A NÌACTIER PUBLICATIORI 7A;fJGUST:,1966 THE MAGAZINE OF .30ADGAST VANAGEVENT ENGINEERING www.americanradiohistory.com SATELLITE NEW! STARLINE power supply, NEW! features regulated STARLINE SLE-1 line extender construction LONG -HAUL Model conductors, plug-in Three new Starline SYSTEM. -center stations seized for low 12 -channel transportation -sub NEW! CRYSTAL -CONTROLLED TUNER NEW! PROGRAM COMMANDER Single -channel crystal -controlled tuner available Automatically switches programs at pre-set intervals for Channel Commander NEW! VHF ANTENNAS UHF ANTENNAS Highest co -channel NEW! PARABEAM SERIES rejection with excellent gain Maximum gain with minimum wind load NEW! MATCHMAKER IV SERIES MULTI -TAPS NEW! "T" LINE EXTENDER Pedestal or surface -mounting directional coupler tap Model TLE-2 features high gain and output NEW! TRADE -UP Jerrold offers TO "T" TAPS "cash value" LINE PROGRAM DDM SERIES MULTI for your outmoded better isolation equipquip ment NEW! circuitry for Directional -coupler See what we've had under our hat for you Jerrold lifts the lid on ten new ones to speed you on the path to Golden Profits. For complete details and specifications on these exciting new products, phone (215) g25-9870 or write: CATV Systems Division, JERROLD ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, 401 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. FIRST IN CATV The nation's largest, mcst experienced manufacturer/ JERROLD supplier of CAN equipment and services. Circle 2 on Reader Service Card www.americanradiohistory.com viking LJ71J/?1L Combination Bridger/Mainline AGC Amplifier SPECTRUM PERFECT COLOR Viking Futura series represent the ultimate in Pl is 50 amplifier cascadability CATV amplification. The Futura features mod- Higher outputs-lower noise figures ular, solid state plug in components enclosed in Plug in, modular componen -s a universal die cast housing. An electrically su- perior amplifier, the Futura has an extremely Unified die cast housing linear phase shift through the entire VHF band. BLÍIt in lightning/overload protection Integrated AGC units with silicon type, solid state Universal Futura fittings components produce higher outputs with lower noise figures. Designed for years of reliability Now z.nd in the future the Viking Futura series and ease of operation, Futura amplifiers offer deliver "Full Spectrum CATV." Call collect today unparalled performance. for all your CATV requirements. ... MOVING AHEAD WITH CATV VIKING INDUSTRIES, INC., 830 Monroe Street, Hoboken, N. J. 07030 N.Y. (212) 943 5793; N.J. (201) 656 2020 Circle 5 on Reader Service Card August, 1966 BM E 3 www.americanradiohistory.com AUGUST 1966/VOLUME 2/NUMBER 8 Broadcast Industry News Timely reports on events, companies, and people. 14 Interpreting the FCC Rules & Regulations An in-depth analysis of the AM -FM program duplica- tion rule. 21 Broadcast Applications for Microwave UM E Here's how microwave units are finding their place in THE MAGAZINE OF AM and FM operations. BROADCAST 24 The Challenge of Non -Network TV Programming With the number of non -network hours to be filled these MANAGEMENT/ days, locally scheduled programming is gaining in im- ENGINEERING portance. 28 Studio Design for Image Look the way you sound. Design for quality and efficiency Publisher: abut design for image compatibility, too. MAL PARKS, JR. 32 Beyond -the -Horizon TV Reception Editor: How tropo -scatter pickup systems are improving CATV VERNE M. RAY head -end reception. Corporate Editorial Director: 38 NCTA Convention Report JAMES A. LIPPKE A review of the 15th Annual Convention, Miami Beach, Fla. Art Director: GUS SAUTER 42 Broadcast Equipment Associate Editor: Reports on newly introduced products and components. CHARLES BUFFINGTON 50 Broadcasters Speak Production: INEZ ATHEY 62 Names in the News Circulation Director: 65 Literature of Interest H. C. GAINER 66 Classified Section Circulation Fulfillment: N. VARTABEDIAN 67 Index to Advertisers Reader Service: 68 Management Roundtable R. R. BELL Sterling Quinlan projects his view into the future of UHF. Promotion Manager: 69 Reader Service Card E. L. GRAY BM/E Editorial & Production Offices: 18 Frederick Rd., Thurmont, Md. 21788-phone 301 271-7151 MACTIER PUBLISHING CORP. 820 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017, 212 MO 1-0450 Publishers also of: EEE-the magazine of Circuit Design Engineering Radio broadcasting ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT has long VOLT/AGE-the magazine of Electrical Apparatus Maintenance grown out of the "amateur" class-yet, it's surprising to see how many stations operate from studios that look like BM/E, the magazine of Broadcast Management/Engineering, is "ham shacks." Think of the published monthly by Mactier Publishing Corp. All notices pertain- impact on advertisers who ing to undeliverable mail or subscriptions should be addressed to might drop in, or listeners, or 820 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. an important on -the -air guest. BM/E is circulated without charge to those responsible for station Ken Clausen of KQWB carries operation and for specifying and authorizing the purchase of equip- the studio design theme a step ment used in broadcast facilities. These facilities include AM, FM, farther ( see page 28) . He feels and TV broadcast stations; CATV systems; ETV stations, networks plant design should fit the sta- and studios; audio and video recording studios; consultants, etc. tion image, to the point where Subscription prices to others are: U.S., its possessions and Canada- personnel "live the part." Your $5.00 one year, $9.00 two years; elsewhere $7.50 one year, $14.00 studio may not look like our two years. "pop art" cover, but any effort Copyright © 1966 by Mactier Publishing Corp., New York City. is a start in the right direction. Controlled Circulation postage paid at Orange, Conn. 4 August, 1966 - BM E www.americanradiohistory.com This is the new FM Volumax. It prevents FM overmodulation without distortion. It eliminates SCA crosstalk. It solves your pre -emphasis problem. It is yours absolutely free. (for 30 days) Overmodulation. An FM station vent FM overmodulation and SCA only $695. Double that if you want engineer's headache. Use a clipper crosstalk without distortion. the stereo model. and you get distortion. Use a com- Hard to believe it does every- AM broadcasters were quick to mon limiter and you get pumping. thing we say? Just send this page respond to our free 30-day Audi- You coald reduce modulation levels. and your station letterhead. We'll max and Volumax offer Now with But that's not the answer. send you the FM Volurnax free. (For the new FM Volumax we can make So CBS Laboratories developed MPX stations we'll send the stereo you the same offer. Be the first on something new. A solid state FM rrodel.) your band. limiting device that replaces com- Use it 30 days. After that, send mon limiters and clippers. And it is it back if you can part with it. We'll LABORATORIES Stamfn-d, Connecticut. A Division of unconditionally guaranteed to pre- even pay the freight. Or keep it for Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. Circle 6 on Reader Service Card August, 1966 - BM/E 5 www.americanradiohistory.com 1EWSINDUSTRY Small Business A major portion of the TV indus- try, therefore, is a small business Viewpoint: TV itself." Mr. Cash pointed out that in terms of gross time sales, local The television industry as it TV represents the fastest grow- exists from a small business view- ing segment of total TV. In terms point was described for the House of station revenue, local adver- Small Business Subcommittee on tisers account for about 25.48, Regulatory and Enforcement of the total. "Much of the future Agencies. In a statement pre- growth and strength of TV rests pared for the subcommittee's in the hands of the small business official key of owner- hearings concerning the FCC, man. In some areas, the very life Exchanging TvB President Norman E. Cash ship of KEWB Oakland, Cal., are of TV depends upon him al- Edward Urner (I.), formerly gen- explained that the Bureau "is ready," said Mr. Cash. very much in sympathy with the eral manager, and Varner Paul- son, v.p., Metropolitan Broad- small businessman because, while Fairness Doctrine casting div. of Metromedia, Inc. TV is a big business, it is com- Mr. Paulson is new general man- posed of a number of small busi- Provisions Blasted ager of the station, purchased nesses." He noted that the from Crowell -Collier Co. for $21/2 average TV station, for example, In comments filed with the FCC, million. has only 54 full-time employees. a group of 12 broadcasters and About 16% of the stations em- the RTNDA said the Commis- ploy only 26 people and 30% of sion's proposal to adopt two fair- the fight to the Supreme Court. the stations earned a profit of ness doctrine provisions (concern- The proposals would require under $50,000 in 1964. "And, as ing editorials and personal at- broadcasters to allow equal time the FCC reports, 92 TV stations tacks) violates the 1st Amend- to politicians editorially attacked, reported no profit in 1964. ment and vowed they would carry force them to submit tapes or scripts prior to broadcast, and to submit to unwanted editorial con- trol. SCA Monitoring Delay Asked A 6 -month postponement of the FCC's proposed rules requiring FM stations to monitor subcar- rier generator frequencies has been requested by the NAB. If granted, the new rules would take effect Jan. 5, 1967. NAB told the Commission that subcarrier fre- quency measuring equipment is back -ordered several months and is therefore not readily available. At deadline, both McMartin and Rust Corp. contacted BM/E to re- port the availability of new sub - carrier frequency monitors in time to meet the deadline. Educasting Systems, Inc., N.Y.C., has received a patent on an instruc- tional materials program service adaptable to FM or CATV systems.
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