energies Article Effects of Lean Zones on Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Performance Jinze Xu 1,*, Zhangxin Chen 1, Xiaohu Dong 2 and Wei Zhou 1 1 Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada; [email protected] (Z.C.); [email protected] (W.Z.) 2 MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-587-707-8216 Academic Editor: Mark J. Kaiser Received: 8 February 2017; Accepted: 29 March 2017; Published: 3 April 2017 Abstract: A thorough understanding of the effects of lean zones and the improvement of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operations with such heterogeneities is critically important for reducing the disadvantages of lean zones. The numerical model shows: (1) SAGD is most influenced by the single-layer lean zone with the above-injector (AI) location; with the decrease of interval distance and increase of thickness and water saturation in lean zones, the detrimental effect of single-layer lean zones on SAGD performance increases; (2) with the increase of period and decrease of connate and initial water saturations in lean zones, the detrimental effect of multiple-layer lean zones on SAGD performance increases; (3) reducing the injection pressure properly improves SAGD performance in leaky oil sands. The field-scale study indicates: (1) well pair 1 is most affected by lean zones in the studied pad due to the widest distribution of lean zones above its injector, and a hybrid cyclic steam stimulation (CSS)/SAGD method is proposed to overcome the practical problem of a low injection pressure in this area; (2) simulation results prove that the hybrid CSS/SAGD method is better than the conventional SAGD method in leaky oil sands. Keywords: oil sands; steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD); cyclic steam stimulation (CSS); lean zone; reservoir simulation 1. Introduction As conventional oil and gas resources become limited, the production from unconventional resources has become popular, one of which is the oil sand composed of clay and sand (80–85%), water (5–10%), and bitumen (10–18%) [1]. Northern Alberta in Canada owns the largest oil sands reserve in the world, with 293 billion m3 of initially in-place crude bitumen [2,3]. The oil sands in northern Alberta are located at a depth between 0 and 600 m, with a high viscosity around 2 × 106 cp [1]. Numerous extraction methods have been applied to enhance the recovery of oil sands, one of which is steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) [4–6]. The SAGD process (Figure1) was invented by Dr. Roger Butler around 1969 [7,8]. This process was tested in several phases at the Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority (AOSTRA) Underground Test Facility, with success [6]. It has been commercially used in most new thermal projects in the Athabasca Oil Sand Deposit since 2001, because it can be operated at a relatively low pressure in reservoirs with a low solution gas content. In this process, two horizontal wells with a vertical distance of 4–6 m are placed in the pay zone [9]. The injection is oriented in the upward direction and production is oriented downwards. After a few months of preheating, steam is injected from the injector, and oil is drained along the wall of the steam chamber to the producer. Benefiting from the heat of the steam, the viscosity of heavy oil markedly decreases and the oil is drained from a horizontal production well. Energies 2017, 10, 471; doi:10.3390/en10040471 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies Energies 2017, 10, 471 2 of 16 Energies 2017, 10, 471 2 of 16 The SAGD process isis sensitivesensitive toto the heterogeneity ofof oiloil sandsand formation [[10–18].10–18]. The shale layer limitslimits thethe growthgrowth ofof thethe steamsteam chamberchamber andand increasesincreases thethe steam-oilsteam-oil ratioratio (SOR)(SOR) [[10–12].10–12]. AA gasgas capcap and toptop waterwater greatlygreatly increaseincrease thethe steamsteam injectioninjection once the steamsteam chamber penetrates into the top zone, whichwhich leadsleads toto aa highhigh SORSOR [[13–15].13–15]. The lean zone behaves as a thief zone during SAGD production, whichwhich increasesincreases thethe SORSOR andand decreasesdecreases oiloil productionproduction [[19–24].19–24]. PublishedPublished studies on the role ofof leanlean zones inin thethe SAGDSAGD processprocess remainremain limited.limited. Figure 1. Scheme of SAGD Operation. Figure 1. Scheme of SAGD Operation. Lean zones have been reported by Long Lake and Firebag oil sands projects in northern Alberta [24], Leanwhich zones have have substantial been reported effects byon Longthe growth Lake and of the Firebag steam oil chamber, sands projects as heat in northernescapes into Alberta the thief [24], whichzones haveinstead substantial of staying effects inside on the the growthchamber of and the steamheating chamber, the heavy as heatoil. escapesThis effect into varies the thief with zones the insteadchange ofin stayingthe distribution inside the and chamber size of and these heating zones. the Nasr heavy et al. oil. [13] This used effect a high-temperature/high- varies with the change inpressure the distribution experimental and facility size of theseto inject zones. steam Nasr and et observe al. [13] usedthe oil a high-temperature/high-pressurerate and chamber growth in the experimentalpresence of top facility water to or inject a gas steam cap. Their and observedata reve thealed oil the rate existence and chamber of overlaying growth in thief the zones. presence Heat of toploss water is greater or a if gas the cap. zone Their is saturated data revealed with water the existence rather than of overlaying gas, which thief is attributed zones. Heat to lossthe difference is greater ifin thethermal zone conductivity. is saturated with This watervalue for rather water than is much gas, which larger isthan attributed that of gas. to the Doan difference et al. [25] in observed thermal conductivity.that water sand This hampers value the for SAGD water isprocess. much The larger exis thantence that of the of top gas. water Doan layer et al. worsens [25] observed the scenario that watercompared sand with hampers the bottom the SAGD water process. layer. An The increased existence thickness of the top of the water top layerwater worsens layer likewise the scenario causes comparedproblems. withFairbridge the bottom et al. [26] water employed layer. An the increased nodal and thickness channel of mode the topls to water simulate layer the likewise behaviour causes of problems.intra-formational Fairbridge zones et al.with [26 ]high employed water saturation the nodaland during channel SAGD models production. to simulate They the concluded behaviour that of intra-formationalthe intermediate water zones zones with high impair water the saturationefficiency duringof an oil SAGD production production. process. They SAGD concluded is less effective that the intermediatein oil sands reservoirs water zones with impair lean thezones efficiency because of th anese oil zones production increase process. the steam–oil SAGD isratio less and effective reduce in oilthesands amount reservoirs of oil recovered with lean [19–24]. zones because these zones increase the steam–oil ratio and reduce the amountCyclic of oil steam recovered stimulation [19–24 (CSS)]. was first used in Venezuela in 1959. Since then, this method has beenCyclic applied steam in many stimulation oil fields (CSS) across was the first world, used insuch Venezuela as in the in San 1959. Joaquin Since then, Valley this in method the United has beenStates applied [27], Cold in manyLake in oil Canada fields across [28], Lake the world,Maracaibo such in as Venezuela in the San [29], Joaquin and Liaohe Valley in theChina United [30]. StatesSupported [27], Coldby decades Lake in of Canada development, [28], Lake the Maracaibo average inrecovery Venezuela factor [29], of and 15% Liaohe exhibited in China by [30the]. Supportedconventional by decadesCSS producers of development, in the 1980s, the average has increased recovery to factor approximately of 15% exhibited 40% in by recent the conventional years. The CSSmethod producers is attractive in the 1980s,because has it increasedprovides toa quick approximately payout at 40% a relatively in recent high years. success The method rate as is a attractive result of becausethe cumulative it provides field-development a quick payout experience. at a relatively Howeve highr, success it is still rate uncompetitive as a result of in the terms cumulative of the field-developmentultimate recovery factor experience. compared However, with that it isof stillother uncompetitive steam drive methods, in terms such of the as ultimate SAGD (60%–70% recovery factororiginal compared oil in place with (OOIP)) that of [10]. other Thus, steam the driveCSS and methods, SAGD suchmethods as SAGD are combined. (60%–70% The original first way oil inin placewhich (OOIP)) this can [ 10be] .achieved Thus, the is CSS by the and construction SAGD methods of an are offset combined. well between The first neighbouring way in which well this pairs can beof achievedSAGD [31]. is byThe the second construction method of includes an offset the well simultaneous between neighbouring use of CSS well wells pairs as ofinjectors SAGD [and31]. Theproducers second [32]. method Few includesstudies have the simultaneoussimulated reservoi use ofrs CSSon a wells field-scale as injectors to investigate and producers the hybrid [32]. FewCSS/SAGD studies method. have simulated Therefore, reservoirs this paper on a field-scalecombines toand investigate studies SAGD the hybrid and CSS/SAGDCSS to enhance method. the Therefore,recovery of this bitumen paper combinesfrom oil sands and studies reservoirs SAGD with and lean CSS zones. to enhance The advantages the recovery of ofboth bitumen SAGD from and CSS can thus be maximized for reservoir recovery. In this research, a numerical model is developed to investigate the effects of vertical distribution, horizontal spacing, and size, as well as the spatial relationship with the SAGD horizontal wells of Energies 2017, 10, 471 3 of 16 oil sands reservoirs with lean zones.
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