APPROVED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF HERITAGE WESTERN CAPE (HWC), ARCHAEOLOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY AND METEORITES COMMITTEE (APM) Held on Thursday, 08 June 2017 at the 1st Floor Boardroom, Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town 1. OPENING AND WELCOME The Chairperson, Dr Antonia Malan, officially opened the meeting at 09:15 and welcomed everyone present. 2. ATTENDANCE Members Members of Staff Dr Antonia Malan (AM) Mr Zwelibanzi Shiceka (ZS) Dr Jayson Orton (JO) Mr Jonathan Windvogel (JW) Ms Cecilene Muller (CM) Ms Waseefa Dhansay (WD) Dr Ragna Redelstorff (RR) Mr Andrew September (AS) Dr Lita Webley (LW) Ms Colette Scheermeyer (CS) Dr Steven Walker (SW) Ms Katherine Robinson (KR) Visitors None Observers None 3. APOLOGIES Mr John Gribble (JG) Dr Mariagrazia Galimberti (MG) 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Committee resolved to approve the Agenda dated 8 June 2017 with additional items and minor amendments. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee resolved to approve the Minutes dated 3 May 2017 with no amendments. 6. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST JO recused himself from item 12.2. 7. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS None 8. APPOINTMENTS 8 Jonathan Kaplan for item 20.2 at 10h30. Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 9. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 9.1 Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Cultural Heritage Survey Guidelines It was noted that: The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) collated and sent comments to DEA expressing serious misgivings about the continued approval of the guidelines. HWC has no formal agreements in place with DEA or the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). DECISION HWC is to write to SAHRA expressing their concerns, and supporting SAHRA’s attempt to redefine the guideline to an awareness and training programme for rangers. Rangers are not equipped to identify, record and assess heritage resources, and in particular archaeological and paleontological material. HWC to urgently meet with DEA and DMR to resolve issues. JW 9.2 Prestwich Memorial Management Group (PMMG) Amongst other things, the following was discussed: HWC is a member of the PMMG and attended a meeting to discuss (1) the City’s immediate maintenance and building extension plans that include reviewing the exhibits, and (2) long term curation and repository issues. The PMMG members agreed that the building proposals are appropriate and should go ahead. The plans will be circulated for comment. APM would appreciate an opportunity to engage with interpretation of the archaeology (in particular Stone Age remains) in the area. The human remains are not formally accessioned or kept under ‘museum’ conditions or to recognized standards. It was suggested that a museum curator should be on the Committee. The grave goods should be reunited with the human remains but this requires an approved and secure storage facility. RECOMMENDATION The Committee resolved that: HWC to approach Iziko Museums to see if they are prepared to curate the grave goods on a temporary basis. CS 9.3 Work plan applicability Item pending. 9.4 Black River Cemetery Amongst other things, the following was discussed: A Stop Works Order (SWO) was issued in terms of s.38 but after a meeting with the property owner it was discovered that no development was 8 planned. Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 A permit issued by another agency (in this case SAHRA) remains valid, and there had been public consultation at the time. The SWO was lifted in order that exhumations could take place. The remains are to be moved to a mausoleum in the church grounds in Athlone. DECISION The Committee resolved that a letter should be written to the objectors explaining the circumstances. AS 9.5 Status update on Bo-Kaap, Chiappini Street site assessment and recording Amongst other things, the following was discussed: KR reported that the CoCT still owns the smaller portion (erf 170901) of the site. Therefore they must be part of the recording team. The owner has had the site re-surveyed (erf 170900) at his own expense. DECISION The Committee resolved that KR and LW (representing VASSA) are to meet with the City archaeologist, Harriet Clift, to arrange and implement the site recording project. KR 10. STANDING ITEMS 10.1 Site Visit Reports 10.1.1 Erf 10, Duine Street, Elands Bay The item was discussed under item 12.2. 10.1.2 Sarah Bloch Centre, Herzlia School, Upper Buitenkant Street, Oranjezicht AS reported on a site visit to inspect the source of artefacts collected on the property. The sink hole was repaired prior to the inspection taking place and therefore the context could not be determined. The following was noted: The artefacts were recovered from a deep sink hole in the parking lot, and this hole has since been repaired. The artefacts consist of sheep bone fragments and two clay pipe bowls (probably 18th century). Iziko Museums are unable to accept artefacts removed without due archaeological processes. AS has written a short report and the site have been plotted on the CoCT archaeological database for future reference. AS explained to the school caretaker what to do if archaeological material is found in future. RECOMMENDATION 8 The committee is of the opinion that the material is of no archaeological value due to the fact that it has no archaeological context; however the site does have the potential of being archaeologically significant. Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 11. POLICY AND PROCEDURES 11.1 Repatriation and Restitution Workshop Human Remains Policy still to be drafted. 11.2 Management of Archaeological Material Policy in drafting phase and needs to be circulated for APM comment. 11.3 Repository Workshop Policy in drafting phase and needs to be circulated for APM comment. 11.4 Meteorites Management Policy Policy still being drafted and needs to be circulated for APM comment. 11.5 Standard Paragraphs CS to prepare standard paragraphs for the different types of permits (excavation, destructive sampling, or both). MATTERS DISCUSSED 12. PERMIT APPLICATIONS 12.1 Proposed Faunal Analysis of Extinct Caprini Samples from Boomplaas Cave, Oudtshoorn: NM Case No: 17041904AS0519E Permit Application prepared by Dr. Faysal Bibi was tabled. Amongst other things, the following was discussed: The permit application by Dr. Bibi is for DNA sampling. The Committee commended Dr. Bibi for a well presented document. DECISION The permit application is approved. 12.2 Permit Report & Permit Application for Proposed Monitoring and Mitigation Work on Erf 10, Duine Street, Elands Bay: NM Case No: 16031608AS0210E Permit Report and Emergency Permit were tabled. JO recused himself. Amongst other things, the following was discussed: It was noted that the discovery of human remains was reported to HWC 8 and AS conducted a site inspection and issued a Stop Works Order. Unfortunately, the Forensics Unit had already cleared the site of disturbed human remains. Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 An emergency application was made for a permit to monitor and mitigate construction work. The Committee approved the permit by email. DECISION The decision to approve the permit was ratified. Emergency procedures are to be reviewed and guidelines established. South African Police Services Forensics Unit and HWC to workshop an agreement on standard procedures following the discovery and identifying of archaeological human remains. 13. PERMIT REPORTS 13.1 Proposed Sampling of Material from Blombos Cave, Still Bay and Klipdrift Cave Complex, Eden: MA Case No: 15051204GT0512E Various Permit Reports were tabled. Amongst other things, the following was discussed: The Completed Reports in terms of permits for Blombos and Klipdrift sites were assessed and endorsed by the Committee. RECOMMENDATION The Committee requests practitioners working on complex sites, over a long time and in terms of multiple permits, to include a brief summary of site works, noting the reports submitted and outstanding, in a covering letter. AS 13.2 Proposed DNA Hair Sampling of Pre-Colonial Khoesan Human Remains from Vaalkrans Shelter: MA Case No: 14070301GT0704E A Permit Report prepared by C.S. Henshilwood and M. Lombard was tabled. It was noted that: The sample is being sent for testing. The progress report was submitted in terms of a permit that expires in August 2017. A final report is pending. AS 14. SECTION 38 WORKPLAN APPLICATIONS 14.1 None 8 Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 15. SECTION 38 WORKPLAN REPORTS 15.1 Permit Report for Jacobsbaai Farm, Portion 18 of Farm 108 and Portion 108 of Farm 110 Jacobsbaai: NM Case no: 16042212AS05117M A Workplan Report prepared by ACRM was tabled. Amongst other things, the following was discussed: It was noted that IACom has delegated APM to make the decision on the Workplan application as per the requirements of S38 archaeological and palaeontological mitigation policy. APM previously asked for confirmation that Option 3 was the final choice, and this was confirmed. DECISION The Committee endorses the recommendations of the Workplan Report and notes the requirements for monitoring. AS 16. SECTION 38 (8) TO OTHER AUTHORITIES 16.1 Proposed Rezoning and Subdivision for Residential Units on Erf 195, Elands Bay: NM Case No: 16081013GT0812M An interim Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and Workplan were tabled. Amongst other things, the following was discussed: The HIA included archaeological observations and a summary from the Visual Impact Assessment (VIA). The Workplan is required to implement recommendations for testing on plot 721, where there is a possibility of archaeological material and human remains. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation in the HIA is supported with the addition of a requirement to conduct test excavations across the development, with a focus on Erf 721. The VIA must be appended to the final HIA. The proposed Workplan to be amended to cover expanded testing. AS 17. SECTION 27: PROVINCIAL HERITAGE SITE 17.1 None 18. REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION/OPINION/ADVICE 8 None Approved APM Minutes_8 June 2017 19.
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