
History, origins, recovery : Michelangelo and the politics of art Keizer, J.P. Citation Keizer, J. P. (2008, June 12). History, origins, recovery : Michelangelo and the politics of art. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12946 Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the License: Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12946 Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). HISTORY,=ORIGINS,=RECOVERY: MICHELANGELOANDTHEPOLITICSOF=ART= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Proefschrift = terverkrijgingvan degraadvanDoctoraandeUniversiteitLeiden opgezagvandeRectorMagnificusprof.mr.P.F.vanderHeijden, volgensbesluitvanhetCollegevoorPromoties teverdedigenopdonderdag12juni2008 klokke10.00uur door = JoostPieterKeizer = GeborenteWinschoten op15december1978== Promotiecommissie: = Promotores: Prof.dr.R.L.Falkenburg Prof.dr.H.Th.vanVeen(RijksuniversiteitGroningen) = Referent:= Dr.E.Grasman = Overigeleden: Prof.S.J.Campbell(JohnsHopkinsUniversity,Baltimore,VS) Mwprof.dr.C.A.vanEck Prof.dr.B.Kempers(UniversiteitvanAmsterdam) Prof.dr.G.J.vanderSman(UniversiteitLeiden enNederlandsInteruniversitairKunsthistorisch InstituutinFlorence)= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Voor=====Eva= &=======Chris(I.M.) CONTENTS= ___ = = = = = = = = ListofIllustrations=======vii = Acknowledgements=xv= = = Introduction: THEPOLITICSOFART=1= == = Chapter1: = HISTORY== = 23= = = = = BrokenHistory 23= = = = TheMaterialofMemory = = 37 = = = TheAntiquityofSculpture = = 58 = = = ComparisonandContrast = = 73 A=PoliticalIcon= 83= === = Chapter2: = ORIGINS= 87= === = = = MarksofInvention 87= New=David=94= = = = What’sinaName? = = = 105 = = = TheAbsentHand = = = 113 = = = GiftsofLiberty ====116 === = = __ v Chapter3: = RECOVERY======135 = = = = TheTimeofPainting = = = 135 = = = TheTimeoftheWorld= = = 143 = = = TheGaze =====158 = = = NottheThingsofThisWorld = 163 A=New=Vision ====174 = = = TheRestorationofPainting = = 181 = = = Michelangelo’sParergon,or:The = = = = = = CultureofExcess = = = 187 = = = Doni’sPossession = = = 193 = = = PostscripttoaCertainEnd = = 206 = = Chapter4: = A=MODELFORHISTORY== = = 211 = = = = TheSubjectofHistory= = = 216 = = = Art’sFutureHistory = = = 227 = = = DrawingasEnd ====234 = = = NotHistoryProper,ButaTheory of=History = = 239 = = = TheSubjectofArt = = = 244 = = = ThePoliticsofEducation = = 252 = = Coda==========257 = = AbbreviationsandBibliographyofFrequently CitedSources========267 = NederlandseSamenvatting =====283 = CurriculumVitae========295 = Illustrations=========297 = __ vi LISTOFILLUSTRATIONS= ___ = = 1 Domenico Ghirlandaio, Birth of the Virgin.= Fresco. Florence,= TornabuoniChapel,SantaMariaNovella. = 2 Michelangelo,David.=Marble.Florence,Galleriadell’Accademia. = 3 DetailFig.2 = 4 Michelangelo, Study for the Right arm of the David and Copy after Donatello’sbronzeDavid.Drawing.Paris,Louvre. = 5 SantaMariadelFiore,Florence. = 6 BertoldodiGiovanni,PazziConspiracyMedal.Bronze.London,British= Museum.= = 7 Domenico Ghirlandaio, David. Fresco. Florence, Sassetti Chapel,= SantaTrinità. = 8 Donatello,=David.Bronze.Florence,MuseoNazionaledelBargello. = 9 Bartolomeo Bellano, David.= Bronze.= New York, Metropolitan= MuseumofArt. = 10 Donatello,=David.Marble.Florence,MuseoNazionaledelBargello. = 11 Verrocchio,David.Bronze.Florence,MuseoNazionaledelBargello. = 12 DetailFig.8 = 13 Spinario.Bronze.Rome,PalazzodeiConservatori. = 14 DetailofFig.8 = 15 Michellozzo(?),FallofIcarus.Stuccorelief.Florence,PalazzoMedici. = __ vii 16 Benedetto da Maiano, Commemorative Portrait of Giotto. Marble. Florence,SantaMariadelFiore. = 17 Donatello,=Judith.Bronze.Florence,PalazzoVecchio. = 18 Donatello,=Jeremiah.Marble.Florence,Museodell’OperadelDuomo. = 19 Donatello,=Habakkuk.Marble.Florence,Museodell’OperadelDuomo. = 20 DetailFig.2 = 21 DetailFig.8 = 22 Donatello,=ChristbeforePilatus(detail).Bronze.Florence,SanLorenzo. = 23 Filippino Lippi (?), Story of Lucrezia. Panel. Boston, Isabella Stewart GardnerMuseum.= = 24 FilippinoLippi,SaintPhilipbeforetheAltarofMars.Fresco.Florence,= StrozziChapel,SantaMariaNovella. = 25 Michelangelo, Bacchus. Marble. Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello. = 26 Maarten van Heemskerck, The Gallo Sculpture Garden. Drawing. Berlin,StaatlicheMuseen. = 27 NudewithGenitalsErased.Illumination.London,BritishLibrary(The OscottPsalter). = 28 The Abominations Witnessed by Ezekiel and their Interpretations. Illumination.Paris,BibliothèqueNationale(BibleMoralisée). = 29 AttributedtoFrancescoGranacci,PortraitofaMan=(detail).London, NationalGallery. = 30 Bellini, Transfiguration. Panel. Naples, Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte.= = 31 DetailFig.17 __ viii = 32 Michelangelo,Pietà(detail).Marble.Vatican,SaintPeter’s. = 33 Michelangelo,StudiesforanApostleStatue.Drawing.London,British Museum.= = 34 Giorgione,= Selfportrait as David. Panel. Braunschweich, Herzog AntonUlrichMuseum. = 35 Michelangelo, Saint Matthew. Marble. Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia.= = 36 Ciuffagni, Saint Matthew. Marble. Florence, Museo Nazionale del= Bargello. = 37 Donatello,= Saint Matthew. Stucco relief. Florence, Old Sacristy, San Lorenzo. = 38 Ghirlandaio, Saint Matthew. Florence, Tornabuoni Chapel, Santa MariaNovella. = 39 Michelangelo,Ignudo.Fresco.Vatican,SistineChapel. = 40 Laocoön.Marble.Vatican,VaticanMuseums. = 41 Vincenzode’Rossi,SaintMatthew.Marble.Florence,SantaMariadel= Fiore. = 42 Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, Saints Peter and Paul. Panel. Florence,= GalleriaPalatina. = 43 Fra Bartolommeo, Saint Anne,= the Virgin and Saints. Panel. Florence,= MuseodiSanMarco. = 44 Andrea Sansovino, Baptism of Christ. Marble. Florence, Museo= dell’OperadelDuomo. = 45 Michelangelo, Holy Family with Saint John (The Doni Tondo). Panel. Florence,GalleriadegliUffizi.== = __ ix 46 Leonardo,=SaintAnne.Cartoon.London,NationalGallery. = 47 Andrea del Brescianino, Copy after Leonardo’s Saint Anne Cartoon. Panel.Madrid,Prado. = 48 Copy after Leonardo’s Saint Anne Cartoon. Panel. Formerly Berlin,= KaiserFriedrichMuseum(destroyed). = 49 Michelangelo,SaintAnne.Drawing.Oxford,AshmoleanMuseum. = 50 Michelangelo,SaintAnne.Drawing.Paris,Louvre.= = 51 DetailFig.45 = 52 Ambrogio= Lorenzetti, Madonna Lactans. Panel. Siena, Palazzo= Arcivescovile. = 53 Leonardo,=MadonnaoftheYarnwinder.Panel.CollectionoftheDukeof= Buccleuh.= = 54 Leonardo,=AnamorphosisofaBaby’sFaceandanEye.Drawing.Milan, Ambrosiana(CodexAtlanticus,fol.35v). = 55 Leonardo,= Studies for a= Saint Anne and a= Leda. Drawing. Windsor, RoyalLibrary. = 56 ReconstructionbyJonathanNathanofFig.55. = 57 Raphael,PortraitofBindoAltoviti.Panel.London,NationalGallery. = 58 Michelangelo, Study for the Face of Mary. Drawing. Florence, Casa Buonarroti. = 59 Alexandrianhead.Marble.Florence,GalleriadegliUffizi. = 60 Benozzo Gozzoli, Adoration of the Magi. Fresco. Florence,= Palazzo Medici. = 61 Masaccio,Trinity.Florence,SantaMariaNovella. = __ x 62 Titian, Jacopo Pesaro Being Presented to the Madonna. Canvas. Venice, SantaMariaGloriosadeiFrari. = 63 DetailFig.45 = 64 Michelangelo,Crucifixion(detail).Wood.Florence,SantoSpirito. 65 Giotto,MadonnaandSaints.Panel.Florence,GalleriadegliUffizi. = 66 DetailofFig.45 = 67 DetailofFig.65 = 68 Madonna.Fresco.Florence,=SantaMariadelFiore. = 69 Neriods and SeaCentaurs. Sarcophagus= relief. Siena,= Museo dell’ OperadelDuomo. = 70 DetailofFig.45 = 71 Raphael, Portraits of Agnolo Doni and Maddalena Strozzi. Panel. Florence,GalleriaPalatina. = 72 Maestro di Serumido, The flood and Pyrrha and Deucalion= (verso’s of Fig.71). = 73 Donatello,=Spiritello.Bronze.Florence,MuseoNazionaledelBargello. = 74 Michelangelo. Studies after Donatello’s Spiritello. Drawing. London,= BritishMuseum. = 75 Michelangelo, Madonna and Child and Saint John the Baptist= (Taddei= Tondo).Marble.London,RoyalAcademyofArts.= = 76 Raphael,HolyFamily=(TheCanigianiMadonna).Panel.Munich,Alte Pinakothek. = 77 Raphael,Entombment.Panel.Rome,GalleriaBorghese. = 78 Leonardo,=MonaLisa.Panel.Paris,Louvre. = __ xi 79 Raphael,StudyaftertheMonaLisa.Drawing.Paris,Louvre. = 80 AristotiledaSangallo,CopyafterMichelangelo’sCascinaCartoon.Panel. Norfolk,HolkhamHall. = 81 Copy= after Michelangelo’s Cascina Cartoon. Drawing. London, British= Museum.= = 82 Filippo Lippi, Virgin Adoring the Christ Child with Saints Johns and Bernard.Panel.Berlin,StaatlicheMuseen. = 83 Michelangelo,Studyfora=BattleScene.Drawing.Oxford,Ashmolean= Museum.= = 84 DetailofFig.80. = 85 Paolo Uccello, Battle at San Romano. Panel. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi. = 86 SixteenthCentury Italian Artist, Reworked by Peter Paul Rubens,= Copy after Leonardo= da Vinci’s Battle of Anghiari. Drawing. Paris,= Louvre. = 87 Raphael,StudyafterMichelangelo’sCascinacartoon.Drawing.=Vatican, BibliotecaApostolicaVaticana. = 88 Marcantonio Raimondi, Copy after Michelangelo’s Cascina Cartoon. Engraving.=London,BritishMuseum. = 89 Marcantonio Raimondi, Copy after Michelangelo’s Cascina Cartoon.= Engraving.London,BritishMuseum. = 90 Raphael,SchoolofAthens(detail).Fresco.Vatican,VaticanMuseums. = 91 AndreadelSarto,PresentationintheTemple=(detail).Fresco.Florence, SantissimaAnnunziata. = 92 Andrea del Sarto, Modello for an Adoration. Drawing. Florence, GalleriadegliUffizi.= = __ xii 93 Rosso Fiorentino, Assumption of the Virgin= (detail). Florence, SantissimaAnnunziata. = 94 Michelangelo,CopyafterMasaccio’sTributeMoney.=Drawing.Munich, GraphischeSammlung = 95 Masaccio,Tributemoney=(detail).Fresco.Florence,BrancacciChapel, SantaMariadelCarmine. = 96 Michelangelo,CopyafterGiotto’sAscensionofSaintJohntheEvangelist.
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