DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT RAIGARH DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING CHHATTISGARH DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT RAIGARH AS PER NOTIFICATION NO. S.O.141 (E) NEW DELHI, 15TH JANUARY. 2016 OF MINISTRY OF ENVIORNMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE YEAR - 2016 DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING MINERAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT GOVT. OF CHHATTISGARH CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Overview of mining activity in the District. 3. The list of mining Leases in the District with location,area and period of validity. 4. Details of Royalty of Revenue received in last three years. 5. Detail production of sand, Bajari and other minor mineral in last three years. 6. Process of Deposition of sediments in the rivers of District. 7. General profile of the District. 8. Land utilisation pattern in the District: Forest, Agriculture, Horticulture,Mining etc. 9. Physiography of the district 10. Rainfall : month-wise 11. Geology and Mineral Wealth (a) District wise detail of river or stream and other sand source. (b) District wise availability of sand or gravel or aggregate resources. (c) District wise detail of existing mining leases of sand and aggregates. 1.INTRODUCTION Raigarh district is a district of the state of Chhattisgarh, in India. Raigarh is the district headquarters. The total area of the district is 7,086 sq.km. The district was formed by merging the princely states of Raigarh, Sakti, Sarangarh, Dharamjaigarh and Jashpur. Jashpur is now a separate district. Sakti is now not a part of Raigarh district. Raigarh district is surrounded by Jashpur district in the North, Mahasamund district in the south, the state of Odisha border in the East and Janjgir- Champa and Korba in the west. Raigarh district is full of vegetation . The forest area of the district is 109687 Hect. As per 2010-2011 data. Mahanadi and its tributaries passes through this district. Southern part of the district consists of totally plain area.Raigarh district has 5 subdivisions, 9 Tahsils, 1 sub Tahsil, 9Panchayat samitis, 702 Gram panchayat and 1457 revenue villages. The languages spoken in the district are Chhattisgarhi, Odia and Hindi. A large population of Bangali, Telugu, Marathi, Bihari and other community are Living here. Due to Railway and Industial development a fair representation from all over India we can see here. According to 2011 census record, Raigarh had population of 1,493,984 of which male and female were 750,278 and 743,706 respectively. The Initial provisional data released by census of India 2011, shows that density of Raigarh district for 2011 is 211people/ sq. km. It is rapidly growing as an industrial district of Chhattisgarh. One of the oldest Jute mill of India is situated here, Mohan jute mill; it was the only Jute mill of the Chhattisgarh state and undivided MP. Raigarh district is full of major minerals like coal. Some minor minerals are also found here like Limestone, Dolomite and Quartzite etc. Raigarh is one of the major producer of steel in country. Here are situated many steel and power plants such as JSPL, MSP, Monnet steel, and many small and medium plants. The volume can be judge by the statement that Raigarh itself is consuming about 20,000 tons of coal per day. LOCATI0N MAP OF RAIGARH DISTRICT 2. OVERVIEW OF MINING ACTIVITY IN THE DISTRICT Raigarh district is one of the mineral rich district of Chhattisgarh. It is well known for its coal mines. Besides this Quartzite, fireclay and Limestone are also found in this district. Many Quarry leases of different minor minerals are sanctioned and are in working condition. Mainly 08 mining leases of coal are sanctioned to SECL Barod,Dharam,Chhal, Jampali, Gare IV/2 & 3, other than SECL some coal leases are sanctioned to M/s Jindal Steel power Ltd IV/1,M/s Sarda Energy-IV/7, M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd IV/4,M/s Hindalco Ltd IV/5. 1 quarry lease for fireclay, 02 for soil, 04 for ordinary stone, 61 for Limestone, 02 for Quartzite and 08 Nos. Of quarries of Dolomite are sanctioned to different people in different areas of the district.Total 86 nos. of quarry/mining leases are sanctioned in Raigarh district. List of all the mining leases and Quarry leases of Raigarh district is given below. S. no. Name of the No.of mining leases/Quarry Mineral leases 1 Coal 08Nos. 2 Dolomite 08No. 3 Soil for brick 02Nos. making 4 Ordinary Stone 04Nos. 5 Limestone 61Nos. 6 Quartzite 02Nos. 7 Fire clay 01 Nos. Total 86 3. THE LIST OF MINING LEASES IN THE DISTRICT WITH LOCATION , AREA AND PERIOD OF VALIDITY List of mining lease of the coal as on 01/06/2016 Name of the Name of the Lease Area Name of S.No. Tehsil Khasra No. Duration of Lease Remark Lease Village (In Ha.) Minerals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 SECL 07.07.1954 Baroud Baroud Ghargoda _ 72.043 Coal (Nationaliatisation date 01-05-1973) Dharam Dharam Dharmajarh _ 731.16 Coal 24.09.1993 1 24.04.2006 To Chhal Chhal Dharmajarh _ 721.313 Coal Upto 31.05.2016 23.04.2036 02.05.2014 To Jampali Jampali Kharsiya _ 559.149 Coal 01.05.2039 Work as Custodian Gare IV/2 &3 Dongamuha Tamnaar _ 964.65 Coal Company M/s Jindal 119/7 kha, Dongamuha 19.12.1997 to 2 Steel Power Tamnaar 119/6, 119/5 k 705.556 Ha Coal & Other 18.12.2027 Ltd _ IV/1 Ha & Other M/s Jindal Dongamuha, 1/3, 3/2, 4/3 & 07.10.2005 to 3 Steel Ltd - IV/ Kodkel & Tamnaar 964.650 Ha Coal Other 06.10.2035 2&3 Other M/s Sarda Karwahi & 49, 50/1, 50/2, 25.10.2005 to 4 Tamnaar 345.00 Ha Coal Energy - IV/7 Other 51/1, & other 24.10.2035 M/s Hindalco Kodkel, 179/1, 179/2, 09.07.2015 to 5 Industries Ltd Bankheta & Tamnaar 884.846 Ha Coal 179/3 & Other 08.07.2045 IV/4 Other Upto May 2016 M/s Hindalco Milupara & 467/2, 523/1, 24.07.2015 to 6 Industries Ltd Tamnaar 829.821 Ha Coal Other 523/2 & other 23.07.2035 IV/5 List of quarry leases of minor minor minerals Ø iV~Vs/kkjh dk uke irk [kfut dk Lohd`r {ks= dk fooj.k uke xzke dk rglhy [kljk uEcj jdck vof/k uke dk uke 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 esllZ d`".kk fcYMdkau izk- fyfe- Mk;- Jh vfuy 199] 200 @4] 5]6]7]8] dsfM;k vk- Jh ujflax yky dsfM;k fuoklh pwukiRFkj ykyk/kqjok lkjax<+ 201@ 1]2 3]4]5] 1-595 11-02-2012 ls 10-02-2022 lRrhxqM+h pkSd jk;x<+ 367@3]368@1 2 lkjax<+ Ø'kj m|ksx izks-uan fd'kksj vxzoky vk- Jh 81 @1] 0-664 pwukiRFkj lsUnqjl lkjax<+ 11-02-2012 ls 10-02-2022 eksgu yky vxzoky fuoklh lkjax< 81@5d][k gs- 3 lkjax<+ LVksu Ø'kj izks- lfjrk vxzoky ifr Jh 0-324 pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 463@1 27-07-2010 ls 26-07-2020 uUnfd'kksj vxzoky] fuoklh lkjax< gs- 4 fouk;d LVksu dz'kj m|ksx izks- Jherh o"kkZ caly 351@4]]352@1]4]5 ,oa pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 0-600 25-11-2010 ls 24-11-2020 ifr Jh lq'khy caly] fu- jk;x<+ 353@4d][k 5 Jh xksiky izlkn vxzoky vk- jke vorkj vxzoky] pwukiRFkj lsUnwjl lkjax<+ 81@1] 81@2] 81@9d] 0-416 16-12-2010 ls 15-12-2020 fu- lkjax<+ 6 Jh nhid vxzoky vk- Jh ukUgw jke vxzoky] fuoklh 933] 942] 882] 883@1] pwukiRFkj fVejyxk lkjax<+ 0-898 20-11-2011 ls 19-11-2016 jk;x<+ ,oa 883@2 7 esllZ eks dke[;k dz'kj m|ksx izks- Jhefr eatw nsoh 1134@1M-] 1134@1p] pwukiRFkj fVejyxk lkjax<+ 0-578 03-08-2011 ls 02--08-2016 fla?kkfu;k fu- ykspu uxj jk;x<+ 1134@3] 1177] 1178 8 eka ukFkynkbZ dz'kj m|ksx izks- Jh f'kodqekj vxzoky 1146 o] 1147@1] 1148@1] vk- Jh ctjax yky vxzoky fu- pUnziqj rg- MHkjk pwukiRFkj fVejyxk lkjax<+ 0-720 08-08-2011 ls 07-08-2021 1146 o 1147@2] 1148@2 ftyk- tktaxhj pkaik 9 esllZ th-,e-lh- bUQkLVªDpj ,.M dUVªD'ku ikVZuj pwukiRFkj fVejyxk lkjax<+ 1134@13] 1134@10] 1134 0-648 12-12-2011 ls 11-12-2021 Jherh yfyrk nsoh vxzoky ifRu Jh lqHkk"k vxzoky] Ø iV~Vs/kkjh dk uke irk [kfut dk Lohd`r {ks= dk fooj.k uke xzke dk rglhy [kljk uEcj jdck vof/k uke dk uke 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fuoklh fodkl uxj jk;x<+ 10 t; eka catkjh xzkeks|ksx izks- Jh lat; vxzoky vk- 1159] 1160@1] 1160@2] Jh ijekuan vxzoky fuoklh& jk;x<+ pwukiRFkj fVejyxk lkjax<+ 1161@1] 1161@2] 0-583 12-12-2011 ls 11-12-2021 1161@3] 1162 ,oa 1163 11 esllZ izxfr dzs'kj m|ksx izks- Jh lat; dqekj 363@1] 364@2] 372@2] vxzoky vk- Jh jktdqekj vxzoky fuoklh ijkuk 360@1] 360@2[k] pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 1-023 23-06-2010 ls 22-06-2020 lnj cktkj jk;x<+ 360@1x] 360@?k] 348@2[k] 348@3 12 esllZ dstjhoky dzs'kj m|ksx izks- Jherh lq'khyk 347@2] 362@1]2 364@1] jrsfj;k ifr Lo- xkSjh'kadj jrsfj;k fuoklh lqHkk"k pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 1-234 23-06-2010 ls 22-06-2020 365@1 ,oa 366@2 pkSd jk;x<+ 13 Jh ';ke feujYl izks- Jh nhid fla?ky fuoklh jk;x<+ pwukiRFkj ljljk lkjax<+ 128@3 128@6 2-250 15-06-2010 ls 14-06-2020 14 esllZ NRrhlx<+ feujYl ikzs- Jh vfer dqekj 527@1] 527@13] 527@7] vxzoky fuoklh xka/khxat jk;x<+ 527@3] 527@5] 527@9] 527@4] 523@15] 527@8] pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 523@16] 523@14] 1-321 15-06-2010 ls 14-06-2020 524&528@5] 527@6] 524&528@6] 521&523@2 ,oa 527@2 15 esllZ guqeku dzs'kj m|Ksx izks- Jh guqeku izlkn pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 491@1] 497@2 0-710 24-06-2010 ls 23-06-2020 vxzoky vk- Lo- jkeLo#i vxzoky fuoklh xksMe 16 esllzZ jkt feujYl izks- Jh dSyk'k pan vxzoky 71@1d@2] 71@2s] pwukiRFkj lsUnqjl lkjax<+ 0-633 27-07-2010 ls 26-07-2020 fuoklh brokjh cktkj jk;x<+ 71@2[k 17 Jhjkt xzkeks|ksx izks- Jh jks'kuh nsoh vxzoky fuoklh 417] 418@1]2]3]4]5]6]7]8]9 brokjh cktkj jk;x<+ uke vUrj.k esllzZ jkt pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 0-547 27-07-2010 ls 26-07-2020 10]11]12 feujYl izks- Jh dSyk'k pan vxzoky 18 esllZ ,l-,l- feujYl izks- Jh ';ke yky vxzoky 386] 387@2d] 387@2[k] fuoklh ykyVadh ds ikl jk;x<+ pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 385@1[k] 396@2x] 2-349 31-08-2010 ls 30-08-2020 396@2?k Ø iV~Vs/kkjh dk uke irk [kfut dk Lohd`r {ks= dk fooj.k uke xzke dk rglhy [kljk uEcj jdck vof/k uke dk uke 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 esllZ 'kqHk feujYl ikVZ- Jh clUr dqekj vzxzoky 439@1] 439@2] 442@1] pwukiRFkj xqMsyh lkjax<+ 0-917 18-08-2010 ls 17-08-2020 fuoklh dchj pkSd jk;x<+ 442@2] 442@6] 20 esllZ ckiksfM;k
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