all PROSEA publications and additional information. Publicatio n The following publications have been issued so far: Basic list of species and commodity grouping, Version 1 (1989); A selection, dealing with 86 plant resources, being a cross-section of the commodity groups (1989); Pulses (PROSEA-1), being the first volume of the handbook (1989); Proceedings of the First PROSEA International Symposium (1989); Pulses (PROSEA-1), paper back edition (1990); Bibliography 1: Pulses, Edition 1 (1990); Edible fruits and nuts (PROSEA-2), being the second volume of the handbook (1991); Dye and tannin-producing plants (PROSEA-3), being the third volume of the handbook (1991); Basic list of species and commodity grouping, Final version (1991). The following publications are foreseen for the year 1992: Forages (PROSEA-4); Major commercial timbers (PROSEA-5.1); Rattans (PROSEA-6); Bamboos (PROSEA-7); Vegetables (PROSEA-8). Participating institutions Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Karung Berkunci 201, Jalan FRI, Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Uidya Graha, Jalan Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta 12180, Indonesia; Papua New Guinea University of Technology (UNITECH), Private Mail Bag, Lae, Papua New Guinea; Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), Los Banos, Laguna, the Philippines; Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), 196 Phahonyothin Road, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10900, Thailand; Uageningen Agricultural University (UAU), P.O.Box 9101, 6700 HB Uageningen, the Netherlands. In brief, PROSEA is an international project focused on plant resources of South-East Asia; interdisciplinary, covering the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and botany; a research project, making knowledge available for education and extension; ecologically focused on promoting plant resources for sustainable tropical land-use systems; committed to conservation of biodiversity; committed to rural development through diversification of resources and application of farmers' knowledge. Addresses PROSEA Network Office Centre for Research and Development in Biology, Jalan Raya Juanda 22, P.O. Box 234, Bogor 16122, Indonesia, tel.: (0251) 322859; telex: c/o 48304 BPPHBG; fax: c/o (62) (251) 326425. PROSEA Publication Office Uageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands, tel.: (08370) 84587; telex: 45917 BURLU; fax: (31) (8370) 84731. 2. PROSEA bibliographies 2.1 PREPHASE data base The PREPHASE data base is a literatu re data base of less-accessible literature, mainly from South-East Asia, compiled and built up by the PROSEA Network Office and PROSEA Country Offices in 5 Sout h-East Asian countries. Almost three years after its establishment late 1988, the number of records has surpassed the 18,000 mark and is still developing at a rather fast pace. The literature data bank is intended primarily to support editors and authors who contribute to the PROSEA Handbook. After publication of a Handbook volume, the PROSEA Network Office will summarize the available information and publish it in a paper-back form as a Bibliography. This Bibliography on Dye and tannin- producing plants, containing approximately 360 records, is the third in a series of twenty, following the PROSEA Commodity Grouping. The following Bibliographies are foreseen for 1991 - 1992: Edible fruits and nuts (Bibliography-2); Forages (Bibliography-4); Major Commercial Timbers (Bibliography-5.1). 2.2 PROSEA staff involved PROSEA staff involved in this compilation (September 1991) Indonesia: S.Danimihardja H.Sutarno N.Uulijarni-Soet jipt o Malaysia: Lillian Chua Lesmy Tipot Papua New Guinea: A.Asmann R.A.Banka PhiIippines : N.Altoveros N.B.Pena A.L.Sanico Thailand : S.Duriyaprapan S.Tanpanich 2.3 Explanation of codes The present extract from the PREPHASE data base comprises the following information fields: NO = record number; origin of the numbers: Indonesia 1 - 10000; * Thailand 10001 - 20000; Malaysia 20001 - 30000; PhiIippine s 30001 - 40000; Papua New Guinea 40001 - 50000. ET = English title OT = original title AU = author(s) or/and editor(s) CS = corporate source; in general the affiliation of the first author SD = source data AN = annotations (refs = references; ills = illustrations; tabs = tables; maps) LA = language of main texts and summaries AV = availability TA = taxa SU = subjects; these follow the paragraphs in the texts of the PROSEA Handbook as indicated below: 1 = synonyms 2 = vernacular names 3 = origin and geographic distribution 4 = uses 5 = production and international trade 6 = properties 7 = description (incl. wood characteristics) 8 = growth and development 9 = other botanical information 10 = ecology 11 = propagation 12 = husbandry/stand management 13 = diseases and pests 14 = harvesting 15 = yield 16 = handling after harvest 17 = genetic resources 18 = breeding 19 = prospects 20 = literature 21 = other Bibliography 3: Dye and tannin-producing plants NO1 ET Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies AU Ochse,JJ;Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr.RC SD Amsterdam;A.Asher & Co.B.V.;1980;xxxvip;1005p;translatio n of 'Indische Groenten';1931 AN refs;ill LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 12 3 46 7 10 11 12 NO3 ET Delicious and fresh fruits OT Buah-buahan lezat dan segar AU Acung;Asikin,Z(ed);Ali,MY(ed) SD Seri UBP 53;Jakarta;Uidjaya;1984;66p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 12 3 4 78 10 11 12 13 15 19 NO 18 ET Ornamental plants OT Tanaman hias AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Nasoetion,RE;Idris.S;Imelda,M;Roedjito,W;Soerohaldoko,S ; Soerojo,L CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 38;LBN 5;1977;135p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA
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