Media Narratives on Power Relations in Nigeria: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Three National Newspaper Columnists Oluwafemi Sunday Onifade Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Communication and Media Studies Eastern Mediterranean University February 2015 Gazimağusa, North Cyprus Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research ____________________________ Prof. Dr. Serhan Çiftçioğlu Acting Director I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Art in Communication and Media Studies. ___________________________________ Prof. Dr. Süleyman İrvan Chair, Department of Communication and Media Studies We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Master of Art in Communication and Media Studies ___________________________________ Asst. Prof. Dr. Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç Supervisor Examining Committee 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu ________________________________ 2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç ________________________________ 3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Baruch Opiyo ________________________________ ABSTRACT This research examined how Nigerian newspaper columnists narrate the power relations within the country and how they reiterate and rearticulate historical and political events in their analysis of the balance of power with regard to the upcoming presidential election in March 2015. By analyzing the writings of three columnists from three different newspapers, the study examined how ownership and the geographic environment in which a newspaper is published influence the narratives employed by columnists in their bid to set agenda and mold public opinion. While doing so, triangulation of Teun Van Dijk‟s socio-cognitive approach to Critical Discourse Analysis and Norman Fairclough‟s textual, contextual and social analyses in the treatment of the subject were used. Hence, the texts of the columns were analyzed within the socio-political contexts to understand their implications for the social behavior of the readers as potential voters. Three newspapers were used to cater for the north/south political dichotomy and to give a representation to each region. The study, however, views the dichotomy differently, projecting it as a division between those who support the status quo and those who oppose it. The three newspapers used in the study were Vanguard (representing the pro status quo), Daily Trust (representing the anti-status quo), and Nigerian Tribune (providing a middle ground between the two camp). Conclusions of the study suggest that the political and economic elites use their ownership and control of the newspapers to influence the narratives of their iii columnists. The columnists in turn use volatile concepts like religion, and ethnicity in their narratives to divide the public and move them towards taking political decisions that favor the political elites. Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Political Communication, Boko Haram, Ethno-religious crisis, Democracy, 2015 presidential election in Nigeria. iv ÖZ Bu çalışma, Nijerya gazetelerindeki köşe yazarlarının ülkedeki güç ve iktidar ilişkilerini nasıl ele aldıkları üzerinde durmaktadır. Ülkede mart 2015 yılında yapılacak olan cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimleri öncesinde köşe yazarları tarihsel ve politik olayları ele alarak toplumdaki güç dengesini irdelemektedirler. Nijerya‟da bulunan üç farklı gazetenin üç farklı köşe yazarının haberlerinin incelendiği bu çalışmada bir gazetenin “sahiplik” ve “coğrafi konumunun” köşe yazarlarının haber seçimi, gündem belirleme ve kamuoyu oluşturmadaki etkileri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Eleştirel söylem analizinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada Teun Van Dijk‟ın sosyo-bilişsel yöntemi ve Fairclough‟un metin, bağlam ve sosyal çözümlemesi kullanılmıştır. Gazetelerdeki köşe yazıları okuyucu ve seçmenlerin sosyal ve toplumsal davranışlarına olan etkilerini anlamak üzere sosyo-politik açıdan incelenmiştir. Nijerya‟daki Kuzey ve Güney arasındaki ayrımı belirlemek ve her bölgenin nasıl temsil edildiğini göstermek için üç farklı gazetenin köşe yazarının haberlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada varolan iki karşıt grup ve bu gruplar arasındaki farklılık statükonun yanında olanlar ve statükonun karşısında olanlar olarak irdelenmiştir. “Vanguard” gazetesi statükonun yanında yer alırken “Daily Trust” gazetesi statükonun karşısındadır. “ Nigerian Tribune” gazetesi ise statükoya daha yakın olmasına rağmen daha çok iki farklı grup arasında bir yerde durmayı tercih etmektedir. v Sonuç olarak, politik ve ekonomik gücü elinde bulunduran iktidar seçkinleri köşe yazarlarının anlatımlarını etkilemektedirler. Bunun sonucunda köşe yazarları kendi köşelerinde din ve etnik farklılıklar gibi hassas konuları ele alarak halkı bölmeyi hedeflemekte ve onları iktidar seçkinlerinin istekleri doğrultusunda politik kararlar almaya teşvik etmektedirler. Anahtar Kelimeler: Eleştirel söylem analizi, siyasal iletişim, Boko Haram, etnik ve dinsel krizler, demokrasi, Nijerya‟daki 2015 cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimleri vi DEDICATION To my late dad; for teaching me patience humility and hard work To mum; for urging me to dream and providing the funds to actualize my dreams As well as Hassan Alhaji Hassan and Ansa Ndem; for believing in me and kick-starting my teaching career vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Gratitude to my supervisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç. I enjoyed the frank discussions and extra effort to which you went to get me relevant literature for my study. I appreciate the intellectual efforts of the columnists whose narratives inspired this thesis; especially Tunde Asaju. Our collective dream for a greater Nigeria will become reality. Thanks to all my professors for raising the intellectual bar and giving me multiple perspectives to scholarship. To Dr. Baruch Opiyo; I can‟t thank you enough for continuously rendering “total service” to me and countless others. God bless you beyond your expectations. I appreciate the effort of Dr. Aliefendioğlu for the constructive deconstruction of this work to make it better. To Ayça Atay, and the Gundem English team; it was great working with you all. To my Nigerian friends and course-mates (Aluba, Sayo, Ibukun, Onotina, Abiola, Sweetie, Adeola, Henrietta and Olabola); I say a big “thank you” for the healthy competition, cooperation, encouragements and intrigues. You‟ve all helped in making me a better person. To my non-Nigerian friends (Nasir, Omar, Salome, Adeeb, Donald etc.); you gave the programme a truly “international and inter- cultural” flavor. I may not have taken this path without the motivation by my loving wife and precious son. Thanks Sonia Nwabugo and Precious Oluwafemi for enduring the turbulence occasioned by my quest for further knowledge. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ iii ÖZ ................................................................................................................................ v DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... xiii 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background to the Study .................................................................................... 1 1.2 The Problem of Study ......................................................................................... 6 1.3 Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................... 8 1.4 Relevance of the Study ....................................................................................... 9 1.5 Method of the Study ........................................................................................... 9 1.6 Limitations of the Study ................................................................................... 11 2 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................ 13 2.1 Nigeria: Country Profile ................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Ethnic/ Regional Composition of Nigeria ................................................. 16 2.2 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 19 2.2.1 Agenda Setting Theory .............................................................................. 20 2.2.2 Discourse Theory ....................................................................................... 21 2.3 Introducing Nigerian Politics ........................................................................... 23 2.3.1 Democratic Governance in Nigeria since Independence ........................... 24 2.3.2 The First Republic ..................................................................................... 25 2.3.3 The Second Republic ................................................................................. 27 ix 2.3.4 The Third Republic
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