The NCAA News Officlal Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association October 25, 1993, Volume 30, Number 38 Executive director search narrowed to four Four finalists have been am “.l‘lic intcresr rxpicsscd by so IIOUI~CC~ by the NCAA Executive 111~111~ IiJlC~Ilt~Cl Ir;ltlrrS flmOlll All 1)ircc.to~~Scarc.h Committee for the walks of life, 1101 just the slmns position of executive director of world, i.s ;1 ttibrltc to Ihr As.w~c~iilti011 the Assoc ialion. ilnd its mihsiotl. The search c~)n~ liiittcc is coiificletit that any onr of the c;~ndirlarcs 11amcd today can n William W. (:ohcyJr., fornicr 1‘ Ic;ld the ASSOC i;llion antI hip lrlcct director- of athlrtic> at the LJniver= . tlic challcngrs facing inIerc~ollcgi& siry ot Norlh <Carolina, Chapel Hill iltc ~1tlll~Iic S:’ (I!)76 l!)XO), ;ind formrr secretary .l‘lir sc’an 11comrriittcr rcvirwcd of the North <Carolina Departmenr 1l1r ;Ipl)li~;ltions and nominations of‘ ;lpl~~oximilt~ly 250 candidates of Environment, Hd~h ;Irld Natu- SW& TIU-?ltY ral Kesourt cs (19X9-1993). for the position, which heramr n Cedric W. Dempsey. clirrctor past+csicicnt of the N(:AA. (:omriiittcr, rcpresenlarives of tht. difficult hy the large number of ;lv;til;ll)lr wljrn &chard D. Schultz 01‘ arhlerirs iit the LJniversity of n K. (:cr;lld’lilrner, chancellor N( L4A (hlnc il iIIld r~cpresentatives very qualified candidates who ap- :innounred his resignation last Arirona and secretary-treasurrr ;LI Ihr linivcrsityof Mississippi and of tht NCAA Presidents Commis- plird or w~fr iiorllinatt-d for thr May. ‘l‘hr selrcrion drcision 110~ of the N< L4A. immediare past-chair of the N(:AA sion illld national office managr- position: said N(:AA President r’rsls with the Executive Commits n Judith M. Swrrt, director of Presidents Commission. ment team. Those interviews will .Joscph N. <:rowlcy, plmcsidcnt of tt’c, subject to tlic approval of the athletirs at the IJnivcrsity of (XL .l‘hesr individuals will 1)~ inter- be November 1 and 2. the University ol’ Nev~la, ~110 (:ounc il ilnd Prt-sidcnts Commis- fornia, San Diego, and immediate viewed by the N<XA Executive “Our job was made pleasantly chaired the search commiIIee. sicjri. Syracuse’s Shaw ‘Ibvo nominated for officer spots William M. Sangster, director of vicr-president. also has nominated candidates to joins Commission international programs and faculty Divisions 1 and II1 membrrs will fill vacancies that will occur on the athletics representative at Geolrgia vote on tht- proposed candidates, NCAA Council at the close of the Kenneth A. Shaw, chancellor of Syracuse University, has been Institute of Technology, has been as well as any who are nominated 1994 Convention. appointed to the NCAA Presidents Commission as the represen- selected by the Association’s Nom- from the floor, during their re- Nominees for Council positions tative of the Big East Conference. inating <:ommittee as its candidate spectivr mrctings January I1 at arc as follows: for 1994-1995 NCAA Division I the 1994 NCAA Convention in Hc replaces James D. McComas, Division I-A conferences who has resigned for health reasons vice-president.. San Antonio. The election of of- as president at Virginia Polytechnic Also nominated to serve as an firers will bc ratified during a Big Eight (Conference: James F. Institute. Shaw’s term will expire in Association officer was Edward (;. general busint-ss session of’ the O’Hanlon, dean of Teachers COIL .January 1997. Coil Jr., president of Alfred IJni- (:onvention, tither January 11 01 legc and faculty athlerics rcpre- vt-rsity, who is the c~ommitter’s caii- 12. Sh;w bt-rarnt- Syr;iCtJSC-‘S 10th chan- The Norninatillg (:ommittee See Nominated, page 28 ) cellor in 1991 after serving as presi- didate for 1!)04-1!)95 Division III dent of the University of Wisconsin System. He also has been chancellor of rhe Southern lllinois Universiry Presidential Agenda Day proposals set System; president of Sourhern Illinois The executive committee of the deadline-has climbed to 192, well sions for Divisions LA, I-AA, I, II LJniversity, Edwardsville, and vice- Presidents Commission has iden- over last year’s 176 and the highest and III, as well as a general session. president and dean of the university Shnw I ifird 43 proposals for action dur- total since the 1988 Convention And unlike last year, delegates will at Towson State University. ing Prrsidential Agenda Day at the faced 200 proposit ions. be able 10 vote in those sessions on Often sought as an adviser and speaker on education issues, 1994 N<XA<:onvcntion, and all of Included among the I!):! arc I9 legislation tioI identifird for Prrs- Shaw is known for his work in the areas of multiculturalism and them will be voted upon hy roll arrlcr~dmcnts~to~amendments and idcntial Agenda Day, if’ time prr- divrrsity on collrgc campuses and on leadership training and call. 173 base proposals, with I4 of the mits. conflict rrsolution. The Commission officers made latter included in thr grouping of Commission grouping In 1986, hc received an NCAA Silver Anniversary Award. Hr those drcisions in an October I!) deregulation arnendmcnts pro- playt-d ~>askct~>all at Illinois State IJnivrrsity, where hc led the mrrting in Denver. ‘I‘he number is posed by the N(:AA Iqislativc Inc~ludcd in thr 43 proposals tram in scoring iIS ajunior with ii 15-poiril iIVelXgC iirld finishrd down two from the 45 included in Rcvirw Committee. grouped by Ilie Commission offi- his Career with I ,3!#i points and a 14.2 aver-age. thr irlaugural Presidential Agenda The number identified for roll cers tin action on Presidential Aftrr rarrling a bachelor of scirnrc dcgrcc at Illinois State in Day ;I yt*iIr ;IgO. call is well under the record of 95 Agenda Day are all 24 that are l!Wil I Shaw completed a master of rducation drgrcc at the Uni- Meanwhilr, the total number of at the 1991 Convrntion. sponsored hy the Commission vcrsily of Illinois, IJrbana, in 1963 and a dot toriltta in sociology l~r~)l~~~s;~ls-i~lcIUdi~~g all amend- Presidrntial Agenda Day is Jan- (I~OSI rosponsorrd by the NCAA at Purclut- IJniversity in 1966. n~rllts-to-;lrrlrrldmrllts and resole- uary 10 at the 1994 Convention. II tions suhmittrd by the October 15 will include separate voting ses- See Proposals, page 28 ) n In the News n On deck Briefly Page 3 H The first “issues summit” of the National November l-4 Division I Baseball Committee, Kansas Association of Basketball Coaches, which took City, Missouri Comment 4 place October 19-20 in Charlotte, North Carolina, November 4 Special Committee to Review Student- Championships previews 8 attracts about 280 men’s basketball coaches from Athlete Welfare, Access and Equity, all divisions. Noticeably absent from the meeting Eliqibility appeals 17 Dallas are most members of the Black Coaches Associa- Governmental tion, who boycotted the meeting: Page 5. Novembe; 4 Gender-Equity Task Force Source Book offairs report Subcommittee, Denver n Baseball is more than just a game for Jerry 24 NCAA Record Miles, former NCAA director of championships November 10 Special Advisory Committee for The Market 26 and current executive director of the National Women’s Corporote Morketing, High School Baseball Coaches Association. It is a Washington, D.C. Legislative assistance 28 passion: Page 7. Page 2 The NCAA News October 25, 1993 -.A TheNCAANews r3Ka-33~IU u-r I- A weekly summary of major activities within the Association revicwcrs (;I$ well ;IS ;I list 01‘tI~osc~ wI10 tlo not mccl tllc sclcctioll c.r’itCl’iil) ;lt it\ NO- Committee announces ve11dxT 2!t rncctir1g. Staff contact:~lolin Ii. Lc;rvu~r. set of four finalists Next meeting: No~~nlxr 2!) irl Ihlhs. Council requests l‘lic fiii;ilists ;iw WillLtnn W. (:ot,eyJr., for- immediate action n1c.r tlircc-tor ol’;~thlctics at tllc Uiiivcrsity of No1tl1 ( :;ltoliil;l, (;11itl>cl Hill (1!~7(~l!)XO), ~~tl ‘1‘11~ N(:AA (:outlc-il ILLS ~lletl fin 111~As- 1011uc~r WC WI;II~ OI’IIW North (hrolin;t 1)~ soci;itioil to t,c$il iniincdiitttly ;I \tiidy 01 111~. f);lrtniciit OF F~:.l~virotlrnc.~~t~ tlt~;llth :lntl Nat- N<AA tiiclihct stiip stluc talc. ur:tl Kcsourccs (l!)H!)L I!FJS); (:ctIric W. ‘I‘llc (Council ;111d tllc N(;AA 1’1 c.si(lcllts I)crq~\cy. tlircc-tar 01 Xli1ctic.s nt ttic lliiivcr- sity o~‘.&I i/oll;l itll(l NC :AA \(‘( r(‘t;Lly-trc’Xillr~ (:o~ii~ii~ss~o~i will intlorlucc ;I I csolutioli ;it t’r; jutlith M. Sweet, director of’;lthlctic s ;II the l!t!)~l <:oiivciitioii rcgai-ding IIIC IIICII~ tIIc Irllivc.rsity 01 (Llilr,riii.~, Sari l)icgo, ;itid NOVEMBER DECEMBER IKTslllI, structurr, but tlic stir+ will bcgiii imnictliatc I);tst~l)~csiclc~~t 01.111~ N(:AA, a~ltl RECRUITING RECRUITING so011 r;ttlic~r tti,oi ruaitiiig for tlic ;itlcqXioii of Men’s Division I basketball Men’s Division I basketball K. (;c~;~ld ‘l‘urncr, ~~l~a~lccllor ;It the LJtlivcr- 11~. rc.sol~rtiotr. I-8 (8 a.m.) .._._......... Quiet period. 1-l I .._............._.._ Evaluation period. sity of‘Mississilq,i ;tlltl iniiiic&ctt~ p:ist-cti;iii -l‘llc Cllll~llilSiS itI IlIv tllc~lll~t~l~~llll~-\t’.ll’~ 8 (8 a m.)-1 2 (8 o.m.) Dead period. 12-31 ._ Quiet period. tui~c tliscussiol~ illvolvc,\ ill< i.,.;bilq ItIc.
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