TOAND TELEVISION IRROM JUNE 25 1tVeledrillt 44 111vot-ir Percy MILTON BERLE GRACIE ALLEN ')N McNEILL RALPH EDWARDS BIG SISTER LANNY ROSS filter Winchell Contest Winners - i (o+1) Vie, fodLut, tiA9ti otcuut SKIN -SAFE SOLITAIRI The only founda- tion- and -pawder make -up with clinicol evidence- certified by leading skin specialists from coast to coast -that it DOES NOT CLOG PORES, cause skin texture change or inflammation of hair follicle ar other gland opening. Na other liquid, powder, creom or cake "founda- tion" moke -up offers such positive proof of safety for your skin. biopsy- specimen flown by Cell Chapman. Jewels by Seaman-Schepps. See the loveliest you that you've ever seen -the minute you use Solitair cake make -up. Gives your skin a petal- smooth appearance -so flatteringly natural that you look as if you'd been born with it! Solitair is entirely different- a special feather -weight formula. Clings longer. Outlasts powder. Hides little skin faults -yet never feels mask -like, never looks "made -up." Like finest face creams, Solitair contains Lanolin to protect against dryness. Truly -you'll be lovelier with this make -up that millions prefer. No better quality. Only $1.00. Cake Make -Up * Fashion -Point Lipstick Seven new fashion -right shades Yes -the first and only lipstick with point actually shaped to curve of your lips. Applies color quicker, easier, more evenly. New, exciting "Dreamy Pink" shade - and six new reds. So creamy smooth- contains Lanolin -stays on so long. Exquisite case. $1.00 *Slanting cap with red enameled circle identifies the famous 'Fashion -Point and shows you exact (¡orí*iwnn tameGm color of lipstick inside. U. S. Pat. No. 2162584. Don't take chances start with Mum today! Mum stacis smoofiGi, Safer for charm... erfective- Safer for skin .. ctoesnVcig 0Ue Safer for clothes... t*,n o yarns R ò,'4 ` Goarauteed by You'll love its Good Housekeeping Product of delightful Bristol-Myers new floral odor its creamy texture/ -1 See for yourself how surely today's Mum stops underarm perspiration odor. Mail cou- YOUR - Make today Mumday and you'll use soft, dreamy pon for generous sample. Enclose 32 stamp smooth Mum forever after. Millions trust their charm only to cover postage. to this dependable cream deodorant that contains no water Bristol -Myers Co., Dept. M -69 to dry out or decrease its efficiency. Get large size Mum now! 630 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 22, N. Y. Name Ilha Address Ot City Zone State L J 1 roAND TELEVISION JUNE, 1949 VOL. 32, NO. 1 KEYSTONE TOBACCO PEOPLE ON THE AIR MOUTH Russ Hodges 13 BREATH Alan Reed 18 `OFF-COLOR OFF -OLOR TEETH Ruth Perrott 19 Winchell Contest Winners 25 "I'm Growing Up Again" by Gracie Allen 28 This Is Your Life by Ralph Edwards 30 Parky Pulled Me Through by Harry Einstein ( "Parkyakarkus ") 34 Through the Years With Big Sister -in Pictures 36 But Is It Talent9 by Gwen Jones 40 Come and Visit Dennis Day by Dorothy Blair 42 One of the World's Good People by Martin Cohen 56 Quiz Kid of the Quarter 58 The McNeills Come Calling by Mrs. Sam Cowling 60 My Husband -Mr. Keen by Mrs. Bennett Kilpack 62 INSIDE RADIO Facing the Music by Joe Martin 8 Look At the Records by Joe Martin 10 Why Collector's Corner by Andy Russell 11 What's New From Coast to Coast by Dale Banks 14 Information Booth 23 take it with you? Are You Quiz -Wise? by M. A. McCann 26 Inside Radio 70 New tooth paste with Quiz Catalogue 73 Lusterfoam attacks tobacco FOR BETTER LIVING stain and off-color breath. You and the Cosmetic Tax by Mary Jane Fulton 4 Don't kid yourself about "tobacco What Makes You Tick? by John McCaffery 17 mouth" -it's as real as the stain on a Between the Bookends by Ted Malone 46 chain smoker's fingers! When a Girl Marries by Joan Davis 48 Most Likely to Succeed But your tongue can tell! (You can by Kate Smith 64 an odor.) And your dentist "taste" TELEVISION knows when he cleans your teeth. notice . And your friends might .. Your Ticket to the Texaco Star Theater 32 you know. Televisit with the Erwins 50 But they won't point the finger at Cartoonists j.g 51 you (after you've left the room of "Miracle" on TV 52 Television course) if you're a regular user of Coast to Coast in 54 Listerine Tooth Paste. Here's why - YOUR LOCAL. STATION It contains Lusterfoam -a special ingredient that actually foams clean- WOV: The Show's the Thing 6 ing and polishing agents over your KDKA: Some Pass In 12 teeth ... into the crevices -removes WFIL: Just Plain Jones 16 fresh stain before it gets a chance to WBEN: Roving Norseman 21 "set" . whisks away that odor - making tobacco debris! RADIO MIRROR READER BONUS See for yourself how Listerine Where the Heart Is -A Second Mrs. Burton Novelette by Helen Christy Harris 66 Tooth Paste with Lusterfoam freshens your mouth and your breath! Get a ON THE COVER: The Dennis Day Family; color portraits by Hymie Fink, tube and make sure that Sterling Smith. wherever you go -you won't take "tobacco Editorial Director Editor Art Director mouth" with you! ric;(1 FRED R. SAMMIS DORIS McFERRAN JACK ZASORIN Managing Editor Associate Art Director EVELYN L. FIORE FRANCES 'MALY Television Editorial Assistant Research FRANCES KISH JOAN POLLOCK TERU GOTO Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD r the ¡ ...give it Hollywood Office: Editor, ANN DAGGETT Managing Editor, FRANCES MORRIN ToBAGGO Staff Photographers, HYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant, BETTY JO RICE -brush-o "brush-off with MouTh RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS INC., New York N. Y. General Business, Editorial and Advertising Offices, 205 East 42nd St.. New York 17. N. Y. Hollywood -Beverly Hills Office: 321 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California. O. J. Elder, President; Harold Wise, Executive Vice President; Herbert Drake, Vice President; Ernest Z. Heyn, Vice President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer; Edward F. Lethen, Advertising irector. Chicago Office: 221 North La Salle St.. Leslie R. Gage, Mgr. San Francisco Office: 1613 Russ Building, Joseph M. Dooher, Mgr. Los Angeles Office, 612 South Flower St., George Weatherby, Mgr. Charles O. Terwilliger, Jr., Eastern Advertising Manager 205 East 42nd St., New York 17 N. Y. Reentered P ASZ as Second Class matter March 1. 1948, at the Post Office t New York. N. Y., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail P. O. Dept., Ottawa. Ont.. Canada. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions. I00114 Canada, $2.50 per year. All outer countries $5.00 per year. Price per copY: 25c in the United States and Canada. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class postage and explicit name and address. e taking unnecessary risk. The contents' of this magazine maynot be ireprintedeeithecontributions;holly or in partiwithout permission. (Member f Macfadden Women's Group) Copyright, 1949, by Macfadden Publications. Ìnc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. n under Pan -American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencion 1WAV All rights reserved Office. Panamericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent m , Wed. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Co., Dunellen, N. J. Cw;,ff TONI TWINS prove magic of SOFT -WATER Shampooing LATHER ... WAS KATHERINE'S PROBLEM. "My shampoo simply would not lather right", complained Katherine Ring. "I'd rub and rub but still my hair never had much glint to it!" And no wonders! Katherine was In July: four picture -pages take you using a soap shampoo, and Through the YYi with Lorenzo Jones soaps not only fail to lather as well in hard water -they actually leave a film on hair that dulls natural lustre! So FOR some time now, one of the your hair lacks highlights, features you' ve liked most in looks drab and lifeless! RADIO MIR ROR has been the monthly Rey der Bonus, the king- size novelet ,e in which we've BUT KATHLEENE brought you a variety of good reading matt er about radio people. GOT HEAPS OF IT! Nèxt month comes a big surprise- "Look at all this lather ", a double -bon is issue, we call it, be- smiled her twin, Kathleene. cause in it y ou'11 find not one, but "I discovered that Toni two big fat st )ries. One is a fictioni- Creme Shampoo gives Soft- zation from the well -loved drama Water Shampooing even in Portia Faces Life. The other is a hard water! I never saw such creepy tale of terror, novelized suds! Never saw my hair so from one of the most hair -raising shining clean before, either!" That's what Toni's Soft - of recent Sus pense dramas. There's Water Shampooing means. enough good reading for the whole Even in hard water it means month of J une in those two billows of rich, whipped - features! cream suds that leave your * hair shimmering clean! But don't go away! Not satisfied with giving you enough, we give you more. MrMr; Art Linkletter, who has five chit clren, tells what she knows (and it' s plenty) about bring - ing them up so that it's fun for everyone co ncerned, instead of trouble. Geor gia Carroll, the glam- orous wife of Kay Kyser, talks about families too, N special reference to husbands and how Kay ranks among them.
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