KicWJ'...__."',..r"*,_ ....lr.NGAU 6: /llOITH111111ANCUISIS£ S..-c.r,.o.iw­-'--"' r.Mo911orV...... Mo~~i~~~:~!pm 164 mGH STREET · El>INBURG H Sdllidiwdbydle SaxtishAIU Crondl Td:'31-Wl361 20p CO\TE\TS THURS 5 NOV 1987 SPEED LIMIT NEVVS e Armed Robbery KB e Big Band Flap 15 15 e Bye-Election .. .? BEWARE OF RAMPS LETTERS e Read the hottest feedback in town MUSIC eSexism in Music~ Pop Will Eat ltseK feature e Edwyn Collins competition • THE CE\TRE FOLD Photo: by Rog FILIVI e Ariareview e Swimming to • COP OUT Cambodia by Rog without making the premises of one suspect was asked to lie two men being bundled off by police. Det. lnsp. John repons the bank. The pace began to down, within a cordon of police An attempted robbery of the that they are " under arrest in step up as their car sped guns. The robbers were then Royal Bank of Scotland at KB handcuffed and taken in to cus· conn.ection with an attempted on Monday was foiled after a towards the exit gate. tody. robbery, and a report will be Bodie and Doyle style opera­ .• Merchant of Venice The · plain·clothes police With this new·found pace of forwarded to the procurator fis· tion involving some 50 officers. emerged from behind bushes life, students arrived to see the cal. ~ e Seraglio After staging a stake·out and started up a nearby car. e Scottish Printmakers around the Union buildings, They yelled into their two·way Workshop · police headed off their escape radios, "They're on the move, by' ramming the get·away car they're on the move." No off the road. sooner said, than they too were " on the move", after the sus.: During the arrest, one sus· pect's car. As the get·away car FEATURES pect was spread-eagled on the was heading for the exit, it was ground whilst police guns were broadsided by an unmarked e David Blunkett trained on the assailants. Two police ca r from in front of the interview men are now in police custody chemistry building. The force awaiting charges. of this collision drove both cars e Travel Bug Early on the M onday morn· onto the grass in front of the ing, a number of officers from Geo logy Department. Those Police HO and the' Mayfield and ca rs were quickly joined by two SPORT Causewayside stations, con· other vehicles - the one that verged on the KB Campus. This was originally in pursuit and e Soccer was to spell a rapid change in another that had been lying in • Shinty the pace of life at KB. wait under cover of the Geol· Robbers: e Hare and Hounds ogy building. This second car After seeking various van· drove across the grass and into Initial Police tage points, they lay in wait for one of the small trees. the suspects to make their BACK PAGE move. As usual, the bank staff The large police presence Second sllge arrived by taxi at 10.20 am and was the made evident as two Police: e Surprises in Store shortly after, the two men were vans, a marked police car and seen heading in the direction of the bank. They were then seen some 50 officers appeared. PUBLISHED BY EUSPB making a dash for their car According to an eye·witness, NEVVS THURS 5 NOY 1987 Primitive~~~?~!:~~~,~~~~~;: .. ~~~ • Big Band flop to lose hundreds Last Wednesday, th• . fi<St on Wednesday the_ 25th of Ed::.~·~~~ ?~:~~~b~;~;"oi meetingthistermofCampaign November, 1n Ed1nburg_h, d~ S . hOff e Forum took place. The stu- andwi11 be part of a day of t e cottis •c · dents present decided that action organised by the • HOUSING BENEFIT: Next there should be a rolling cam- National Union of Students April. the Government's paign, protesting against some in Scotland. Housing Benefit Review will of the policies or plans of the • EDUCATION REVIEW. Next come into effect, and may Government, especially those year, a review of the educa- mean that eight per cent of that would harm education. tion system will be pub- Edinburgh students will not The main issues that were lished. It is this report that be able to claim for help raised were: may propose a loan system with their rent. lt was also • POLL TAX: A campaign for students. mentioned that the District against the 'community External Convener, Don Council are being lethargic charge' was proposed, and MacCorquodale stressed in paying the benefit, and it it was suggested that leaf- that it was important that was suggested that all stu- lets be given out, explaining everyone should take part dents owed money go to how this wil1 affect stu- in the next Campaign the office en masse · and dents, and that all Edin- Forum. claim it. It was pointed out burgh students be encour- • NUS ACTION: The NUS is. that a protest like this may Mike Lyttle and Tracy ecstatic at attendance. aged to takepart in the planning action between be misdirected. by tan RobertSon Wet Wet Wet for £4,000 but he had felt there had been insuffi­ For the third year running cient time, and Teviot with a 500 EUSA's Big Band policy looks as capacity was too small and the NUS referendum outlawed though it will need a big band­ Potterrow Refectory was "not 'by Ian Robertson people was sufficient and prop­ take place until the ·bye-laws aid, with losses from The Primi­ acoustically good enough" . Court action was successfully osals for a referendum did not under which it was brought tives' gig expected to run into One reason put forward for taken by two Conservative stu­ have to be approved by a Gen­ were passed. hundreds of pounds. low attendance was lack of pub- dents at Heriot-Watt University eral Meeting. The new regulations were to Many would question licity. Mike Lyttle points to a - todelayareferendumonjoining Mark Johnson and Adrian be passed by the Heriot-Watt whether The Primitives deserve poster campaign, an article in the National Union of Students. Urquhart objected on the Senate last Tuesday and thus let .or would want the title " big Midweek and Student posters in The legal costs in their action grounds that they felt the Presi­ the referendum go ahead, how­ band". Certainly they did not a local record shop and an were met by Mr Rennie, a part­ dent and othi:trs were changing ever they were instead passed seem to be taken as such by advert on Radio Forth, however ner in Corr.ell and Cornell and the bye-law to their advantage on to a subcommittee and will Edinburgh University students he admits "twoorthreearease;>n honorary lawyer to the Conser­ as any anti·NUS campaigner not be decided on till next year. ' with an attendance of only 200. campus may have been mis- vative Party in Scotland. He told only had ten days notice to plan Heriot-Watt President Ross When asked why more widely sed". Student that the cost of the their protest while the sabbati­ Martin blames the added delay known bands were not booked, Asked why he continued with action taken would normally be cals had much longer to prepare on the fact that the University Mike Lyttle, Deputy President the policy in view of co~sistent "a low three-figure sum". leaflets. posters etc. Court was " very busy". How ­ and Big Band organiser, pointed losses over the years, Mike lyt- The referendum was being The court decided it was up to ever, Mark Johnson cla i m ~, to the expense and difficulty of tie replied: " I feel .an obligation · brought under new regulations the University Court to decide that the sabbaticals did not pr' - obtaining suitable venues. to put on bands if I can make introduced by Heriot-Watt sab-· whether the new bye-laws were sent the regulations to Council He disclosed that Edinburgh money or realistically provide a baticals over the summer. This fair. However, Sheriff Poole held and that copies of them are few were offered Hue and Cry and service for students." ·meant a motion signed by 75 that the referendum could not and far between. Edinburgh faces GETTO THE POINT rough cuts by Jane Kelly Dennis Brown, who is involved in the Resources Committee IN 2eoo WORDS Edinburgh University may dealing w ith the savings targets, have to impose harsh, wide· admitted that " no additional pay spread cuts of around £2.7 mill­ awards w ill be given for the rest FOn BRITAIN'S ion within the next two years in of the planning decade" unless an attempt to reach a savings approved specifically by the target of £3.4 million. UGC . Meetings will take place this However, 70 per cent of SHARPEST READERS term between the Principal, Sir M<ntyoung..,ri1rno11lycvcr gct recomm..nd •h..1 you read carefully David Smith, and Secretary to =~~e ~~~u ~s~ ~=~~ ; ~ ~~a.- oncgoodbn:9.kintojoumalism. Weue 1hroughbol:hpublia.riona.Thcttisoo the University, Mr Alex Currie, through voluntary redundan­ offerongyou 1"''°' r«<tk1KJ11onsubitt1maunbu1you1re and the Dearts of Faculties, to cies. As winner c.f the Youna Wri1tt encou,....iromdeuscc.fyourown determine where the cuts will While Edinburgh has already A•... rds.you r ar1iclcwilllxpublishcd pmr111;ular1mel'Clt:landresour<e" come from. in cu her Thr Spectator or lbc Sunday So sharpen your pencils, your been very successful in attract­ T elegraph with 00<' further comm11· wn1andgctdown1owri1ing)'Ol.lrfin1 Already £700,000 has been ing m ore investment from sioo from uch publication coming p1cccforThcSpcct;11ororTheSunday saved in the shelving of a new industry and received £17.9m in )'Otl r W•y.
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