THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JULY 1 , 1983 Rl\NO!O DEL CIELO SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORITA TIME DAY ? a. m. FRIDAY PHONE ~ J' ~ g +----.---~ "; a: Cl. a: ? 'Ihe President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9 : 36 R 'Ihe President was telephoned by his Special Assistant, David c. Fischer. 'Ihe First Lady took the call. ? ? 'lhe President and the First Lady went horseback riding. ? 'lhe President and the First Lady had lunch. 1 :10 1 :13 R The President talked with his Counsellor, EdNin Meese III. 6 : 23 6 : 29 p 'lhe President talked with Senat or I.o.iell P. Weicker, Jr. (R-<::onnecticut) . ? 'Ihe President and the First Lady had dinner. 10 : 53 p 'lhe President gave a rressage to the White House Signal Board operator. EMJ Page_l_ot_l_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE JULY 2 , 1983 RZINCHO !EL CIELO TIME DAY SANTA BAmJ.\RA , CALIFORUA 7 : 45 a .M. Sl';,'IUJ. ~~ PHONE 7 :45 R 'Ihe President recei ved a wake up call frcrn the White House Signal Board operator. ? The President and the Fi rst Lady had breakfast. 8 : 22 8 : 26 R 'Ihe President talked wi th Attorney General Willi am Frendl Smith. ? ? 'Ihe President and the Fi rst Lady went horseback r i ding. ? ? 'lhe President worked around the ranch. ? '!he President and the First Lady had lundl. 5 : 07 p 'lhe President tel e;;honed ~larVin Pate, resi dent o f Santa Barbara, California. 'Ihe call was not c:x::mpleted. 5 :28 5 : 32 R The President talked with Mr. Pate. ? 'Ihe President and the First Lady had dinner. Page_Lot_.1-.Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE RANCHO !EL CIELO TITr:f 1 . 1081 TIME DAY SANI'A BARBARA, CALIFORUA ? a . m. SUtlDAY PHONE ~ ::i !! g 1--------..i ~ a: Q. a: ? The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 8: 49 8 :55 p 'llle Pres ident talked with his Assistant for National Security Affairs, William P. Clark. ? The President and the First Lady had lunch. 12:29 12:32 p The President talked with Antanas Razma , Chairman of the Seccnd World Lithuanian Festival, Chicago, Illinois . The call was broadcast l ive over public address system. 12: 46 12 : 47 p The Presicent talked with his Army Aide, Maj . Charles F. BroNer IV. ? The President and the First Lady had diruier. Page_ 1 _ ot_1_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE JUI:l 4' 1983 TIME DAY 8:23 a.m. M'.NDAY PHONE i: 0 t---.......---1 ~I i• 11. a: 8 :23 8:27 p '!be President talked with his Counsellor, F.dwin Meese III. 4:21 p 'n)e President teleph • o.s. Secret Service (CESS)' Presidential Protection Division (PPD) . '!he call was not o::ripleted. 5:31 5:32 R? '!he President talked with ......... 10:53 p '!he President gave a rressage tD the White House signal board operator. · ·.!. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE RANCHO !EL CIELO .JULY 5' 1983 SANI'A BARBARA, CALIFORNIA TIME DAY 7:00 a.m. TUESDAY PHONE ~ ~ !! ~ Q. a: I ' Q. a: 7:00 R '!he President received a wake up call fran the White House signal board operator. 8:45 '!he President and the First Lady went to the their motor­ cade. 8:45 8: 49 '.!he President and the First Lady motored fran Rancho del Cielo to the Vortac landing zone. 8:56 9:51 '!he President and the First Lady flew by Marine helicopter fran Vortac landing zooe to the Los Angeles Police Department landing zone, Los Angeles, California. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." 'llle President and the First Lady went to their motorcade. 9:53 -10:03 'llle President and the First Lady motored fran the I.os Angeles Police I:epa.rt:ment landing zone to the Westin Bctlaventure Hotel. 10:10 The President and the First Lady went to the holding roan. 'Ihe President and the First Lady were greeted by the General Manager of the BOnaventure Hotel lbbert J. Seddel.meyer. 10:15 '!he President went to the offstage announcerent area. 10:15 10:45 '!he President attended the 67th Annual Conventicn of the Arrerican Federation of Teachers. Members of the press 'Ille President went to the stage in the California Roan. ll.0 :20 '!he President was introdooed by Albert Shanker, President of the .!'roerican Federaticn of Teachers, American Federation of Labor and C?ongress of Industrial Organizations (AFlrCIO) . ~0:25 10 :43 '!he President addressed guests attending the annual convention. 110:45 · '!he President returned to the holding roan. ? ? '!he President participated in a photo Opportunity with Mr. Shanker and Vice Presidents of the American Federa­ tion of Teachers, AFirCIO. Page_l_ of_ 2 _Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAI LY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE JULY 5, 1983 WESTIN BCNAVEN'IURE HOI'EL LCS ANGE:LES, CALIFORNIA TIME DAY 11:39 a.m. TUESDAY PHONE.., .., 8 . J! ll Q. a: I ' Q. a: 11: 39 'llle President and the First Lady retumed to their rrotor­ cade. 11:39 11:54 'llle President and the First Lady rrotored fran the Brnaventure Hotel to the IDs Angeles Police Departrrent landing zooe. 11:56 12:06 'llle Presid:nt and the First Lady flew by Marine heliccpter fran the I.os Angeles Police Departlrent landing zcne to the I.os Angeles International Airport. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A. 11 Prtr Ertr 12:18 7:29 'llle President and the First Lady flew by Air Force cne frqn Los Angeles Intematicnal Airport to Andrews AFB, Maryland. For a l ist of passengers, see APPENDIX "B . II {Actual flying tine: 4 hours and ·l 2 minutes). 7:41 7:49 'llle President and the First Lady flew by Marine heliropter fran Andrews AFB to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." 7:51 'llle President and the First Lady went to the serond flror Pesidence. 10:30 'llle President retired. Page_2_ot__..2._Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE TliE WHITE HOUSE JULY 6 , 1983 WASIIINGTCN , D.C. TIME OAY 7:45 a .m. WECNESDAY PHONE "i p ~ ¥ a: a: ..' a:. 7: 45 'lhe President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:07 'lhe President went to the <Nal Office. 'lhe President met with: 9 :08 9 : 38 James A. Baker III, Olief of Staff 9 :08 9 : 38 Edwin Meese III, Counsellor 9 :08 9 :38 Michael K . Deaver , Deputy Chief of Staff 9 :25 9: 38 William P. Clark, Assistant for National se=ity Affairs 9:38 9: 56 'Ihe President met for a national se=ity briefing with: Mr. Clark Rd::>ert c. McFarlane, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Otto J. Reich, Associate Adni.nistrator for Latin Arrerica and the Caribbean, Agency for Intema­ ticnal DevelQFl1"ellt (AID) Phillip Dur, Staff M:!Tber , National Se=i ty Council (NSC) Walter Raymond, Staff M:mber, NSC Mr. Baker Mr. Meese Mr . Deaver 10 :03 10:07 p 'Ihe President talked with the Firs t Lady. 11 : 32 11: 38 R 'Ihe President talked with William J . Casey, Director of the Central Intell igence N:jency (CH\) . 11:59 12:00 p The President talked with the First Lady. ? ? The Presi dent had lunch. 1:02 'Ihe President went to the barber sh~ . 1 :02 1: 37 'Ihe President had a haircut. 1: 37 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 1:40 2:04 'Ihe President met with Oiarles H. Price II, Arrbassador of the u. s . to Belgiun. 3:51 'lhe President returned to the seccnd floor Residence. 3:53 3:54 p 'lhe President talked with Mr . Deaver. Page_l_ot_LPages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION OATE JULY 6, 1983 'I1iE WHITE HOCSE TIME OAY WASHIN:;Ta!, D.C. 5 : 32 p.m. l<JEINES01\Y PHONE ~ ~ __. ..!'.! ";g ______ Q. a: 5 : 32 5 : 37 R 'Ihe President talked with Nr. Meese. 6:08 6 : 15 'Ihe President rret with Mr. Baker. 7: 30 'Ihe President and the First Lady had dinner. 11: 10 'Ihe President retired. EMJ Page_2_ot_ 2_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JULY 7, 1983 '1HE WHITE HOU5E WA5HINGI'CN , D. C. TIME DAY 7 : 45 a.m. 'IHURSD.l\Y PHONE :o B.. g iL a: t------~ . .. a: 7 : 45 'llie President and the First I.ady had breakfast. 9:04 'llie Presicent went to the oval Offioe. 'llie President met with: 9:05 9: 32 Janes A. Baker III, Chief of Staff 9:05 9: 32 Edwin ~se III, Counsellor 9:05 9: 32 Mi chael I< . Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9:25 9: 32 William P. Cl ark, Assistant for Naticnal Security Affairs 9 : 32 9:47? 'llie President met for a naticnal security briefing with: Richard B. Stooe, Special Representative to Central Arrerica Rd:>ert C. McFarlane, Deputy Assistant for Naticnal Security Affairs Phillip Dur, Staf f Merrber, Naticnal Security council (NSC) Alfilcnso Sapia-Bosch, Staff a mber, NSC Mr . Baker Mr . ~se Mr. Deaver 10 : 30 10 : 32 p 'llle President talked with 'llicmas o. Enders, fomer Assistant Secretary o f State for Inter- American Affairs and Ant>assador- resignate of the u.s . to Spain. 10 :51 10:55 p 'llle President talked with Charles Z.
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