THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARDGIBBON ,, EDITED BY i J. B. BURY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION nY THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY VOL. VI NEW YORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT, Iga7. FRED DE FAU & COMPANY. CONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME PAGE LISTOF ILLUSTBATIONS . xi CHAPTER XXXIV The Character, Conquests, and Court of Attila, King of the Huns - Denth of Theodosius the Younger -Elevation of Marcien to the Empire of the &st A.D. , 376-433 TheHuns . .......I Their Establishment in modernHungary . 2 433-453 Reign of Attila . -3 H is FigureCharacterHisand . 4 He discovers the Sword of Mars . 6 Acquires theEmpire of Scythia and Germany . .7 430-440 TheHuns invadePersia . .9 41,&c. They attackEasternthe Empire . XI Ravage Europe as far as Constantinople . la The Scythian or TartarWars . , 14 State of the Captives . .x6 446 Treaty of Peace betweenAttila Ad theEastern Empire . 19 Spirit of the Azimuntines . 21 EmbassiesfromAttila to Constantinople . 22 448 The Embassy of Maximin to Attila . ’ 25 The royal Village and Palace . .28 The Behaviour of Attilato the Roman Ambassadors . 30 The royal Feast . .32 Conspiracy of theRomans against the Life of Attila . 34 He re rimands and forgives theEmperor . 35 450 ThdosiusYounger the dies . ’ 36 Is succeededby Marcian . ’ 37 CHAPTER XXXV Invasion of Gad by Attila - He is repulsed by Aetius and the Visigoths - Attila invades and evacrralcs Itdy - The Dealhs of Attila, Aetius, and Vakntinian the Third 450 Attila threatensboth Empires, and prepares to invade Gaul . 39 433-454 Character and Administration of Aetius . 40 His Connection with the Huns and Alani . 42 419-451 The Visigoths in Gaulunder the Reign of Theodoric . 44 435-439 The Goths besiege Narbonne, &c. 44 V VI CONTENTS A.D. FAGS 42-451 TheFranks inGaul under the Merovingian Kings . 48 The Adventures of thePrincess Honoria .....51 451 Attila invades Gaul and besieges Orleans .... 53 Alliance of the Romans and Visigoths .... 56 Attilaretires to the plains of Champagne ..... 58 Battle of ChPlons .........61 Retreat of Attila ........ 63 452 Invasion of Italy by Attila . ......66 Foundation of theRepublic of Venice .... -69 Attila givespeace tothe Romans ..... 71 453 The Death of Attila ......... 75 Destruction of his Empire ....... 76 454 Valentinianmurders the Patrician Aetius ..... 78 " ravishesWife the of Maximus ....80 455 Death of Valentinian . ......81 Symptoms of theDecay and Rin of theRoman Government . 81 CHAPTER XXXVI Sack of Rome by Genseric. King of the Vandals -His naval Depredations- Successan of the last Emperors of tlg U'est. Maximus. Avilus. Majurian. Severus. Anthemius. Olyhrius. Glycerius. Nepos. Augustulus - Totd Extinction of the Western Empire- Reign of Odoacer. the first Barbarian King of Ilaly 439-445 NavalPower of theVandals ..... 84 455 The Character and Reign of the Emperor Maximus . 85 .I .I cc HisDeath ......... a7 , . 89 . 92 45 . 94 45' . 97 456 Avitus is deposed ....... 99 457 Characterand elevation of Majorian ... I02 457-461 His salutaryLaws ...... 105 The Edifices of Rome ...... 107 457 Majorian prepares to invade Africa .... 19 The Loss of his Fleet ....... I12 461 His Death .... ..... 1'3 461-467 Ricimer reigns underthe Name of Severus . 114 Revolt of Marcellinus in Dalmatia .... I15 .. Egidiusin Gaul ..... 115 461-467 NavalWar of theVandals ..... I17 462. &c . Negotiationswith the Eastern Empire . 118 457-474 Leo. Emperor of the East ..... 119 467-472 Anthemius. Emperor of the West ... I21 The Festival of the Lupercalia ...... I24 468 Preparationsagainst the Vandals of Africa . 126 Failure of theExpedition . ..... 128 462-472 Conquests of theVisigothsin Spain and Gaul . I31 468 Trial of Arvandus ....... * . I33 471 Discord of Anthemius and Ricimer ..... 136 .. CONTENTS VI1 A.D. PAGE 472 Olybrius. Emperor of the West .......138 Sack of Rome anddeath of Anthemius .....rm.. Death of Ricimer .......i41 " Olybrius .... ...141 472-475 Julius Nepos and Glycerius. Emperors of the West . 141 475 The Patrician Orestes ........143 476 His son Augustulus. thelast Emperor of the West ...144 476490 Odoacer. King of Italy .......145 476 or 479 Extinction of the Western Empire ....147 Augustulus is banished to the Lucullan villa ....149 Decay of the Roman spirit .......151 476-490 Character and Reign of Odoacer .....152 Miserable state of Italy ........153 CHAPTER XXXVII Origin. Progress. and Effects of the monastic Life - Conversian of the Bar- barians to Christianity and Arianism .Prosecuiwn of tlre Vandals in Africa .Edinctwn of Arianism among the Barbarians 1. INSTITUTIONOF THE MONMTICLIFE . .. Origin of the Monks ....... 305 Antony. and the Monksof'Egypt ...... 341 Propagation of the monastic Life at Rome .... 228 Hilarion in Palestine ......... 560 BasilPontus in ......... 370Gaul Martinin . ...... Causes of the rapid Progress of ;he monastic Life ... Obedience of the Monks ........ Their Dress and Habitations . .... TheirDiet ..... .... Their manual Labour ... .... Their Riches ..... .... Their Solitude . ... .... Their Devotion and Visions . .... TheCenobites and hachorets . .... 395-451 Simeon Stylites . .... Miracles and Worship of the Monks 1 .... Superstition of the Age ... .... I1. CONVERSIONOF THE BARBAW .... 360. &c . Ulphilas. Apostle of the Goths . .... 400. &c . The Goths. Vandals. Burgundians. &C . embrace Christi- anity . .... .... Motives of their 'Faith ... .... Effects of their Conversion . .... They are involved in the Arian Heresy .... General Toleration .... Arian Persecution of ;he Vandals : .... 429-477 Genseric ..... .... 477 Hunneric ...... .... 484 Gundamund ..... .... 496 Thrasimund ..... .... ... Vlll CONTENTS A.D. ..52.3 Hilderic ........... 530 Gelimer ......... A general Gev of the Persecution in Africa . CGholic Frauds ....... Miracles ......... .. p-700 The Ruin of Arianism among the Barbarians . .. 577-584 Revolt and Martyrdom of Hermenegild in Spain .. 586-589 Conversion of Recared and the Visigoths of Spain .. 600. &c . Conversion of the Lombards of Italy . .. 612-712 Persecution of the Jews in Spain ..... Conclusion .......... CHAPTER XXXVIII Reign and Conversion of Clovis -His Victorks over the Aknanni. Burgun- dians. and Visigoths - Establishmeni of the French Monarchy in Gaul .Laws of the Barbarians .State oj the Romans .The Visigoths of Spain .Conquest of Brdain by the Saxons The Revolution of Gaul ...... ’ 209 476-485 Euric. King of the Visigoths ..... 211 481-511 Clovis. King of the Franks ..... 212 486 His Victoryover Syagrius . ..... 214 496 Defeat and Submission of the Aiemanni ..... 217 496 Conversion of Clovis ......... 219 497. &c . Submission of the Armoricans and the Roman Troops . 223 499 The Burgundian War ....... 224 500 Victory of Clovis . .... 226 532 FinalConquest of Burgundyby’the Franks ... 227 507 The Gothic War ......... 229 Victory of Clovis ........ 508 Conquest of Aquitain by the Franks .... 510 Consulship of Clovis . .... 536 FinalEstablishment of the’French Monarchy in Gaul . Political Controversy ......... 238 Laws of the Barbarians ....... 239 Pecuniary Fines forHomicide ....... 243 Judgments of God ......... 245 Judicial Combats ......... 247 Division of Land by the Barbarians ..... 248 Domainand Benefices of the Merovingians ... 250 PrivateUsurpations ........ 251 PersonalServitude ........* 253 Example of Auvergne ....... 255 Story of Attalus . ...... 258 Privileges of the Romans of Gaul ..... 260 AnarcGy of the Franks ........ 263 The Visigoths of Spain ...... 264 LegislativeAssemblies of Spain ...... 265 Code of the Visigoths ........ 267 Revolution of Britain ....... 268 449 Descent of the Saxons .......8 269 CONTENTS ix A.D. 455-582 Establishment of theSaxon Heptarchy .... State of theBritons ..... .... Their Resistance ......... Their Flight ......... The Fame of Arthur ......... Desolation of Britain ........ Servitude of theBritons ........ Manners of the Britons ........ Obscure or fabulousState of Britain . .... Fall of the Roman Empire in theWest . .... Gewrd Observations on the Fdof the Roman Empire in the West . CHAPTER XXXIX Zeno and Anastusius. Empmurs oj the East .Birlh. Education. and First Explods of Theodoric the Ostrogoth - His Invasion and Conquesl of Italy .The Gothic Kingdom of Italy .Slate of th West .Military and Civil Government .The Senator Boelhius .Last Acls and Deah of Theodoric 455-475 Birth and Education of Theodoric ..... 299 474-491 The Reign of &no ........302 491-518 The Reign of Anastasius ...... ' 303 475-488 Service and Revolt of Theodoric .... 304 482 He undertakes the conquest of Italy ..... 307 His March . .......308 489-490 The threeDefeats of Odoacer ..... 309 493 His Capitulation and Death .......311 493-526 Reign of Theodoric. King of Italy .....313 Partition of Lands .........313 Separation of the GothsItalians and ..... 31.5 Foreign Policy Foreign of Theodoric .......316 His defensive Wars .........318 509 HisNaval Armaments ..... 319 CivilGovernment of Italy according to the RomanLaws . 321 Prosperity of Rome ........ 324 500 Visit of Theodoric ......... 325 Flourishing State of Italy ....... 327 Theodoric an Arian ........ ' 329 His toleration of the Catholics ...... ' 330 Vices of his Government ....... 331 He is provoked to persecute the Catholics ... 333 Character. Studies. and Honours of Boethius ... 335 His Patriotism .......... 337 He is accused of Treason ...... * 338 His Imprisonment524 His and Death .......339 525 341Death of Symmachus ...... 526 RemorseDeath and of Thiodonc ......341 APPENDIX ............ 345 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A ROMANLEVEE
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