Cambridge University Press 0521604605 - The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century: The Golden Age Maarten Prak Index More information Index Aardenburg, 66 171, 188, 191, 218, 226, 232, 235, Act of Abjuration (1581), 21 252–4, 265, 271 Act of Exclusion (1654), 48, 193–4 citizenship, 289 admiralties, 81 civic orphanage, 138, 159 Amsterdam, 132 extensions to the city, 27–8, 256–7 Dokkum, 62 guilds, 104, 137–8, 242, 282, 287 Enkhuizen and Hoorn, 62 immigration, 142–3, 155, 227 Harlingen, 62 local government, 171, 285 Rotterdam, 62, 132 militia, 153–6, 190 see also riots, militia Veere, 62 painters, 105, 238 Aelianus, 73 political importance, 14 Aerssen, Cornelis van (1545–1627), 176 poor relief, 146, 148, 216–19, 287 Aerssen, Franc¸ois van (1572–1641), 182 population, 28, 144, 171, 252, 283 Africa, 49, 61, 98, 109, 111–12, 115, 117, religion, 32, 218–19, 232 268, 284 schools of art, 240 agriculture, 109, 280 Town Hall, 221, 235, 259, 260, 261, cattle-grazing, 92, 93 293, 301 madder production, 91 VOC, 100 tobacco cultivation, 93 William II’s attack on (1650), 44, 192–3, Albany, 114 277 Albertine Agnes, Princess of Orange Anglo-Dutch Wars, 46 (1634–96), 181 The First War (1652–4), 47, 61, 63, 64, Albrecht of Saxony (1464–1500), 11, 15 195 Aleppo, 98 The Second War (1665–7), 49, 79, 81 Alewijn, Frederick (1603–65), 256 The Third War (1672–4), 79, 80, 278, Alkmaar, 78, 87–9, 102, 106, 149, 186–7, 293 188, 189, 191–2, 217, 242, 280 Anjou, duke of (1556–84), 20–1 almshouses, see poor relief, under individual Anthonisz, Cornelis (c. 1499–1566), 270 cities Antilles, 115, 284 Alteration, the (1578), 156 Antwerp, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 65, 69, Alva, duke of (1507–82), 16, 17, 18 270, 272, 282 Ambon, 118 large-scale emigration from, 109 America importance as commercial centre, 28, colonisation of, 112–15, 120, 191 95–7, 282 Native Americans, treatment of, 114–15, painting, 236, 247 116 Portuguese spice trade, 269 trade with, 93, 98, 101, 109, 115, 116, 121 Spanish Fury, 20 Amersfoort, 20, 40, 172 architecture (see also classicism), 124, ammunition, 122–3 255–62 standardisation of, 72 Arienszoon, Joost, 145, 288 Amsterdam, 14, 17, 28, 96, 97, 106, 109, Armada (1588), see Spanish Armada 125, 126, 148, 157, 159–60, 166–7, Arminians, see Remonstrants © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521604605 - The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century: The Golden Age Maarten Prak Index More information Index Arminius, Jacobus (1560–1609), 29–30 Bicker, Elisabeth, 125 army, Dutch, 5, 65, 74, 82, 183, 278 Bicker, Jacob (1588–1646), 125 foreigners serving in, 70 Bicker, Jan (1591–1653), 126 garrison system, 69, 70, 73 Bicker, Wendela (1635–68), 184 payment of, 70–1, 73 Bie, Joris de (1587–1628), 176 quartering and billeting of, 69 Bitter, Johan (b. 1638), 120 tactics and training, 71–2 Blaeu, Willem Jansz (1571–1638), 271 Arnhem, 12, 51, 132, 160, 161, 210 Bloemaert, Abraham (1564–1651), 204–5, Arnhem, van, family, 132 294 art market, 236 Blood Council, 17 effects of economic hardship on, 237, 302 Bogardus, Everardus see Willemszoon, guilds’ influence on, 241 Evert Aruba, 98 Bohemia, 180 Asch van Wyck, H. M. A. J. van Bol, Ferdinand (1616–80), 238 (1774–1843), 258 Bolnes, Catharina (c. 1631–88), 244–7 Asia, 28, 98, 100, 109, 117, 121, 140 Bolsward, 259 asiento, 99 Bommel, 12 Ast, Balthasar van der (1593/4–1657), 242 Bommelerwaard, 12 Augsburg, 8, 269 Bonaire, 98 Avenhorn, 192 Boniface, 212 Averkamp, Hendrik (1585–1634), 239 borders, of the Dutch Republic, 27 Ayscue, Sir George, 81 Boreel, Jacob, 153 Bosschaert, Ambrosius (1573–1621), 242 Baburen, Dirck van (c. 1595–1624), 244 Boswell, James (d. 1795), 264 Bahia, 98 Bourtange, 66 Banda Islands, 119 Boyne, Battle of the (1690), 59 Banning Cocq, Frans (1605–55), 157, 158 Brabant, duchy of (see also States Brabant), Banten (Bantam), 117 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 211, 290 Barentszoon, Willem (c. 1550–97), 99 economy, 9, 95, 134 Barlaeus, Caspar (1584–1648), 204 government, 170 Basel, 269, 270 immigrants from, 109, 141 Batavia, 119 merchants from, 28, 109 Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706), 226–7 military operations in, 27, 38, 50 Beeckman, Isaac (1588–1637), 225 religion, 42 Beemster (polder), 94 society, 165 Beemster (canal), 192 Bramer, Leonard (1596–1674), 241 Bentinck, family, 132 Brandenburg, Elector of, 55, 181 Berchem, Claes (1620–83), 242 Brazil, 61, 99, 111–12, 115 Berckheyde, Gerrit (1683–98), 240 Breda, 27, 38–9, 41, 69, 76 Berents, Herman, 211 Bredehoff, Franc¸ois (1648–1721), 133 Beresteyn, Margaretha Duyst, 127 Brederode, family, 133 Berg, 13 Brederode, Walraven van (1547–1614), Bergen-op-Zoom, 27, 66, 69, 170, 259 202 Berkhout, Jan (1510/16–87), 127 Brederode, Wolfert van (d. 1679), 133 Berkhout, Pieter Janszoon (1472/6–1558), Bredevoort, 28, 29 127 Bremen, 270 Berne, 270 Bristol, 251 Bernard of Clairvaux, 213 Bruges, 9, 20, 95, 236 Beuningen, Coenraad van (1622–93), Brugghen, Hendrick ter (1588–1629), 242 166–7 Brussels, 7 Bevernigh, Hieronymus van (1614–90), 157 Habsburg government, 13, 15, 23–4, 37, Beverwijck (Albany), 114 38, 176, 178 Bible, see States Bible Buat, Henri (d. 1666), 50 Bicker, Andries (1586–1652), 125 Buchell, Aernt van (Arnoldus Buchelius) Bicker, Cornelis (1592–1654), 126 (1565–1641), 201, 202–3, 204 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521604605 - The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century: The Golden Age Maarten Prak Index More information Index Buchell, Hubert van (d.1599), 201 Colchester, 106 Bu¨derich, 51 Coligny, Louise de (1555–1620), 34 budget, Dutch state, 35, 39, 55, 76, 265 collegiants, 230 burgher, 158 Cologne, 20, 96, 269, 270 representation, 169–71 Company of Adventurers, 49 Burgundy, 9, 10 Constantinople, 87 Burgundy, House of, 9, 275 Coornhert, Dirck Volkertsz (1522–90), 237 Byzantine Empire, 268 Corneliszoon, Cornelis, 102, 237 Council of State, 132 Cabeljauws, 12 Counter-Remonstrants (Gomarists), 31, Cadzand, 66 32, 127 Calvin, John (1509–64), 29, 202, 203 country houses (estates, mansions), 161, Calvinism, see Reformed Church 220, 255, 269, 286 Campen, Jacob van (1596–1657), 258, 260 Court, Johan de la (1622–60), 194, 231 Campen, Nicolaas van, 217 Court, Pieter de la (1618–85), 79, 105, canals, 252–5 194–5, 231, 270, 294 Cape of Good Hope, 119 Court van der Voort, Pieter de la capitalism, 268 (1664–1739), 79, 194–5 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da Courtrai, 145 (1571–1610), 235, 242 Coymans, Aletta (1641–1725), 128 Caribbean, 61, 98, 115 Coymans, family, 128 Carlos II, king of Spain, 59 Crabeth, Wouter (c. 1595–1644), 213 Catalonia, 41 Craffurd, Joris (d. 1733), 155 Catholic Church, 205, 211, 294, 295–6 Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 46–8, 64 cattle, 92–3 Curac¸ao, 115 Cats, Jacob (1577–1660), 177 Curiel, Mozes (1618/9–after 1695), 219 Central America, 112, 115–16 Cuyp, Albert (1620–91), 234 Ceylon, 119 Champagne, 9 Damiate, 221 Charles I, king of England (1600–49), 46, Declaration of Rights, 59 47, 181 Delden, 164 Charles II, king of England (1630–85), 49 Delft, 14, 40, 106, 149, 191, 208, 223, 226, Charles the Bold (1433–77), 10 255, 259, 279, 282, 295 Charles V, king of Spain, Holy Roman admiralty, 62 Emperor (1500–58), 15 canal network, 252 abdication (1555), 7–8, 16 economy, 106, 140, 143 constitutional changes in the guilds, 242 Netherlands, 13–14 local government, 171, 210 financial reforms, 19 neighbourhoods, 161 military reforms, 65 Orange dynasty, 21, 175 ruler of Low Countries, 24, 168, 170, 201 painters, 105, 240–1, 242, 243–4, 245–7, Peace of Augsburg (1555), 16 299 Chatham, 49 poor relief, 145, 146, 220 cheese, 94 population, 103 citizenship, 105–6, 160, 210, 211, 217, 290 VOC, 100 classicism (in art and architecture), 249, Delftware, 140 258–9, 301 Delfzijl, 253 clergymen, 130–1 Den Bosch (’s-Hertogenbosch), 27, 259 Cleves, 13 Catholicism, 204 duke of, 13 local government, 170 Clusius, Carolus (1526–1609), 87 poor relief, 146 Cnoll, Pieter, 120 population, 14, 252 Cocceius, Johannes (1603–69), 209 siege (1629), 39, 40, 67, 66–9, 71, 279 Coen, Jan Pieterszoon (1587–1629), 119 Den Briel (Brill), 17, 22, 62, 106, 130, 191 Coevorden, 23, 66, 69, 92 Denmark, 46, 90, 93, 184 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521604605 - The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century: The Golden Age Maarten Prak Index More information Index Denmark, king of, 58, 107 Duyst van Beresteyn, Margaretha Descartes, Rene´(1596–1650), xii, 224–5, (1581–1635), 127 226, 227, 228–9, 230, 232 Deshima, 119 East India Company, Dutch, see VOC Deventer, 23, 28–9, 69, 210, 259, 276 Edam, 32, 192 booksellers, 188 ‘Ecluse, Charles de (1526–1609), 87 citizenship, 105–6, 160, 210 Edict of Nantes, revocation of (1685), 56, 141 Dutch Revolt, 23 education economy, 105–6, 280, 281, 282, 283 general level of literacy, 226 fortifications, 65–6, 82, 279 engineers’ training, 224 population, 252 Illustrious Schools, 209 States of Overijssel, 196 universities, 224, 228, 229, 233 see also Doesburg, 51, 66, 69 Leiden; Utrecht Dokkum, 62, 253, 259 theological training, see clergymen Dordrecht (Dordt), 40, 62, 161, 184, 191 mathematics, see mathematics economy, 101, 107–8 of orphans, 138 De Witt family, 184, 185 Egypt, 221 guilds, 161, 171, 290 Eighty Years War, see Dutch Revolt local government, 171 Eindhoven, 165 poor relief, 220 Elizabeth I, queen of England (1533–1603), 22 population, 252 Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia trade, 107–8 (1596–1662), 180 States of Holland, 14, 19 Emden, Jacob van, 101 Synod (1618–19), xii, 35, 36–7, 45, 207 Enden, Franciscus van den (1602–74), 230 Dou, Gerrit (1613–75), 242, 243 England, 17, 22, 24, 57, 90, 139 Douai, 201 Civil War period (1642–60), 46, 64 Doubleth, family, 83–4 colonial rivalry, 116 Doubleth, Johan (1580–1650), 84 Dutch ally, 50 Doubleth, Philips (1566–1612), 83–4 Dutch invasion (1688), 57–8, 83 Doubleth Jr., Philips (1590–1660), 84 Dutch Wars, see Anglo-Dutch Wars Doubleth, Philips (1600–74), 84 dynastic relations, see William II, William III Dover, 47, 50 earl of Leicester, 22 Downing, Sir George (c.
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