T Michael Collins Piper’s works have been published all over HE N the world in a variety of languages. Now, in THE NEW BABYLON, EW Piper addresses in no uncertain terms the singular most dan- B ABYLON THE NEW BABYLON gerous threat faced by our entire planet . :T HOSE HO EIGN UPREME HOSE T W R S W A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious HO And Economic Origins of The New World Order R EIGN S UPREME B Y M ICHAEL C OLLINS P IPER $25 Manufactured in America American Free Press Inside the Rothschild Empire: The Modern Day Pharisees Washington, D.C. AFP 1-888-699-NEWS toll free AmericanFreePress.net BY MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER THE NEW BABYLON THOSE WHO REIGN SUPREME The Rothschild Empire: The Modern-Day Pharisees and the Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of The New World Order he Nomadic Parasites will shift out of London and Tinto Manhattan.And this will be presented under a camouflage of national slogans. It will be represented as an American victory. It will not be an American victory. Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles. —Ezra Pound The New Babylon © 2009 by Michael Collins Piper ISBN 978-0-9846350-2-3 First U.S. Printing: June 2009 Second U.S. Printing: December 2009 Third U.S. Printing: May 2010 Fourth U.S. Printing: October 2010 Fifth U.S. Printing: January 2011 Published by: American Free Press, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003 1-888-699-6397 • www.americanfreepress.net To contact the author: Michael Collins Piper, PO Box 15728, Washington, DC 20003 Email: [email protected] Tel: (202) 544-5977 See his website at michaelcollinspiper.com Hear his Internet broadcast at michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com HANKS to Willis & Elisabeth Carto, Paul Angel, John Tiffany,Anne Cronin and all of the Tfolks at American Free Press who made this book possible.Thanks also to Matthias Chang, whose continuing support and encouragement is greatly valued. And I cannot fail to mention Texe and Wanda Marrs and all of the devoted folks at PowerofProphecy.com who have done so much to distribute this volume and so many of my other works.Thanks to Reg— a great copy editor.A special nod to my dear friends Mark and Vickie Glenn and their won- derful family,in particular the one and only Stefania.A warm salute to Abu Bakar and Sabariah and Shah and all of the great people at Saba Islamic Media who brought my works to readers in Asia.Much appreciation to Bill Fox at amfirstbooks.com.Bill is a energetic guy whose efforts are inestimable. And a big word of appreciation to such great American voices for freedom such as Phil Tourney (a survivor of Israel’s terrorist attack on the U.S.S. Liberty), Mark Dankof, Hesham Tillawi, Rick Adams, Jack McLamb and other great can also be heard.And I would be remiss in failing to mention the late Jim Hart from Texas, Dave from Massachusetts, Evil Bryan and all of the good people who are readers of American Free Press and The Barnes Review. Much love to G! The Hound of the Baskervilles is a good friend whose company provides an element of sanity in my existence. —MCP bout the cover: This 1926 classic work by German artist George Grosz (1893- A1959)—entitled “Eclipse of Sun”—portrayed the corruption of the Weimer Republic which was described by writer Ian Baruma as being under the sway of “auto- cratic media moguls, disaffected generals, dim-witted elites, fundamentalist reactionar- ies and ultra-nationalist schemers.” This painting—and Baruma’s assessment of Weimar—quite accurately reflect the rampant corruption of the New World Order elite, the New Pharisees, who operate in the sphere of the Rothschild Empire today.We do take issue, though, with the term “ultra-nationalist schemers” since, of course, the global Jewish aristocracy are anything but nationalists and are,instead,very much inter- nationalists, working to achieve the age-oldTalmudic dream ofThe Jewish Utopia.These warmongers, these kings of finance, plutocratic predators all, should and must be stopped in their tracks and dealt with like the parasites that they are.This book, The New Babylon, recounts their sordid history. THE NEW BABYLON THOSE WHO REIGN SUPREME The Rothschild Empire: The Modern-Day Pharisees and the Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of The New World Order BY MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER American Free Press Washington, D.C. FRANCOIS GENOUD (1915-1996) DEDICATION To the Grand Strategist of Global Resistance and Combat Against the New World Order FRANCOIS GENOUD—“SHEIK FRANCOIS” ew know the name “Francois Genoud,” yet, for some sixty years this Swiss banker, publisher and geopolitical thinker—once Fdescribed as “the most mysterious man in Europe”—was the pre- eminent—albeit behind-the-scenes—strategist working for global coopera- tion between nationalists across the planet who sought to dislodge the Rothschild Empire’s relentless drive for an imperial New World Order, the ancient dream energized by the Hellish teachings of the Babylonian Talmud. In the closing days of World War II and afterward, Genoud played an instrumental role in the escape of anti-communist European refugees whose sole crime was to stand in defense of their nations in the face of vengeance- crazed Communist and Judaist forces that were over-running the continent. There are perhaps thousands of people living across the planet today who owe their very existence to the fact that Genoud rescued their fore- bears from certain torture and execution meted out by Victor’s Justice. As far back as 1936, the young Genoud forged what became a lifelong friendship and working relationship with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the spiritual leader of the Muslims of Palestine who—along with their Christian brothers—ultimately suffered the great catastrophe of 1948 known as the Nakba, the theft of their native land, driven from their ancestral homes at gunpoint into exile, many of them into squalid open cesspools—so-called “refugee camps”—in which so many of their descendants still languish. In 1958 Genoud founded the Banque Commerciale Arabe in Geneva from which he managed the finances of nationalist forces in the Arab world that were seeking independence from Rothschild Empire-dominated impe- rial enterprises. Among other efforts, Genoud played a major role in facili- tating the rise of the independent Arab Republic of Algeria. In the years that followed, Genoud—a devoted supporter of the Palestinian cause—worked with the Christian founders of the famed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, George Habash and Dr.Waddi Haddad, who fondly dubbed his Swiss colleague “Sheik Francois.” And, needless to say, Genoud was a major patron of the Palestine Liberation Organization. In dedicated concert with other friends—such as American nationalist Willis Carto and former German General Otto Remer—Genoud also sought to advance the cause of bringing history—particularly that surrounding the events of World War II—into accord with the facts.And with another long- time associate, outspoken French attorney Jacques Verges, the dynamic Genoud continued to remain a force in combating global Zionist imperial- ism until the end of his remarkable career. What a man—Sheik Francois! —MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Shown above are the five Rothschild brothers dis- patched by their father, Meyer Amschel (at inset), to Europe’s financial capitals: London, Frankfurt, Paris, Naples and Vienna. Following the inspiration of their father, whose mindset—an admiring biographer declared—was guided by the principles of the Talmud, the five brothers forged a remarkable financial net- work that set in place the global Rothschild Empire. erhaps it is possible to separate Jewish interests from Israeli Pinterests, but the trick is yet to be turned. What touches Israel touches global Jewry,and vice versa. Purists and theoreticians may argue about the separation of church and state, Jews and Israelis, Judaism and Zionism, but in the real world the connection is hard, fast, and seemingly indivisible. —Jewish-American author, Gerald Krefetz in Jews & Money: The Myths & the Reality t must be recognized, as it rarely is in histories of the Jews, Ithat [the] expressed resentments and indictments against the Jews were not entirely fictitious libels or maliciously revived and activated stereotypes simply disseminated by paranoid hate mer- chants from the grab bag of the anti-Semitic pre-modern past.There was just enough empirical truth in these negative, overblown, and over-generated images to give them persuasive force. —Dr. Norman Cantor The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews hen we speak of the Jewish religion, we only think of the WBible, of the religion of Moses; that is an illusion; the Jews of the Middle Ages were Talmudists; they have not all ceased to be so. Even today the Talmud takes precedence in authority over the Bible. The Archives Israelites recognizes the absolute authority of the Talmud over the Bible and the Univers Israelite says, “During 2,000 years the Talmud has been and still is an object of veneration for the Israelites of whom it is the religious code.” —Viscount Leon de Poncins The Secret Powers Behind Revolution eyer Rothschild was a zealous believer in the Talmud and Mchose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions. —S. J. Cohen The Exemplary Life of the Immortal Banker Mr.Meyer Amschel Rothschild This bizarre 1849 paint- ing (left) of a Jewish religious ceremony at the London palace of the Rothschild Dynasty was actually commis- sioned by the family itself, demonstrating their unswerving fealty to the principles of their faith.
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