l| AVEBAOE OAILT OIBOULATION lor the M oath ot M areh, less THE WEATHBB Foreeaet of U. a. Weather earoaa. Hartfnnl 6,154 Member of the Andit Btmwi ot Oticolalloas Generally lUr tonight and Itoin- day and rilghtly wainier. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM Geraldine Becomes Albania’s Queen SEEK W A Y TO A IL A Y LABOR, FINANCE FDR TALKS WITH FORD IRKED BY TAX NEW W AR DANGERS FOR REARMING IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA AFTER BUSINESS HEADS English Housewives Find 12 j Heads Of French And Brit- Cents Levy On Ponnd Of | PLEDGE CO-OPERATION ish GoTemnients To Take LATE NEWS Tea And 18 Cents A Gal- Up Sohject In Conference FLASHES! lon On Their Gasoline. Noyes Re-Elected to A. P. Board President And Anto Magnate I To Be Held In London. THREE DIE IN BLAST Discuss Econonne Sitna-, Ik>ndon, April 27.— (A P )—Parlia- Pottovllle. Pa., April 27— (AP) — ment Ulked today o f millions for London, April 27.— (A P )_ iTie An explosion and lire klUed at least three coal miners today and raised armament, for war time food caches tion At An Informal heads of the French and Britlah fears for others trapped tar under- and for running the government government, will Uke up the grow- ground. this year, but to the English hou.se- Luncheon At The White ing Nazi clamor In Czechoslovakia R e s ^ workers struggled desper- wlfe scurrying to the atore this and Its danger, to their plan, for ^ l y In the workings, at the 8t. CWr Coal Company’s mine, four morning the figures were: House; Sipers Of Pledge European peace agieement. In Im- trales from here. They seat up word ^ clve cents a pound tax on tea. portant convernatlon. beginning to- they were hampered by -b la ^ Eighteen cents a gallon tax for ^ ^ morrow. An emergency call went out gasoUne. If there's a family car. To Be Invited To Coi- Two development. made the for state rescue equipment. The prospect of $7.71 Income tax t-xech question paramount to Pre- Four hours after the blast, six of jror month, If there's one child, and m l ^ Daladler and Chamberlain. 1 ^ 88 miners In the affected level ^ mister earns $208.30 per month. ference At An Early Datel They were- had been brought out alive and tak- (The flgurcs really v.oi*l be pounds T?® by Berlin Nazis en to hospitals—Ave burned and In and pence to the English, but the that the German Nazi, of Checho- critical condition. The fate of those above figures get the IdeSi Into the Washington April 27.— remaining was uncertain. American medium.) slovakia would demand early in • • • (AP) — President Roosevelt June an elecUon on whether they de- The figures represented a 2 1-2 brought Henry Ford to • p "Ire to remain under Czech JuriKllc- SEEK CLUE IN HARTFORD. per cent Income tax hike to a base tlon, or be Joined to Greater Ger- Hudson, N. Y„ April 27,— ( A P I - of 27 1-2 per cent; a four cents rise homey luncheon conference in many. Two nnldentlfled men who escaped oo th® tc® t&x, and two for gasollna the^ small White House famfly. from the wreckage of a presumably -^11 to help pay the $4,721,990,000 “ arcorandum to stoira autooMblle bearing Connecti- dininfif room today. , French Premier Daladler, reJecUng which Sir John Simon, chancellor cut license plates were sought today of the exchequer, told toe House of Earlier plans of the chief a . a threat to Czech Independence aftor Louis Cnrcio. 88, restaurateur the demands by the Nazi leader Commons yesterday would be nec- executive to receive Ford on « here, was shot in tJw leg. eaaa^ for expenses of government Itonrad Henleln for reveelon of Chief of PoHoe Thomaa L. Con- sunny portico just off the ex-"“ ' ^ e ch foreign policy In a manner in toe year ending March 31, 1939, ecutive office were discarde(L nor sent two officers to Hartford, The budget was Britain's biggest favorable to Germany's friend., and Conn., to question the owner of the No reason was given but t h » ^ in peacetime, and the income tax Noyes Oeft). publlaher of the Washington Star and presl- self pvernment with Nazi prlncl- automobile which the chief sold be toe highest In 17 years, since the dent of the Ass^iated Pre.sa, was re-elected to the board of directors of change apparently was due to f plea for toe 3,500,000 German, re.l- brilevrt waa stolen. The car burned of "® became the flrst (Jueen 1921-22 peak with a 30 per cent “ ’" “ “ I meeting of the membership In New the chilly temperature th a t did dent in Czechoslovakia. after being wrecked against a tree Albanians tc^ay In a simple but picturesque ceremony taking her base. Ki? J* he received congratulations from Robert Mc- not rise even after sevend.^' BecauTO of thia memoran-'— five i^les east of here shortly after ^eSre t o r b ^ ° Z r , o Yh ^hmed Z o l Who rose f r W ^ X The tea tax became effective to- Lean. publisher of the Philadelphia Bulletin and flrst vice president of the shooting. The occupants fled. scure tribal post to the throne of Albania. Many Americans witnessed aald toe colorful nuptials, half oriental, half occidental ^ ^ y . the gasoline tax last night and the Aiuiociated Preis, after the precedent-breaking vote. hours of bright morning buih hrench lnf.,rmanU to have shifted the income tax retroactive to April shine. toe mibject matter of the talk, from FORM NEW CABINET. 1, although today's general budget Onwd b Present Fr,mco-BrltHh military and dlplo- Cslro, Eg>’pt, April 87.— (A P )__ gave opportunity for labor and oth- A crowd of several hundred per* '® r o ^ c cooperation to the more A new Egyptian cabinet was formed er legislative opposition to have its sons awaiting a glimpse o f Fort W* 5>«clflc point of the danger to today by Mohammed Mahmoud Pas- say. JAPS U U N C H BIG DRIVE soon beard of the switch In plana " Central European ally, and ha, whose resignation as premier KING ZOG OF ALBANIA ‘ The government was confident and rushed to the front entrance ot E w^hat to do about it. HM a ^ l e d last night by young the people willingly would shoulder the White House from in front at Haa PrtimlMid Aid King Jarouk. with whom he had the new tax burdens, aa Sir John the executive wing. _i Ftmcc already 1. pledged to aid differed over the eompositlon.of the put It “with the dogged determina- White House oflficlsls onnounoait Czechoslovakia U subjected to ag- govermnenL MARRIED TO COUNTESS tion and with the dauntless courage IN NORTHWESTERN . CHINA Tile mnv cabinet represented a — 7 — an addition to the meeting wookt gression. but thus far haa been o f the British race.” succtosful In getting Britain to victory for the King's InsUtenoe on be Hall Roosevelt, the Presldentb Nevertheless, there were sections brother-in-law. who arranged nxy adopt a similar definite guarantee. a coalition of Its IS members only of the morning press who called the six belong to the premier’s llberM Staple Rhes Are Held New Battle Area Within 100 flret meeting between the Preektant An airplane was r.Mrved to land ls|HlGH COURT RULES Increases "most obnoxious.” and REBELS USE FLEET Premier Daladler ant* his foreign party. Mahmoud had planned to and the outomobUe manufactarap'.^' form a Liberal party caMnel, which "shocking.” A targe portion of the since the former took office. ^ minister, Georges, Bonnet, at Croy- however, thought, the people Miles Of Outer Mongolia he held JnsUfled by the vtcloty of WR.,alPalateB.f.re!-o„STATE’S POWERS A dramatic prelude to the' Rood*.'® don Airfield late tola afternoon, in his following In recent elections. would merely “airiile and pay.” IN COAST BATH E time for piellmlnary discussions The amalleat of Income taxpayers velt-Ford conference was the pladgw “ • • • Which Is Under The Pro- of 16 top-ranking Induatrlaltata and French ambassador, 200 Guests As Thonsands won a concession, in that present Charles Corbin. M.VRKETS ,\T A GLANCE j rates remain for single persons financiers to cooperate wlta sdmlnla. New York. April 87— (AP) — The British foreign secretai-y, Vls- I making up to $1,450 and married tection Of Soviet Union. tratton efforts to aid bualneaa Stneks—Firm; leaders tosf after ‘ Crowd Outside The Walls I May Grant Privfleges To Franco’s Warships Help Many observers predicted thoir count HallfaX' will team wltJi Prime early spurt. | men with one child earning up to Minister Chamberlain when they $2,000. Everyone In the United promtae of assistance in restoriag Ronds— Higher; rails lead upturn, i Kingdom earning $760 a year or "confidence and normal buainaaa *b«et the Frenchme.i tom irrow—six Curb— Improved; nwtels and Tlrnns, Albania, April 27.— (AP) Individuals Where Rea Shanghai. April 27.— (A P )— The Land Forces In Attempt months to to- Bay after their more pays Income tax. conditions," apparently inspired by utilities favored. Japanese army has launched a vig- predecessors came here on a similar — In a civil ceremony marked with i The chancellor, who disclosed to Mr. Rooaevelt’e recent "Ftnaids Foreign Exchange — Steady; Chat,” would help cleat the way for ’ mission, but under vastly different francs In demand. mountaineer simplicity, COuntess j sons Exists, Court Decides orous campaign In far northwestern To Break The Stalemate.
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